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NASA MINDS Technology Spec Sheets

NASA MINDS competition 2023

Technology Spec Sheets

Listed below are technologies that NASA is seeking to advance to support the Artemis Mission. Projects proposed to NASA Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Innovative New Designs for Space (INDS) (NASA MINDS) are NOT limited to these technologies. The spec sheets are simply examples of potential technologies and the specifications associated with them.

Please also note that many of the specifications listed represent NASA’s ultimate goals for the technology. It is not necessary for projects to achieve these specifications. Progress towards these specifications, combined with a significant student learning experience, achieve the objectives of NASA MINDS.

Please check back to this page as we continue to add more spec sheets!


  1. Sound Monitoring and Acoustic Control Spec Sheet
  2. Cleaning Clothes in Space Spec Sheet
  3. Compact Commode for Exploration Spec Sheet
  4. Dust Mitigation Technologies Spec Sheet
  5. Exercise Vibration Isolation Spec Sheet
  6. Food Resources Spec Sheet
  7. In Space Welding Spec Sheet
  8. Inventory Tracking Spec Sheet
  9. Reticular Solar-Arrays Spec Sheet
  10. Alternative Parachute Systems Spec Sheet
  11. Clothing for Enriched O2 Environment Spec Sheet
  12. In-flight Waste Jettison Spec Sheet
  13. Payload Handling Spec Sheet
  14. Onboard Mass Data Storage Spec Sheet


  1. H2O Disinfectant Spec Sheet
  2. Imaging Sesnors Spec Sheet
  3. In Space Water Quality Monitoring Spec Sheet
  4. Lunar Planetary Wireless Network Spec Sheet
  5. Life Support CO2 Removal Spec Sheet
  6. Swarming Robotics Spec Sheet
  7. Sub Newton Force Torque Sensors Spec Sheet
  8. Variable Heat Rejection Spec Sheet
  9. Lunar Dust Spec Sheet
  10. Dust Tolerant Connectors Spec Sheet


  1. Methane Production on Mars Spec Sheet
  2. Converting Martian CO2 to O2 Spec Sheet
  3. On-demand Manufacturing Spec Sheet
  4. Predicting Plume-surface Interaction Spec Sheet
  5. Energy Density Low Cycle Long Discharge Spec Sheet