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Announcement of Partnership Opportunity for CubeSat Launch Initiative

Space enthusiasts have an exciting opportunity to contribute to NASA’s exploration goals through the agency’s CubeSat Launch Initiative’s (CSLI) Announcements of Partnership Opportunity typically released each August with proposals due in November. For the latest announcement of opportunity, click here

The launch of five CubeSats on ELaNa 45 on July 14, 2022, from Kennedy Space Center, FL.
The launch of five CubeSats on ELaNa 45 on July 14, 2022, from Kennedy Space Center, FL.

The CSLI will provide or facilitate flight opportunities to low-Earth orbit for CubeSats developed by educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and NASA centers, giving CubeSat developers access to a low-cost pathway to conduct research in space that advances NASA’s strategic goals in the areas of education, science, and technology development.

NASA anticipates making launch opportunities available for a limited number of CubeSats to a variety of U.S. CubeSat developers and during the project, NASA will provide integration and other services as necessary to complete the launch activity.

Participation in the CSLI is contingent upon selection of an appropriate launch opportunity by NASA, and, for those entities external to NASA, a non-reimbursable Cooperative Research and Development Agreement containing standard terms and conditions for all CSLI collaborators.

NASA does not provide funding for the development of the small satellites.

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CSLI Resources
NASA Announces CubeSat Launch Initiative Opportunity