Extravehicular Activities
Extravehicular Activities
Extravehicular Activity (EVA), are activities performed by space-suited astronauts outside their spacecraft in orbit above the Earth. This collection of 20 framed photographs and corresponding captions include those activities performed during an EVA, which may include satellite capture and repair, assembly/connection of exterior spacecraft components, or performing special experiments or tests.
A collection of 20 framed and matted photographs with captions providing a view of activities in space.
Assembled dimensions: 16″ x 20″ framed
Value for insurance purposes: $555.09
Shipping: 1 case (36″ x 20″ x 24″), total weight 114 lbs.
Labor/Time: Varies depending on exhibition plan
Equipment/Tools: 4-foot stepladder
Electrical: none
Minimum door opening: 26 inches wide
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