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Expedition 1 Soyuz commander Yuri P. Gidzenko, wearing a Sokol suit, gets help with his suit before entering the Soyuz spacecraft at Baikonur. Out of frame are Expedition 1 commander William M. (Bill) Shepherd and flight engineer Sergei K. Krikalev.

Expedition 1 Flight Engineer Yuri Gidzenko puts on his Sokol suit

JSC2000-E-27084 (20 October 2000) --- Expedition 1 Soyuz commander Yuri P. Gidzenko, wearing a Sokol suit, gets help with his suit before entering the Soyuz spacecraft at Baikonur. Out of frame are Expedition 1 commander William M. (Bill) Shepherd and flight engineer Sergei K. Krikalev.

Image Credit: NASA