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iss060e013324 (July 18, 2019) --- Expedition 60 Flight Engineer Christina Koch of NASA trains on the robotics workstation inside the International Space Station's "window to the world," the seven-windowed Cupola. She and NASA astronaut Nick Hague will be in the cupola to command the Canadarm2 robotic arm to capture the next SpaceX Dragon cargo craft.

Expedition 60 Flight Engineer Christina Koch of NASA

iss060e013324 (July 18, 2019) --- Expedition 60 Flight Engineer Christina Koch of NASA trains on the robotics workstation inside the International Space Station's "window to the world," the seven-windowed Cupola. She and NASA astronaut Nick Hague will be in the cupola to command the Canadarm2 robotic arm to capture the next SpaceX Dragon cargo craft.

Image Credit: NASA