STS-41 crewmembers conduct DSO 0472 Intraocular Pressure on OV-103’s middeck
STS-41 crewmembers conduct Detailed Supplementary Objective (DSO) 0472 Intraocular Pressure on the middeck of Discovery, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 103. Mission Specialist (MS) William M. Shepherd rests his head on the stowed treadmill while Pilot Robert D. Cabana, holding Shepherd's eye open, prepares to measure Shepherd's intraocular pressure using a tono pen (in his right hand). Objectives include: establishing a database of changes in intraocular pressures that can be used to evaluate crew health; validating ten degree head down bedrest as a model for cephalad fluid shifts in microgravity; facilitating the interpretation of data by providing a quantative measure of microgravity induced cephalad fluid shifts; and validating the tono pen as an effective tool for diagnostic and scientific data collection.
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