U.S. Navy crew members display decals on forward flight deck
STS008-16-454 (30 Aug-5 Sept 1983) --- Following a precedent set early two decades ago during the Gemini program, three members of the STS-8 astronaut crew aboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Challenger reveal their military backgrounds and loyalties. Astronauts (left to right) Dale A. Gardner, Richard H. Truly and Daniel C. Brandenstein leave no mystery as to their alma mater and gridiron sentimentalities as they display U.S. Navy stickers. The trio was photographed by Astronaut Guion S. Bluford on the flight deck. Truly is crew commander; Brandenstein, pilot; and Gardner and Bluford, along with Dr. William E. Thornton are all mission specialists for this six-day flight.
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TakenSeptember 5, 1983
PIA Numbers08-16-454