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STS-7 crewmembers during meal preparation on middeck

STS007-08-396 (18-24 June 1983) --- Astronaut Robert L. Crippen, STS-7 commander, used a 35mm camera to expose this frame of the four representatives of the "thirty five new guys" onboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Challenger. The TFNG (notice Frederick H. Hauck's T-shirt at left) pays tribute to the 1978 astronaut candidate (ASCAN) class of NASA astronauts. Others in the photograph are Astronauts Norman E. Thagard, Sally K. Ride and John M. Fabian. Hauck is the crew's pilot and the other three are mission specialist. The crew members are in the process of preparing a snack of meal. The tall experiment in the background is the Continuous Flow Electrophoresis System (CFES).
