NASA Administrator Bridenstine and Armstrong Flight Research Center’s Center Director McBride stand beside model of NASA’s Supersonic X-Plane, X-59 Quiet Supersonic Technology or QueSST at press event in Mojave Air & Space Port in California
NASA Administrator Bridenstine stands with AFRC center director McBride by model NASA's Supersonic X-Plane, X-59 Quiet Supersonic Technology or QueSST. Bridenstine spoke at press event at Mojave Air and Space Port in California. The goal of X-59 is to quiet the sound when aircraft pierce the speed of sound and make a loud sonic boom on the ground.
Image Credit: NASA/Ken Ulbrich
- X
TakenAugust 28, 2018
Image CreditNASA/Ken Ulbrich
PIA NumberAFRC2018-0212-088