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The STS 41-G crew leaves the hanger at Ellington Air Force Base for departure for the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and the STS 41-G mission.

STS-41G crew leaving Ellington

41G-90029 / S17-90029 (2 Oct 1984) --- These five astronauts prepare to board T-38 jet aircraft for a trip to Florida where they will begin preparations for a trip into space aboard the Challenger later this week. Astronaut Robert L. Crippen, left, leads the way. The crew commander is followed by (l.-r.) Sally K. Ride (extreme left edge), Kathryn D. Sullivan, David C. Leestma and Jon A. McBride, McBride is pilot and the others are mission specialists. Marc Garneau, representing the National Research Council of Canada and Paul D. Scully-Power, a civilian oceanographer with the U.S. Navy, are the payload specialists who will fly to Florida aboard a Gulfstream aircraft.
