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artist concept of Lucy mission at an asteroid
Lucy will be the first space mission to study Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids, which may me remnants of the primordial material that formed the outer planets, and serve as time capsules from the birth of our solar system more than 4 billion years ago.Launch: 2021Operating Network: Deep Space Network

Lucy will be the first space mission to study Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids, which may me remnants of the primordial material that formed the outer planets, and serve as time capsules from the birth of our solar system more than 4 billion years ago. The mission takes its name from the fossilized human ancestor (called “Lucy” by her discoverers) whose skeleton provided unique insight into humanity’s evolution. Likewise, the Lucy mission will revolutionize our knowledge of planetary origins and the formation of the solar system.

Launch: 2021Operating Network: Deep Space Network› Deep Space Network (DSN)› Lucy: The First Mission to Jupiter’s Trojans› Solar System Missions Supported by SCaN