With their scheduled stay onboard the International Space Station headed toward its final days, three members of the Expedition 34 crew pose for some photographs in their Sokol suits in the U.S. Laboratory or Destiny. From left are NASA astronaut Kevin Ford, commander, with Roscosmos Flight Engineers Oleg Novitskiy and Evgeny Tarelkin.
The three crew members will undock their Soyuz spacecraft from the station at 8:30 p.m. EDT, March 14, heading for a landing in Kazakhstan northeast of the remote town of Arkalyk at 11:57 p.m. EDT. They will have spent 143 days in space since launching from Kazakhstan Oct. 23.
When the Soyuz undocks, Expedition 35 will begin aboard the station under the command of Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency. Hadfield will be the first Canadian commander. He and his crewmates, NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn and Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko, will tend to the station for two weeks until the arrival of three new crew members: NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy and Russian cosmonauts Pavel Vinogradov and Alexander Misurkin.Image Credit: NASA