ISS040-E-068656 (16 July 2014) — The Orbital Sciences’ Cygnus cargo craft (bottom center) is photographed by an Expedition 40 crew member on the International Space Station during rendezvous and capture operations. The two spacecraft converged at 6:36 a.m. (EDT) on July 16, 2014. Also visible in this image are the station’s Cupola and the Tra
ISS040-E-068656 (16 July 2014) — The Orbital Sciences’ Cygnus cargo craft (bottom center) is photographed by an Expedition 40 crew member on the International Space Station during rendezvous and capture operations. The two spacecraft converged at 6:36 a.m. (EDT) on July 16, 2014. Also visible in this image are the station’s Cupola and the Tranquility node (top) and Canadarm2 (center) along with a Russian Soyuz spacecraft docked to the station. A cloud-covered part of Earth provides the backdrop for the scene.