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Boeing 720 Engulfed After Striking Wing Cutter

Boeing 720 Engulfed After Striking Wing Cutter
Following its controlled impact on posts imbedded in the lakebed, the B-720 slid sideways and was almost enveloped in the large fireball with only the aircraft's nose and right wing-tip exposed.

Following its controlled impact on posts embedded in the lakebed, the B-720 slid sideways and was almost enveloped in the large fireball with only the aircraft’s nose and right wing-tip exposed. One cutter struck the inboard engine on the right wing, destroying the engine and causing a massive fuel leak that immediately erupted in flames. The airliner continued to yaw to the left until it was nearly sideways, causing the damaged right wing to break off and fold over as the fuselage was engulfed in a massive fuel-fed fireball. The fire took more than an hour to fully extinguish.Dec 1984NASA Photo› CID Project Description