Expedition 35 Flight Engineer Chris Cassidy, who currently is living and working aboard the International Space Station, is captured in a close-up image in the Quest Airlock prior to a spacewalk.
On Thursday, May 16, 2013, at noon EDT, NASA is hosting a Google+ Hangout connecting the Space Station and “Star Trek Into Darkness” crews. Cassidy; astronauts Michael Fincke and Kjell Lindgren at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston; director J.J. Abrams, screenwriter and producer Damon Lindelof; and stars of the film, Chris Pine, Alice Eve and John Cho will take part in the event. The participants will ask questions of each other and take questions from the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City (home of the space shuttle Enterprise), the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington, and social media followers.Image Credit: NASA