X-56 Multi-Utility Technology Testbed (MUTT)The X-56A flies a research flight in the skies above Edwards Air Force Base.Chris Miller, who was test conductor on this X-56 A flight, prepares for the start of the mission.The X-56A has a busy control room with about a dozen people contributing to a mission.Cheng Moua, X-56A project manager, prepares for an X-56A mission in the control room.Mai Franz, Samson Truong and Alex Chin continue preparations for flight of the remotely piloted X-56A.Peter Suh and Jeff Ouellette complete preflight checks of the remotely piloted X-56A.Alex Chin, Samson Truong and Mei Franz prepare for a flight of the remotely piloted X-56AThe X-56A flies a research flight in the skies above Edwards Air Force Base.Jake Schaefer, left, looks over control information on a monitor in front of him for the X-56A before flight. Next...Scott Howe, X-56A chief pilot, and Dana Purifoy, co-pilot, complete preflight checks from a ground cockpit in the control room.The control room for the remotely piloted X-56A has a feature that most do not – the pilot and co-pilot...The X-56A flies a mission Oct. 23, 2018.The X-56A flies a mission Oct. 23, 2018.The X-56A flies a mission Oct. 23, 2018.The X-56A flies a mission Oct. 23, 2018.The X-56A flies a mission Oct. 18, 2018.The X-56A flies a mission Oct. 18, 2018.The X-56A flies a mission Oct. 18, 2018.The X-56A flies a mission Oct. 18, 2018.James Smith and Gary Cosentino prepare the X-56A for flight. Researchers are using the aircraft to investigate if highly-flexible, lightweight...The X-56A is scheduled for November flights to further investigate how highly-flexible, lightweight wings function.The X-56 Multi-Utility Technology Testbed (MUTT) undergoes ground vibration tests in Armstrong's Flight Loads Laboratory.The X-56A flies over the desert near NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. NASA researchers are using the remotely...The X-56A flies over the desert near NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. NASA researchers are using the remotely...X-56A MUTT Climbs After Liftoff from Rogers Dry LakebedNASA researchers are using the X-56A, a low-cost, modular, remotely piloted aerial vehicle, to explore the behavior of lightweight, flexible...The X-56A Multi-Utility Technology Testbed (MUTT) is greeted on an Edwards Air Force Base runway by a U.S. Air Force...X-56A Towed from LakebedThe X-56A flies a mission Oct. 18, 2018.