X-38 Crew Return Vehicle Andy Blua and Jeff Doughty of Dryden's Experimental Fabrication Shop, along with B-52 Crew Chief Dan Bains and assistant Mark...The X-38, a research vehicle built to help develop technology for an emergency Crew Return Vehicle (CRV), made a gentle...Bob Baron of the DFRC (left) and Brian Anderson of JSC (right) flank an X-38 prototype Crew Return Vehicle technology...Artist's depiction of NASA's proposed Crew Return Vehicle (CRV) re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.Plywood mockup of the X-38's aft end, minus vertical stabilizers, mounted on a truck for an economical test of the...NASA's first X-38 Advanced Technology Demonstrator for the proposed Crew Return Vehicle (CRV) arrived at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center,...The NASA X-38 is picked up from its dry lakebed landing site following its successful eighth free flight test mission...The X-38, a research vehicle built to help develop technology for an emergency Crew Return Vehicle (CRV), descends under its...The X-38, a research vehicle built to help develop technology for an emergency Crew Return Vehicle (CRV), descends under its...The X-38, a research vehicle built to help develop technology for an emergency Crew Return Vehicle (CRV), descends under its...NASA's B377SGT Super Guppy Turbine cargo aircraft touches down at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. on June 11, 2000 to...The third iteration of the X-38, V-131R, glides down under a giant parafoil towards a landing on Rogers Dry Lake...A collection of NASA's research aircraft on the ramp at the Dryden Flight Research Center in July 1997: X-31, F-15...Rear view of the X-38 Crew Return Vehicle in a hangar at the Dryden Flight Research Center shortly after its...The latest version of the X-38, V-131R, touches down on Rogers Dry Lake adjacent to NASAÕs Dryden Flight Research Center...Looking like a giant air mattress, the world's largest parafoil slowly deflates seconds after it carried the latest version of...NASA's X-38, a research vehicle developed as part of an effort to build an emergency Crew Return Vehicle (CRV) for...NASA's X-38, a research vehicle developed as part of an effort to build an emergency Crew Return Vehicle (CRV) for...NASA's first X-38 Advanced Technology Demonstrator for the proposed Crew Return Vehicle was transported across the ramp after its arrival...The X-38 Crew Return Vehicle descends under its steerable parafoil over the California desert in its first free flight at...Dryden Experimental Fabrication Shop's Andy Blua and Jeff Doughty made sure the new pylon for the X-38 fit precisely during...The new pylon for the X-38 Crew Return Vehicle, following a fit-check on NASA's B-52 at the Dryden Flight Research...Tom McMullen, chief of Dryden's Experimental Fabrication Shop, adjusted the new pylon for NASA's X-38 Crew Return Vehicle during a...NASA's first X-38 Advanced Technology Demonstrator for the proposed Crew Return Vehicle arrived at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards,...NASA's X-38, a research vehicle developed as part of an effort to build an emergency Crew Return Vehicle for the...NASA's first X-38 Advanced Technology Demonstrator for the proposed Crew Return Vehicle arrives at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards,...NASA's first X-38 Advanced Technology Demonstrator for the proposed Crew Return Vehicle is transported down a road at NASA's Dryden...NASA's first X-38 Advanced Technology Demonstrator for the proposed Crew Return Vehicle (CRV) arrives at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center,...The X-38 Crew Return Vehicle descends under its steerable parafoil over the California desert in its first free flight at...NASA's Super Guppy transport aircraft landed at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. on July 11, 2000, to deliver the latest...The X-38 lifting body research vehicle, seen here wrapped in a protective material, is lowered onto a truck for shipping...The X-38 Vehicle 131R, intended to prove the utility of a "lifeboat" crew return vehicle to bring crews home from...NASA's X-38, a prototype of a Crew Return Vehicle (CRV) resting on the lakebed near the Dryden Flight Research Center...NASA's X-38, a research vehicle developed as part of an effort to build an emergency Crew Return Vehicle (CRV) for...The X-38 before being shipped from Scaled Composites, Inc., Mojave, CA, to NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, in August...The X-38 technology demonstrator descends under its steerable parafoil toward a lakebed landing in a March 2000 test flight.The X-38 technology demonstrator descends under its steerable parafoil toward a lakebed landing in a March 2000 test flight.The X-38 Vehicle 131R, intended to prove the utility of a "lifeboat" crew return vehicle to bring crews home from...NASA's X-38 glided high over California desert test ranges as it descended from 37,500 feet to land on Rogers Dry...The seventh free flight of an X-38 prototype for an emergency space station crew return vehicle culminated in a graceful...