Transonic Dynamics Tunnel (TDT) GalleryRotocraft model on test stand in the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel.1/9th scale model of prop fan testbed airplane in the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel.NASP in the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel.Cessna Citation X flutter model in the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel.Rotocraft model on test stand in the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel.SLS_TDT: Mike Ramsey, Martin Sekula, and David Piatak in the control room of the Transonic Dynamic Tunnel testing the Space...Semi-span fighter model being tested in the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel at NASA Langley.The Space Launching System (SLS) being prep for testing in the TDT Dave Piatak, Martin Sekula and James Florance. photo...A scale model of Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft with an Atlas V rocket successfully underwent a fit check at NASA Langley...NASA's Space Launch System buffet model in NASA's Langley Researcher Center's Transonic Dynamics Tunnel.