M2-F3 Lifting BodyFlight Research Center and Dryden Flight Research Center engineer R. Dale Reed has long used free-flight models to test new...left to right: Richard C. Eldredge, Dale Reed, James O. Newman, Bob McDonald with the mothership (top) and other models....The M2-F3 Lifting Body is seen here on the lakebed next to the NASA Flight Research Center (later the Dryden...This photo shows the cockpit instrument panel of the M2-F3 Lifting Body.The M2-F3 Lifting Body is seen here on the lakebed at the NASA Flight Research Center (FRC--later the Dryden Flight...NASA research pilot John A. Manke is seen here in front of the M2-F3 Lifting Body. Manke was hired by...The M2-F3 Lifting Body is seen here on the lakebed next to the NASA Flight Research Center (FRC--later Dryden Flight...The 100th flight of the heavy-weight lifting bodies was completed on October 5, 1972, with pilot Bill Dana soaring to...