Gulfstream III Aerodynamics Research Test BedNASA engineer Ethan Baumann and the Gulfstream G-III research aircraft that was used for the Discrete Roughness Elements Laminar Flow...An Armstrong G-III aircraft carrying the Flexys© Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge flap. The smooth transition between the flaps and wing...The Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge Flight Research project involves replacement of both of the G-III’s conventional 19-foot-long aluminum flaps with...A NASA F-15D flies chase for the G-III Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge (ACTE) project.An Armstrong G-III aircraft carrying the Flexys© Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge flap. The smooth transition between the flaps and wing...Armstrong lead engineering tech Aaron Rumsey adjusted a rubber contact pad between the wing of NASA’s G-III and a load...Three airbags supported NASA’s G-III in the Armstrong Flight Loads Lab, thus isolating the airplane’s landing gear to prevent interference...Principal investigator Bill Lokos, left, and test conductor Larry Hudson reviewed the test checklist prior to initiating the airbag lift...Two of three inflatable bags used to lift NASA’s G-III research aircraft during loads testing in NASA Armstrong's Flight Loads...Loads Lab technician Ted Powers positioned a load cell atop a hydraulic jack beneath the wing of NASA’s G-III research...NASA’s G-III flying test bed aircraft rested on three pneumatic lifting devices or "airbags" in preparation for loads testing in...The landing gear of NASA Dryden's Gulfstream G-III aerodynamics research test bed aircraft, tail number 804, retracted after liftoff from...Sky meets Earth in this view of NASA Dryden's Gulfstream G-III aerodynamics research test bed aircraft, tail number 804.NASA Dryden's Gulfstream G-III aerodynamics research test bed aircraft, tail number 804, banked left during a functional check flight on...This computer–generated graphic shows what the DRELFGE laminar-flow wing glove looked like and how it was placed on the G-III...The DREFLGE laminar-flow wing glove was placed on the left wing of NASA Dryden's Gulfstream G-III No. 804 in the...The black test section of the upper wing skin on this NASA Gulfstream III research aircraft showed the area where...