F-16XL Ship No. 2 Supersonic Laminar Flow ControlDuring an April 18, 1996, flight research mission, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's modified F-16XL #2 conducted testing on laminar...NASA's two-seat F-16XL #2 research aircraft is shown in the modification hangar at the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA,...The laminar flow experiment on the delta-wing F-16XL featured an internal suction system that pulled a small part of the...The laminar flow experiment on the delta-wing F-16XL #2 featured an internal suction system that pulled a small part of...NASA's two-seat F-16XL #2 research aircraft is shown in the modification hangar at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA,...NASA 848 was one of two modified F-16XL aircraft NASA used at the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, to...NASA's two-seat F-16XL #2 research aircraft is shown in the modification hangar at the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA,...This photograph taken at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, shows the large panel, called a glove, attached to...Dryden research pilot Dana Purifoy drops NASA F-16XL #848 (ship 2) away from the tanker in the 45th flight in...Dryden research pilot Dana Purifoy drops NASA F-16XL #848 (ship 2) away from the tanker in the 45th flight in...The laminar flow control panel on the left wing (dark area, forward center) of NASA's F-16XL #2 is highly visible...Dryden research pilot Dana Purifoy moves NASA F-16 XL #848 (ship 2) away from the tanker on the 44th flight...The new look of the left wing on NASA's F-16XL #2, following installation of a laminar flow control panel (dark...This photograph of a test panel similiar to the one attached to the surface of an F-16XL research aircraft's left...This photo of NASA's F-16XL #2 laminar flow control research aircraft was taken following installation of the laminar flow control...NASA's two-seat F-16XL #2 research aircraft is shown in the modification hangar at the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA,...A laminar flow control experiment covering much of the left wing (dark area) of NASA's F-16XL "848" is seen clearly...NASA's two-seat F-16XL research aircraft streaks over the California desert near the Dryden Flight Research Center, during its final flight...The laminar flow control panel in the left wing (dark area, forward center) of NASA's F-16XL is highly visible in...NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's modified F-16XL conducted testing on laminar flow during an Oct. 1996 research mission over the...The perforated titanium overlay mounted on the upper surface of the left wing is clearly evident on this view of...A Supersonic Laminar Flow Control (SLFC) experiment covering much of the top of the left wing (not visible in this...A special "shock fence" installed beneath the leading edge of the left wing is visible in this underside aerial view...A special "shock fence" installed beneath the leading edge of the left wing is visible in this underside aerial view...