F-16A Advanced Fighter Technology IntegrationOverhead photograph of the AFTI F-16 painted in a non-standard gray finish, taken during a research flight in 1989. The...This close-up view shows the AFTI F-16 air probe early in the research program.A close-up photo of the spin chute mounted on the rear fuselage of the AFTI F-16, a safety device designed...The Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) F-16 in its final configuration, flying in the vicinity of Edwards Air Force Base,...An early (1983) photograph of the AFTI F-16 team, commemorating the aircraft's 50th flight. It shows the initial configuration and...The AFTI F-16 flying at high angle of attack, shown in the final configuration and paint finish. Dummy Sidewinder air-to-air...This photo depicts the AFTI F-16 in the configuration used midway through the program. The sensor pods were added to...