F-106 Delta DartEclipse project closeup of QF-106 under tow on takeoff on first flight December 20, 1997Convair NF-106B designated #816 in level flight over cloud cover. This side view shows the tandem seating arrangement in the...The Kelly Space and Technology (KST)/USAF/NASA Eclipse project's modified QF-106 is shown under tow on the project's first tethered flight...Eclipse project QF-106 and C-141A climbs out under tow on first tethered flight December 20, 1997This photo shows one of the QF-106s used in the Eclipse project in flight.Closeup of QF-106 release hook for Eclipse programEclipse program F-106 aircraft in flight, front view.View of QF-106 airplane from a KC-135 tanker aircraft. The Eclipse aircraft was not refueling but simply flying below and...View of the cockpit and instrument panel of the QF-106 airplane used in the Eclipse project.View of the tow cable attachment and release mechanism forward of the cockpit on the QF-106 Eclipse aircraft.The Eclipse projectís modified QF-106 under tow by a USAF C-141A.View of QF-106 airplane for the Eclipse project taxiing on the runway at Mojave Airport, California.The F-18 simulator cockpit was used for the F-106 simulation and Eclipse Tow Launch Demonstration project. In this project to...QF-106 airplane for the Eclipse project taking off from Mojave Airport, California.