D-558-I SkystreakThis 1949 photograph of the D-558-I cockpit instrumentation panel illustrates the complex array of dials and switches that confronted the...In this NACA Muroc Flight Test Unit photograph taken in 1949, the Douglas D-558-I is on the ramp at South...A group picture of Douglas Airplanes, taken for a photographic promotion in 1954, at what is now known as the...The aircraft in this 1953 photo of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) hangar at South Base of Edwards...A 1953 photo of some of the research aircraft at the NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station (now known as the...This 1949 NACA Muroc Flight Test Unit photograph of the Douglas D-558-I #3 Skystreak was taken in front of the...In the center foreground of this 1953 hangar photo is the YF-84A (NACA 134/Air Force 45-59490) used for vortex generator...The Douglas D-558-I #2 Skystreak is pictured here with test pilot Eugene May (Douglas Aircraft Company) on the left and...The Douglas D-558-I Skystreak is seen close-up in this early 1950's in-flight photograph. Although less well known than the X-1,...The Douglas D-558-I Skystreak is seen close-up in this 1949 photograph. The D-558-I made its landing approach at about 210...This 1952 NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station inflight photograph of the Douglas D-558-I #3 Skystreak. Even with partial cloud cover...NACA X-Planes on South Base ramp. Northrop X-4, Bell X-1, Bell X-5, Douglas D-558-1, Douglas D-558-2. Back row Convair XF-92A....NACA test pilot Robert Champine is in the cockpit of the Douglas D-558-I Skystreak with the ground crew. Robert A....