Convair XF-92A DartThis NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station photograph is a close-up view showing an engineer calibrating the trailing edge flap of...This NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station photograph shows an aft view of the XF-92A in flight above a layer of...The photograph shows that the right delta wing and aft fuselage of the XF-92A has some tufts attached for air-flow...In the center foreground of this 1953 hangar photo is the YF-84A (NACA 134/Air Force 45-59490) used for vortex generator...This photograph is a top view of the aircraft's right side and provides a good view of the fuselage and...A 1953 photo shows the X-3 (center) and, clockwise from left: X-1A (Air Force serial number 48-1384), the third D-558-I...This photograph shows the pitot-static probe, used to measure airspeed, Mach number, and altitude, mounted on a noseboom protruding from...The Convair XF-92A aircraft was powered by an Allison J33-A turbojet engine with an afterburner, and was unique in having...