Beechcraft King Air B200NASA’s B200 taking off for an eight-hour science flight on March 5. Located on the center of the aircraft’s fuselage...Radar operator Alexander Winteer monitors incoming wind data from the DopplerScatt radar instrument during a science flight off the California...Honeywell supplied a specially instrumented twin-engine King Air to serve as an intruder for NASA’s Ikhana UAS.Two Beechcraft King Air mission support aircraft operated by NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center fly in formation over Rogers Dry...NASA's Beechcraft B200 Super King Air N801NA is the aerial platform that carries the Autonomous Modular Sensor, a high-tech thermal-infrared...Mounted in a box on the floor of NASA's B200 King Air, the Autonomous Modular Scanner peers out through an...One of NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's two Beechcraft King Air mission support aircraft shows off its lines over Edwards...NASA KingAir N801NA during takeoff.NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center operates this Beechcraft B-200 King Air N7NA for both pilot proficiency and mission management.NASA's Beechcraft King Air N7NA mission support aircraft soars over the compass rose on Rogers Dry Lake adjacent to NASA's...NASA N801NA and NASA 7 together on the NASA Dryden ramp.