B-377-SGT Super Guppy TransportNASA's Super Guppy cargo transport aircraft coming in for landing at Plant 42 in Palmdale, California on April 1, 2019.NASA's Super Guppy cargo transport aircraft taxis in from the Plant 42 runway to NASA"s Armstrong Flight Research Center Building...Front view of NASA’s Super Guppy cargo transport aircraft as it taxis in at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center Building...NASA’s Super Guppy cargo transport aircraft parked on the ramp in front of NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center Building 703.After replacement of its landing gear at NASA Dryden, NASA's Super Guppy Turbine cargo plane takes off from Edwards AFB...Assistant crew chief David Wyckoff checks out operation of the Super Guppy's new landing gear from the flight deck after...NASA's B377SGT Super Guppy Turbine cargo aircraft touches down at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. on June 11, 2000 to...Aero Spacelines B-377PG Pregnant Guppy on ramp in preparation for flight tests and pilot evaluationMembers of the flight and ground crews prepare to unload equipment from NASA's B377SGT Super Guppy Turbine cargo aircraft on...After replacement of its landing gear at NASA Dryden, NASA's Super Guppy Turbine cargo plane takes off from Edwards AFB...JSC technicians David Wyckoff and Tom Gordon carefully maneuver their equipment into place as they prepare to remove the Super...Assistant crew chief David Wyckoff applies some elbow grease to loosen a link pin during a landing gear changeout on...Aero Spacelines B377SGT Super Guppy on Ramp Loading the X-24B and HL-10 Lifting Bodies for Transportation to the Air Force...NASA's outsize Super Guppy cargo plane dwarfs its flight crew after its arrival at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center for...Ground and flight crew of NASA's Super Guppy Transport oversize cargo aircraft close the nose section after loading two retired...With only a couple of inches to spare on either side, two retired NASA T-38 aircraft are nestled inside the...