Autonomous Airborne Refueling DemonstrationTesting autonomous software for AARD program using a NASA F/A-18 #845 following a chartered Sabreliner.Testing autonomous software for AARD program using a NASA F/A-18 #845 following a chartered Sabreliner.NASA's F/A-18B #845 was captured by the photographer as it returned from its final flight in the Autonomous Airborne Refueling...NASA's two Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft form the backdrop as pilot Dick Ewers banks NASA F/A-18 #845 low over...F/A-18 #845 behind an Omega Air Boeing 707 tanker during an Autonomous Airborne Refueling Demonstration (AARD) flight.Pilot Dick Ewers and flight test engineer Leslie Molzahn were hands-off as NASA F/A-18 #845 flew itself into the drogue...F/A-18 #845 testing autonomous system for AARD project by following a pickup with an airborne tanker drogue illustration.F/A-18 #845 behind an Omega Air Boeing 707 tanker during an Autonomous Airborne Refueling Demonstration (AARD) flight.Testing autonomous software for AARD program using a NASA F/A-18 #845 following a chartered Sabreliner.View from F/A-18 #845 behind Omega Air Boeing 707 tanker during an AARD flight showing probe and drogue.F/A-18 #845 HUD and video camera setup for Autonomous Airborne Refueling Demonstration (AARD) projectED07-0090-02 NASA Dryden's F/A-18B research aircraft #845 roars past the photographer during a low-level flyby on its final Autonomous Airborne...