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Langley FOIA Library

NASA records that were processed under the FOIA and proactively released. Please also check the e-libraries for each NASA Center for additional documents.

Langley Contracts
NNL04AA03B: Conformed Research Operations, Maintenance, and Engineering (ROME)
Contractor(s): Sverdrup Technology, Inc.
Processed under the FOIA 9/2012
Available documents: 
– Miscellaneous (Format = PDF)(Size = 7.5 MB)
– Contract (Format = PDF)(Size = 7.4 MB)
– Source Selection Statement (Format = PDF)(Size = 247.8 KB)
– Abstract of Offers (Format = PDF)(Size = 152.9 KB)
NNL10AA03B: Structures, Materials, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, & Acoustics Research & Technology
Processed under the FOIA 8/2010
Contractor(s): Analytical Services & Materials, Inc. (AS&M)
Available documents:
– Contract (Format = PDF)(Size = 6.1 MB)
NNL10AA04B: Structures, Materials, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, & Acoustics Research & Technology
Contractor(s): ATK Space Systems, Inc.
Processed under the FOIA 8/2010
Available documents: 
– Contract (Format = PDF)(Size = 6.3 MB)
NNL10AA05B: Structures, Materials, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, & Acoustics Research & Technology
Contractor(s): The Boeing Company
Processed under the FOIA 8/2010
Available documents: 
– Contract (Format = PDF)(Size = 2.2 MB)
NNL10AA06B: Structures, Materials, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, & Acoustics Research & Technology
Contractor(s): Lockheed Martin Corporation
Processed under the FOIA 8/2010
Available documents: 
– Contract (Format = PDF)(Size = 6.7 MB)
NNL10AA07B: Structures, Materials, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, & Acoustics Research & Technology
Contractor(s): Northrop Grumman System Corporation
Processed under the FOIA 8/2010
Available documents: 
– Contract (Format = PDF)(Size = 6.6 MB)
NNL10AA14B: Langley Research Center (LaRC) Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)
Contractor(s): SGT, Inc.
Processed under the FOIA 9/2014
Available documents: 
– Contract (Format = PDF)(Size = 4 MB)
NNL10AA15B: Evaluations, Assessments, Studies, Services, and Support
Contractor(s): ERT
Processed under the FOIA 12/2011
Available documents: 
– Contract (Format = PDF)(Size = 987.1 KB)
NNL10AA09C: Occupational Health Services
Contractor(s): MedTrust, LLC
–Processed under the FOIA 1/2015
Available documents:
– Contract (Format = PDF)(Size = 1,020 KB)
NNL11AA00B: Science, Technology and Research Support Services (STARSS II)
Contractor(s): Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI)
Processed under the FOIA 3/2015
Available documents:
Contract NNL11AA00B
Contract Modifications
Award Fee Letters
Task Orders
NNL11AA08C: Langley Simulation and Aircraft Technical Services (LSATS)
Contractor(s): Unisys Corporation
Processed under the FOIA 5/2015
Available documents:
Contract NNL11AA08C
NNL12AA06B: Langley Administrative, Media, and Professional Services (LAMPS)
Contractor(s): Gentech
Processed under the FOIA 1/2017
Available documents:
Conformed Contract NNL12AA06B
Source Selection Statement
80LARC19C0007: Simulation and Aircraft Services (SAS)
Contractor:  Unisys Corporation
Processed under the FOIA 9/2019
Available documents:
Contract and Modifications
Statement of Work
Source Selection Statement