Emerging Technologies for Astrophysics Missions Workshop
Sponsored by the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters
March 25-27 2025
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley
Moffett Field, California 94035
Invitation only
This workshop aims to bring together experts from academia, industry, government labs, and NASA centers to identify candidate emerging technologies that may offer science enabling capabilities or significant impact to astrophysics space missions. Identified candidate technologies may have follow on discussions leading to possible future investment opportunities. Join ~60 SMEs in the areas of astrophotonics, advanced materials, quantum sensing, and artificial iIntelligence/machine learning for a mixture of landscape talks, breakout sessions, and open discussions.
Registration Link:
Registration assistance: Please contact ARC-LOC@nasa.gov.
For other meeting related questions, please contact Mario Perez, mario.perez@nasa.gov or Nick Siegler, nicholas.siegler@jpl.nasa.gov
NASA Ames Research Center
P.O. Box 1, Mail Stop: 245-6
Moffett Field, California 94035
Email: arc-loc@mail.nasa.gov
Pre-workshop webinar
Please save the date: March 4, 2025 Pre-workshop NASA Webinar
The webinar will seed the workshop by informing workshop attendees of the transformational science goals of the NASA Astrophysics Division and opportunities for emerging technologies to achieve the science. Agenda and connection date coming soon.
Workshop Agenda
Coming soon.