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SCaN Interactive Games


Relay: A Laser-Based Space Communications Game

In this game you will send information, or data, back to Earth using lasers. You will use mirrors to move the laser and avoid obstacles to get the data back to Earth. Each level has new challenges and your ultimate goal is to build a communication network and synchronize, or match, the time on atomic clocks.

DSN Uplink Downlink Game
DSN Uplink-Downlink

DSN Uplink-Downlink 

In this game you’ll use these big antennas to send information to — and receive information from — NASA’s robotic explorers in the solar system and beyond. Scientists call this process “uplinking” and “downlinking.” An antenna “uplinks” instructions to a spacecraft and “downlinks” the spacecraft’s data and images back to Earth. 

DSN Subida-Bajada: Un juego del DSN

¿Cómo habla la NASA con sus naves espaciales que están lejos? ¡Con sus enormes antenas de la Red de Espacio Profundo (DSN)!

En este juego usarás esas grandes antenas tanto para recibir como para enviar información a y desde los exploradores robóticos de la NASA en nuestro Sistema Solar y más allá. Los científicos llaman a estos procesos “uplinking” y “downlinking”. Una antena envía instrucciones a una nave espacial, esto es “uplink”, y después envía en un enlace descendente, esto es “downlink” los datos y las imágenes de vuelta a la Tierra.

Space Operations Learning Center (SOLC)
Space Operations Learning Center (SOLC)

Space Operations Learning Center (SOLC) 

The Space Operations Learning Center (SOLC) is unique in its approach to teach school-aged students the basic concepts of space operations. SOLC uses the latest web and software technologies to present this educational content in a fun and engaging way for all grade levels. Our training modules use animations, streaming video, cartoon characters, audio narration, interactive games to deliver educational concepts. Our web portal organizes those training modules in an easily accessible way for visitors world-wide.



NetworKing allows users to become a network manager and build a communications network in order to support scientific missions. Players will try to balance meeting customer requirements, researching new technologies, and repairing equipment – all within a budget. 

SCaN Network Demonstration

SCaN Network Demonstration 

Space Communications and Navigation is responsible for providing communications services for all of NASA’s missions. This demonstration shows how SCaN’s ground and space based facilities interact with NASA assets in space.

Space Station Game
Station Spacewalk

Station Spacewalk Game 

Welcome to the International Space Station (ISS), Astronaut. In Station Spacewalk Game you’ll experience the thrill of conducting NASA repair work on the International Space Station. After negotiating your way through the airlock, you, the astronaut, will be tasked with jobs critical to help power up the space station so it can continue to operate. First take your time to explore the station, but then it’s time to get to work. You’ll have to move quickly and carefully, with a limited quantity of oxygen you must complete your Extravehicular Activities (EVAs) and get back into the airlock before your air supply runs out.

This video game features simulations of actual EVAs conducted by NASA astronauts on missions to provide power to the space station. The graphics used in this game are based on real NASA missions and incorporate 3D graphics used by the Agency.