SCaN Scavenger Hunt
Radio waves are invisible, but they are all around us every day. Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, just like visible light and x-rays, but they have a much longer wavelength. Radio waves travel at the speed of light. They range from the width of a piece of paper to larger than our planet, and are used to communicate. Can you find items in your home that use radio waves? Download and print the PDF below.
SCaN Scavenger Hunt
Búsqueda de Tesoros de SCaN
SCaN Creative Writing Activity
The year is 2045 and you have just been selected as an astronaut for a very important mission. After an extreme space weather incident, NASA has lost contact with a Mars rover. Now the agency needs your help to find the rover’s location. Write a story about your exciting journey! Download and print the two documents below.
SCaN Creative Writing Activity
SCaN Creative Writing Activity Vocab Key
Actividad de Escritura Creativa de SCaN
Vocabulario de Comunicaciones y Navegación Espaciales (SCaN)
SCaN Coloring Page
Color the picture where the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite is communicating with the International Space Station and the ground station. Download and print the document below.