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Yoichi Shiga


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Yoichi Shiga received a BS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of California San Diego and an MS in Environmental Engineering from University of Michigan. He went on to complete a PhD from Stanford University exploring regional scale carbon dioxide fluxes over North America under the supervision of Dr. Anna Michalak from the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Department of Global Ecology. Yoichi then spent a year as a postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Institution for Science’s Department of Global Ecology under the supervision of Dr. Joseph Berry where he investigated an approach to combine atmospheric carbonyl sulfide observations and remotely sensed solar induced fluorescence to estimate photosynthetic carbon fluxes at regional scales over North America. Yoichi is currently a Visiting Associate Scientist, Earth Science at Universities Space Research Association. He works primarily with the Earth Science Division at NASA Ames as a part of the NASA Academic Mission Services (NAMS) contract.

Yoichi’s research focuses on exploring the terrestrial carbon cycle using a combination of atmospheric observations, remote sensing, inverse modeling, and geostatistical data fusion techniques. Using these tools, he primarily seeks to improve our understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of land-atmosphere carbon exchanges at region-to-continental scales.