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Stephen Broccardo


NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow
Atmospheric Science Branch (SGG)
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Stephen Broccardo graduated with BSc and MSc degrees in metallurgical engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand, before becoming involved in Earth science during the UAE2 campaign based in Abu Dhabi. He then embarked on a PhD, making airborne remote-sensing measurements of NO2 over the South African highveld. While working on this, he participated in airborne field measurement campaigns in South Africa, UAE, Australia and India. He joined three oceanographic research cruises from Cape Town to Antarctica, and served as Chief Scientist during two cruises to Gough Island. He graduated with a PhD in 2015, and joined North-West University (South Africa) as a post-doctoral fellow and made atmospheric observations during two cruises from Walvis Bay, also participating in the AEROCLO-SA campaign based in Henties Bay, Namibia.

He joined NASA Ames as a post-doctoral fellow in 2018, and joined the ORACLES field mission based in Sao Tome. He works on engineering development of the next generation airborne sunphotometer (5STAR) and analysis of satellite-based trace-gas and aerosol measurements.