White Sands Test Facility provides avenues for the public to be informed of environmental compliance and restoration activities conducted on our site. We also ensure that the public has access to documentation specific to our compliance and environmental cleanup activities.
Public Meetings
Public meetings concerning White Sands Test Facility environmental issues may be scheduled by the facility to update the general public on major projects, or may be required in accordance with state and federal regulations for specific environmental actions. Public meetings will always be advertised in the local print media to encourage public participation.
Document Reviews
Through the appropriate public notification process, the public will be notified of the availability of certain environmental documents and how to route any comments they have to the appropriate entity. Examples of these types of public document reviews may include Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements, permit modifications and renewal efforts, and consultations regarding cultural resource management activities. The public is encouraged to participate in these activities
Comments and Feedback
Comments and feedback on our environmental activities is welcome at the White Sands Test Facility. Comments will be reviewed by NASA and used to help direct future community involvement efforts.