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Technical Bulletin 23-05: Flight Mechanics Analysis Tools Interoperability and Component Sharing

The NESC has released a technical bulletin for the Flight Mechanics community.

As multiple flight mechanics analysis tools are developed to meet the unique scientific and operational requirements of NASA missions, sharing data, transferring models and trajectory information between tools can be complicated. The NESC recently explored ways that increase interoperability of three mission analysis tools: Copernicus, General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT), and Mission-Analysis Operations Navigation Toolkit Environment (Monte). These tools are used to generate a variety of products throughout all phases of a mission including: maneuver planning, trajectory optimization and design, orbit determination, performance and error analysis, trade studies and sizing. Establishing a framework to share models, component data and trajectory information is an efficient way to leverage the benefits of an analysis tool without expending development costs to duplicate functionality.

Download the full technical bulletin here.

For more information, contact Heather Koehler,