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Hydrometeor Identification Using GMI Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures

A new paper, “Hydrometeor Identification Using GMI Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures”, has been published in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology by Daniel J. Cecil (ST13), Michael B. Solomon (UAH), Retha Mecikalski (formerly UAH), and Kenneth D. Leppert II (University of Louisiana – Monroe). The paper details an empirical method for estimating the likelihood that a cloud and precipitation column includes hail, graupel, lower density ice such as snow, or otherwise only liquid rain. Lookup tables are trained using six years of matchups between satellite-based brightness temperature measurements and ground-based radar measurements. An independent two-year testing sample demonstrates very high correlations between the percentages of vertical profiles predicted and observed to have the specified hydrometeor types.

Read the paper at: file:///C:/Users/weblackw/Downloads/apme-JAMC-D-23-0196.1.pdf.

Radar-derived composite HID for similar time and location as the GMI HIDs from Figure 12, near
21:40 UTC 03 June 2014. KOAX (Omaha) and KDMX (Des Moines) HID derived using CSU RadarTools and
plotted using PYART.