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Submitting a Request Form

image Inside the Task Multi-piece Balance
Inside the Task Multi-piece Balance.

Borrowing a NASA Ames Balance (Outside Ames)

NASA Ames Balances may be loaned out for U.S. Government sponsored tests. In a loan situation, the requestor takes full financial responsibly for the balance and all associated hardware. The requestor is required to sign a contract agreeing to these terms. Management will determine the final approval and terms of the loan. Approval will depend upon the availability of the requested balance(s).

How to request a Ames Balance Loan:

Ames Balance Calibration Lab welcomes inquiries regarding potential use of our Balances. Initial contact should be made as early as possible so that a Balance can be reserved. It is best if the initial request can be made at least one month before the desired calibration/test time.

All that is necessary is to fill out a Balance Request Form. After review by the Ames Balance Calibration Lab staff, a Balance Request Meeting may be scheduled for further information.

Balance Calibration Lab Points of Contact:
Hiep Khuc,
Michael Wright,

James Bell, Wind Tunnel Systems Branch Chief,


Fill out and submit a Balance Calibration Lab Request Form and return it to NASA Ames Balance Calibration Lab.

1. Download the Balance Calibration Lab Request Form Word Document
2. Download the Sample Loan Letter in a Word Document.
3. Complete request forms and email to Maureen Delgado,