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A Black Hole Gobbles Up a Star

Against a black background dotted with stars, a disk of hot red gas swirls around a black hole in this illustration. There is a long stream of hot gas extending out to the right, which is feeding into the disk, and a bright cloud of plasma hovering just above the center of the black hole.

A disk of hot gas swirls around a black hole in this illustration from Dec. 20, 2022. A long stream of hot gas on the right, coming from a star that was pulled apart by the black hole, feeds into the disk.

These events, known as tidal disruption events, can take just a matter or weeks or months from the destruction of the star to the formation of the disk. The gas gets hotter the closer it gets to the black hole, but the hottest material – a cloud of plasma called a corona – can be found above it.

Learn more about black holes.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech