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NEA Scout Pristine Solar Sail Sample

Picture of Administrator Bolden viewing a pristine sample of the NEA Scout solar sail
NASA Administrator Bolden visits the NEA Scout NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.

Solar Sail Lead Tiffany Locket and Lead Systems Engineer Jared Dervan show NASA Administrator Charles Bolden a pristine solar sail sample during his visit to the Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) Scout Project on Dec. 14, 2015, at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. This sample is so reflective it can be used as a mirror when stretched to the suitable tension.

During its mission, NEA Scout will perform an approximate two-year cruise propelled by the solar sail to a target asteroid. A camera on the CubeSat will capture a series of low (50 cm/pixels) and high resolution (10 cm/pixels) images to determine global shape, spin rate, pole position, regional morphology, regolith properties, spectral class, and for local environment characterization.