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Apollo 17 Image Library

Figure Captions Copyright © 1995-2014 by Eric M. Jones.
All rights reserved.
HTML Design by Brian Lawrence.
Last revised 5 November 2017.


No copyright is asserted for NASA photographs. If a recognizable person appears in a photo, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. Photos may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employee of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if a NASA photograph is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.

NASA photos reproduced from this archive should include photo credit to "NASA" or "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" and should include scanning credit to the appropriate individuals or agencies as noted in the captions.

Anaglyphs in the image libraries created from sequential panorama frames by the ALSJ editor exist only because of Yuri Krasilnikov's willingness to teach me the art. Whatever value the anaglyphs have is due to Yuri's insights and guidance. Flaws are my doing. Briefly, panorama stitching software Hugin is used to create both non-stereo pan assemblies and remapped versions of the images. The latter are then made into anaglyphs using GIMP. The individual remapped images are linked from the corresponding Library entries for the original frames. The remapped images can be used to create stereo views using other methods.

For those interested in the subject of Apollo Photography and the Color of the Moon, see a brief discussion written for the ALSJ by Michael Light.

Journal Contributor Paul White has made detailed comparisons of cloud patterns seen in a large number of Apollo images with imagery taken at close to the same time by various meteorlogical satellites.

This Apollo 17 Image Library contains all of the pictures taken on the lunar surface by the astronauts together with pictures from pre-flight training and pictures of equipment and the flight hardware. High-resolution version of many of the lunar surface images are included. A source for both thumbnail and low -resolution versions of the lunar surface images is a website compiled by Paul Spudis and colleagues at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston.




Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Images
[Journal Contributor James Fincannon has used sunrise-to-sunset sequences of LROC images of the site to demonstrate that, as of 2009-2011, the Apollo 17 flag is still aloft and casting a shadow.
First Look - 11 July 2009 11:06:20 UTC ( 1.1 Mb )
This image was taken with the Sun at an elevation of 9.6 degrees and an azimuth of 266.8 degrees. Resolution in the raw file is 1.4 m/pixel. Crater names from Figure 5.3 ( 0.7 Mb ) in the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report and Sheet SE ( 0.2 Mb ) of the EVA-1 traverse planning map. A link to the raw file, nasr00000d11 , is available at the LROC website.
First Look - Stereo View, Lee-Lincoln Scarp on the North Massif ( 0.8 Mb )
Combines LROC images nacl00000adc and nacl00000d11. Vertical exaggeration in the anaglyph is 2-3 times. Hanover Crater is on the lower slopes of the North Massif just east of the Scarp. A detail ( 1.5 Mb ) shows the portion of the Scarp where valley floor meets the foot of the North Massif. Stereo Image released 21 July 2009. NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University.
First Look - North Massif Boulder Source Regions ( 0.5 Mb )
Labeled detail from LROC image nacl00000d11 showing the source regions for the Dark Boulder and the Station 6 Split Boulder. Other boulders identified in Jack Schmitt's 500-mm portrait of the Split Boulder source region have the same labelling here.
First Look - LRV Shadow Identified ( 0.3Mb)
Photo AS17-143-21932, which Gene took toward the LM from behind the LRV at the VIP (final parking) site shows that the LM is on the same bearing as a spur on the left side of (Old) Family Mountain. The post-flight, topophotomap (6 Mb) can be used to transfer that bearing line to a detail from LRO image nacl00000d11. A thin shadow, undoubtedly cast by the LRV, is located 128 meters from the LM on an azimuth of 112 degrees (east of north).
Second Look - LM/ALSEP - 01 October 2009 10:32:01 UTC ( 1 Mb )
This image was taken from 50 km altitude with the Sun at an elevation of 68.3 degrees and an azimuth of 183.1 degrees. Resolution in the raw file is 0.53 m/pixel. The raw image is M109032389L. Labeled details are available at the LROC website.
Second Look - EVA-1 Traverse ( 3 Mb )

Second Look - Turning Point Rock, Dark Boulder, Station 6, Station 7 ( 2 Mb )

Among the tracks left by the astronauts at Station 6 ( 0.24 Mb ), the most prominent may be the loop Gene started when he was just east of the boulders and moved upslope to take what proved to be a dramatic pan. At Station 7, they parked about 25 meters ENE of the Station 7 boulder. They spent much of their time working at the east face of the boulder. Just before they left, Gene moved upslope of the LRV to take a pan.
Second Look - North Massif Boulder Source Regions ( 4 Mb )
Labeled detail from LROC image M109032389LE showing the source regions for the Dark Boulder and the Station 6 Split Boulder. Other boulders identified in Jack Schmitt's 500-mm portrait of the Split Boulder source region have the same labelling here.
Second Look - EVA-1 Traverse, Station 1, EP-7 location, rock noted in 20733 ( 0.4 Mb )
Before starting the traverse to Station 1, Gene initialized the Rover nav system at the SEP transmitter. The range and bearing at Station 1 were 1.11/346. At the location where they deployed EP-7, the range and bearing were 0.6/339. A large boulder seen in frame AS17-136-20733 from Jack's Station 1 pan is also identified.
21 May 2010 13:00:53 UTC; Solar El/Az 35.3/103.7; LRO altitude 42.5 km; resolution 0.43 m/pixel (width), 0.55 m/pixel (height) ( 2.0 Mb TIFF )
The image linked immediately above shows almost all the the LROC image, but at low resolution. The raw image is M129086118L. A re-scaled, low-res version (1.6 Mb TIFF) has the number of horizontal pixels reduced by a factor of 0.43/0.55. See, also, a labeled version.

A high-res, re-scaled detail (2.6 Mb TIFF) shows the LM, the ALSEP site, the SEP transmitter and the Rover tracks Gene made to guide deployment of the SEP antenna, and the LRV parked at the VIP site. See, also, a labeled version.

A high-res, re-scaled detail (6.9 Mb TIFF) shows Turning Point Rock, Station 6 Split Boulder, and Station 7. An enhanced, labeled version (1.2 Mb) shows tracks Gene and Jack made while working on the east side of the Station 6 boulder. there are hints of tracks on the east side, but they aren't as prominent. Patrick Vanuyne has created a mosaic of images devoted to Turning Point Rock and the Station 6 boulder, including anaglyphs made from the 21 May 2010 LROC image and M113751661L, which was taken on 25 November 2009.

A high-res, re-scaled detail (0.2 Mb) shows Van Serg Crater while an inset from the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report shows the approximate where Gene parked the Rover and where he and Jack sampled and took pans. There are no signs of the tracks they made. These may show up at high solar elevations.

6 September 2011 (release date) deconvolved to 0.25m/pixel (1.0 Mb)
Downloaded from http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LRO/news/apollo-sites.html


Landing Site Maps/Images

Red-Blue Anaglyph from LROC images ((0.5 MB)

Anaglyph by Patrick Vantuyne.
Apollo 17 - The End of an Era
Grumman pre-mission artwork. This vision of the landing site has several problems. In the distance, the mountains on the left side are clearly those of the Apollo 15 site, including such recognizable features as St. George Crater and Silver Spur. The astronaut near the top of the ladder would probably not be climbing up as casually as shown, with only one hand on the porch railing and his body turned. The ALSEP deployment area is depicted as being SSW of the LM rather than being directly west. And, finally, the LM is shown on the edge of a steep decline: graphically spectacular but not a position Gene or the targeting people would have chosen. Scans by J.L. Pickering.
Taurus-Littrow Anaglyph, Apollo 15 Mapping (Metric) Camera Frames 0971 and 0972, Rev 33 ( 0.7 Mb )
Vertical view of the landing site from frames AS15-M-0971 and AS15-M-0972. Anaglyph by Yuri Krasilnikov.
The Valley of Taurus-Littrow
The image linked here is a portion of Pan Camera frame AS17-2309 showing the South Massif at the upper right and the Sculptured Hills at the lower left. The North Massif is at the bottom right and Henry Crater is the rightmost of the three large craters in a triangular pattern at the foot of the mountain. This orientation is to facilitate comparison with features in the Station 6 high resolution images below. See also the labeled version of this frame. The distance from Station 6 above Henry to the LM is 3.5 km; to Bear Mountain, about 8 km; and to the outcrop noted in 21498 below, about 18 km. Scans by Ron Wells.
Taurus-Littrow - Hubble Image 19 October 2005 ( 1132k )
Image from the Hubble Site

Taurus-Littrow - Animation of Hubble Image Overlain on Site Model ( 11 Mb Quicktime Movie )
Images and animation by NASA, ESA, G. Shirah and A. Kekesi (GSFC/SVS), and G. Bacon (STScI)

Flown Orbit Monitor Chart ( 2.8 Mb PDF )
This scanned copy of Orbit Monitor Chart flown in Challenger is missing page 15 (see next), which covers the landing site. PDF document courtesy Kim Poor.
Flown Orbit Monitor Chart - Page 15 (Landing Site) ( 0.3 Mb )
Larry McGlynn has provided this scan of the flown chart, autographed by both Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt.
Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap - Littrow Quadrangle ( 13 Mb )
Defense Mapping Agency 1: 250,000 sheet scanned at 150 dpi by the Lunar and Planetary Institute. The landing site is in the lower left corner.
Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap - Taurus-Littrow Landing Site ( 6.3 Mb )
1975 Defense Mapping Agency 1:50,000 sheet centered about 1.5 km south of Camelot Crater and including all areas visited by the Apollo 17 crew. 200 dpi scan courtesy Robin Wheeler.
Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap - Clerke Quadrangle ( 9 Mb )
Defense Mapping Agency 1: 250,000 sheet scanned at 150 dpi by the Lunar and Planetary Institute. This quadrangle adjoins the Littrow quadrangle on the West and includes (West) Family Mountain.
(West) Family Mountain and the Valley of Taurus-Littrow ( 1.5 Mb )
Adjacent portions of the Littrow and Clerke Quadrangles have been combined to show the valley and features immediately to the west.
Apollo 17 Pan Camera frame AS17-2309 Details
The frame was taken on December 11, 1972 at 23:47:38.1 GMT during CSM Rev 15 from an altitude of 113.07 km. In terms of the mission time, the photo was taken at 116:54:38 -- just seven minutes before Gene and Jack started their watches for the first EVA. John Pfannerstill has scanned three portions of the frame.

In the central area around the LM, the largest crater is Camelot at the upper left. A labeled version highlights the LM and Poppie. In the area north of the LM, covering the EVA-3 traverse, Henry is the large crater at the foot of the North Massif just above and to the right of the center of the image. In the area west of the LM, covering the EVA-2 traverse, Nansen is at the lower left, Camelot is at the right edge above center, and Shorty is the sharp-rimmed, dark-edged crater at top center, about a Camelot diameter below the top edge of the image. Brian McInall has created a composite from the three details. See, also, a version (0.8 Mb or 0.2 Mb)with the lines-of-sight from Station 6 to Stations 2, 3, and 4 indicated.

Northern Portion of the Scarp in AS17-2309 (5.0 Mb)
This detail includes Stations 3, Shorty, Victory, Camelot, and, in the north, Hanover Crater and the nearby portion of the scarp. 1600 dpi scan courtesy of Stephen Tellier at the Lunar and Planetary Institute.
Shorty Crater in AS17-2309 (1.6 Mb)
This 1200 dpi scan shows the area immediately around Shorty. A labeled version ( 1.6 Mb ) highlights the Station 4 boulder and the location on the southeast rim from which Gene took his color pan. The 10-m craters labeled 'a' and 'b' are also shown in a labeled detail ( 240k ) from Gene's pan frame AS17-137-21013.
EVA-3 Gatsby-to-Sherlock Traverse Segment in AS17-2309 (1.5 Mb)
This labeled detail shows the area traversed between Gatsby and Sherlock during the EVA-3 return to the LM. Gene and Jack stopped on the east of Gatsby to take photos and continued onward at about 168:51:03 and made a sampling stop just north of Sherlock at about 168:59:46. Using the traverse path plotted in Figure 7E (0.8 Mb ) in the USGS Professional Paper, I have indicated the locations of these two stops. I have also indicated a likely candidate for the large piece of subfloor gabbro that Jack asked Gene to drive towards starting at about 168:56:53. The last photo of the boulder Jack took before they drove past at about 168:57:04 is AS17-143-21882.
Post-flight Traverse Map (1.15 Mb)
This is figure 10.27 from the Lunar Sourcebook, reproduced with permission.
Postflight Traverse Map (496k)
Figure 6 from USGS Professional Paper 1080 The Geologic Investigation of the Taurus-Littrow Valley: Apollo 17 Landing Site gives an overview of the routes taken during the three geology traverses. Scans by John Burton and Brian McInall.

Figure 7E (0.8 Mb) shows the area around the LM and the entirety of the EVA-1 traverse.

Figure 7C (0.9 Mb) shows the outbound and inbound EVA-2 traverse segments between Camelot and Tortilla Flat.

Figure 7A ( a href="a17profpap-f7a.jpg" title="image" target="new">0.9 Mb) shows the outbound and inbound EVA-2 traverse segments between Tortilla Flat and Hole-in-the-Wall.

Figure 7B (0.9 Mb) shows the outbound and inbound EVA-2 traverse segments between Hole-in-the-Wall and Nansen.

Figure 7D (0.8 Mb) shows most of the EVA-3 traverse including Henry, Station 8, and Van Serg.

Post-Flight Traverse Map (0.6Mb)
Thomas Schwagmeirer adapted the USGS map in preparation for a comparison with a Paris city map.
Apollo 17 Traverse of Paris ( 0.1 Mb
Overlay of the Apollo 17 traverse map on a simplified map of Paris. With the LM appropriately placed at Notre Dame, the EVA-2 return traverse follows the Seine reasonably closely, with the important stop at Shorty Crater happily coincident with the Eiffel Tower. Map concept by Eric Jones, graphics by Thomas Schwagmeier.
Flown Orbit Monitor Chart ( 2.8 Mb PDF )
This scanned copy of Orbit Monitor Chart flown in Challenger is missing page 15, which covers the landing site. PDF document courtesy Kim Poor.
Initial Ascent Map ( 273k )
LM ground track for the first five minutes of the ascent. Scan by Robin Wheeler from Mapping of the Moon by Z.Kopal and R.W. Carder (1974).
Apollo 17 16-mm frame taken during Ascent ( 308k )
This frame was taken just after lift-off with the 16-mm camera mounted in Jack Schmitt's LM window. It is also Figure 4-53 ( 1271k ) in the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report where the caption reads, in part "the irregular dark lines between the LM and the ALSEP instruments are LRV tracks." In fact, the leftmost track was made by Jack Schmitt as he carried the ALSEP packages out to the eventual ALSEP site. Scan and labels by Brian McInall.
The Valley of Taurus-Littrow ( 153k )
This picture is an enlargement of an image taken from the Apollo 15 Command Module.
Taurus Littrow ( 125k )
This map of the landing site shows the location of major features and, also, the impact point of the Ascent Stage on the South Massif.
Taurus-Littrow - 22 September 2005 ( 262k )
This telescopic view of Taurus-Littrow was taken by Ulrich Lotzmann at about 0100 UTC 22 September 2005 from Marburg, Germany. At the landing site, the sun was about 15 degrees above the western horizon at an azimuth of about 266.
Taurus-Littrow - 12 October 2006 ( 184k )
This telescopic view of Taurus-Littrow was taken by Ulrich Lotzmann at about 0000 UTC 12 October 2006 from Marburg, Germany. At the landing site, the sun was about 25 degrees above the western horizon at an azimuth of about 261 degrees east of north. Bear Mountain is clearly visible in the southcentral part of the valley
Taurus-Littrow - 22 April 2007 ( 224k )
This telescopic view of Taurus-Littrow was taken by Ulrich Lotzmann at about 2150 UTC 22 April 2007 from Marburg, Germany. At the landing site, the sun was about 6.9 degrees at an azimuth of 91.3 degrees. Bear Mountain is clearly visible in the southcentral part of the valley; (Old) Family Mountain is just outside the western entrance to the valley; and (West) Family Mountain (aka the West Massif) is immediately west of the South Massif. Ken Glover has created a labelled gif animation ( 642k ).
Taurus-Littrow - 1 October 2007 ( 52k )
This telescopic view of Taurus-Littrow was taken by Danny Ross Lunsford at about 0815 UTC 1 October 2007 from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. At the landing site, the sun was at an elevation of 1.3 degrees nearly due west of the LM on an azimuth of 268.6. North is at the lower left; a rotated version has the Sun at the top. The pre-EVA-1 window pan taken on Jack's side shows the view to the west at about 2156 UTC on 11 December 1972, about two hours after the landing. The LM shadow is pointing at the West Massif (aka (New) Family Mountain). (Old) Family Mountain is next right. The solar elevation and azimuth are 14.3 degrees and 96.2 degrees, respectively. The local horizon to the west is actually the near rim of Camelot Crater which, from the LM locaation is at an elevation of about 2 - 2.5 degrees. Using a composite of adjacent details from LTO 42C2 and 43D1 and making allowances for the curvature of the Moon, viewed from the LM, the summit of the West Massif is at an elevation of about 4.7 degrees on an azimuth of about 279 degrees and the summit of (Old) Family Mountain is at an elevation of about 3.7 degrees on an azimuth of about 293 degrees. Readers should note that, becuase of the flat film plane in the Hasselblads, degrees/cm varies with distance from the center of an image. For an observer at the LM on 1 October 2007, the Sun was apparently behind the left flank of the West Massif. This seems to be consistent with the deep shaodws on the floor of the Valley of Taurus-Littrow in Lundford's telescopic view.
Pre-flight Grid Map ( 273k )
This map shows the area immediately surrounding the target and shows the local coordinate system used during the mission.

Grid lines on this map are separated by 400 meters; that is, the distance from 79 to 81 in the east-west direction and from DJ to DL in the north-south direction is 400 meters. Only every second one of the major grid divisions is shown on this map. In the north-south direction, there is actually a DK coordinate halfway between DJ and DL and, likewise, an east-west 80 coordinate midway between 79 and 81. These major grid divisions - say DJ and DK - are separated by 200 meters. The planned landing site was DM.8/82.2, which is 0.8 x 200 = 160 meters north of DM and 0.2 x 200 = 40 meters east of the 82 coordinate line. The actual landing site is near DN.2/83.3.

Planned Traverses ( 273k )

Planned EVA-1 Traverse ( 225k )

Planned EVA-2 Traverse ( 252k )

Planned EVA-3 Traverse ( 212k )

Planning for One-Man LRV Traverses ( 144k )

Planning for Walking Traverses ( 144k )

Traverse Planning for a Landing 2.7 km South of Target ( 148k )

Traverse Planning for a Landing 2.7 km North of Target ( 145k )

Actual Traverses ( 94k )

EVA-1 Contour Map ( 40k )

This contour map shows the EVA-1 route and the reverse side of the photographic EVA-1 map taken from Apollo 15 photography.
EVA-2 Contour Map ( 175k )

EVA-3 Contour Map ( 199k )

Pre-flight Horizons from the Planned Landing Site ( 262k )

Perception and Negotiation of the Scarp and Taurus-Littrow; Bell Laboratories memo which includes expected views of the Scarp from the LM windows and from three points along the EVA-2 traverse toward Hole-in-the-Wall.

Amundsen/Nansen ( 171k )

This pre-flight map detail shows the area around Nansen Crater near the base of the South Massif. At some point, Jack had named this feature "Amundsen" after the Norwegian explorer of the Antarctic and the Northwest Passage. He then decided that Amundsen has enough things named for him and changed the name to "Nansen" to honor another great Norwegian explorer.
Hole-in-the-Wall from the LM ( 71k )
This Bellcom representation shows a view toward the base of the South Massif from the planned landing site. It was produced by Bell Labs from data derived from photographs taken from the Apollo 15 Command Module. The main feature of interest is the area labeled the "Access Region" where, it was thought, the Rover could be driven up onto the Scarp. By the time Gene and Jack landed, they knew the Access Region as Hole-in-the-Wall.
Hole-in-the-Wall from 1 km ( 66k )
This Bellcom representation shows Hole-in-the-Wall from a point on the planned EVA-2 traverse one kilometer from the base of the Scarp.
Hole-in-the-Wall from 1/2 km (114k )
This Bellcom representation shows Hole-in-the-Wall from a point on the planned EVA-2 traverse one-half kilometer from the base of the Scarp.
Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap - Sulpicius Gallus Quadrangle ( 12 Mb )
Defense Mapping Agency 1: 250,000 sheet scanned at 150 dpi by the Lunar and Planetary Institute. After Ron Evans learned that Jack and Gene had found orange soil at Shorty Crater, he began to look for signs of it from orbit and reported orange in southwestern Serenitatis in the Sulpicius Gallus region. Jack and Gene were able to confirm his observation once they were back in orbit. See the discussions following 145:28:25 and in the chapter covering post-rendezvous activities.


Assembled Panoramas

115:03:02 Pre-EVA-1 Window Pans ( 165k )

Dave Byrne has combined the sets taken by Jack and Gene as a composite window pan.

Jack began with a normal horizon sequence and then lowered his aim and took a second sequence showing the near surface. The frames are AS17-147- 22469 to 22478.

Gene then took a series of photos out the CDR window - AS17-147- 22479 to 22491 - showing the South Massif and (West) Family Mountain, the latter being due west of the spacecraft, on the horizon beyond the LM shadow. Geophone Rock is just below the apparent intersection of the north flank of the South Massif and the south flank of Family Mountain.

115:03:02 Pre-EVA-1 Right Window Pan ( 4.4 Mb )
High resolution version using frames AS17-147- 22469 to 22476. Assembled by Eric Jones.
117:47:43 Jack's 4 O'clock EVA-1 LM Pan ( 465k )
Jack took this pan from a position northeast of the LM. Gene is powering up the Rover and is out of sight on the far side of the LM. The frames are AS17-147- 22492 to 22521. Assembled by Bob Fry.

High-resolution assemblies of frames 22495-514 ( view from down-Sun through north and up-Sun to the LM) (9.3 Mb), frames 22493-504 plus 517and 519 (view from the LM through west to the Wessex Cleft) (7.8 Mb), and frames 22504 to 514 ( view from Wessex Cleft through east to the LM) (6.5 Mb) assembled by Eric Jones.

An assembly with anaglyphs (11 Mb), including frames from 22493 to 509, is also available for the northern part of the pan.

117:48:26 Rover Test Drive Film Strip ( 5.2 Mb or 0.3 Mb )
Jack took a series of photos, presented here as a film strip, showing Gene driving south of the LM during the initial test drive. Note that none of the communications or EVA gear has been loaded onto the vehicle. The frames are AS17-147- 22521 thru 22526.
120:36:02 Geophone 4 Partial Pan ( 4.7 Mb )
The frames are AS17-147-22528 to 22532. A full-resolution version (7.6 Mb) includes derived anaglyphs. Assemblies by Eric Jones.

See, also, a USGS assembly from the Professional Paper in a ( 1.7Mb ) PDF document produced by Brian McInall.

120:38:36 Geophone Rock Partial Pan (184k)
The frames are AS17-147-22533 to 22536.
120:40:30 Geophone 3 Pan (0.2 Mb)
The frames are AS17-147-22544 to 22562. Assembled by Mike Constantine. A VR version is also available.

High-resolution assemblies of frames 22544-55 ( view to the north) (8 Mb) and frames 22553-61 ( view to the south) (6 Mb) by Eric Jones.

See, also, a USGS assembly from the Professional Paper in a ( 1.7Mb ) PDF document produced by Brian McInall.

David Harland has combined frames 22560 and 22561 as a portrait of Geophone Rock.

120:48:56 Jack's Color ALSEP Pan ( 478k )
The frames are AS17-147- 22569 to 22588. USGS B&W assembly from the Professional Paper in a ( 1.7Mb ) PDF document produced by Brian McInall.

High-resolution assemblies of frames 22569-80 ( view to the north, 8 Mb ) and frames 22580-88 ( view to the south, 5.6 Mb ) by Eric Jones.

120:55:55 Jack's B&W ALSEP Pan ( 218k )
The frames are AS17-136- 20683 to 20710.

Full-resolution assemblies: (1) entire pan ( 5 Mb ); (2) northern portion with derived anaglyphs ( 7 Mb ); (3) southern portion with derived anaglyphs ( 7 Mb ). Eric Jones.

See, also, a high-resolution assembly by Erik van Meijgaarden ( 1.6 Mb or 337k ); and a USGS assembly and horizon sketch from the Professional Paper in a PDF document ( 1.7Mb ) created by Brian McInall.

122:26:14 Traverse to Station 1 ( 16 Mb PDF )
During the traverse, Jack took AS17-136-20723-38 and Gene took AS17-134-20390-93. Because Jack had a seismic charge in his hands, he took relatively few pictures, averaging one every 75 meters during the 1.2 km drive. During the return to the SEP site, he'll average one every 16 meters, not counting 13 frames devoted to an LRV pan of the EP-7 deployment.
122:26:14 Gene's Station 1 Color Pan ( 164k )
Gene's pan consists of frames AS17-134- 20408 to 20431. A VR version is also available. Assemblies by Mike Constantine.

High resolution assemblies of frames 20411-25 ( view to the south, 7.1Mb ) and frames 20426-31 plus 20408-11 ( view to the north, 6.3 Mb ) by Eric Jones.

David Harland has assembled the portion showing Jack Raking ( 137k )

122:32:24 Jack's Station 1 B&W Pan ( 351k )
The Station 1 crater is midway between Jack's Shadow and the Rover. The frames are AS17-136- 20744 to 20776. Assembled by Dave Byrne.

High resolution assemblies of frames 20745-62 ( view to the north, 7.1Mb ) and frames 20764-76 ( view to the south, 5.3 Mb ) by Eric Jones.

Erik van Meijgaarden has assembled the portion showing Gene at the Rover ( 1.5 Mb )

David Harland has assembled the poriton showing the Station 1 crater at high resolution ( 2.1 Mb )

Mike Constantine has assembled the poriton showing the Station 1 crater and Gene at the Rover ( 214k )

Boulder Identification: portions of frames 20771 and 20773 have been combined ( 214k ) to show the view to the south that includes the summit of Bear Mountain and a prominent boulder, labelled '20773 boulder', about 30 degrees west of the summit direction. A comparison between a detail from the Taurus-Littrow Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap ( 264k ) showing Bear Mountain/Steno/Sherlock and a detail from Pan Camera frame 2309 ( 836k ) lets us draw the bearing of Bear Mountain from the Station 1 location given in Figure 6-4c ( 161k ) in the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report. The boulder immediately east of a small crater as marked on the Pan Camera detail has the appropriate bearing and, being the closest sizeable boulder in that direction from Station 1, is a likely candidate. See, also, a similar labelled detail from the July 2009 LROC image of the landing site. Assembled by Eric Jones.

122:36:58 Return from Station 1 - Part 1 ( 17 Mb PDF )
During the first 400 meters of the drive from Station 1 back to the SEP deployment site, Jask to 20 frames: AS17-136-20777-96.
122:36:58 Return from Station 1 - Part 2 ( 13 Mb PDF )
The sequence AS17-138-20797 to 20814 starts when Gene turns to the west so Jack can gets some pictures of the bright, sunlit face of the Lincoln-Lee Scarp and ends just before they start documentation of the EP-7 deployment site.
122:43:12 EP-7 LRV Pan ( 4 Mb )
After Jack deployed seismic charge EP-7, Gene drive slowly around it while Jack took an LRV pan. The frames are AS17-136-20815-26 Note that, except in the case of 20815, only the upper right portion of each frame has been used. Assembled by Eric Jones. The pan frames are also available in PDF format ( 12 Mb ).
122:43:44 Return from Station 1 - Part 3 ( 13 Mb PDF )
The sequence AS17-138-20828 to 20844 starts when Gene move north away from EP-7 and ends as they leave a depression where they photograph some possible bedrock.
122:45:33 Return from Station 1 - Part 4 ( 16 Mb PDF )
The sequence AS17-138-20844 to 20863 starts as they leave a depression where they photograph some possible bedrock and ends as the reach the SEP site.
123:06:24 SEP Deployment Partial Pan ( 335k )
Gene took this partial pan to document the layout of the south, west, and north SEP transmitter antenna arms. It shows Jack deploying the solar panels on the transmitter. The frames are AS17-134- 20437 to 20446. Assembly by David Nathan.

Nathan has also assembled a 300 DPI version ( 3.2Mb ) from scans provided to the ALSJ by NASA Johnson; Tom Dahl has used the same high-resolution scans from the original film to assemble an alternate version ( 14Mb ).

Additional versions have been assembled by Dave Byrne ( 809k ), Mike Constantine ( 95k or 865k ), and David Harland ( 140k; black-and-white ).

127:02:28 South Massif Outcrops ( 86k )
Jack's 500-mm post-EVA-1 photos taken from the LM cabin. The frames are AS17-144- 21983 to 21988. Assembled by Bob Fry.
127:02:28 North Massif Boulder Tracks ( 2 Mb or 272k )
Jack's 500-mm post-EVA-1 photos taken from the LM cabin. The frames are AS17-144- 21991 to 21993. Assembled by Eric Jones.
127:02:28 North Massif Outcrops ( 1.1 Mb or 180k )
Jack's 500-mm post-EVA-1 photos taken from the LM cabin. The frames are AS17-144- 21994 to 21998. The last of these was not used in the assembly. Assembled by Eric Jones.
141:01:23 8 O'Clock EVA-2 LM pan ( 391 )
The frames are AS17-137- 20866 to 20893. Assembled by Bob Fry.

High-resolution assemblies of frames 20867-79 ( view to the north and east, 7.5 Mb ) and frames 20881-89 plus 20868 ( view to the south and west, 4.8 Mb ) by Eric Jones.

Karl Dodenhoff has assembled an alternate version.

141:01:23 EVA-2 LM pan, LM Portrait ( 1.0Mb )
Created from frames 20871, 20890, and 20891. Assembled by Erik van Meijgaarden.
143:01:52 Gene's portrait of Station 2 Boulder 1 ( 918k )
The frames in this sequence are AS17-137- 20903 to 20908. Assembled by Eric Jones.
143:01:52 Jack's portrait of Station 2 Boulder 1 ( 599 )
The frames in this sequence are AS17-138- 21030 to 21035. Assembled by Eric Jones.
143:10:08 Gene's portrait of Station 2 Boulder 2 ( 366k )
The frames in this sequence are AS17-137- 20912 to 20923. Assembled by Karl Dodenhoff.
143:22:02 Gene's Station 2 Pan ( 417k )
Gene took this pan from about 10 meters upslope from Boulder 2. The frames are AS17-137- 20926 to 20956. Assembled by Bob Fry.

David Harland has assembled a high-resolution version ( 2.9 Mb ) showing Nansen, Boulder 2, and the Rover, using scans from original film provided by NASA Johnson and processed by Kipp Teague. The frames are AS17-137- 20938 to 20955.

143:37:16 Jack's Station 2 Pan ( 468k )
Jack took this pan at the second Station 2 rake site. The frames are AS17-138- 21053 to 21073. Assembled by Bob Fry.

David Harland has assembled the portion showing - from left to right - Gene, the Rover and Nansen.

143:57:25 Gene's 500-mm pan along the South Massif Summit from the Scarp Gravimeter Stop ( 77k )
While waiting for the gravimeter measurement to finish, Gene took a left-to-right sequence along the summit ridge. The frames are AS17-144- 22003 to 22009. Assembled by Bob Fry.
143:57:25 Gene's 500-mm pan of the left flank the South Massif ( 129k )
Gene took this right-to-left sequence along the left flank as viewed from the Scarp Gravimeter stop. The frames are AS17-144- 22010 to 22015. Assembled by Bob Fry.
143:58:49 Gene's 500-mm portrait of the western part of the North Massif summit from the Scarp Gravimeter Stop ( 171k or 1045k )
Gene took this sequence. The frames are AS17-144- 22016 to 22026. Assemblies by Bob Fry (lo-res) and Dave Byrne (hi-res).
143:58:49 Gene's 500-mm portrait of the eastern part of the North Massif summit ( 80k or 707k )
Gene took this sequence from the Scarp Gravimeter stop. The frames are AS17-144- 22027 to 22032. Assemblies by Bob Fry (lo-res) and Dave Byrne (hi-res).
143:58:49 Gene's 500-mm portrait of Sculptured Hills peak on the east side of Wessex Cleft ( 63k or 684k )
Gene took this sequence from the Scarp Gravimeter stop. The frames are AS17-144- 22033 to 22035. Assemblies by Bob Fry (lo-res) and Dave Byrne (hi-res).

144:00:24 Northern, subsidiary peak of (West) Family Mountain ( 126k )
500-mm photos by Gene Cernan from the Scarp Gravimeter stop. The frames are AS17-144- 22036 to 22039. Assembled by Bob Fry.
144:00:24 (Old) Family Mountain from the Scarp Gravimeter Stop ( 151k or 500k
500-mm photos by Gene Cernan. The frames are AS17-144- 22041 to 22045. Assemblies by Bob Fry (lo-res) and Dave Byrne (hi-res).
144:05:09 Jack's Scarp LRV Pan ( 180k )
Jack took this partial pan while turned the Rover in a circle shortly after they left the Scarp Gravimeter stop. The frames are AS17-138- 21100 to 21108 and are linked here in strip form. Assembled by Bob Fry.
144:53:05 Jack's Station 3 Pan ( 2.6Mb or 208k )
The frames are AS17-138- 21150 to 21177. Gene is working on the far side of the Rover. Assembly by Dave Byrne.
144:53:05 Ballet Crater at High Resolution ( 7.6Mb )
The frames are AS17-138- 21155 to 21167. Gene is at the far right, working at the Rover. Assembly by David Harland.
145:01:05 Gene's 500-mm of Hanover and the Scarp on the North Massif ( 74k )
Gene took this sequence from Station 3 while waiting for Jack to change film magazines so they could leave for Station 4. The frames are AS17-144- 22047 to 22050. Two lobes of the Scarp are visible in the foreground; Hanover Crater is cut by the righthand edge of the image; and the North Massif portion of the Scarp curves to the left from left of Hanover. Assembled by Bob Fry.
145:01:05 Gene's 500-mm of the South Massif Summit ( 715k )
Gene took this sequence from Station 3. The frames are AS17-144- 22051 to 22071. Assembled by Bob Fry.
145:02:51 Wessex Cleft ( 115k )
Gene took six photos of Wessex Cleft and the Sculptured HIlls Peak to the east. The frames are AS17-144- 22072) to 22077. Assembled by Bob Fry.
145:26:02 Jack's B&W Station 4 Pan at Shorty Crater (322k )
Jack's Shorty pan, which he was about to start when he noticed the orange soil. Note that, between the frames used at either end of this assembly, Gene moves from the front of the Rover to the CDR seat. The frames are AS17-133- 20229 to 20256. Assembled by Dave Byrne.
145:26:02 Shorty Boulder Detail, High-Resolution (103k )
Assembly by David Harland. The frames are AS17-133- 20230 to 20235.
145:49:03 Gene's Station 4 Color Pan from the Southeast rim of Shorty Crater ( 0.6 Mb or 1.3 Mb ).
Gene took this pan from the east rim of Shorty Crater moments before he and Jack left for their next geology stop. Jack at the Rover. The area where the crew discovered and sampled a deposit of orange soil, rich in pyroclastic material, is between the Rover and the large boulder just beyond it. The frames are AS17-137- 20991 to 21027. Assembled by Dave Byrne.

The first version assembled for the ALSJ 143 k) was done by Chris Wells.

Alternate versions of this very popular pan have been assembled by Thomas Dahl (7.0 Mb or 0.7 Mb); Erik van Meijgaarden (0.8 Mb); David Harland (0.2 Mb); Mike Constantine (0.2 Mb); Dmitri Lebedev (4.2 Mb); and Robert Stroessenreuther (3.9 Mb).

145:49:03 High-Resolution Stereo of Shorty Crater ( 2.6 Mb).
Assembled byYuri Krasilnikov. The frames are AS17-137- 20991 to 20998.
145:49:03 B&W Shorty Crater Portion, High Resolution (2.6 Mb).
Assembled byYuri Krasilnikov. The frames are AS17-137- 20991 to 20998.

David Harland has created an alternate version using frames 20991 to 20998 (1.9 Mb) using frames 20991 to 21007.

145:49:03 Station 4, Non-Crater Portion, High Resolution (25 Mb or 0.5 Mb).
Assembled by Yuri Krasilnikov. The frames are AS17-137- 21010 to 21023.
145:58:02 Traverse from Station 4 to Victory ( 18 Mb PDF )
During the 1200-meter drive to Victory, Jack took 13 frames: AS17-133-20268 to 20280. The first of these was taken with incorrect camera settings.
146:07:51 Rover Pan at Victory (222k)
Jack took this pan at about while Gene turned the Rover in a tight circle. This technique was invented by the Apollo 16 crew. Victory is a cluster of craters that form an apparent "V" pattern. The frames are AS17-133-20281 to 20300. Assembled by Bob Fry.

An alternate version shows the frames, individually, in a PDF document (22 Mb).

146:12:32 Traverse from Victory to LRV sample location LRV-8.( 18 Mb PDF )
During the 740 meter drive from Victory, Jack took 17 frames: AS17-133-20301 to 20317.
146:17:04 Traverse from LRV sample location LRV-8 to Station 5 on the southwest rim of Camelot.( 18 Mb PDF )
During the 1200-meter drive from LRV-8, Jack took 10 frames: AS17-133-20318 to 20327.
146:40:18 Diabase Boulder at Station 5 (2.2 Mb)
Jack took a flight-line set of photos, stepping to his right along a north-south line east of the Diabase Boulder. Gene is taking a similar series along an east-west line. The frames are AS17-133- 20330 to 20335. Assembly by David Harland.
146:49:06 Gene's Station 5 Pan (269k)
Gene's final pan at Camelot Crater shows Jack running back to the Rover carrying the scoop. The frames are AS17-145- 22159 to 22183. Assembled by David Harland. See, also, Mike Constantine has created a high-resolution version ( 1.1 Mb or 150k )

Hans Nyberg has created an alternate version in QuickTime wrap-around format ( 1.3 Mb ).

David Harland has used high-resolution JSC scans 22159 to 61 and 79 to 83 to create a B&W portrait of Camelot ( 4.1 Mb ).

146:49:06 Jack Running to the Rover at Station 5 - High Resolution ( 2.8 Mb )
The frames are AS17-145- 22159 to 22167. Assembled by David Harland.
146:49:06 Jack's B&W Station 5 Pan ( 304k )
Jack took this pan from east of the Rover not long after Gene finished his pan. Gene is returning to the Rover and, in assemblies that include AS17-133- 20341 and 20342, he can be seen on the far side of the vehicle. The frames are AS17-133- 20339 to 20360. Assembled by Dave Byrne

David Harland has assembled an alternate version that excludes the parts to the south and southeast.

David Harland has also assembled the portion showing the Rover and about half the crater ( 5.4 Mb ).

147:37:33 Gene's Left-to-Right South Massif 500-mm Summit Pan ( 120k )
Gene took this sequence from near the LM during the EVA-2 Close-out. The frames are AS17-144- 22080 to 22093. Assembled by Bob Fry
147:37:33 Gene's Right-to-Left South Massif 500-mm Summit Pan ( 197k )
Gene took this sequence from near the LM during the EVA-2 Close-out. The frames are AS17-144- 22093 to 22104. Assembled by Bob Fry.
147:37:33 Gene's 500-mm Portrait of the North Massif ( 1.4 Mb or 0.2 Mb )
Gene took a large set of North Massif images from near the LM during the EVA-2 Close-out. The frames are AS17-144- 22105 to 22132. Assembly by Eric Jones and Yuri Krasilnikov.

In an earlier version ( 395k ), Bob Fry added 21991, a photo of the dark-boulder track that Jack took out his LM window at 127:02:28 after EVA-1. Shadows in 21991 are necessarily longer than those seen during the EVA-2 close-out.

147:37:33 Gene's 500-mm Portrait of the North Massif Summit ( 146k )
Gene took a right-to-left sequence along the eastern end of the summit and, then, a left-to-right sequence. The former is included in the overall portrait above. The frames in the left-to-right sequence are AS17-144- 22111 to 22118. Assembled by Bob Fry.
151:23:55 Jack's Post-EVA-2 Window Pan ( 85k )
Jack took these photos after installing the fresh magazine on Gene's camera, prior to stowing the camera in the ETB. The frames are AS17-140- 21352 to 21358. Assembled by Dave Byrne.
163:56:50 Jack's EVA-3 12 O'Clock Color Pan ( 343k )
Jack took this 12 o'clock color pan with Gene's camera before they started the EVA-3 traverse. Gene is working at the Rover. The frames are AS17-140- 21359 to 21380. Assembled by Bob Fry.

High-resolution assemblies of frames 21362-72 ( view to the north, 6 Mb ) and frames 21370-80 plus 21360-62 ( view to the south, 6.2 Mb ) by Eric Jones.

Mike Constantine has assembled the northern and eastern portion ( 195k ) showing the LM and Gene at the Rover.

164:24:50 Traverse Photo Animation ( 3.8 Mb MP4 )
Paul White has animated the photos Jack took while the Rover was in motion. A second animation uses the same frames, but with the TV camera centered in all of them. The frames are AS17-141-21519-74(drive to Station 6), (remainder to be added).
164:24:50 Traverse Photos - LM to Rover Sample Stop ( 22 Mb PDF )
High-resolution frames taken by Jack Schmitt during the first portion of the drive to Station 6, from the LM to the Rover sample stop. The frames are AS17-141-21519-49.
164:33:48 Traverse Photos - Rover sample stop to First View of Henry ( 8 Mb )
High-resolution frames taken by Jack Schmitt during the portion of the drive from the LRV sample stop to their first good view of Henry. The frames are AS17-141-21542-49.
164:37:49 Traverse Photos - First View of Henry to approach to Turning Point Rock ( 11 Mb )
High-resolution frames taken by Jack Schmitt during the portion of the drive past Henry to the approach to Turning Point Rock. The frames are AS17-141-21549-59.
164;43:30 Traverse Photos - Turning Point Rock ( 9 Mb )
High-resolution frames taken by Jack Schmitt of the approach to TPR and portraits of the rock. The frames are AS17-141-21560-68.
164:48:13 Traverse Photos - Turning Point Rock to Station 6 ( 9 Mb )
High-resolution frames taken by Jack Schmitt of the drive from TPR to Station 6. The frames are AS17-141-21569-74.
164:59:54 Station 6 'South' Pan ( 1489k or 432k )
Jack's first Station 6 pan consists of frames AS17-141- 21575 to 21603. Gene is deploying the gravimeter.

David Harland has assembled high-resolutiion scans for the portion of Jack's Station 6 pan ( 4.4 Mb ) showing the main fragments of the boulder and Gene deploying the gravimeter. The frames are 21589 to 21598. 165:33:38 Gene's Station 6 Pan ( 140k )

Gene took this pan from above the Station 6 Split Boulder just before he and Jack left for their next stop. The frames are AS17-140- 21483 to 21509. Assembly by Chris Wells.

Earlier in the stop, Gene collected a soil sample from the top of the foreground rock and, years later, told artist and Apollo 12 astronaut Alan Bean that he wished he'd written his daughter Tracy's name in the dust. Bean did it for him in a painting and, to some of us, the rock is now known as Tracy's Rock.

David Harland has assembled a high-resolution portait of the boulder ( 2.5 Mb ).

Chris Wells has assembled a detail shows the sample area and Jack headed back to the Rover with the gnomon.

David Nathan has combined 300 DPI scans of 21493 and 21496 into a higher-resolution detail of Jack returning to the Rover with the gnomon.

Yuri Krasilnikov has used frames 21491-3 from this pan and frames 22351-3 from Gene's Station 7 pan to create a stereo portrait of the South Massif.

165:44:50 Source Outcrop for Station 6 Boulder ( 4.9 Mb )
By tracing the boulder track upslope from Station 6, Jack thought this might be the source area. The frames are AS17-139- 21186 to 21193. Assembled by Eric Jones.

A number of boulders in the panorama have been tentatively identified via comparison ( 0.3 Mb ) with AS17-147-22502, a frame from Jack's 4-o'clock pan taken early in EVA-1 at the LM, with the relevant frames from Gene's portrait of the North Massif, taken at the LM late in EVA-2, and with a detail from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter image nacl00000d11. Boulder 'e' is near the west edge of the track made by the dark boulder. The dark-boulder track is invisible from Station 6 with the Sun low in the east. Boulders at the apparent start, as seen from the LM, of the Station 6 track are those labeled 'i', 'j', and 'k', all on the far right. A portion of the Station 6 boulder track can be seen in an enchanced segment ( 0.6 Mb ) of Jack's mini-pan. With the Sun low in the east, the wall of the track facing the Sun is slightly brighter than the opposite wall. A marked version ( 0.6 Mb )gives a sense of the track location, with the center line and margins indicated along two segments. Boulder 'e' is near the west edge of the track made by the dark boulder.

165:50:01 South Massif Summit from Station 6 (0.3 Mb or 5.0 Mb)
Jack's 500-mm frames taken while he braced himself against the boulder. The frames are AS17-139-21208-09 and 21211. This assembly, by Syd Buxton was rotated to match the orientation seen in Gene's Station 6 pan. Syd writes that he did not use 21210 in the assembly because the image is slightly blurred.
166:10:23 Jack's Near-Field Station 7 Pan ( 412k )
The frames are AS17-141- 21646 to 21664. Jack took this pan at 11-foot focus and kept his aim low to show the areas from which they would collect samples. The pan includes very little of the horizon. Assembled by Bob Fry.
166:26:58 Gene's Station 7 Pan ( 9 Mb or 464k )
The frames are AS17-146- 22339 to 22363. Gene took this pan just before he and Jack left for Station 8. Jack is working at the Rover. See, also, a labeled version ( 1.2 Mb ) Assembled by Yuri Krasilnikov.

A stereo view out into the valley and along the slopes to the east and west ( 8 Mb ) assembled from perspective-corrected frames by Eric Jones

Alternate versions by Bob Fry ( full pan ), David Harland ( Southern Portion ), Erik van Meijgaarden (red-blue anaglyph from partial pans made from the even numbered frames and from the odd numbered frames).

Yuri Krasilnikov has used frames 22351-3 from this pan and frames 21491-3 from Gene's Station 6 pan to create a stereo portrait of the South Massif.

Eric Jones has used frames 22351-7 to create a high-resolution landscape that includes the Station 7 Boulder, Henry Crater (with a slaph of boulders on the inner, south wall), the LM (beyond the left rim of Henry), the South Massif, and the Station 6 Boulders ( 50 Mb tiff).

167:07:20 Gene's Station 8 Pan ( 337k )
The frames are AS17-146- 22375 to 22397. Gene took this pan near the exotic boulder he and Jack sampled upslope from the Rover. Jack is working at the Rover. Assembled by Bob Fry.

Eric Jones has assembled a full-resolution version (9 Mb) using Hugin, as well as a version with anaglyphs presented in context (17 Mb).

Thomas Dahl has assembled an alternate version ( 2.3 Mb or 0.3 Mb ).

Ian Cossor has assembled a high-resolution, partial pan ( 1.9 Mb ) showing Bear Mountain, the South Massif and (West) Family Mountain. The frames are 22382 to 22390.

167:26:06 Jack's Station 8 Pan ( 402k )
Jack took this pan just before he and Gene left the Station. The frames are AS17-142- 21726 to 21745. Assembled by Bob Fry.

David Harland has assembled the northern portion, which shows Gene picking up the TGE so he can replace it on the back of the Rover.

168:20:21 Jack's First Station 9 Pan ( 507k )
This pan - taken at the location labeled 'West Pan' in Figure 6-123 in the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report - consists of frames AS17-142- 21798 to 21824. Assembled by Bob Fry.

Eric Jones has assembled a full-resolution version (16 Mb) using Hugin, as well as a version with anaglyphs presented in context (26 Mb). David Harland has assembled the portion showing Gene taking his pan ( 3.0 Mb ) and the portion showing the Rover ( 4.0 Mb )

168:20:42 Gene's Station 9 Color Pan ( 281k )
This pan was taken at the location labeled 'North Pan' in Figure 6-123 in the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report. The frames are AS17-146-22423 to 22450. Assembled by Dave Byrne.

David Harland has assembled the portion showing the crater ( 3.3 Mb ).

168:25:35 500-mm series of North Massif from Station 9 ( 227k
The frames are AS17-139-21230 to 21248 and consists of a series along the peak immediately west of Wessex Cleft and a contiguous series down the face. See a figure from page 226 of the USGS Professional Paper for placement. Assembled by Bob Fry.
168:25:35 500-mm series of North Massif Outcrops and Boulder Tracks ( 324k )
The frames are AS17-139-21249 to 21268. See a figure from page 226 of the USGS Professional Paper for placement. Assembled by Bob Fry.
168:39:47 Jack's Second Station 9 Pan ( 465k )
This pan was taken at the location labeled 'South Pan' in Figure 6-123 in the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report. Jack took this pan while Gene was getting a core sample in the white material they found near the Rover. It consists of frames AS17-142- 21836 to 21858. Assembled by Bob Fry.

A high-resolution assembly (257 Mb TIFF or 13 Mb JPEG) has been done by Eric Jones. Note that Gene appears twice in this assembly. See, also, a version (4.8 Mb with anaglyphs presented in context. Individual, high-resolution anaglyphs are linked starting with 21837-38. David Harland has assembled the portion of showing Gene extracting the core 3.6 Mb ).

173:19:58 Gene's Side of the LM Cabin ( 35k )
Erik van Meijgaarden has combined AS17-134-20517 and 523 into a post-EVA-3 view of Gene's side of the cabin. On 6 December 2004, Erik wrote, " As I was going through Michael Light's 'Full Moon' recently, I found a striking combination of two photos shown alongside each other that give us a lovely overview of the LM's interior. It took me a while to realise they were not assembled but just shown together. So I set myself to work on an assembly. The photo's are two of the series Jack took after EVA 3 and aren't of particular good quality. I guess a Hasselblad is a difficult instrument in these lighting conditions and after 22 hours of tiring EVAs. Although there are better pics in the series, I selected the best matching pair and created my view of the LM's interior. Altogether a gloomy picture, but I particularly like this one because there are not many images that give a sense of the size and (lack of) space available inside the LM."
172:37:07 Post-EVA-3 Window Pans ( 123k )
Dave Byrne has combined photos taken out the windows after PLSS jettison. The photos taken out Jack's window are AS17-143- 21943 to 21960. those taken out Gene's window are 21961 to 21982.
172:37:07 Post-EVA-3 Color Window Pans ( 117k )
Dave Byrne has combined color photos taken out the windows after PLSS jettison. The photos taken out Gene's window are AS17-145- 22192 to 22197. those taken out Jack's window are 22198 to 22222.


Pre-Flight Crew and Equipment Photos

S72-49079 ( 45k )

Original artwork for the Apollo 17 insignia/patch. Scan by NASA Johnson.
S71-51273 ( 102k or 668k )
Portrait of Ron Evans. 1971. Scan by Kipp Teague.
S71-51308 ( 113k or 741k )
Portrait of Gene Cernan. 1971. Note that, although Gene is wearing an A7L-B suit, he is also wearing an Apollo 10 patch. Journal Contributor Matt Markham notes that Gene's hair is right for Apollo 17. Scan by Kipp Teague.
S71-52260 ( 117k or 713k )
Portrait of Jack Schmitt. 1971. Scan by Kipp Teague.
S72-37253 ( 92k or 638k )
Pre-flight lab photo of the Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG), which was flown in hopes of detecting gravity waves. A design flaw prevented proper operation. Scan courtesy Mike Gentry, Jody Russell, and Kathy Strawn, NASA Johnson.
S72-37255 ( 117k or 693k )
Pre-flight lab photo of the Lunar Atmosphere Composition Experiment (LACE). Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.
S72-37257 ( 143k or 780k )
Pre-flight lab photo of the Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites (LEAM) Experiment. Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.
S72-37259 ( 115k or 651k )
Pre-flight lab photo of the Geophone Module. Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.
S72-37260 ( 87k or 567k)
Pre-flight lab photo of the Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment (LSPE) antenna. Jack deployed the antenna by mounting it on the Heat Flow Electronics pallet. Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.
72-H-126 ( 163k)
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan work with a traverse map during a field-trip near Boulder City, Nevada. 24-25 January 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
72-H-128 ( 111k)
Jack Schmitt (left) uses the scoop, perhaps to dig a trench, during a field-trip near Boulder City, Nevada. 24-25 January 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
S72-35043 ( 184k)
Gene Cernan in a training exercise. According to the NASA figure caption, Gene is wearing Dave Scott's Apollo 15 flight suit. Spring 1972. Scan by Frederic Artner.
72-H-251 ( 93k)
Gene Cernan having a final suit fit check at ILC Industries, Dover, Delaware. Photo filed 6 March 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
72-H-253 ( 1.7 Mb or 0.1 Mb)
Gene Cernan raises his arms during a final suit fit check. Note that the suit is inflated, undoubtedly at 3.8 psi above the pressure in the fitting room. Moving the suit arms away from their rest position against internal pressure is relatively difficult. The suit design includes two cables attached at the center of the chest which then run laterally to the armpits and then into tubes that run up over the shoulders. After extisting the tubes, the cables are secured at the center of the back. Friction between the tubes and the cables help keep the arms in any particular position. The tube on Gene's left shoulder is clearly visible. Note the small pulley wheels at the entrance to the tube on his right shoulder. The wheel on the left shoulder isn't visible in this shot. There are similar pulleys at the tube exits on the back of the shoulders. The wheels prevent contact between the cables and the tube edges at the entrances and exits. Photo filed 6 March 1972. Scan courtesy J.L.Pickering.
72-H-297 ( 84k )
Ron Evans undergoes final flight fit checkout and integration of the Apollo 7-L spacesuit. Note the lack of a pulley at the entrance to the cable tube on his right shoulder, perhaps because the Command Module Pilot would not require as much mobility nor exercise the suit nearly as much as the surface crew. 7 March 1972. Photo filed 13 March 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
72-H-298 ( 128k )
Ron Evans undergoes final flight fit checkout and integration of the Apollo 7-L spacesuit at ILC Industries, Dover, Delaware. 7 March 1972. Photo filed 13 March 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
72-H-301 ( 84 )
Ron Evans tests his ability to raise his right arm in the pressurized suit. 7 March 1972. Photo filed 13 March 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
72-H-305 ( 77k )
Jack Schmitt during his final suit fit check at ILC Industries, Dover, Delaware. Note that he does have a cable pulley. 8 March 1972. Photo filed 13 March 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
72-H-306 ( 82k )
Jack Schmitt during his final suit fit check. 8 March 1972. Photo filed 13 March 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
72-H-311 ( 102k )
Jack Schmitt checks the fit of his suit while lying on a mockup of his CM couch. 8 March 1972. Photo filed 13 March 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
72-H-314 ( 0.24 Mb )
This picture was taken during a suit fit check. The fact that the astronaut appears to have cable pulleys suggests that this is Jack Schmitt. Note the hip bellows which allowed the J mission astronauts to sit. 8 March 1972. Photo filed 13 March 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld and image cleaning by Thierry Lombry

In November 2002, Ulli Lotzmann contacted Bill Ayrey, who still worked for ILC, and asked about the picture. Ayrey replied: "Starting from the left, that's John Leshko who was a NASA representative who's office was at ILC. The guy in the middle is John McMullen. The last guy is Steve Rubin who was a suit engineer who participated in a number of fit checks on the A7LB suits near the end of Apollo and into Skylab."

72-H-1190 ( 188k or 402k )
Gene Cernan waves to tourist at the Cape. He is seated on the LRV 1g-trainer, waiting for the busses to pass. He has the drill strapped to the LMP seat with the LMP seatbelt, as would be the case when he drives out to the ALSEP deployment site early in EVA-1. He appears to have the Traverse Gravimeter on the back of the Rover, but not the geopallet. Scan by Kipp Teague.
KSC-72P-320 ( 124k )
Watched by a large group of tourists at the Cape, Gene Cernan gets a heat flow drill stem out of the stem quiver during training. The rammer-jammer is resting against the core-stem rack and the drill is in the foreground. The hose going out of the picture to the right provides ice-cold cooling water while the cable attached to the bottom of Gene's training PLSS provides communications via the electronics box at the center of the picture. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-346 ( 132k )
Gene Cernan removes the drill from its pallet at the LMP's seat on the one-g LRV trainer. The LRV console is at the left side of the picture with the handcontroller and brown-colored armrest at center. On Apollo 15 and 16, a 16-mm Data Acquisition Camera (DAC) was mounted on the post next to Gene's right arm. Here, it carries only a wire loop from which Jack's seatbelt latching mechanism is hanging. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-347 ( 154k or 629k )
Gene Cernan has attached the wrench to the drill stem and is blocking the wrench handle with his left boot while he unscrews the drill from the stem. ALSJFB reader Michael Christopher has located a number of training images showing members of both the prime and backup crews for missions on which the drill was to be flown wearing versions of the cover glove. This Apollo 17 May 1972 training photo shows Gene wearing cover gloves. Note the velcro strap at his right wrist securing the cover glove over the suit glove. Research by J.L. Pickering
KSC-372C-351BW ( 169k )
Jack Schmitt (in the spacecraft) talks with Guenter Wendt prior to a test of the Command Module capture mechanism. 2 May 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering.
S72-41012 ( 148k )
Gene Cernan during a geology field trip at Sudbury, Canada. 24-25 May 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-202 ( 135k )
Technicians from NASA and the Boeing Company unpack the flight Rover at the Cape. 5 June 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
72-H-863 ( 96k )
Gene Cernan watches while a suit tech attaches his right glove. Photo filed 8 June 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
KSC-72P-208 ( 93k )
Jack Schmitt gets suited for EVA training. 8 June 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-212 (aka S72-44423) ( 178k )
Gene Cernan (right) and Jack Schmitt deploy a Rover mockup in the Crew Training Building at the Cape. Note the less-than-roadworthy tires. A tech can be seen at the right keeping Gene's hoses clear. 8 June 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
72-H-868 ( 121k )
Jack Schmitt during rover deployment training. Photo filed 8 June 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-864 ( 112k )
Jack Schmitt gets suited for a training exercise. Photo filed 8 June 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-867 ( 116k )
Gene Cernan detaches the drill from a drill stem. He has probably attached a wrench to the stem and has blocked the handle with his foot to prevent the stem from turning in the hole while he rotates the drill by its handles. Two techs can be seen behind Gene holding his water and air hoses and his comm cable. The drill stem rack is in the background at the left. Photo filed 8 June 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72P-292 ( 145k )
Gene Cernan talks with pad leader Guenter Wendt prior to entering CM at start of seven-hour altitude chamber test. 15 June 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-293 ( 145k )
Jack Schmitt prepares to enter CM at start of seven-hour altitude chamber test. 15 June 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
S72-44420 ( 148k )
Gene Cernan works with the Traverse Gravimeter at the back of the one-g LRV trainer. The technicians behind Gene are carry his supply of ice-cold cooling water. Note that the Rover is not equipped with the geo-pallet for this exercise. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72P-439 ( 0.3 Mb or 2.8 Mb )
Gene Cernan, facing us and holding a hammer, preparing to collect a rock sample during training at the Cape. Jack Schmitt, with his back to us, could be taking a documentation photo of the rock and gnomon. There is a comm cable coming out of the back's PLSS and a hose coming back from a connector on the front of the suit. The hose carries cooling water. Note that a technician is at Gene's left, partly hidden beyond Jack, who is managing Gene's comm cable and cooling water hose, making sure both are clear and unbent. Another tech is behind Jack, out of the field-of-view, handling Jack's hose and cable. July 1972. Scan courtesy Margaret Persinger, KSC
KSC-72PC-440 ( 188k or 732k )
Jack Schmitt (left) tips a rock sample into a bag held by Gene Cernan during training at the Cape. On the Moon with the suit fully inflated, Jack would have had a relatively difficult time raising his arms this high; getting a sample into a bag would be easier if Gene held the bag lower. Note the geology hammer in Gene's shin pocket and the SESC in the pocket on the side of SCB. A communications unit can be seen in the background between Jack and Gene. July 1972. Color scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-440 (B&W) ( 0.3 Mb or 2.7 Mb )
Jack Schmitt (left) tips a rock sample into a bag held by Gene Cernan during training at the Cape. On the Moon with the suit fully inflated, Jack would have had a relatively difficult time raising his arms this high; getting a sample into a bag would be easier if Gene held the bag lower. Note the geology hammer in Gene's shin pocket and the SESC in the pocket on the side of SCB. A communications unit can be seen in the background between Jack and Gene. July 1972. B&W scan courtesy Margaret Persinger, KSC
KSC-72P-443 ( 104k )
Ron Evans leans on a simulator console. 13 July 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-311 ( 844k )
Ron Evans suited for a simulation. 21 July 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
KSC-72PC-378 ( 123k or 912k )
Gene Cernan poses with his wife, Barbara, and their daughter, Teresa (Tracy). Dannette Sanders, a friend of Tracy's, is on the left. 4 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-379 ( 148k or 355k )
Gene Cernan deploys the U.S. Flag during training while Gene's wife, Barbara, and their daughter, Teresa (Tracy), watch. Jack Schmitt is in the background near the one-g LRV trainer. 4 August 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-386 ( 156k or 355k )
Guenter Wendt (yellow coat) helps Ron Evans into the Command Module during a Pressure Chamber Test. 4 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-334 ( 156k )
Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt enter an altitude chamber at KSC. 4 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-336 ( 104k )
Jack Schmitt waves to the camera before entering LM at start of altitude chamber test. 4 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-381 ( 112k )
Gene Cernan poses with his daughter Tracy. Jack Schmitt is in the background near the one-g LRV trainer. 4 August 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72P-438 ( 168k )
Gene Cernan (left) and Jack Schmitt train in a 'rock pile' at the Cape. Gene is carrying the gnomon and Jack is carrying the scoop. The 1-g LRV trainer is behind Jack at the right and the VAB can be seen on the horizon. The rocks were, of course, brought to the Cape from elsewhere specifically for Apollo training. 4 August 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72P-440 ( 152k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan train in a 'rock pile' at the Cape. Gene has collected a sample with his tongs and is giving it to Jack for bagging. The astronauts's comm cables and cooling/oxygen hoses extend out of the picture on both sides. 4 August 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
A17 Drink Valve and Food Stick ( 120k )
Gene Cernan sits on the back of a van during a break from EVA training. The photo shows his drink valve and food stick. Both are highlighted in a detail. Photo by Ed Dempsey. Scan by Frederic Artner
KSC-72PC-411 ( 144k or 620k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan participate in the final LRV fit check. Note that the flight Rover is propped up on carriage supports because the wire-mesh tires would not be able to support the weight of the vehicle in the one-g gravity field. Jack is examining his LRV Sampler. 9 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72P-343 ( 204k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan participate in the final LRV fit check. 9 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-361 ( 162k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan pose with a tech in the high bay of the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building. Gene has his right hand on the low-gain antenna. 9 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-362 ( 185k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan participate in the final LRV fit check. 9 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-395 ( 173k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan participate in the final LRV fit check. 9 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-363 ( 130k )
Jack Schmitt (foreground) looks to his right during the LRV fit check. He has his left hand on the top of the accessory staff. Note the tempa-label on the handle of the LRV sampler just below Jack's left palm. The SCB in the right foreground is attached to the accessory staff and will be used to hold samples Jack collects during the traverses. 9 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-412 ( 160k or 429k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan participate in the final LRV fit check. In the background, we are looking at the hinged support for the minus-Z (aft) landing gear. 9 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-415BW ( 200k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan participate in the final LRV fit check. In the background, we are looking at the hinged support for the minus-Z (aft) landing gear. 9 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-451 ( 154k )
Ron Evans talks with McDonnell Douglas personnel inside the interstage joining the Apollo 17 Saturn V's second and third stage. 15 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-452 ( 114k )
Ron Evans and McDonnell Douglas personnel examine the Saturn V third stage's liquid hydrogen tank bulkhead. 15 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-453 ( 130k )
Ron Evans talks with McDonnell Douglas. 15 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-444 ( 133k)
Ron Evans poses on the steps of the Command Module Simulator at the Cape. 16 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-445 ( 158k)
Ron Evans makes a computer entry during solo operations in the Command Module Simulator. 16 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-502BW ( 224k)
Ron Evans during solo training exercise in mission simulator. 16 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-503BW ( 184k)
Ron Evans conducts a guidance and navigation exercise in mission simulator. He has his eye at the sextant eyepiece. The eyepiece for the telescope, used to aim the sextant in its moveable mode, is on his right. 16 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-446 ( 135k)
Ron Evans speaks with NASA Instructor-Operator at spacecraft mission simulator console. 16 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-499 ( 195k)
Backup Commander John Young (blue shirt) uses a comm unit to talk with Gene Cernan (righthand Rover seat) while Jack Schmitt manipulates the LRV sampler. 24 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-441 ( 176k or 445k)
Gene Cernan at the Apollo 17 roll-out. He is wearing a white knit shirt with the dark collar and is facing the camera. 28 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-HC-686 ( 167k or 744k)
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan on the 1-g Rover Trainer, with Ron Evans in the background. They are preparing for a Public Relations photoshoot with the Saturn V in the background. 28 August 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-377 ( 83k )
Side view of Gene Cernan (top), Ron Evans, and Jack Schmitt posing on rollout day. 28 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-381 ( 104k )
Side view of Gene Cernan (seated), Jack Schmitt (standing left), and Ron Evans posing on rollout day. 28 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
72-H-1220 ( 130k or 947k )
Jack Schmitt (left), Gene Cernan, and Ron Evans on rollout day. Photo filed 28 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-HC-684 ( 130k or 777k )
Ron Evans (left), Gene Cernan, and Jack Schmitt next to the transporter on rollout day. Research by J.L. Pickering
72-H-1227 ( 128k or 389k )
Jack Schmitt (left) collects a sample with the LRV sampler during training at the Cape. He is leaning slightly to his right and has a grip on the accessory staff with his left hand for stability. He probably has turned his head inside the helmet so he can see what he is getting although, as he notes in a 2000 e-mail message: "The sampler was mainly just for collecting representative samples of regolith fines along the traverse route, so seeing what you grabbed was not critical most of the time." Note the maps mounted on the accessory staff and the SCB hanging below the maps. The SEP receiving antenna is behind Jack's head. Photo filed 28 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-HC-699 ( 214k or 1324k )
Jack Schmitt (left) holds the extension handle while Gene works with a drive tube, probably removing it from the extension handle. Gene's Sample Collection Bag (SCB) hangs open on the righthand side of his PLSS. Two drive tubes in stowed in sleeves in the SCB and a scoop head is stowed in a loop on the outside. Note the tool harness straps velcroed to the lefthand sides of both Gene's and Jack's LEVAs. Corresponding straps are on the righthand sides of both LEVAs. Note, also, that Gene and Jack each have a cuff checklist strapped to the wrist extension of the glove and a watch strapped farther up on the forearm. Each is wearing a Hasselblad mounted on the RCU with a pack of sample bags attached underneath. Research by J.L. Pickering
72-H-1226 ( 163k )
Gene Cernan (right) appears to be securing a velcro retainer over the rammer on the righthand side of Jack Schmitt's PLSS. See the EVA-1 Geoprep at 121:29:08. The rammer is used to press a follower securely against the top of the soil column in a drive tube. Jack is leaning on the geopallet at the back of the Rover. The SEP receiver and antenna are in the left foreground and the charge transporter is in the right foreground. Photo filed 28 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
72-H-1228 ( 197k or 1420k )
Jack Schmitt's adjusts his camera settings so he can take a cross-Sun "before" of a sample Gene will collect with the tongs. Jack has the scoop planted next to his right foot. Good view of Gene's cuff checklist. Photo filed 28 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-H-1229 ( 190k or 1326k )
Jack Schmitt (left) holds the extension handle while Gene Cernan work with an attached core tube during training at the Cape. Note the unused core tubes in Gene's open SCB. This picture reminds me of Alan Bean's wonderful painting Helping Hands. Photo filed 28 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
S72-48854 ( 191k or 772k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan collect samples on the rim of Lunar Crater, a volcanic feature in south-central Nevada. The caldera is about 1 kilometer in diameter and 180 meters deep. 6 September 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
S72-48859 ( 162k or 1201k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan examine a sample in the Pancake Range of south-central Nevada. 6 September 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
S72-48864 ( 159k or 1146k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan drive the Geologic Rover (Grover) during a field trip on the Pancake Range of south-central Nevada. Note that the TV camera is a minimalist mockup. Note, also, the barbed -wire fence just beyond them. 6 September 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-H-1512 ( 86k )
Gene Cernan (left) and Jack Schmitt in a LM simulator. Photo filed 17 September 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
S72-48887 ( 118k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan work at the back of the one-g LRV trainer during indoor training. Note the charge transporter mounted immediately behind Gene's seat. September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
S72-48888 ( 156k or 339k )
Gene Cernan (left) holds a sample bag for a soil sample that Jack Schmitt has collected with the scoop during training at the Cape. 13 September 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
S72-48889 ( 128k )
Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt conduct a simulated traverse at the Cape on the 1-g LRV trainer. September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
S72-48890 ( 141k )
Jack Schmitt stows the scoop on the back of the one-g LRV trainer. The SEP Receiver/Recorder package is immediately behind his seat. The seismic charge transporter is to Jack's left on top of the geopallet. the blue traverse gravimeter is on the back of the Rover to Jack's right. September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
S72-48891 ( 156k or 398k )
Jack Schmitt collecting a sample while Gene Cernan readies a sample bag. 13 September 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
S72-48892 ( 205k )
Jack Schmitt (left) and Gene Cernan on the 1-g trainer in an EVA training area that includes basalt boulders. September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
S72-49482 ( 131k or 685k )
Service Module Sim Bay cameras. Scan courtesy Mike Gentry, Jody Russell, and Kathy Strawn, NASA Johnson
S72-50271 ( 84k )
Backup CMP Stu Roosa practices retrieval of a film canister during a simulation of the Sim Bay EVA in the zero-g aircraft. September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
KSC-72PC-459BW ( 154k )
Ron Evans practices handing film cassette to LMP Harrison Schmitt, seated in spacecraft mockup housed within KC-135 aircraft during zero-gravity training. 21 September 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-436 ( 168k or 669k )
Jack Schmitt (standing left), Ron Evans (standing right), and Gene Cernan (seated) pose for a crew portrait. Jack is holding on to the low-gain antenna. The scoop can be seen mounted on the back of the 1-g trainer and, just below the scoop, the seismic charge transporter is immediately to Ron's left, mounted on the top of the geopallet. The Apollo 17 Saturn V is on Pad 39-A in the background. September 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-443 ( 164k)
Jack Schmitt (left), Ron Evans, and Gene Cernan pose for a crew portrait. The Apollo 17 Saturn V is on Pad 39-A in the background. September 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-498 ( 0.3 Mb or 4.5 Mb)
Jack Schmitt (left) brushes off Gene Cernan's boot during a training session. On the Moon, in one-sixth gravity and a fully pressurized suit, it would have been all but impossible for Jack to get this low wielding the brush. It is also unlikely that Gene would have been able to raise his leg as shown here. In practice, the best means of cleaning your boots was to jump up on the ladder and stamp your feet. Scan courtesy Margaret Persinger, KSC
S72-50268 ( 152k)
Jack Schmitt holds the SEP transmitter during a training flight in the 1/6th-g aircraft. On either side, below his hands, are two reels holding the antenna wires that he and Gene will lay along Rover tracks Gene will make at the deployment site. 19 September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-1285 ( 104k)
Gene Cernan works with the traverse gravimeter at the back of a Rover mockup during a flight in the 1/6th-g aircraft. Photo filed 19 September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-1286 ( 104k)
Jack Schmitt is working at his side of the Rover, perhaps attaching maps to the accessory staff during a flight in the 1/6th-g aircraft. Photo filed 19 September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
S72-50269 ( 138k)
This training photo shows Jack opening a packed rock box during a training exercise on the one-sixth-g aircraft at Patrick Air Force Base. Having opened the lid, he is now unfolding a Beta Cloth seal protector which will cover the sealing mechanism on the edge of the lid and the body. The part of the cloth that covers the seal on the body has a hole cut in it that gives access to the interior of the box. In the background at the left, Gene is training with the SEP equipment pallet. 19 September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
S72-50270 ( 176k )
On-board the 1/6th-g aircraft, Gene Cernan practices installation of the SEP receiver at the back of the Rover. 19 September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
72-H-1334 ( 92k )
Ron Evans practices retrieving a film canister during water EVA exercises at Building 5. Photo filed 3 October 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
S72-50438 ( 256k or 384k )
Jack Schmitt (left), Ron Evans (right), and Gene Cernan (seated) pose for a crew portrait. Gene is sitting in the Commander's seat of the one-g LRV trainer. Note the large dustbrush mounted on the front of the Rover, the rake and scoop stowed on the back, and the rack full of seismic charge mock-ups just aft of Gene. The Apollo 17 Saturn V is on Pad 39-A in the background and a mission patch is superimposed at the upper left. 10 October 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-H-1374 ( 88k )
Ron Evans (center) reviews a lunar mapping chart with CapCom Bob Overmyer (left) and geologist Farouk El Baz (right). Photo filed 16 October 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-1388 ( 92k)
Gene Cernan prepares for a checkout flight in the Lunar Landing Training Vehicle at Ellington AF Base. Photo filed 16 October 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
KSC-72PC-539 ( 192k or 641k)
Jack Schmitt consults a checklist in the LM simulator. Note the graph clipped to the yellow AOT guard. Journal Contributor Frank O'Brien tells us that it is "a polar-coordinate chart used to calculate rendezvous solutions. Specifically, this chart is for calculating Midcourse 1 and 2 after TPI. The chart is part of the LM Rendezvous Procedures manual, which was originally packaged with the LM Timeline manual." Note, also, the 16-mm movie camera mounted in Jack's window. 27 October 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-540 ( 153k or 628k)
Gene Cernan drapes the cords for the LM cabin utility lights on the handle of the rendezvous hatch. The two utility lights are just to the right of Jack Schmitt's right hand and are attached to the Alignment Optical Telescope (AOT) guard with clamps. These clamps will be put to use in attaching a replacement Rover fender at the start of EVA-2. See the discussion following 137:19:09. The overhead dump valve is just to the right and aft of the hatch handle. 27 October 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-541 ( 0.3 Mb or 3.9 Mb)
Gene Cernan drapes the cords for the LM cabin utility lights on the handle of the rendezvous hatch. The two utility lights are just to the right of Jack Schmitt's right hand and are attached to the Alignment Optical Telescope (AOT) guard with clamps. These clamps will be put to use in attaching a replacement Rover fender at the start of EVA-2. See the discussion following 137:19:09. The overhead dump valve is just to the right and aft of the hatch handle. 27 October 1972. Scan courtesy Margaret Persinger, KSC
72-H-1396 ( 95k)
Jack Schmitt briefs the press about the Apollo 17 landing site. Photo filed 1 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1410 ( 195k )
Jack Schmitt (left) returns to the one-g LRV trainer from the SEP transmitter. During the mission, he deployed the transmitter 140 meters east of the LM at the end of EVA-1. At the start of EVA-2 at 141:21:02 and at the start of EVA-3 at 164:14:15, while Gene drove out in the Rover, Jack ran out to the SEP transmitter to turn it on. Photo filed 2 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1411 ( 166k )
The astronaut in the LMP seat (left) deploys a seismic charge. See the discussion following 141:35:57. NASA caption for this photo says that the LMP is Jack Schmitt. However, the astronaut in the CDR seat (right) appears to be John Young, the back-up Commander, suggesting that it is Charlie Duke in the LMP seat. Having just returned from the Moon on Apollo 16 when they became the Apollo 17 back-up crew, Young and Duke did not participate in all the Apollo 17 training but, since they had not deployed seismic charges on their own mission, would have practiced this procedure. Photo filed 2 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1412 ( 231k )
Jack Schmitt pushes a geophone into the surface with his right foot. He has a cable reel attached to the UHT in his left hand. See geophone module photo S72-37259. See the discussion following 120:20:52. Photo filed 2 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1428 ( 167k )
Gene Cernan (left) holds the geology hammer. The scoop, which was usually used by Jack schmitt (right) has been stuck in the ground near the gnomon leg that holds the color/gray scale. Gene may have just put the gnomon in position, in which case Jack would wait to take a cross-Sun picture until Gene had stepped away far enough to get his shadow off the gnomon and sample. Photo filed 7 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-852 ( 137k or 838k )
Gene Cernan scratches his nose during suit-up prior to a Countdown Demonstration Test. Photo filed 21 November 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-851 ( 166k or 1502k )
Gene Cernan during suit-up prior to a Countdown Demonstration Test. Photo filed 21 November 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72P-511 ( 149k )
Gene Cernan during suit-up for the Countdown Demonstration Test. 21 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72P-508 ( 127k )
Jack Schmitt during suit-up for the Countdown Demonstration Test. 21 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-853 ( 150k or 897k )
Jack Schmitt during suit-up for the Countdown Demonstration Test. Photo filed 21 November 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-854 ( 123k or 656k )
A suit tech gets Ron Evans into his bubble helmet during suit-up for the Countdown Demonstration Test. Photo filed 21 November 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72P-512 ( 118k )
Apollo 17 crew walk to the transfer van for the Countdown Demonstration Test. 21 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-855 ( 142k or 661k )
Gene Cernan in the White Room on the launch tower for the Countdown Demonstration Test. Pad leader Guenter Wendt is immediately to Gene's left. Research by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1471 ( 253k )
NASA Caption: "FAR OUT COMMUNICATIONS -- Photograph shows the RCA communications systems that will ride on the lunar rover as it travels across the moon's surface during the Apollo 17 mission. the color TV camera works in conjunction with the television control unit to enable NASA controllers in Houston to operate the camera remotely. The Lunar Communications Relay Unit (LCRU) is a portable mini-broadcast station that allows the Astronauts to maintain voice contact with the earth and to transmit telemetry and TV signals from the moon. The high-gain antenna is 38 inches in diameter, uses a mesh design, and can be opened and folded a number of times. The camera, LCRU, and Antenna were designed and built by RCA divisions in Princeton, Camden, and Moorestown, N.J., respectively." Photo filed 24 November 1972 Scan by Frederic Artner
72-HC-865 ( 137k or 618k )
Ron Evans, shown wearing a quarantine mask, examines SIM bay from which he will retrieve mapping camera film cassettes during his EVA conducted en-route home from the Moon. Photo filed 29 November 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1460 ( 133k )
Gene Cernan (foreground), Ron Evans (middle distance), and Jack Schmitt (background) during suit up for the final portion of the week-long Countdown Demonstration Test. Photo filed 30 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1462 ( 95k )
Gene Cernan during suit up for the Countdown Demonstration Test. A detail shows the nose-scratching pad added around the feed port on the inside of the helmets for both Apollo 16 and 17. Another CDDT photo, ap17-72-HC-852, shows Gene rubbing his nose on the pad. Photo filed 30 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1464 ( 115k )
Ron Evans during suit up for the Countdown Demonstration Test. Photo filed 30 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-856 ( 155k or 1090k)
Launch Control Center. Research by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1468 ( 179k)
Launch Control Center during Apollo 17 Countdown Demonstration Test. Photo filed 21 November 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-866 ( 171k or 761k)
Gene Cernan (left), Ron Evans, and Jack Schmitt in front of full-scale lunar module mockup. Photo filed 1 December 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1499 ( 108k)
Gene Cernan (left) has the floor. Ron Evans is in shirtsleeves and Jack Schmitt is at the right. Photo filed 1 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-1500 ( 116k)
Jack Schmitt reads sign signaling that final launch preparations are proceeding on schedule toward a liftoff to the Moon. Photo filed 1 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
KSC-72PC-604 ( 0.3 Mb or 4.3 Mb)
Jack Schmitt at the controls of a T-38 jet aircraft. Scan courtesy Margaret Persinger, KSC
72-H-1501 ( 71k)
Jack Schmitt waves to ground crew personnel as he prepares to fly a T-38 jet aircraft on a training flight over the Spaceport area. Photo filed 2 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-1502 ( 81k)
Ron Evans affixes the Apollo 17 insignia to a T-38 jet aircraft at Patrick Air Force Base just south of the Kennedy Space Center. Photo filed 2 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-HC-869 ( 123k or 862k )
Ron Evans prepares to fly a T-38 jet aircraft over spaceport area to sharpen his flying skills. Photo filed 2 December 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
72-H-1503 ( 86k )
Gene Cernan affixes the Apollo 17 insignia to a T-38 jet aircraft at Patrick Air Force Base just south of the Kennedy Space Center. Photo filed 2 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
KSC-72PC-605 ( 132k )
Gene Cernan affixes the Apollo 17 insignia to a T-38. 2 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-1504 ( 100k )
Ron Evans and Gene Cernan at Patrick Air Force Base. Photo filed 2 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-HC-870 ( 132k or 1014k )
Gene Cernan (left), Ron Evans, and Jack Schmitt review mission plans. Photo filed 3 December 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
72-H-1505 ( 138k )
Gene Cernan (left), Ron Evans, and Jack Schmitt review mission plans. Photo filed 3 December 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
72-H-1508 ( 148k )
Jack Schmitt (left), Gene Cernan, and Ron Evans examine a commemorative display at the base of their Saturn V. Photo filed 4 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-1509 ( 128k )
Jack Schmitt (left), Ron Evans, and Gene Cernan at the base of their Saturn V during a visit to the pad. Photo filed 4 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-HC-872 ( 230k or 1389k )
Ron Evans (left), Jack Schmitt, and Gene Cernan pose on Swing Arm 9 during a visit to Pad 39-A. Photo filed 4 December 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-873 ( 148k or 963k )
Jack Schmitt (left), Ron Evans, and Gene Cernan at the base of their Saturn V during a visit to Pad 39-A. Photo filed 4 December 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-876 ( 154k or 659k )
Jack Schmitt (center), with Ron Evans and Gene Cernan to his immediate right, examine gear which will be stowed in the spacecraft. Photo filed 4 December 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72P-536 ( 153k )
Jack Schmitt writes "That's Rita Rapp on the right, so we must be looking at food and drink for the spacecraft." Dave Ballard, Apollo 17 Flight Crew Support Team Leader, adds " This was the last crew equipment review prior to final stowage in the Command Module. Like Jack says, in the first picture the crew is looking at a food locker with Rita graciously overseeing the results of her able efforts. Left to right: Gene Cernan; Jack Schmitt; a KSC Quality Control troop, name unknown; Bob Horne Crew Equipment Engineer from our support team; Ron Evans; and Rita Rapp, manager of the Apollo food group." 4 December 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-537 ( 144k )
Dave Ballard, Flight Crew Support Team Leader, writes "The crew is looking at some of the other stowage items, but I only recognize the emergency breathing masks at the right on the table. Left to right: Ray Malone, CSM Crew Station Engineer from our support team); Jack Schmitt, Bob Overmyer, astronaut support - we use to call them 'red shirts; Ron Evans; Bob Horne; Crew Equipment Engineer from our support team; Gene Cernan, Dave Ballard." Journal Contributor Ed Hengeveld calls attention to a clear, protective cover on the righthand side of the table that was worn over bubble helmet to keep it from getting scratch. Alan Shepard can be seen wearing one in Apollo 14 pre-flight photo KSC-70P-222. The protective cover only covered the forward three-quarters of the bubble helmet. 4 December 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering

Ballard adds "Within a day or so of this exercise, the final stowage would take place in the CSM with our team guys in the middle of it to assure everything met our requirements - no surprises! Guys like Ray Malone, the CSM Crew Station Engineer and Terry Neal, the LM Crew Station Engineer, Bob Horne and Gene Chase, the Crew Equipment Engineers spent months - traveling coast to coast - to make sure that the hundreds and hundreds of items called crew equipment met the crew requirements. Crew equipment included all things that had crew interface, like food, cameras, film, experiments, clothing, LiOH canisters, emergency items, hygene items, etc, etc, etc. The time our guys spent on these items started with active and somewhat assertive participation in the design reviews and testing of the items, formulating the proper stowage plan for particular missions, briefing/training the crews, writing procedures for flight, for vehicle interface testing, fit checks and final stowage, etc."

KSC-72C-5706BW ( 96k )
LM-12 ALSEP closeout photo, centered on the RTG fuel cask. 5 December 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72C-5243 ( 812k )
Pre-flight photo of Jack's suit. JSC suit expert Joe Kosmo tells us that the tabbed ring just above the black IV gloves is "a neoprene protective cover for the glove-side disconnect." Scan courtesy Ulrich Lotzmann.
KSC-72P-539 ( 123k )
(Clockwise from the bottom): Stu Roosa, Charles Buckley (head of security at the Cape), Alan Shepard, Deke Slayton, Charlie Duke, Dave Ballard, Jack Schmitt, Gene Cernan, and Ron Evans at the pre-launch dinner. 6 December 1972. Jack Schmitt writes, "I think we asked Buckley to join us, maybe because of the Black September situation in the world at that time." Black September was a Palestinian terrorist group which was responsible for an attack on the Olympic Village at the 1972 Munich Games and the death of ten Israeli athletes. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-612 aka 72-HC-877 ( 140k or 918k )
Ron Evans (right), Gene Cernan, and Jack Schmitt listen to Dave Ballard, the Apollo 17 Support Team Leader, at the pre-launch dinner. 6 December 1972. Research by J. L. Pickering
KSC-72P-544 ( 159k )
Gene Cernan (foreground), Ron Evans (middle distance), and Jack Schmitt (back) during suit-up for launch. Alan Shepard is standing at the left. 6 December 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-545 ( 140k )
Gene Cernan during suit-up for launch. 6 December 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
72-HC-878 ( 145k or 622k )
Gene Cernan undergoes final spacesuit pressure checks for launch. 6 December 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
72-HC-879 ( 139k or 606k )
Ron Evans relaxes during pre-launch spacesuit pressure checks. 6 December 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-546 ( 142k )
Ron Evans shakes hands with Deke Slayton during suit-up for launch. 6 December 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-547 ( 168k )
Alan Shepard jokes with Jack Schmitt during suit-up. 6 December 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-880 ( 171k or 951k )
Jack Schmitt undergoes final spacesuit pressure checks. 6 December 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
72-H-1516 ( 126k )
Gene Cernan waves to well-wishers on the walk to the elevator that will take the crew down to the transfer van. Photo filed 6 December 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-H-1517 ( 253k )
Gene Cernan stops a moment with his wife and daughter during the walkout to the van that will take the crew from the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building to the pad for launch. KSC Security Chief Charlie Buckley is on the right. Photo filed 6 December 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-881 ( 161k or 1110k )
Gene Cernan waits at the transfer van while Ron Evans says goodbye to his wife Jack Schmitt and Alan Shepard are behind Evans. 6 December 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-616 ( 178k or 1216k )
Ron Evans says goodbye to his wife while Gene Cernan waits at the transfer van. Photo filed 6 December 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-HC-891 ( 148k )
Gene Cernan in the White Room. Photo filed 6 December 1972. Scan by J. L. Pickering
72-HC-892 (aka KSC-72PC-626 and 72-H-1531) ( 148k or 959k )
Ron Evans in the White Room with close-out team members, preparing to enter the Command Module for launch. Photo filed 7 December 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-627 ( 163k or 1247k )
Close-out team members wish Gene Cernan well in the White Room. Photo filed 7 December 1972. Scan by Kipp teague
S72-53472 ( 156k or 749k )
Cartoon illustrating the operation of the Lunar Sounder, which Jack Schmitt describes as the 'grandaddy' of the Side-looking Imaging Radar (SIR) that flies on the Shuttle and other platforms.
S72-53950 ( 96k or 517k )
Pre-flight lab photo of the Surface Electrical Properties (SEP) transmitter. Scan courtesy Mike Gentry, Jody Russell, and Kathy Strawn, NASA Johnson.
S72-53951 ( 69k or 593k )
Pre-flight lab photo of the Surface Electrical Properties (SEP) transmitter, which was mounted on the Rover behind the LMP's seat. Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.
S72-53952 ( 175k or 772k )
Pre-flight lab photo of the Traverse Gravimeter without its blue external cover. Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.
S72-53953 ( 120k or 666k )
Pre-flight lab photo of the Traverse Gravimeter in its blue external cover. Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.


Vehicle Assembly, Transport, and Checkout on the Pad

KSC-70PC-610BW ( 151k )

Apollo 17 Saturn S-II stage arriving at KSC by barge. 27 October 1970. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-70PC-611BW ( 100k )
Apollo 17 Saturn S-II stage arriving at the VAB. 27 October 1970. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-184 ( 106k )
S-IC stage for Apollo 17 is moved to VAB following arrival on barge Poseidon. 11 May 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-276 ( 223k )
S-IC stage in the VAB. 15 May 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-275 ( 198k )
S-IC stage in the VAB. 15 May 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
72-HC-535 ( 186k )
S-IC stage in the VAB. Photo filed 15 May 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
72-H-841 ( 186k or 1444k )
Apollo 17 S-IC stage in the Vehicle Assembly Building. Photo filed 26 May 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague.
KSC-72P-301 ( 229k )
Apollo 17 Saturn stacking. 23 June 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-303 ( 237k )
Erection and stacking of Apollo 17 third stage. 23 June 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
SIVB-noID ( 157k )
Apollo 17 S-IVB stage being hoisted in VAB. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72C-1084 ( 124k )
Apollo 17 Command Module. Scan by J. L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-358 ( 155k )
Techs prepare the flight Rover for a final fit check. 4 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-359 ( 174k )
View of the MESA. The Rover, which is being prepared for a final fit check, is in the left background. 4 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-360 ( 192k )
Aft (left) and righthand sides of the LM. 4 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-441 ( 183k )
The Apollo 17 Lunar Module undergoes testing prior to being enclosed in the adapter that will house it during the first four hours of flight to the Moon. 16 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-454 ( 137k )
The Apollo 17 spacecraft (right) crosses paths with the S-IB booster intended for the first manned Skylab mission. 23 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-357 ( 149k )
Apollo 17 CSM and LM (inside the adapter) are mated to the Saturn V. 24 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72P-366 ( 175k )
Apollo 17 roll-out. 28 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
S72-48730 ( 158k or 1235k )
Apollo 17 roll-out. 28 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague.
72-HC-703 ( 312k )
Apollo 17 roll-out from the roof of the VAB. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-372C-448-54BW ( 212k )
Apollo 17 roll-out. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
KSC-72PC-426 ( 462k )
Apollo 17 roll-out. Scan by Kipp Teague.
KSC-72PC-429 ( 128k or 340k )
Apollo 17 on the crawlerway. Research by J.L. Pickering
S72-48729 ( 243k or 429k )
The Apollo 17 Saturn V being transported on the crawlerway. 28 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague.
KSC-72PC-430 ( 155k or 434k )
Apollo 17 on the crawlerway. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-372C-448-10BW ( 199k )
Ron Evans (left), Jack Schmitt, and Gene Cernan on the crawler during rollout. 28 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-435 ( 189k or 396k )
LUT and Apollo 17. Scan by Kipp Teague
Apollo 17 Rollout ( 114k )
LUT and Apollo 17. Scan by J.L. PIckering
KSC-72P-373 ( 154k )
Apollo 17 Saturn V climbs the ramp to pad 39A. 28 August 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
72-H-206 ( 144k or 516k )
Ground-level view of the Apollo 17 Saturn V. Photo filed 28 August 1972. Scans by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-444 ( 480k )
Ground-level view of the Apollo 17 Saturn V. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-431 ( 134k or 1100k )
Apollo 17 Saturn V on the Pad. 28 August 1972. Research by J.L. Pickering
72-HC-692 ( 158k )
Apollo 17 Saturn V on the Pad. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-445 ( 216k )
Ground-level view of the Apollo 17 Saturn V on Pad 39-A with the Moon visible just to the left of the vehicle about half way up. 28 August 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72P-394 ( 181k )
Wayne Parris, a support operations engineer, managed Mobile Launcher and Mobile Service Structure operations at KSC's Complex 39. 8 September 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
S72-48728 ( 145k )
Apollo 17 Saturn V on Pad 39-A. September 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
KSC-72P-466 ( 115k )
Two M-113 personnel carriers used by Boeing emergency egress crew are parked at the base of the mobile launcher during simulation of an emergency at the launch pad. 16 October 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72P-468 ( 186k )
Banks of xenon searchlights surrounding Complex 39's Pad A light the Apollo 17 space vehicle and mobile launcher during emergency egress training. 16 October 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering
72-H-1413 ( 143k)
Apollo 17 Lunar Module undergoes final checkout in the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building. We are looking at the aft strut, with the SEQ Bay to its right. Photo filed 2 November 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld
72-H-1420 ( 143k or 863k)
Apollo 17 Lunar Module undergoes final tests prior to stowage in the Saturn V adapter. Photo filed 7 November 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-H-1221 ( 307k)
Apollo 17 on launch pad 39A. Photo filed 6 November 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-H-1224 ( 117k)
Apollo 17 on launch pad 39A. Photo filed 6 November 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72C-5901 ( 121k or 307k)
Apollo 17 on the launch pad at night. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-588 ( 2.8Mb)
The Apollo 17 Saturn V at dusk. 21 November 1972. J.L. Pickering tells us - as indicated in a labelled detail, the presence of tape on the vertical joins between the four panels that make up part of the Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter means that this picture was taken in the lead-up to Countdown Demonstration Test. "It has always been my understanding that is was an added measure to keep dust and other contaminants out of the SLA while on the pad. I use it as an identifier to tell the difference between CDDT and launch day images. These are the only times that the upper portion of the stack is exposed while on the pad after rollout." Scan by J.L. Pickering
KSC-72PC-589 ( 108k)
The Apollo 17 Saturn V on Pad 39-A at dusk. 21 November 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-713 ( 88k or 162k)
The caption for this photo supplied by NASA indicates that this photo was taken on 6 December 1972, a few hours before launch. On that night, the moon was actually a crescent and, if the date is right, the full moon was necessarily added - for artistic effect - by double exposure or some other technique. (I own a lovely print of the Apollo 17 launch purchased at the National Air and Space Museum - which also includes a full moon...but without clouds and, as well, having the Moon in the north!) Journal Contributor Bill Mellberg has convinced me that KSC-72PC-713 was actually taken two weeks previously on the night of a full moon. He writes "This photo was shot from the east looking west. In other words, north is on the right side of the image. Which means the picture would have been taken in the wee hours of the morning. Right now, I am looking at the pre-launch Apollo 17 photo (72-H-1454) that I used on the title page of my book (Moon Missions). It also has a full moon but with the clouds having moved. Thus, I believe the Moon is real in KSC-72PC-713 -- only the date (in the caption supplied by NASA) is wrong. It should be 21 November 1972." Inaccurate dates are regrettably common in various NASA lists. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-H-1454 ( 108k)
The Apollo 17 Saturn V on Pad 39-A. Photo filed 21 November 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering


Saturn V Launch

72-HC-884 ( 144k)

Alabama Governor George Wallace waves to well wishers at the Kennedy Space Center during Apollo 17 pre-launch activities. Wallace, a controversial public figure, was paralyzed below the waist as a result of an assassin's attempt on his life at a 15 May 1972 Laurel, Maryland campaign appearance during his run for the Presidency. Research by J.L. Pickering
S72-54881 ( 121k or 567k )
Gene Kranz (center) briefs Neil Hutchinson (left) and Gerry Griffin (right) during the 2 hour 40 minute launch delay. 7 December 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
S72-55482 ( 68k )
Apollo 17 launch. This was the only night launch done during Apollo. 7 December 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague
72-H-1515 ( 62k or 815k )
Apollo 17 launch. Scan by Kipp Teague
KSC-72PC-621 ( 116k or 2 Mb )
Apollo 17 launch. Scan courtesy J.L. Pickering
AP17-LIFTOFF ( 144k )
Apollo 17 launch viewed from the launch tower. Scan by Kipp Teague
AP17-LIFTOFF ( 75k )
Apollo 17 launch. Scan by J.L. Pickering
AP17-LIFTOFF ( 74k )
Apollo 17 launch. Scan by J.L. Pickering
72-HC-888 ( 196k or 723k )
NASA caption: "Members of Government-Industry team that launched Apollo 17 Saturn V space vehicle applaud remarks by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew in launch control center." Research by J.L. Pickering


Mission Support Photos

S72-54999 ( 128k or 761k )

Seismologist Maurice Ewing examining data from the Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE). Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.
S72-55170 ( 140k or 798k )
John Young (left), Charlie Duke, Deke Slayton, Rocco Petrone, and Ron Blevins examine and discuss the prototype for the Rover replacement fender. Terry Neal, a member of the Apollo 17 Flight Crew Support Team, who led the effort and contributed the key idea of using the AOT clamps to attach the replacement fender to the Rover, was home catching up on sleep when this photo was taken. Dave Ballard, Flight Crew Support Team, write, "Ron Blevins was a member of the EVA training and procedures group. Ron actually worked for GE (General Electric Corporation), which had a support contract with NASA to supply skilled people to support the various elements of the Apollo program. Each mission had a NASA lead for EVA crew activities (Ballard, himself, for Apollo 17) and he had couple of GE guys assigned to him to help with the job of developing the myriad of procedures and conduct the training for all EVA activities for that particular flight. Ron was one of the GE guys assigned to the Apollo 17 EVA group.". Scan courtesy Mike Gentry, Jody Russell, and Kathy Strawn, NASA Johnson.]
Honeysuckle Creek Video of the SEP Deployment ( 103k )
Ed von Renouard, one of two Video Techs at the Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station near Canberra, Australia during Apollo took this photo at about 123:07:30. It shows his colleague, Video Tech Nevil Eyre, adjusting the signal being sent to Australia's Overseas Telecommunications Commission terminal in Oxford Street, Paddington (Sydney) for transmission onward. According to Colin Mackellar, editor of the Honeysuckle Creek website, von Renouard and Eyre alternated shifts on the missions after Apollo 11 and took turns taking pictures of each other. Jack Schmitt can be seen on the monitors deploying the SEP. Bear Mountain is in the distance. Scan courtesy Colin Mackellar.]
S72-55830 ( 111k )
The Apollo 17 Command Module America descends toward splashdown. 19 December 1972. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
S72-55834 ( 136k )
The Apollo 17 Command Module America moments before splashdown. 19 December 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague.
72-H-1550 ( 160k or 736k )
Apollo 17 descends toward splashdown. Photo filed 19 December 1972. Scan by Kipp Teague.
72-H-1552 ( 156k or 652k )
Helicopter-borne camera captures the Apollo 17 splashdown. Photo filed 19 December 1972. Research by Hamish Lindsay.
S72-55837 ( 178k )
Apollo 17's main parachutes collapse as the weight of the Command Module is removed at splashdown. 19 December 1972. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.


Mission Images by Magazine Number

Some images are currently available only as low-resolution scans provided by NASA Johnson in the mid-1990s. The individual scans have TARGA filenames. Markus Mehring has compiled cross-references between those filenames and the NASA photo ID designations customarily used. Other images are available as higher resolution scans from prints and, unless otherwise credited, were provided by Kipp Teague. Beginning in 2004, NASA began to provide scans from original film and, as they become available to the ALSJ, we are using them to replace all prior versions. These are presented at 300 dpi equivalent and are labeled "OF300".


Magazine 133/J (B&W) EVA-2, Frames 20193-20375

Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.

Used by Jack Schmitt during EVA-2 from the departure from Station 3 to the arrival back at the LM.

AS17-133-20193 (OF300) ( 114k or 1448k )

AS17-133-20194 (OF300) ( 118k or 1336k )
145:06:05 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Up-Sun image with a lot of glare.
AS17-133-20195 (OF300) ( 84k or 886k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. South Massif. Scarp
AS17-133-20196 (OF300) ( 121k or 1231k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-133-20197 (OF300) ( 133k or 1291k )
145:07:52, LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Approaching an isolated boulder encountered during the drive to Shorty.
AS17-133-20198 (OF300) ( 115k or 1307k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. The isolated boulder is on the right in the sun's glare.
AS17-133-20199 (OF300) ( 114k or 1270k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Poor image into the up-Sun glare. Isolated boulder at the center of the frame.
AS17-133-20200 (OF300) ( 138k or 1301k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Isolated boulder.
AS17-133-20201 (OF300) ( 139k or 1299k )
145:08:03 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Isolated boulder.
AS17-133-20202 (OF300) ( 136k or 1293k )
145:09:06 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-133-20203 (OF300) ( 121k or 1191k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20204 (OF300) ( 109k or 967k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20205 (OF300) ( 117k or 1009k )
145:10:39 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Approaching fragmental crater which is on the near horizon just below the low-gain antenna extension on the left.
AS17-133-20206 (OF300) ( 87k or 709k )
145:10:39 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Approaching fragmental crater. Gene is turning left.
AS17-133-20207 (OF300) ( 91k or 749k )
145:10:39 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Continuing the turn to get on rim of the fragmental crater.
AS17-133-20208 (OF300) ( 168k or 1184k )
145:10:39 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Debris on rim of the fragmental crater. Hanover Crater is on the flank of the North Massif directly above the TV camera. Gene's picture taken at the same location is AS17-137-20983. The location of this LRV-5 sample site is shown in a labelled screen grab from LROC QuickMap.
AS17-133-20209 (OF300) ( 139k or 1235k )
145:11:53, LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Coming off the ejecta blanket of the fragmental crater. Hanover Crater.
AS17-133-20210 (OF300) ( 132k or 1042k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20211 (OF300) ( 114k or 983k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20212 (OF300) ( 118k or 1024k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20213 (OF300) ( 112k or 962k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20214 (OF300) ( 131k or 1102k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20215 (OF300) ( 111k or 977k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20216 (OF300) ( 132k or 1127k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Note that this image - and subsequent ones - are less sharp than 20215 and prior images, particularly in the center. Indeed, Hanover Crater has a similar appearance in both 20215 and 20216, suggesting that Jack got some dust on the lens between frames.
AS17-133-20217 (OF300) ( 130k or 1273k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20218 (OF300) ( 124k or 1014k )
145:14:50 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. At about this location, Gene and Jack make a crew decision to make a quick stop for an extra LRV sample.
AS17-133-20219 (OF300) ( 121k or 1125k )
145:15:39 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20220 (OF300) ( 112k or 1085k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20221 (OF300) ( 114k or 1057k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20222 (OF300) ( 102k or 929k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20223 (OF300) ( 121k or 1206k )
145:19:47 LRV Traverse from Station 3 to 4. Shorty Crater is the dark feature on the near horizon at the right edge.
AS17-133-20224 (OF300) ( 122k or 1256k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20225 (OF300) ( 122k or 1279k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4.
AS17-133-20226 (OF300) ( 123k or 1308k )
LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Shorty is now hidden by an intervening ridge.
AS17-133-20227 (OF300) ( 122k or 1285k )
145:21:38 Jack took this picture during the approach to Station 4. The Station 4 boulder is on the near rim on the left, just below the low-gain antenna rear extension.
AS17-133-20228 (OF300) ( 118k or 1230k )
145:22:14 Jack took this final approach picture as Gene turned the Rover to a 045 heading facing the boulder.
AS17-133-20229 (OF300) ( 95k or 926k )
145:26:02 Station 4 pan. Frames 20229 to 20259 are Jack's pan taken at Shorty Crater. It is not certain whether he had started the pan before noticing the orange soil; but the dialog and the internal evidence of the pictures, particularly 20248 which shows Gene stowing the dustbrush long after Jack noticed the orange soil, indicate that Jack first saw the orange at about the time he started the pan. The scoop head is at the upper right. Note that the center of the image is blurred compared with the edges. This is consistent with the possibility that Jack got dust on the lens after taking 20215 during the traverse from Station 3.
AS17-133-20230 (OF300) ( 131k or 1199k )
Station 4 pan. South Massif.
AS17-133-20231 (OF300) ( 109k or 1073k )
Station 4 pan. Shorty boulder.
AS17-133-20232 (OF300) ( 106k or 1038k )
Station 4 pan. Shorty boulder. Scoop.
AS17-133-20233 (OF300) ( 115k or 991k )
Station 4 pan. West wall of Shorty. Scarp on North Massif.
AS17-133-20234 (OF300) ( 144k or 1200k )
Station 4 pan. Shorty. North Massif.
AS17-133-20235 (OF300) ( 123k or 1154k )
Station 4 pan. Shorty. North Massif.
AS17-133-20236 (OF300) ( 170k or 1370k )
Station 4 pan. Bottom of Shorty.
AS17-133-20237 (OF300) ( 187k or 1359k )
Station 4 pan. Bottom of Shorty.
AS17-133-20238 (OF300) ( 155k or 1170k )
Station 4 pan. Shorty. North Massif.
AS17-133-20239 (OF300) ( 196k or 1306k )
Station 4 pan. Bottom of Shorty.
AS17-133-20240 (OF300) ( 158k or 1154k )
Station 4 pan. Shorty. North Massif.
AS17-133-20241 (OF300) ( 147k or 1151k )
Station 4 pan. Bottom of Shorty.
AS17-133-20242 (OF300) ( 143k or 1295k )
Station 4 pan. East wall of Shorty. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-133-20243 (OF300) ( 149k or 1338k )
Station 4 pan. Boulders northeast of the Rover.
AS17-133-20244 (OF300) ( 132k or 1367k )
Station 4 pan. Up-Sun glare.
AS17-133-20245 (OF300) ( 142k or 1330k )
Station 4 pan. Gene's leg and a Sample Collection Bag (SCB)
AS17-133-20246 (OF300) ( 115k or 1318k )
Station 4 pan. Gene.
AS17-133-20247 (OF300) ( 116k or 1141k )
Station 4 pan. LRV. Gene at the front of the Rover.
AS17-133-20248 (OF300) ( 117k or 1187k )
145:27:34 This frame from Jack's Station 4 pan shows Gene replacing the dustbrush on the LCRU.
AS17-133-20249 (OF300) ( 110k or 845k )
Station 4 pan. LRV.
AS17-133-20250 (OF300) ( 100k or 835k )
Station 4 pan. Gene at his seat.
AS17-133-20251 (OF300) ( 148k or 1174k )
Station 4 pan. Crew shadows. LRV tracks.
AS17-133-20252 (OF300) ( 109k or 952k )
Station 4 pan. Crew shadows. LRV tracks.
AS17-133-20253 (OF300) ( 148k or 1281k )
Station 4 pan. Footprints.
AS17-133-20254 (OF300) ( 118k or 1088k )
Station 4 pan. South Massif. LRV tracks.
AS17-133-20255 (OF300) ( 131k or 1298k )
Station 4 pan. Near surface.
AS17-133-20256 (OF300) ( 105k or 1028k )
Station 4 pan. South Massif.
AS17-133-20257 (OF300) ( 84k or 1182k )
Down-sun of the gnomon and orange soil. By the time Jack completed the pan, Jack wasn't thinking about his f-stop setting and, because of his excitement, wasn't holding the camera steady. All of the remaining pictures he took at Shorty - frames 20257 to 20267 - are badly blurred and/or overexposed.. Fortunately, it was Gene's job to do most of the documentation photography and, therefore, we have an excellent set of down-Sun color photographs to provide coverage of the sampling activities. Note that, although he had already seen the orange soil, Jack's pan frames weren't blurred beyond that caused by the dust smudge that appears on all the frames after 20215.
AS17-133-20258 (OF300) ( 90k or 1256k )
Down-sun of the gnomon and orange soil. Overexposed and badly blurred.
AS17-133-20259 (OF300) ( 97k or 1325k )
145:28:15 Down-sun of the gnomon and orange soil. Overexposed and badly blurred.
AS17-133-20260 (OF300) ( 139k or 1777k )
145:31:28 Station 4 orange soil picture, overexposed and badly blurred.
AS17-133-20261 (OF300) ( 133k or 1638k )
Station 4, badly blurred.
AS17-133-20262 (OF300) ( 139k or 1647k )
Station 4, "locator"to the Rover. Badly blurred.
AS17-133-20263 (OF300) ( 129k or 1579k )
Trench. Badly blurred.
AS17-133-20264 (OF300) ( 128k or 1642k )
Station 4. Badly blurred, overexposed.
AS17-133-20265 (OF300) ( 127k or 1670k )
Station 4. Badly blurred, overexposed.
AS17-133-20266 (OF300) ( 87k or 1270k )
Station 4. Badly blurred, overexposed.
AS17-133-20267 (OF300) ( 136k or 1740k )
Station 4. Badly blurred, overexposed.
AS17-133-20268 (OF300) ( 133k or 1727k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5. Many of the pictures taken during this traverse suffer from up-Sun glare. This one is also blurred.
AS17-133-20269 (OF300) ( 115k or 1346k )
145:57:50 LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20270 (OF300) ( 116k or 1309k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20271 (OF300) ( 119k or 1280k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20272 (OF300) ( 132k or 1324k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5. Victory is above the TV camera.
AS17-133-20273 (OF300) ( 108k or 1272k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20274 (OF300) ( 117k or 1312k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20275 (OF300) ( 131k or 1300k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20276 (OF300) ( 126k or 1251k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20277 (OF300) ( 119k or 1254k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20278 (OF300) ( 114k or 1214k )
146:04:57 LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5. Approaching the rim of Victory Crater.
AS17-133-20279 (OF300) ( 116k or 1268k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20280 (OF300) ( 113k or 1320k )
146:07:51 LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5. This picture was taken to document the location of the seismic charge deployed at Victory Crater.
AS17-133-20281 (OF300) ( 121k or 1311k )
146:07:51 LRV pan at Victory. Up-Sun. First frame of the LRV pan.
AS17-133-20282 (OF300) ( 106k or 1197k )
LRV pan at Victory. East Massif.
AS17-133-20283 (OF300) ( 121k or 1311k )
LRV pan at Victory.
AS17-133-20284 (OF300) ( 140k or 1329k )
LRV pan at Victory.
AS17-133-20285 (OF300) ( 123k or 1127k )
LRV pan at Victory. South Massif.
AS17-133-20286 (OF300) ( 125k or 1054k )
LRV pan at Victory.
AS17-133-20287 (OF300) ( 112k or 1043k )
LRV pan at Victory.
AS17-133-20288 (OF300) ( 92k or 908k )
LRV pan at Victory.
AS17-133-20289 (OF300) ( 80k or 835k )
146:08:13 LRV pan at Victory. South Massif. Scarp. (West) Family Mountain.
AS17-133-20290 (OF300) ( 69k or 746k )
LRV pan at Victory.
AS17-133-20291 (OF300) ( 67k or 677k )
LRV pan at Victory. (West) Family Mountain is beyond the high-gain tail at the left and (Old) Family Mountain is above the TV camera. Inbound LRV tracks.
AS17-133-20292 (OF300) ( 83k or 752k )
LRV pan at Victory. North Massif. Hanover. LRV tracks.
AS17-133-20293 (OF300) ( 101k or 897k )
LRV pan at Victory. West arm of Victory. Victory Crater is probably made up of three overlapping craters that form a V shape.
AS17-133-20294 (OF300) ( 117k or 981k )
LRV pan at Victory. West arm of Victory.
AS17-133-20295 (OF300) ( 114k or 954k )
LRV pan at Victory.
AS17-133-20296 (OF300) ( 126k or 1127k )
LRV pan at Victory. This excellent picture shows both the east and west arms of Victory. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-133-20297 (OF300) ( 135k or 1240k )
LRV pan at Victory. East arm of Victory.
AS17-133-20298 (OF300) ( 140k or 1272k )
LRV pan at Victory.
AS17-133-20299 (OF300) ( 125k or 1299k )
LRV pan at Victory. Up-Sun.
AS17-133-20300 (OF300) ( 118k or 1293k )
146:09:50 LRV pan at Victory. Last frame of the pan.
AS17-133-20301 (OF300) ( 131k or 1295k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5. East Massif. Many of the pictures taken during this part of the traverse are degraded by up-Sun glare. The series starts at about 146:12:46 as Gene and Jack leave Victory, headed for Camelot Crater.
AS17-133-20302 (OF300) ( 109k or 1251k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20303 (OF300) ( 105k or 1312k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20304 (OF300) ( 112k or 1228k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20305 (OF300) ( 104k or 1201k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20306 (OF300) ( 118k or 1301k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20307 (OF300) ( 118k or 1307k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20308 (OF300) ( 115k or 1281k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20309 (OF300) ( 113k or 1267k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20310 (OF300) ( 111k or 1315k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20311 (OF300) ( 111k or 1322k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20312 (OF300) ( 110k or 1298k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20313 (OF300) ( 116k or 1301k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20314 (OF300) ( 112k or 1287k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20315 (OF300) ( 113k or 1296k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20316 (OF300) ( 120k or 1283k )
146:15:42 This traverse photo shows the LRV sampler, which Jack is getting ready for sample collection. The approximate location (LRV-8) is shown in Preliminary Science Report Figure 6-3 about 740 meters east of Victory.
AS17-133-20317 (OF300) ( 117k or 1304k )
Taken at nearly the same place as 20316.
AS17-133-20318 (OF300) ( 116k or 1265k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20319 (OF300) ( 115k or 1283k )
146:15:42 This traverse photo is one Jack took to document a sample he collected with the LRV sampler during a brief stop.
AS17-133-20320 (OF300) ( 114k or 1296k )
146:18:36 LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20321 (OF300) ( 119k or 1275k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20322 (OF300) ( 117k or 1261k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20323 (OF300) ( 138k or 1299k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20324 (OF300) ( 116k or 1297k )
LRV traverse from Station 4 to 5.
AS17-133-20325 (OF300) ( 115k or 1289k )
146:22:26 In this traverse photo, boulders on the rim of Camelot are visible in the up-Sun glare above the TV camera.
AS17-133-20326 (OF300) ( 112k or 1229k )
146:22:26 Gene will make his way around the boulder field on the southwest rim of Camelot. The southeast rim can be seen under the low-gain antenna handle on the lefthand side of the image. The East Massif dominates the horizon on the righthand side.
AS17-133-20327 (OF300) ( 130k or 1066k )
146:22:26 Gene is driving ESE, skirting the boulder field on the southwest rim of Camelot. The East Massif dominates the horizon.
AS17-133-20328 (OF300) ( 180k or 1260k )
146:36:27 Jack's down-Sun "before" of the first Station 5 sample. Gene's shadow is beyond the gnomon. Note that there doesn't seem to be any blurring at the center of the image as had been noted in frames starting with 20216. There is no indication in the dialog that either Jack or Gene cleaned Jack's camera lens between then and now. However, a comparison between AS17-133-20364, which Jack will take during the drive back to the LM, and AS17-135-20569, which he took in the same general direction at the beginning of the EVA, clearly indicates that Jack's lens was dusty for all of the EVA after he took AS17-133-20215.
AS17-133-20329 (OF300) ( 165k or 1380k )
146:36:27 Jack turned to take a "locator" toward the Rover.
AS17-133-20330 (OF300) ( 189k or 1453k )
146:40:18 Station 5. Flightline stereo from the east at the first Station 5 sample location.
AS17-133-20331 (OF300) ( 192k or 1390k )
Station 5. Flightline stereo from the east at the first Station 5 sample location.
AS17-133-20332 (OF300) ( 215k or 1494k )
Station 5. Flightline stereo from the east at the first Station 5 sample location.
AS17-133-20333 (OF300) ( 217k or 1496k )
Station 5. Flightline stereo from the east at the first Station 5 sample location.
AS17-133-20334 (OF300) ( 191k or 1391k )
Station 5. Flightline stereo from the east at the first Station 5 sample location.
AS17-133-20335 (OF300) ( 141k or 1118k )
Station 5. Flightline stereo from the east at the first Station 5 sample location.
AS17-133-20336 (OF300) ( 161k or 1339k )
146:41:17 Station 5. "Locator" for sample 5055.
AS17-133-20337 (OF300) ( 139k or 1145k )
146:44:18 Station 5. Down-Sun "before" for samples 5060 and 5075.
AS17-133-20338 (OF300) ( 152k or 1376k )
146:44:18 Station 5. Sample 5060 and 5075 "locator".
AS17-133-20339 (OF300) ( 98k or 921k )
146:49:09 First frame of Jack's Station 5 pan taken from just east of the Rover not long before he and Gene leave. Down-Sun of the near surface. Jack's shadow and, on the righthand side, the shadow of his SCB.
AS17-133-20340 (OF300) ( 124k or 1099k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. View of the righthand flank of the South Massif.
AS17-133-20341 (OF300) ( 103k or 966k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. Rightward of 20340. View across the back of the Rover toward the area where Jack and Gene sampled large boulders on the rim of Camelot. In a detail, Gene can be seen beyond the back of the seats.
AS17-133-20342 (OF300) ( 118k or 1006k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. Rightward of 20341. View across the Rover toward the area where Jack and Gene sampled large boulders on the rim of Camelot. Note the aiming of the low-gain and high-gain antennas, which are both pointed at Earth. In 2012, Journal Contributor Danny Caes noted that the back of Gene's PLSS is visible behind the righthand explosive package on the back of the Rover.
AS17-133-20343 (OF300) ( 158k or 1218k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. Rightward of 20342, showing the front of the Rover and the bootprints Gene made while aiming the high-gain. The southwestern portion of Camelot is on the right with the North Massif in the background.
AS17-133-20344 (OF300) ( 168k or 1344k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. Rightward of 20343, view across Camelot with the North Massif in the background. The camera appears to have been in motion while the shutter was open.
AS17-133-20345 (OF300) ( 203k or 1435k )
Station 5 pan. West and north walls of Camelot.
AS17-133-20346 (OF300) ( 208k or 1392k )
Station 5 pan. North wall of Camelot. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-133-20347 (OF300) ( 199k or 1365k )
Station 5 pan. North wall of Camelot. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-133-20348 (OF300) ( 156k or 1332k )
Station 5 pan. East wall of Camelot.
AS17-133-20349 (OF300) ( 178k or 1445k )
Station 5 pan. East rim of Camelot.
AS17-133-20350 (OF300) ( 176k or 1446k )
Station 5 pan. East rim of Camelot, Sculptured Hills.
AS17-133-20351 (OF300) ( 161k or 1330k )
Station 5 pan. Up-Sun.
AS17-133-20352 (OF300) ( 173k or 1448k )
Station 5 pan. Up-Sun.
AS17-133-20353 (OF300) ( 151k or 1303k )
Station 5 pan. East Massif.
AS17-133-20354 (OF300) ( 156k or 1335k )
Station 5 pan. East Massif.
AS17-133-20355 (OF300) ( 186k or 1409k )
Station 5 pan. Near surface toward the east.
AS17-133-20356 (OF300) ( 179k or 1252k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. View toward the East Massif (left) and Bear Mountain (center).
AS17-133-20357 (OF300) ( 168k or 1242k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. Rightward of 20356, with Bear Mountain on the left and the east slope of the South Massif on the right. Motion blurred.
AS17-133-20358 (OF300) ( 181k or 1243k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. Rightward of 20357, view to the south with the east slope of the South Massif on the right.
AS17-133-20359 (OF300) ( 137k or 1161k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. Rightward of 20358, view toward the South Massif summit ridge.
AS17-133-20360 (OF300) ( 101k or 942k )
146:49:09 Jack's Station 5 pan. Rightward of 20359, view toward the righthand side of the South Massif.
AS17-133-20361 (OF300) ( 138k or 1333k )
146:51:46 Up-Sun. Similar to 20353.
AS17-133-20362 (OF300) ( 114k or 1210k )
146:55:39 LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. Up-Sun photo toward the Sculptured Hills.
AS17-133-20363 (OF300) ( 145k or 1363k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. East rim of Camelot.
AS17-133-20364 (OF300) ( 117k or 1302k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. East rim ejecta.
AS17-133-20365 (OF300) ( 118k or 1298k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. Rover tracks.
AS17-133-20366 (OF300) ( 128k or 1307k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM.
AS17-133-20367 (OF300) ( 123k or 1134k )
147:02:04 LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. North Massif. Gene turns north for the deployment of a seismic charge.
AS17-133-20368 (OF300) ( 117k or 1153k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. Gene comes east again. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-133-20369 (OF300) ( 130k or 1346k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. LM. Geophone Rock.
AS17-133-20370 (OF300) ( 130k or 1355k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. LM. Geophone Rock.
AS17-133-20371 (OF300) ( 114k or 1327k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. Up-Sun glare.
AS17-133-20372 (OF300) ( 123k or 1337k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. LM.
AS17-133-20373 (OF300) ( 125k or 1324k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. LM.
AS17-133-20374 (OF300) ( 127k or 1212k )
LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. East Massif. Compare with AS17-145-22184.
AS17-133-20375 (OF300) ( 107k or 890k )
147:04:17, LRV traverse from Station 5 to the LM. Partial frame of the East Massif.


Magazine 134/B (Color) EVA-1, EVA-3, Frames 20376-20532
Unless otherwise noted, all images processed by Kipp Teague from raw scans provided by NASA Johnson. Images labeled "OF300" are from the original film and are presented at the equivalent of 300 DPI on an 7.5 inch by 7.5 inch reproduction.
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Used by Jack Schmitt during EVA-1 and by Gene Cernan during both EVA-1 and EVA-3.


Calibration Chart (OF300) ( 220k or 732k )

AS17-134-20376 (OF300) ( 56k or 508k )

118:18:20 EVA-1 at the LM. LRV floor.
AS17-134-20377 (OF300) ( 200k or 1100k )
118:23:25 EVA-1 at the LM. LM, LRV, flag. Gene is to the left of the flag but is not holding it.
AS17-134-20378 (OF300) ( 212k or 1200k )
118:23:20 EVA-1 at the LM. Gene is standing east of the flag, holding the lower corner and saluting. Note (1) the LM behind Gene and (2) the LRV behind the flag.
AS17-134-20378/9 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 793k )
Red-blue anaglyph by Patrick Vantuyne.
AS17-134-20379 (OF300) ( 204k or 1100k )
118:23:20 EVA-1 at the LM. Gene is standing east of the flag, saluting. Note the LM behind the flag and the LRV behind Gene. The handle of his geology hammer is sticking out of a shin pocket on his right leg.
AS17-134-20380 (OF300) ( 216k or 1200k )
118:23:20 EVA-1 at the LM. Gene is standing west of the flag, saluting. Note the LM behind the flag and the LRV behind Gene. The handle of his geology hammer is sticking out of a shin pocket on his right leg.


Gene borrows the camera to take Jack's portrait with the flag.


AS17-134-20381 (OF300) ( 140k or 920k )

118:25:18 Jack is standing to the left of the flag, with the LRV and the MESA in the background.
AS17-134-20382 (OF300) ( 156k or 936k )
118:25:18 Jack is standing to the left of the flag, with the LRV and the MESA in the background.
AS17-134-20383 (OF300) ( 100k or 648k )
118:25:18 Close-up of the flag with part of Jack's helmet at the upper left and of the South Massif at the lower left.
AS17-134-20384 (OF300) ( 92k or 652k )
118:25:54 EVA-1 at the LM. This is an excellent portrait of Jack with the U.S. flag and the Earth. We get a good view of Jack's chest-mounted RCU and the camera bracket. Using planetarium program Starry Night Deluxe, we see that, had cloud cover over the southwestern Pacific been lighter, Antarctica would have been visible at the left and Australia would have been coming into view over the top. Four hours later, Earth's rotation would bring Australia to center stage.


Jack resumes his photography using magazine 134.


AS17-134-20385 (OF300) ( 84k or 612k )

118:26:32 Gene holds the lower corner of the U.S. flag with the South Massif in the background. Good view of the OPS release on the side of his RCU.
AS17-134-20386 (OF300) ( 120k or 848k )
118:26:32 EVA-1 at the LM. Gene is holding a corner of the flag and saluting. We see the LRV (Lunar Roving Vehicle) in the background and, on his chest, the "Red Apple" purge valve actuator. He has the geology hammer in his right shin pocket. Ken Glover notes that Gene's face ( 140k ) can be seen thru the gold visor in this picture and, more clearly, in 20387.
AS17-134-20387 (OF300) ( 84k or 600k )
118:26:38 EVA-1 at the LM. Photo of Gene with the Earth above him. Note the antenna on the top of his OPS and the OPS activation ring mounted on the right side of his chest-mounted RCU. Gene is holding the lower corner of the American flag. Note the checklist on the top of his glove, and the watch strap on his arm, just above the top of his glove. Ken Glover notes that Gene's face ( 236k ) can be seen thru the gold visor in this picture and in 20386.
AS17-134-20388 (OF300) ( 236k or 1300k )
118:30:03 During his inspection of the LM, Jack notices that the lower orange Mylar on the rear leg, just above the foot pad, is folded slightly. This could indicate that Gene stroked the gear during touchdown. If so, it would have been a first and Jack took this picture for documentation purposes.
AS17-134-20389 (OF300) ( 172k or 928k )
118:31:52 EVA-1 at the LM. View of the front of the Rover from next to the CDR's seat. LCRU mirror, TV camera, dustbrush, TCU, battery covers, LRV sampler cups.


This magazine is not used again until over three hours later, when Gene uses it during the first traverse.


AS17-134-20390 (OF300) ( 148k or 900k )

121:56:26 During the first part of the traverse to Station 1, Gene drives east about a half kilometer until he gets to the east end of three overlapping craters collectively called Trident. He then turns south, stops to check the map, and takes this picture toward Bear Mountain. Jack takes AS17-136-20727 from the same spot.
AS17-134-20391 (OF300) ( 176k or 1100k )
121:56:26 Gene takes this traverse photo at some point during the drive toward Steno.
AS17-134-20392 (OF300) ( 168k or 1100k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. East Massif.
AS17-134-20393 (OF300) ( 172k or 992k )
121:03:37 Gene took this photo as he was maneuvering to park at Station 1. Wessex Cleft is in the distance beyond the high-gain antenna. Jack took AS17-136-20728 just before Gene took 20393.
AS17-134-20394 (OF300) ( 180k or 1100k )
122:10:18 Cross-sun "before" from the south. The Station 1 crater is immediately beyond the boulder.
Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 516k )
Gene knocked pieces off an edge on the crater side and one off the near side.. Anaglyph from 20394 and 20395 by Eric Nelson.
Before/After Animation ( 352k )
Gene knocked pieces off an edge on the crater side and one off the near side.. Animation from 20394 and 20396 by Yuri Krasilnikov.
AS17-134-20395 (OF300) ( 192k or 1200k )
121:10:18 Gene stepped to his right to take this stereo companion to 20394.
AS17-134-20396 (OF300) ( 180k or 1000k )
121:16:54 Cross-sun "after" from the south, showing the locations from which Gene broke off samples of the boulder.
AS17-134-20397 (OF300) ( 232k or 1200k )
121:17:56 Cross-sun "before" from the south of a boulder containing a contact between portions with different degrees of vesicularity. AS17-134-20403 is a close-up "after" of the contact.
AS17-134-20398 (OF300) ( 244k or 1400k )
121:17:56 Gene stepped to his right to get this stereo-companion to 20397.
AS17-134-20399 (OF300) ( 244k or 1300k )
121:17:56 Cross-Sun "after" of the contact boulder.
AS17-134-20400 (OF300) ( 112k or 716k )
122:21:34 Station 1. Second boulder "locator" to the LRV. The photo is degraded by up-Sun glare.
AS17-134-20401 (OF300) ( 200k or 1100k )
122:23:13 Station 1. Close-up with tongs used to measure distance for focusing.
AS17-134-20402 (OF300) ( 212k or 1100k )
122:23:13 Station 1. Close-up.
AS17-134-20403 (OF300) ( 184k or 1008k )
122:23:13 EVA-1 at the Station 1. At 122:17:22 Gene noticed this rock in which "the vesicularity changes from a hummocky vesicularity to a very fine vesicular." This is one of four post-sample close-ups Gene took, using tongs to get the distance right. The approximate location of the contact between the two parts of the rock is labeled in a detail.
AS17-134-20404 (OF300) ( 200k or 1100k )
122:23:13 Station 1. Close-up.
AS17-134-20405 (OF300) ( 248k or 1400k )
122:25:31 Station 1. "Before" photo of the rake site.
AS17-134-20406 (OF300) ( 264k or 1400k )
122:25:31 Station 1. "Before" of the rake site. LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20407 (OF300) ( 272k or 1500k )
122:25:31 Station 1. "Before" of the rake site. LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20408 (OF300) ( 208k or 1400k )
122:26:14 Station 1 pan. Wessex Cleft, Sculptured Hills.
AS17-134-20409 (OF300) ( 140k or 888k )
Station 1 pan. LRV tracks, Sculptured Hills.
AS17-134-20410 (OF300) ( 120k or 768k )
Station 1 pan. Up-Sun glare, LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20411 (OF300) ( 108k or 708k )
Station 1 pan. Up-Sun, LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20412 (OF300) ( 104k or 696k )
Station 1 pan. LRV tracks, up-Sun glare.
AS17-134-20413 (OF300) ( 188k or 1300k )
Station 1 pan. East Massif, LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20414 (OF300) ( 192k or 1400k )
Station 1 pan. East Massif, LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20415 (OF300) ( 192k or 1400k )
Station 1 pan. LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20416 (OF300) ( 196k or 1700k )
Station 1 pan. LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20417 (OF300) ( 196k or 1600k )
Station 1 pan. LRV tracks, Bear Mountain.
AS17-134-20418 (OF300) ( 180k or 1200k )
Station 1 pan. Bear Mountain, LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20419 (OF300) ( 156k or 1000k )
Station 1 pan. South Massif, large boulders, LRV tracks.
AS17-134-20420 (OF300) ( 144k or 832k )
Station 1 pan. LRV, South Massif.
AS17-134-20420/1 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1538k or 141k )
Red-blue anaglyph by Erik van Meijgaarden.
AS17-134-20421 (OF300) ( 136k or 764k )
Station 1 pan. LRV, South Massif. Note that, while he is raking, Jack has his scoop mounted on the Rover gate.
AS17-134-20422 (OF300) ( 100k or 648k )
Station 1 pan. LRV, Seismic Charge 6.
AS17-134-20423 (OF300) ( 100k or 692k )
Station 1 pan. LRV, Seismic Charge 6, sampled boulders.
AS17-134-20424 (OF300) ( 96k or 652k )
Station 1 pan. Seismic Charge 6. Jack with the rake.
AS17-134-20425 (OF300) ( 112k or 760k )
122:26:14 This frame is from Gene Cernan's Station 1 pan shows Jack shaking soil out of the rake after making a swath through the surface soil. A detail shows the LMP decal on the side of Jack's camera above the handle.
AS17-134-20426 (OF300) ( 140k or 752k )
In the course of taking his pan, Gene turned slightly to his right before taking this second picture of Jack with the rake. Note that Jack has completely shaken the soil out and is left with a large collection of small rocks. Note the decals on Jack's camera body. There is an 'LMP' decal on the side just above the handle and another 'LMP' decal on the top just aft of the lens. Decals can also be seen on the top of the magazine. One of Jack's magazines is in the Smithsonian collection at the National Air and Space Museum. Photo by Jim Remar; courtesy Allan Needell.
AS17-134-20427 (OF300) ( 180k or 1100k )
Station 1 pan. Gnomon.
AS17-134-20428 (OF300) ( 196k or 1200k )
Station 1 pan. Gnomon, North Massif. The LM Ascent Stage can be seen at the foot of the North Massif at the center of the picture. See, also, a detail.
AS17-134-20429 (OF300) ( 184k or 1100k )
Station 1 pan. North Massif. The LM is at the left edge.
AS17-134-20430 (OF300) ( 184k or 1200k )
Station 1 pan. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-134-20431 (OF300) ( 204k or 1500k )
122:27:33 Station 1 pan. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-134-20432 (OF300) ( 260k or 1400k )
122:30:27 Station 1. Rake "after".
AS17-134-20433 (OF300) ( 160k or 976k )
122:42:15 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Seismic charge 7 "locator".
AS17-134-20434 (OF300) ( 172k or 1100k )
122:42:15 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Seismic charge 7 "locator".
AS17-134-20435 (OF300) ( 96k or 800k )
123:01:05 SEP site. This is Gene's photo from the end of the east arm of the SEP transmitter array, showing Jack at end of west arm. Also visible are the SEP transmitter, the LRV, the LM, Geophone Rock, and the ALSEP.
AS17-134-20436 (OF300) ( 236k or 2500k )
123:04:03 SEP site. This is Gene's photo from the end of the north arm of the SEP transmitter array, showing Jack on the south arm beyond the transmitter. A brighter version shows additional details.
AS17-134-20437 (OF300) ( 184k or 1400k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This frame from Gene's SEP partial pan gives a view down the southern arm of the array that Gene marked out with the Rover. The SEP transmitter antenna wire is in the righthand wheel track. The eastern arm is in the foreground with the antenna wire in the nearest wheel track.
AS17-134-20438 (OF300) ( 148k or 832k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This frame from Gene's SEP partial pan shows Jack reaching down to open the solar panels on the SEP transmitter. Because of the stiffness of the suit, Jack can only reach this low by putting his right leg back and leaning to the side.
AS17-134-20439 (OF300) ( 156k or 852k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This frame from Gene's SEP partial pan shows Jack as he deploys the SEP transmitter.
AS17-134-20440 (OF300) ( 140k or 764k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This frame from Gene's SEP partial pan shows Jack as he deploys the SEP transmitter.
AS17-134-20441 (OF300) ( 124k or 668k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This frame from Gene's SEP partial pan shows Jack's left arm and leg on the left and the LM on the right.
AS17-134-20442 (OF300) ( 96k or 596k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This frame from Gene's SEP partial pan is centered on the LM with Geophone Rock, the US flag, and the ALSEP site in the background. Jack's shadow is on the left.
AS17-134-20443 (OF300) ( 84k or 516k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This frame from Gene's SEP partial pan shows the front end of the Rover with the US flag and the ALSEP site in the background on the left side of the image. This is one of the few pictures taken on the Moon showing the LCRU controls, which are labeled in a detail.
AS17-134-20444 (OF300) ( 116k or 636k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This frame from Gene's SEP partial pan shows the back of the Rover, including the charge transporter behind Gene's seat. Note that the pitch/roll indicator on the near side of the console is in its normal pitch orientation.
AS17-134-20445 (OF300) ( 140k or 812k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This frame from Gene's SEP partial pan shows the north arm of the SEP transmitter antenna.
AS17-134-20446 (OF300) ( 176k or 1000k )
123:06:24 SEP site. This final frame from Gene's SEP partial pan shows the north arm of the SEP transmitter antenna.
AS17-134-20447 (OF300) ( 116k or 688k )
123:06:24 Gene took this picture during the drive back to the LM from the SEP site. Jack is near the north (plus-Y) footpad.
AS17-134-20448 (OF300) ( 160k or 968k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to the LM.
AS17-134-20449 (OF300) ( 16k or 168k )
AS17-134-20450 (OF300) ( 56k or 992k )
AS17-134-20451 (OF300) ( 44k or 444k )


This magazine was used again by Gene Cernan during EVA-3.


AS17-134-20452 (OF300) ( 124k or 744k )

168:47:03 Station 9. Jack mounting LRV, sunstruck.
AS17-134-20453 (OF300) ( 176k or 1008k )
168:47:03 The second of three photos Gene took of Jack jumping into the LMP Rover seat. Good view of the segmented mirror on the top of the TV camera. Jack has the LRV sampler in his right hand. Note the seismic charge transporter mounted behind Gene's seat, just in front of the rake. Both the low-gain and high-gain antennas are pointed at Earth. The East Massif is in the distance. A labeled detail shows a Velcro strap used to secure the high-gain antenna lead to the high-gain mast. A second detail shows the low-gain antenna lead now secured to something on Gene's side of the console.
AS17-134-20454 (OF300) ( 104k or 692k )
Station 9. Jack mounting LRV.
AS17-134-20455 (OF300) ( 88k or 592k )
169:01:36 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Documentation photo toward west for an LRV sample. Compare with Jack's photo AS17-143-21894.
AS17-134-20456 (OF300) ( 88k or 588k )
169:04:29 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. The LM is just under the extension of the high-gain antenna.
AS17-134-20457 (OF300) ( 88k or 568k )
169:12:28 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Compare with Jack's photo AS17-143-21924, SEP transmitter is to the right of the high-gain mast.
AS17-134-20458 (OF300) ( 92k or 588k )
169:15:01 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. "Locator" to the LM. Note that the relative lack of darkness of Rover tracks. Photos taken at the SEP site - AS17-134-20438, for example, show a similar lack of darkening.
AS17-134-20459 (OF300) ( 84k or 556k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Note the relative darkness of Rover tracks.
AS17-134-20460 (OF300) ( 96k or 640k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Approaching the LM.
AS17-134-20461 (OF300) ( 76k or 568k )
169:30:33 EVA-3 at the LM. First of a series Gene took from north of the LM. This excellent photograph shows a half Earth over the LM.
AS17-134-20462 (OF300) ( 116k or 692k )
169:30:33 EVA-3 close-out at the LM. Gene took this photograph from north of the LM, showing Jack at the Rover. The object leaning against the north strut is the SEP pallet. Geophone Rock is right of Jack and the ALSEP Central Station is near the righthand edge of the image. The South Massif (left) and (West) Family Mountain (left) are in the background.
AS17-134-20463 (OF300) ( 112k or 660k )
169:30:33 EVA-3 close-out at the LM. Excellent photograph of the Earth over the LM, showing a group of three-axis thrusters and the associated plume deflector. A view created with planetarium program Starry Night Deluxe shows how Earth would have looked with fewer clouds. Research by Ricardo Salamé.
AS17-134-20464 (OF300) ( 68k or 544k )
169:30:33 EVA-3 close-out at the LM. Earth over the LM.
AS17-134-20465 (OF300) ( 72k or 712k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Earth over the flag.
AS17-134-20466 (OF300) ( 84k or 624k )
169:30:33 EVA-3 close-out at the LM. Excellent photograph of the Earth over the U.S. flag.
AS17-134-20467 (OF300) ( 172k or 972k )
EVA-3 at the LM. This is a good picture of Jack at the Rover.
AS17-134-20468 (OF300) ( 168k or 972k )
EVA-3 at the LM. MESA with flag.
AS17-134-20469 (OF300) ( 100k or 776k )
169:30:33 EVA-3 close-out at the LM. Close-up of the LM flag decal.
AS17-134-20470 (OF300) ( 152k or 1400k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Flag decal on the LM.
AS17-134-20471 (OF300) ( 60k or 420k )
169:33:49 EVA-3 close-out at the LM. Jack, low-gain antenna, Earth. Note the raised position of Jack's gold visor
AS17-134-20472 (OF300) ( 148k or 796k )
169:33:49 This picture shows Jack working at the CDR's seat at the end of EVA-3. The photo show the high-gain sighting scope - the black object at the upper right. Jack has just removed magazine Karen from the camera equipped with the 500mm lens. Journal Contributor Ben Zarlingo notes that the open back of a camera can be seen at bottom center in 20472 - presumably the 500mm camera. Jack has the magazine he's just removed in his left hand.


Jack returns the favor by taking more photos of Gene. He will keep this camera/magazine for the rest of the EVA.


AS17-134-20473 (OF300) ( 76k or 520k )

169:39:17 EVA-3 at the LM. Gene, LRV, Earth. Poor picture.
AS17-134-20474 (OF300) ( 144k or 820k )
169:39:46 EVA-3 at the LM. Gene at the Rover. Close-up of front of the LRV, TV camera.
AS17-134-20475 (OF300) ( 140k or 816k )
169:39:17 Jack got the camera from Gene and took a number of pictures of Gene at the Rover. Note the bright pattern on the high-gain antenna, which is sunlight reflected off the top of the TV camera.

In a 2005 discussion with Don McMillan, we were able to explain the shadowing on the antenna. In a detail from 20475, the radial ribs are numbered '1r' clockwise around to '12r' and the outer seams of the mesh from '1s' clockwise to '12s'. Looking at the shadow between ribs 3r and 4r, we see the outer edge of the shadow being cast by seam 3s. This segment of the 3s shadow edge is labeled 3sa. The 3s shadow continues onto with mesh between ribs 4r and 5r. The continuation is labeled 3sb and ends when we getto the shadow of rib 2r. Next clockwise, we see the shadow of seam 2s which falls on the panel between 4r and 5r and continues on the pane between 5r and 65 until we get the the shadow of rib 1r. And so on. Finally, note that, if the antenna wasn't made of mesh and was, instead, made of completely opaque material, panels 4s around to 10s would be copletely shadowed. 12s, 1s, and 2s would be completely illuminated while only portions of 11s and 3s would be in direct sunlight. Consider panel 5s, which is between ribs 4r and 5r. No part of this panel is in full sun. The part outside the 3sb and 2sa shadow edges, the side of the mesh facing away from us is in full sun, but only part of that incident light makes it through by reflecting toward the camera by the mesh wires. On the shadowed part of pan 5s, we are seeing light that made it through panel 2s only 5s and then through 5s to the camera.

AS17-134-20476 (OF300) ( 156k or 864k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Gene at the Rover.
AS17-134-20477 (OF300) ( 156k or 844k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Good picture of Gene at the Rover. Note the large boulders in background which are south of Geophone Rock.
AS17-134-20478 (OF300) ( 136k or 772k )
169:40:10 EVA-3 at the LM. Gene at the Rover. In this picture, we can see Jack's discarded self-doffing straps.
AS17-134-20479 (OF300) ( 144k or 824k )
169:40:15 EVA-3 at the LM. Gene at the Rover.
AS17-134-20480 (OF300) ( 140k or 1004k )
169:47:19 EVA-3 at the LM. Gene with the plaque cover at the ladder. Note dirt on suit. Note also, that Jack will keep Gene's camera for the rest of the EVA so that he can take color pictures of the ALSEP while Gene takes the Rover out to the VIP site. Gene will take Jack's camera with a black & white magazine.
AS17-134-20481 (OF300) ( 132k or 840k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Plaque picture.
AS17-134-20482 (OF300) ( 120k or 712k )
169:46:38 EVA-3 at the LM. Plaque picture.
AS17-134-20483 (OF300) ( 120k or 684k )
EVA-3 at the LM. LM, best of plaque pictures.
AS17-134-20484 (OF300) ( 104k or 596k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Plaque picture.
AS17-134-20485 (OF300) ( 72k or 432k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Plaque picture.
AS17-134-20486 (OF300) ( 100k or 604k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Plaque picture.
AS17-134-20487 (OF300) ( 116k or 712k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Plaque picture.
AS17-134-20488 (OF300) ( 128k or 852k )
169:46:38 This close-up of the plaque also shows Gene's very dirty gloves and the bands holding his checklist and watch. Journal Contributor Ricardo Salamé notes that the Sample Return Bag (also known as the Big Bag) can be seen hanging from the ladder hook behind the lefthand side of the bottom rung.
AS17-134-20489 (OF300) ( 152k or 836k )
169:57:49 Jack Schmitt ALSEP photo from the north side of the Central Station toward Geophone Rock.
AS17-134-20490 (OF300) ( 208k or 1100k )
169:57:49 Jack Schmitt ALSEP photo of the lower portion of the north side of the Central Station.
AS17-134-20491 (OF300) ( 156k or 904k )
169:57:49 Jack Schmitt ALSEP photo. Down-Sun photo of the Central Station with the Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG) in the background to the right. Note the red adjustment wheels on the antenna mast and the experiment attachment hardware on the top surface. The gold-colored foil curtain provides thermal protection.
AS17-134-20492 (OF300) ( 276k or 1500k )
170:10:47 Jack Schmitt ALSEP photo. West heat flow hole from west. Note the rock that Gene used to make the bend in the cable. The heat-flow electronics package is in the background.
AS17-134-20493 (OF300) ( 224k or 1200k )
170:10:47 Jack Schmitt ALSEP photo. "Locator" to the Central Station from the west heat flow hole. Geophone Rock is on the right, with Bear Mountain beyond it in the distance.
AS17-134-20494 (OF300) ( 260k or 1400k )
170:10:47 Jack Schmitt ALSEP photo. Jack stepped to his left to get this stereo companion to 20493.
AS17-134-20495 (OF300) ( 240k or 1300k )
170:10:55 Jack Schmitt ALSEP photo. First frame is a cross-Sun stereo pair of the east heat-flow hole.
AS17-134-20496 (OF300) ( 212k or 1200k )
170:10:55 Jack Schmitt ALSEP photo. Jack stepped to his left to get this stereo-companion to 20495.
AS17-134-20497 (OF300) ( 128k or 764k )
ALSEP. Down-Sun of the east heat flow hole. LSG, HFE, west hole in background, cable from the Central Station.
AS17-134-20498 (OF300) ( 128k or 736k )
170:12:10 ALSEP. Cross-Sun of the Lunar Mass Spectrometer from the south, poor exposure.
AS17-134-20499 (OF300) ( 124k or 704k )
ALSEP. Down-Sun picture of the Lunar Mass Spectrometer (LMS) with the RTG and Central Station in the background. The Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG) is in the background beyond and to the right of the Central Station. The trash pile is to the left.
AS17-134-20500 (OF300) ( 108k or 636k )
ALSEP. Similar to 20499. The North Massif dominates the right side of the picture.
AS17-134-20501 (OF300) ( 172k or 968k )
ALSEP. Up-Sun of the LSG.
AS17-134-20502 (OF300) ( 128k or 752k )
ALSEP. Jack took this photo to document the orientation and leveling of the LSG.
AS17-134-20503 (OF300) ( 172k or 920k )
170;14:37 ALSEP. Treadle-and-jack, thermal protector of neutron probe, Central Station, RTG, shielding rock, Geophone Rock. This picture seems to have been taken at a 7-foot focus.
AS17-134-20504 (OF300) ( 192k or 1000k )
ALSEP, Treadle-and-jack. 11-foot focus.
AS17-134-20505 (OF300) ( 184k or 1016k )
ALSEP, Treadle-and-jack, drill stem rack, Central Station.
AS17-134-20506 (OF300) ( 136k or 844k )
170:17:35 Jack may have taken this photo of the LM while waiting for Houston to decide if they needed him to do anything else at the ALSEP site before returning to the LM. A detail shows Gene in the distance working at the Rover at the VIP site.
AS17-134-20507 (OF300) ( 152k or 916k )
170:25:26, This photo may be a locator to the LM taken by Jack Schmitt after sampling an 'exotic' on his way back to the LM from the ALSEP site at the end of EVA-3. The U.S. flag is to the left (north) of the LM and Gene Cernan can be seen in the distance working around the Rover at the VIP site.
AS17-134-20508 (OF300) ( 180k or 1200k )
170:26:44 This is one of several pictures that Jack took of the LM and flag on his way back from the ALSEP site for close-out at the end of EVA-3. The East Massif provides a backdrop.
AS17-134-20508/9 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 665k or 127k )
Red-blue anaglyph by Erik van Meijgaarden.
AS17-134-20509 (OF300) ( 180k or 1100k )
EVA-3 at the LM. LM, flag, missing from UNM collection, similar to 20508, but better.
AS17-134-20510 (OF300) ( 172k or 1000k )
EVA-3 at the LM. LM, flag, missing from UNM collection, similar.
AS17-134-20511 (OF300) ( 192k or 1100k )
EVA-3 at the LM. LM, flag, missing from UNM collection, similar.
AS17-134-20512 (OF300) ( 164k or 1004k )
EVA-3 at the LM. LM, flag, missing from UNM collection, similar.
AS17-134-20513 (OF300) ( 200k or 1100k )
EVA-3 at the LM. LM, flag, missing from UNM collection.


The remaining frames were taken inside the LM cabin after the end of EVA-3.


AS17-134-20514 (OF300) ( 95k or 1483k )

174:28:03 LM Interior. Gene, dark photo enhanced for this presentation.
AS17-134-20515 (OF300) ( 94k or 1480k )
LM Interior. Gene, dark photo enhanced for this presentation. Further enhancement ( 736k ) shows more detail.
AS17-134-20516 (OF300) ( 81k or 11072k )
LM Interior. Blurred photo of Gene wearing his biosensors.
AS17-134-20517 (OF300) ( 88k or 1269k )
LM Interior. Blurred photo of Gene.
AS17-134-20518 (OF300) ( 105k or 1602k )
LM Interior. Blurred photo of Gene.
AS17-134-20519 (OF300) ( 66k or 1019k )
LM Interior. Open mouth photo of Gene.
AS17-134-20520 (OF300) ( 87k or 1510k )
LM Interior. Gene, dark photo enhanced for this presentation.
AS17-134-20521 (OF300) ( 91k or 1422k )
LM Interior. Best of the blurred photos of Gene.
AS17-134-20522 (OF300) ( 101k or 1570k )
LM Interior. Slightly blurred photo of Gene with a more serious expression.
AS17-134-20522/5 Composite ( 2.5 Mb or 0.2 Mb )
This composite by Ed Hengeveld gives a wide view of the cabin interior as seen from Jack's station. With the suits piled on the ascent engine cover, the cabin is quite full.
AS17-134-20523 (OF300) ( 0.1 Mb or 1.7 Mb )
LM Interior. Helmets and suits on the engine cover. Note the soft-sided stowage bags.
AS17-134-20524 (OF300) ( 108k or 1301k )
174:28:03 Jack took this photo of the helmets and suits piled on the Ascent Engine cover after the completion of EVA-3.
AS17-134-20525 (OF300) ( 68k or 788k )
LM Interior. Similar to 20523.
AS17-134-20525/6 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 436k or 113k )
Red-blue anaglyph by Erik van Meijgaarden.
AS17-134-20526 (OF300) ( 71k or 1198k )
LM Interior. Suits, dark.
AS17-134-20527 (OF300) ( 99k or 1452k )
LM Interior. Jack, dark photo.
AS17-134-20528 (OF300) ( 104k or 1376k )
LM Interior. Jack, dark photo. See also, an enhanced version.
AS17-134-20529 (OF300) ( 72k or 1045k )
LM Interior. Jack, dark photo. See also, an enhanced version.
AS17-134-20530 (OF300) ( 93k or 1089k )
173:19:58 Gene took this photo of Jack after they were out of their suits after EVA-3.
AS17-134-20531 (OF300) ( 103k or 1220k )
LM Interior. Jack wearing a more thoughtful expression. See also, an enhanced version.
AS17-134-20532 (OF300) ( 64k or 1175k )
LM Interior. Jack, dark photo. See also, an enhanced version.


Magazine 135/G (B&W) EVA-2, Frames 20533-20680
Unless otherwise noted, all images processed by Kipp Teague from raw scans provided by NASA Johnson. Images labeled "OF300" are from the original film and are presented at the equivalent of 300 DPI on an 7.5 inch by 7.5 inch reproduction.
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Used by Jack Schmitt during EVA-2.


Calibration Chart (OF300) ( 220k or 732k ) AS17-135-20533 (OF300) ( 154k or 1447k )

141:23:00 SEP site at the start of EVA-2. While waiting for Gene to drive out and join him, Jack decided to do a little sampling but had a little trouble with his camera while trying to take documentation photographs. Frames 20533 to 20537 are photos of the area from which he collected sample 0255, taken at "random focuses and exposures".
AS17-135-20534 (OF300) ( 191k or 1491k )
SEP site. Sample 0255, "random focuses and exposures".
AS17-135-20535 (OF300) ( 183k or 1423k )
SEP site. Sample 0255, "random focuses and exposures".
AS17-135-20536 (OF300) ( 210k or 1570k )
SEP site. Sample 0255, "random focuses and exposures".
AS17-135-20537 (OF300) ( 212k or 1601k )
SEP site. Sample 0255, "random focuses and exposures".
AS17-135-20538 (OF300) ( 98k or 1011k )
141:23:00 SEP site. "Locator" to the LM. Gene is on the LRV but hasn't started to drive.
AS17-135-20539 (OF300) ( 304k or 1805k )
SEP site. Cross-Sun showing the raindrop pattern. This is the location of sample 0275.
AS17-135-20540 (OF300) ( 294k or 1837k )
SEP site, Cross-Sun showing the raindrop pattern.
AS17-135-20541 (OF300) ( 113k or 1049k )
141:25:02 SEP site, Sample 0275 "locator". Gene is driving out from LM. The rooster tail thrown back by the LRV wheels is visible.
AS17-135-20542 (OF300) ( 143k or 1028k )
141:27:08 SEP site. Jack's down-Sun photo of the LRV at the SEP initialization point. The replacement fender is at the right rear, with the two clamps used to hold it on clearly visible. The gray cross is the tape used to hold together the four maps from which the fender was made. The Traverse Gravimeter is the gray box just inboard of the replacement fender. Gene is sitting in the left-hand seat and, behind his OPS, we can see the Seismic Charge Transporter and, on the back of the gate, a Sample Collection Bag (SCB) and the scoop and the rake. (West) Family Mountain is in the distance above the gravimeter and the South Massif is beyond Gene.
AS17-135-20543 (OF300) ( 77k or 580k )
SEP site. Similar to 20542.
AS17-135-20544 (OF300) ( 164k or 1259k )
141:27:08. SEP site. LRV from the south. This photo shows Gene in the left seat at the start of EVA-2 and provides a good view of his PLSS and OPS. The SEP transmitter is to the right of the Rover and the North Massif is in the background. Note the long track made on the face of the mountain by the large boulder slightly above and to the right of the rake. A detail shows what appears to be a loop of Velcro intended to secure the low-gain antenna lead to the accessory staff. At 164:34:45, early in the EVA-3 traverse, Jack mentions that the lead was loose and that it was getting in the way - possibly of Gene putting LRV sample bags into the SCB hanging from the accessory staff.
AS17-135-20544/5 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 512k or 200k )
Red-blue anaglyph by Erik van Meijgaarden.
AS17-135-20545 (OF300) ( 188k or 1321k )
SEP site. Rightward of 20544
AS17-135-20546 (OF300) ( 193k or 1302k )
SEP site. Rightward of 20545.
AS17-135-20547 (OF300) ( 127k or 1040k )
141:28:31 SEP site. LRV view from the southeast.
AS17-135-20548 (OF300) ( 162k or 1250k )
SEP site. LRV view from the southeast. Also in view are the Rover tracks that Gene laid out as a guide for deployment of the SEP transmitter antenna wires.
AS17-135-20549 (OF300) ( 166k or 1256k )
SEP site. LRV, SEP array tracks, North Massif boulder track.
AS17-135-20550 (OF300) ( 81k or 802k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Approaching the LM.
AS17-135-20551 (OF300) ( 75k or 734k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Partly buried boulder northeast of the LM. U.S. flag.
AS17-135-20552 (OF300) ( 123k or 981k )
141:33:10 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene is headed south - toward the South Massif - to get around Geophone 4. The large boulders in this photo are south of Geophone Rock.
AS17-135-20553 (OF300) ( 97k or 778k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Large boulders south of Geophone Rock.
AS17-135-20554 (OF300) ( 115k or 934k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Large boulders south of Geophone Rock.
AS17-135-20555 (OF300) ( 74k or 715k )
141:34:00 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. (West) Family Mountain is beyond the high-gain tail and (Old) Family Mountain is above the TV camera.
AS17-135-20556 (OF300) ( 90k or 792k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20557 (OF300) ( 67k or 624k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20558 (OF300) ( 78k or 729k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20559 (OF300) ( 96k or 883k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20560 (OF300) ( 108k or 925k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20561 (OF300) ( 95k or 826k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20562 (OF300) ( 79k or 726k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20563 (OF300) ( 92k or 822k )
141:36:52 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. LRV pan for seismic charge.
AS17-135-20564 (OF300) ( 102k or 842k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. LRV pan for seismic charge.
AS17-135-20565 (OF300) ( 116k or 921k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. LRV pan for seismic charge.
AS17-135-20566 (OF300) ( 131k or 981k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. LRV pan for seismic charge.
AS17-135-20567 (OF300) ( 140k or 995k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. LRV pan for seismic charge. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-135-20568 (OF300) ( 138k or 979k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. LRV pan for seismic charge.
AS17-135-20569 (OF300) ( 130k or 1231k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. LRV pan for seismic charge. Geophone Rock, LM, and the boulders that Gene just skirted.
AS17-135-20570 (OF300) ( 73k or 723k )
141:41:13 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. The traverse resumes. (West) Family Mountain is on the horizon above the TV camera.
AS17-135-20571 (OF300) ( 101k or 875k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20572 (OF300) ( 90k or 824k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20573 (OF300) ( 79k or 772k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20574 (OF300) ( 76k or 723k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20575 (OF300) ( 63k or 603k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Above the TV camera, (West) Family Mountain is disappearing below the rim of Camelot Crater.
AS17-135-20576 (OF300) ( 78k or 721k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2
AS17-135-20577 (OF300) ( 118k or 1003k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Large boulders on the Camelot rim.
AS17-135-20578 (OF300) ( 90k or 803k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20579 (OF300) ( 83k or 712k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20580 (OF300) ( 91k or 782k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene turns south.
AS17-135-20581 (OF300) ( 92k or 824k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2
AS17-135-20582 (OF300) ( 76k or 734k )
141:40:41 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene is driving west, approaching ejecta boulders immediately east of Camelot Crater.
AS17-135-20583 (OF300) ( 62k or 572k )
141:40:41 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene is driving west, approaching ejecta boulders immediately east of Camelot Crater.
AS17-135-20584 (OF300) ( 55k or 482k )
141:40:41 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene is driving west, approaching ejecta boulders immediately east of Camelot Crater. The South Massif is in the distance on the left and (West) Family Mountain is just to the right of the TV camera.
AS17-135-20585 (OF300) ( 80k or 740k )
141:40:41 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene is driving west, approaching the east rim of Camelot of Camelot Crater.
AS17-135-20586 (OF300) ( 86k or 812k )
141:40:41 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene is driving west, approaching the east rim of Camelot of Camelot Crater. The sunlit, east-facing face of the Scrap can be seen as a bright streak just below the horizon on the right.
AS17-135-20587 (OF300) ( 74k or 669k )
141:40:41 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Approach to the east rim of Camelot of Camelot Crater. Note the patch of boulders in the distance slightly to the right and just above the TV camera.
AS17-135-20588 (OF300) ( 78k or 726k )
141:42:23. Gene and Jack have just reached the rim of Camelot. The large group of boulders where they will do Station 5 at the end of the EVA is beyond the piece of the high-gain assembly that extends diagonally into the picture from the left.
AS17-135-20589 (OF300) ( 81k or 759k )
141:42:30. Gene is turning the Rover to the right so Jack can take two photos of the interior of Camelot Crater.
AS17-135-20590 (OF300) ( 90k or 813k )
141:42:30. Jack's second photo of the interior of Camelot.
AS17-135-20591 (OF300) ( 98k or 818k )
141:43:03. Gene has turned toward the south before returning his westward heading toward Hole-in-the-Wall. The crater may be the one Jack describes for Houston.
AS17-135-20592 (OF300) ( 103k or 845k )
141:43:25. Gene is now skirting the Station 5 boulder field, which is at right-center. He is on a more westerly heading to still to the south of the heading to Hole-in-the Wall.
AS17-135-20593 (OF300) ( 113k or 862k )
141:43:25. Gene is still skirting the Station 5 boulder field and has turned even more to the south.
AS17-135-20594 (OF300) ( 111k or 935k )
141:44:03. Gene is still skirting the Station 5 boulder field but on a more westerly heading.
AS17-135-20595 (OF300) ( 86k or 788k )
141:44:21. Gene is now on a heading toward Hole-in-the-Wall. The boulders on the right are near the southwest rim of Camelot.
AS17-135-20596 (OF300) ( 78k or 716k )
141:44:21. The number of boulders starts to decrease as they get farther from Camelot. Individual boulders can be traced from frame to frame as Gene maintains a relatively steady heading.
AS17-135-20597 (OF300) ( 106k or 917k )
141:44:21. Traverse from Camelot toward Horatio.
AS17-135-20598 (OF300) ( 74k or 720k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. They are now out of the Camelot ejecta. The scarp and the South Massif are visible ahead.
AS17-135-20599 (OF300) ( 86k or 764k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20600 (OF300) ( 95k or 855k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20601 (OF300) ( 98k or 897k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20602 (OF300) ( 117k or 965k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20603 (OF300) ( 110k or 933k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20604 (OF300) ( 117k or 1033k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20605 (OF300) ( 106k or 935k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20606 (OF300) ( 74k or 700k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20607 (OF300) ( 77k or 707k )
141:46:09 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Horatio Crater may be at the right.
AS17-135-20608 (OF300) ( 122k or 1052k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20609 (OF300) ( 99k or 847k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Notice the severe tilt to the right. Horatio may be the crater at the right edge of the frame.
AS17-135-20610 (OF300) ( 141k or 1172k )
141:49:47 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20611 (OF300) ( 103k or 860k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20612 (OF300) ( 91k or 849k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20613 (OF300) ( 86k or 801k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20614 (OF300) ( 71k or 714k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Good view of the scarp in front of (West) Family Mountain.
AS17-135-20615 (OF300) ( 110k or 978k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2
AS17-135-20616 (OF300) ( 69k or 677k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Good scarp picture.
AS17-135-20617 (OF300) ( 65k or 652k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20618 (OF300) ( 74k or 730k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20619 (OF300) ( 107k or 958k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20620 (OF300) ( 62k or 605k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20621 (OF300) ( 65k or 653k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20622 (OF300) ( 73k or 694k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20623 (OF300) ( 81k or 759k )
141:53:41 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. They are approaching a secondary crater - made by the low-velocity impact of a piece of ejecta from a high-velocity, primary impact elsewhere - from which they will collect sample 2135.
AS17-135-20624 (OF300) ( 90k or 769k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Approaching the secondary crater.
AS17-135-20625 (OF300) ( 80k or 704k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Approaching the secondary crater.
AS17-135-20626 (OF300) ( 99k or 789k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Approaching the secondary crater.
AS17-135-20627 (OF300) ( 85k or 724k )
141:56:12 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. This photograph documents the sample location. Compare with Gene's photo AS17-137-20895.
AS17-135-20628 (OF300) ( 134k or 1097k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene turns south to get back on course toward Hole-in-the-Wall.
AS17-135-20629 (OF300) ( 93k or 869k )
141:57:50 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. This may be a photo of Bronte Crater.
AS17-135-20630 (OF300) ( 112k or 1001k )
141:58:29 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. This photo gives a good view of the Scarp trace on the North Massif and of Hanover Crater, which is next to the Scarp trace.
AS17-135-20631 (OF300) ( 99k or 912k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. A contrast-enhanced detail ( 292k ) shows some detail of the scarp face against the background of the lower slopes of the South Massif.
AS17-135-20632 (OF300) ( 74k or 725k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20633 (OF300) ( 73k or 700k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20634 (OF300) ( 75k or 751k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20635 (OF300) ( 87k or 802k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20636 (OF300) ( 85k or 795k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20637 (OF300) ( 76k or 520k )
142:04:10 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. They have driven onto the eastern tongue of the landslide-produced, white mantling material that is easily seen in orbital pictures. On the ground, the only sure way of telling that they are on the white mantle is to notice that the crater rims are brighter than they were outside the landslide area.
AS17-135-20638 (OF300) ( 87k or 845k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20639 (OF300) ( 97k or 877k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20640 (OF300) ( 119k or 1037k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. This photo contains some good examples of craters with brighter walls.
AS17-135-20641 (OF300) ( 91k or 863k )
142:04:53 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. They will collect an LRV sample - 2140 - on the light mantle and are approaching the area from which they will collect it.
AS17-135-20642 (OF300) ( 79k or 801k )
142:05:00 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Approaching the LRV sample site.
AS17-135-20643 (OF300) ( 72k or 720k )
142:06:21 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. This photo documents the sample location. Compare with Gene's photo AS17-137-20896.
AS17-135-20644 (OF300) ( 83k or 824k )
142:06:39 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20645 (OF300) ( 113k or 965k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20646 (OF300) ( 112k or 989k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20647 (OF300) ( 73k or 712k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20648 (OF300) ( 78k or 777k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20649 (OF300) ( 111k or 879k )
142:12:34 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. They have stopped to take a sample - 2155 - in the area between the eastern tongue of the landslide and the main landslide runout. This "locator" provides a good view of the Scarp as it runs up onto the North Massif near Hanover Crater. Similar to Gene's picture AS17-137-20897.
AS17-135-20650 (OF300) ( 56k or 558k )
142:15:00 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20651 (OF300) ( 77k or 747k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20652 (OF300) ( 90k or 869k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20653 (OF300) ( 88k or 837k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20654 (OF300) ( 78k or 787k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20655 (OF300) ( 85k or 862k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20656 (OF300) ( 83k or 867k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20657 (OF300) ( 93k or 908k )
142:24:17 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. This photograph is the first in an excellent sequence showing the drive to and up Hole-in-the-Wall. Gene has made a turn to the south.
AS17-135-20658 (OF300) ( 82k or 805k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20659 (OF300) ( 126k or 1022k )
LRV Traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Looking south toward Hole-in-the-Wall. Note the bright crater just right of center. This crater is near the top of Hole-in-the Wall and is be visible in many of the pictures that Jack takes during the drive to the top of the Scarp.
AS17-135-20660 (OF300) ( 143k or 1246k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Driving toward the bright crater.
AS17-135-20661 (OF300) ( 163k or 1323k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Driving toward the bright crater.
AS17-135-20662 (OF300) ( 96k or 803k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene has turned a bit to the west since the last picture.
AS17-135-20663 (OF300) ( 67k or 680k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Still climbing and pointed still more to the west.
AS17-135-20664 (OF300) ( 97k or 933k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2
AS17-135-20665 (OF300) ( 95k or 948k )
142:29:45 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. At the top of Hole-in-the-Wall.
AS17-135-20666 (OF300) ( 156k or 1304k )
142:31:02 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Turning south toward Nansen.
AS17-135-20667 (OF300) ( 142k or 1248k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20668 (OF300) ( 148k or 1220k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20669 (OF300) ( 150k or 1196k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20670 (OF300) ( 165k or 1363k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2.
AS17-135-20671 (OF300) ( 155k or 1280k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Coming over a rise toward Nansen Crater.
AS17-135-20672 (OF300) ( 148k or 1278k )
142:34:01 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2, Station 2 just out of sight below the central fiducial. The big crater mentioned in the dialog is at the left.
AS17-135-20673 (OF300) ( 176k or 1267k )
142:35:59 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Gene has swung to the south for a moment.
AS17-135-20674 (OF300) ( 151k or 1343k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. This photo shows the trough that runs along the base of the South Massif. The Station 2 boulders are the two large ones at the right edge of the picture. The big crater mentioned in the dialog is at the left, farther up the slope.
AS17-135-20675 (OF300) ( 127k or 1234k )
142:42:15 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Approaching Station 2.
AS17-135-20676 (OF300) ( 78k or 926k )
142:50:40 Station 2, LRV seat.
AS17-135-20677 (OF300) ( 103k or 1106k )
Station 2, LRV Seats.
AS17-135-20678 (OF300) ( 95k or 1032k )
Station 2, LRV Floor.
AS17-135-20679 (OF300) ( 100k or 1275k )
Station 2, LRV Floor. Sunstruck.
AS17-135-20680 (OF300) ( 209k or 1402k )
LRV Floor? Sunstruck.


Magazine 136/H (B&W) EVA-1, Frames 20681-20865
Unless otherwise noted, all images processed by Kipp Teague from raw scans provided by NASA Johnson. Images labeled "OF300" are from the original film and are presented at the equivalent of 300 DPI on an 7.5 inch by 7.5 inch reproduction.
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Used by Jack Schmitt during EVA-1.



AS17-136-20682 (OF300) ( 138k or 1041k )
120:54:26 ALSEP, LRV seat, lightstruck.
AS17-136-20683 (OF300) ( 162k or 936k )
120:55:55 ALSEP pan. Jack's shadow, near surface, LRV track. Frames 20683 to 20710 are a pan Jack took north of the Central Station and is a repeat of the one he was taking when he ran out of film on Magazine 147/A.
AS17-136-20684 (OF300) ( 162k or 902k )
120:55:55 ALSEP pan. Down-Sun of Jack's shadow, near surface.
AS17-136-20685 (OF300) ( 176k or 912k )
120:55:55 ALSEP pan. The geophone 2 flag is beyond and slightly to the left of the foreground rock.
AS17-136-20685-86 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1.4 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20686 (OF300) ( 131k or 771k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20685. South Massif. (West) Family Mountain above Jack's shadow.
AS17-136-20686-87 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.7 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20687 (OF300) ( 89k or 628k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20686, with (West) Family Mountain directly down-Sun and (Old) Family Mountain to the right.
AS17-136-20687-88 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1.1 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20688 (OF300) ( 101k or 669k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20687, with (West) Family Mountain at left center, (Old) Family Mountain at right center, and the westward extension of the North Massif on the right.
AS17-136-20688-89 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1.1 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20689 (OF300) ( 139k or 815k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20688, showing (Old) Family Mountain and the North Massif.
AS17-136-20689-90 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1.4 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20690 (OF300) ( 178k or 960k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20689. North Massif.
AS17-145-20690-91 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2.1 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20691 (OF300) ( 180k or 969k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20690. North Massif, blurred by camera motion.
AS17-136-20691-92 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1.9 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20692 (OF300) ( 222k or 1100k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20691. Dark boulder and its track about 1.3 fiducial spacings left of center.
AS17-136-20692-93 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2.5 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20693 (OF300) ( 248k or 1204k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20692, with the dark boulder and its track above center.
AS17-136-20693-94 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2.6 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20694 (OF300) ( 280k or 1364k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20693, with Gene kneeling at the deep core.
AS17-136-20694-95 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2.0 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20695 ( 242k or 1136k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20694. Gene is kneeling as he extracts the deep core. Wessex Cleft is beyond him, with the Sculptured Hills to the right. Note the Rover tracks on the right-hand side of the picture. After extracting the core, Gene will place the neutron probe in the hole. He chose the location so that the large rock just south of him would block the line-of-sight to the RTG. The drill-stem rack is to the left of Gene.
AS17-136-20695-96 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2.3 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20696 (OF300) ( 215k or 1026k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20695, with Gene on the right and the Sculptured Hills dominating the horizon.
AS17-136-20697 (OF300) ( 136k or 955k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20696, with the LRV in the up-Sun glare.
AS17-136-20698 (OF300) ( 126k or 872k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20697, with the Rover on the left, the Heat Flow Experiment (HFE) electronics in the near-filed just to the right of up-Sun, and the LM in the distance beyond the HFE electronics.
AS17-136-20699 (OF300) ( 131k or 871k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20698. LRV, LM, HFE electronics.
AS17-136-20700 (OF300) ( 128k or 858k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20699 with the LM and HFE electronics on the left, and the RTG on the right. Part of the Central Station is on the righthand edge of the image.
AS17-136-20701 (OF300) ( 163k or 962k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20700, with the LM and HFE electronics on the left, and the RTG and Central Station on the right The East Massif is in the background.
AS17-136-20701-02 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2.2 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20702 (OF300) ( 218k or 1036k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20701, with the Passive Seismometer Experiment (PSE) just to the left of the Central Station and to the right of the boulder.
AS17-136-20702-03 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2.3 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20703 (OF300) ( 198k or 922k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20702, with the Central Station and RTG on the left and part of Geophone Rock on the righthand edge.
AS17-136-20703-04 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1.7 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20704 (OF300) ( 192k or 838k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20703, with the Central Station on the left and, on the right, the Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment (LSPE) antenna mounted on the heatflow pallet in the foreground, the Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG) beyond that, and Geophone Rock farther back.
AS17-136-20704-05 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2.1 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20705 (OF300) ( 202k or 881k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20704, showing the Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment (LSPE) antenna on the heat flow pallet in the foreground with the Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG) just beyond it. Geophone Rock and Bear Mountain are farther in the background along the same line. Once the crew was back in orbit, the LSPE antenna was used to transmit detonation signals to the charges that Gene and Jack deployed during their geology traverses.
AS17-136-20705-06 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1.6 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20706 (OF300) ( 190k or 870k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20705 with Bear Mountain, Geophone Rock, the LSG, and the LSPE antenna on the left and the South Massif on the right.
AS17-136-20706-08 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1.3 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20707 (OF300) ( 212k or 989k )
120:55:55 Similar to 20706. Geophone Rock, LSG, LSPE antenna, Bear Mountain, South Massif.
AS17-136-20706-08 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 1.3 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20708 (OF300) ( 192k or 943k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20707. South Massif, geophone 2 flag on the right, buried foreground rock.
AS17-136-20708-09 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2.1 Mb )
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-136-20709 (OF300) ( 180k or 972k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20708, toward the South Massif with large, foreground boulder.
AS17-136-20710 (OF300) ( 152k or 882k )
120:55:55 Rightward of 20709, centered on the large, foreground boulder. Last frame in Jack's ALSEP pan.
AS17-136-20711 (OF300) ( 258k or 1172k )
120:58:19 ALSEP Documentation. Central Station, west heat flow hole, Geophone Rock, RTG.
AS17-136-20712 (OF300) ( 236k or 1070k )
120:58:19 ALSEP Documentation. Central Station, east heat flow hole, Geophone Rock, RTG.
AS17-136-20713 (OF300) ( 208k or 921k )
120:58:19 ALSEP Documentation. Jack stepped to his right to get this stereo companion to 20712. Central Station, east heat flow hole, Geophone Rock, RTG.
AS17-136-20714 (OF300) ( 222k or 1103k )
121:13:30 Cross-Sun to the south, with Geophone Rock is in the background. Jack hoped to collected soil sample from the holes in this boulder but, only having the scoop with him, was unsuccessful. Note that he put the gnomon on top of the boulder, which is about 40 meters north and a bit east of the Central Station, and can also be seen beyond the Rover seats in AS17-147-22550, taken from south of the Central Station at Geophone #3.
AS17-136-20715 (OF300) ( 249k or 1142k )
121:13:30 Jack stepped to his right to get this stereo companion to 20714.
AS17-136-20716 (OF300) ( 221k or 1037k )
121:13:30 Close-up of the top of the boulder. Jack used his scoop to get the distance right for a 3-foot focus.
AS17-136-20717 (OF300) ( 222k or 1015k )
121:13:30 Second close-up of the top of the boulder. Jack used his scoop to get the distance right for a 3-foot focus.
AS17-136-20718 (OF300) ( 231k or 1162k )
121:16:11 First frame in a down-Sun stereopair Jack took of a fillet sample. Note that Jack put the gnomon on top of the boulder, which is up-Sun from the Central Station, and can also be seen in AS17-147-22550, taken from south of the Central Station at Geophone #3.
AS17-136-20719 (OF300) ( 174k or 943k )
121:16:11 Jack stepped to his right to get this stereo companion to 20718.
AS17-136-20720 (OF300) ( 232k or 1090k )
121:18:30 ALSEP. Down-Sun photo of the treadle-and-jack at the deepcore/neutron-probe hole. The drill stem rack is beyond the jack handle and the rammer-jammer is lying on the ground left of center. The North Massif is in the background.
AS17-136-20721 (OF300) ( 321k or 1543k )
121:20:46 ALSEP. Cross-Sun "before" from the south of samples 0180, 85 and 0001-9.
AS17-136-20722 (OF300) ( 304k or 1424k )
ALSEP. Cross-Sun "after" from the south of samples 0180, 85 and 0001-9.
AS17-136-20723 (OF300) ( 121k or 825k )
121:50:51 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. Up-Sun.
AS17-136-20724 (OF300) ( 102k or 823k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. The out-of-focus traverse maps, which dominate the image, are clipped to the accessory staff.
AS17-136-20725 (OF300) ( 103k or 742k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. View mostly blocked by traverse map. South Massif on the right.
AS17-136-20726 (OF300) ( 168k or 853k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. View to the south of Bear Mountain.
AS17-136-20727 (OF300) ( 141k or 740k )
121:56:26 During the first part of the traverse to Station 1, Gene drove east about a half kilometer until he got to the east end of three overlapping craters collectively called Trident. He then turned south and stopped to check the map. Jack took this picture toward Bear Mountain. Gene took AS17-134-20390 from the same spot.
AS17-136-20728 (OF300) ( 154k or 804k )
The southern end of the East Massif is in the distance. Gene took AS17-134-20393 just after Jack took 20727.
AS17-136-20729 (OF300) ( 143k or 888k )
The East Massif is on the right.
AS17-136-20730 (OF300) ( 164k or 790k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. East Massif.
AS17-136-20731 (OF300) ( 169k or 794k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. East Massif.
AS17-136-20732 (OF300) ( 92k or 511k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. Bear Mountain.
AS17-136-20733 (OF300) ( 161k or 837k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. Bear Mountain, East Massif.
AS17-136-20734 (OF300) ( 184k or 887k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. Bear Mountain, East Massif.
AS17-136-20735 (OF300) ( 185k or 911k )
121:59:47 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. The rise that forms the near horizon is the one they thought might be the rim of Steno Crater.
AS17-136-20736 (OF300) ( 174k or 818k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1.
AS17-136-20737 (OF300) ( 169k or 819k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. Big boulder on the rise. Station 1 may be at the right edge of the frame.
AS17-136-20738 (OF300) ( 140k or 790k )
122:03:37 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 1. Gene is turning at Station 1. Jack took this picture just before Gene took AS17-134-20393.
AS17-136-20739 (OF300) ( 180k or 934k )
122:10:18 Station 1. Down-Sun "before" of the area from which they will collect samples 1030, 35-37, 40, 55 and 60. Gene is taking cross-Sun stereo "befores" AS17-134-20394 and 20395. A labelled detailshows the frame counter and gross film indicator on the righthand face of the magazine.
AS17-136-20740 (OF300) ( 166k or 1007k )
122:10:22 Station 1. Up-Sun "Locator" to the LRV.
AS17-136-20741 (OF300) ( 263k or 1256k )
122:17:56 Station 1. Down-Sun "before" of the second boulder, from which they will collect samples 1135-36, 55-56 and 75.
AS17-136-20742 (OF300) ( 186k or 964k )
122:25:31 Station 1. Down-Sun stereo "before" at the rake site. The seismic charge is in the background on the left.
AS17-136-20743 (OF300) ( 171k or 917k )
122:25:31 Station 1. Jack stepped to his left to get this stereo companion to 20743.
AS17-136-20744 (OF300) ( 171k or 857k )
122:32:50 Station 1 pan. Down-Sun of the near surface. Jack's shadow.
AS17-136-20745 (OF300) ( 183k or 942k )
Station 1 pan. South Massif.
AS17-136-20746 (OF300) ( 164k or 929k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20745. South Massif.
AS17-136-20747 (OF300) ( 131k or 778k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20746. (West) Family Mountain above Jack's shadow.
AS17-136-20748 (OF300) ( 137k or 788k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20747. Disturbed soil south of sampled boulders.
AS17-136-20749 (OF300) ( 183k or 922k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20748. First boulder. Station 1 crater, North Massif.
AS17-136-20750 (OF300) ( 234k or 1102k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20749. First boulder. Station 1 crater, LM, North Massif. Gene mentions at 122:16:21 that they can see the LM.
AS17-136-20751 (OF300) ( 241k or 1113k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20750. Second boulder, Station 1 crater, North Massif.
AS17-136-20752 (OF300) ( 161k or 800k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20751 to get the mountain tops. Looking north toward the North Massif across the Station 1 crater. The second boulder sampled by the crew is in the right foreground.
AS17-136-20753 (OF300) ( 267k or 1185k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20751. Second boulder, Station 1 crater, North Massif.
AS17-136-20754 (OF300) ( 187k or 921k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20752 to get the mountain tops. Second boulder, Station 1 crater, Wessex Cleft.
AS17-136-20755 (OF300) ( 284k or 1291k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20754. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-136-20756 (OF300) ( 190k or 941k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20755. Wessex Cleft.
AS17-136-20757 (OF300) ( 218k or 998k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20755. Gene at the rear of the LRV, Seismic charge 6.
AS17-136-20758 (OF300) ( 184k or 990k )
122:32:24. Jack's Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20757. Gene at the rear of the LRV. Seismic charge 6 has been deployed. The SEP receiver antenna is mounted behind Jack's seat.
AS17-136-20759 (OF300) ( 218k or 998k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20757. Gene at the rear of the LRV.
AS17-136-20760 (OF300) ( 158k or 867k )
Jack's Station 1 pan. aimed higher than 20759. Gene is at the back of the Rover. This excellent picture shows the high-gain antenna, the TV camera, and the dustbrush at the front of the Rover. Just forward of the seats, we can see the low-gain antenna, the traverse maps clipped to the accessory staff, and, sticking out toward the front of the vehicle, Jack's LRV Sampler. Behind the seats, we can see the dark-appearing seismic charges on the transporter pallet, the SEP receiver antenna, the rake, the scoop and, near Gene's right hand, the Traverse Gravimeter. The warning flag on a seismic charge that they deployed shortly after arriving at the Station is visible behind and to the left of Gene. A detail shows a Velcro strap intended to secure the low-gain lead to the accessary staff.

Erik van Meijgaarden has combined 20758 and 20760 as a portrait of Gene at the Rover.

AS17-136-20761 (OF300) ( 185k or 974k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20759. LRV, near surface.
AS17-136-20762 (OF300) ( 126k or 866k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20761. Up-Sun.
AS17-136-20763 (OF300) ( 141k or 902k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20761. Up-Sun, near surface.
AS17-136-20764 (OF300) ( 123k or 863k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20763. Up-Sun.
AS17-136-20765 (OF300) ( 233k or 1109k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20763. East Massif on the right. This photo provides a good contrast in the appearance of the surface in the up-Sun direction versus the down-Sun direction, for example, in AS17-136-20747. In the down-Sun direction, most shadows are hidden by the objects casting them. In the up-Sun direction, we see all of the shadows and, although the distribution of rocks is probably similar in both directions, the two photos look dramatically different.
AS17-136-20766 (OF300) ( 182k or 1026k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20765. East Massif.
AS17-136-20767 (OF300) ( 248k or 1217k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20765. East Massif.
AS17-136-20768 (OF300) ( 202k or 1010k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20767. East Massif.
AS17-136-20769 (OF300) ( 290k or 1305k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20767. Bear Mountain. The near horizon in this direction is the rim of Steno Crater, which is only about 150 meters from Station 1.
AS17-136-20770 (OF300) ( 192k or 880k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20769. Bear Mountain, Steno rim.
AS17-136-20771 (OF300) ( 233k or 1049k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20769. Bear Mountain, Steno rim.
AS17-136-20772 (OF300) ( 160k or 756k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20771. Bear Mountain, Steno rim.
AS17-136-20773 (OF300) ( 205k or 1014k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20771. South Massif.
AS17-136-20774 (OF300) ( 149k or 833k )
Station 1 pan, aimed higher than 20773. South Massif.
AS17-136-20775 (OF300) ( 126k or 762k )
Station 1 pan, rightward of 20774. South Massif.
AS17-136-20776 (OF300) ( 95k or 678k )
122:33:08 Station 1 pan, rightward of 20774, ending Jack's Station 1 pan South Massif, (West) Family Mountain, Jack's shadow.
AS17-136-20777 (OF300) ( 171k or 809k )
122:36:34 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Steno rim, Bear Mountain.
AS17-136-20778 (OF300) ( 142k or 779k )
122:39:36 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Crater similar to the Station 1 crater. The North Massif is on the right.
AS17-136-20779 (OF300) ( 138k or 766k )
122:39:36 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Crater similar to the Station 1 crater.
AS17-136-20780 (OF300) ( 170k or 843k )
122:40:35 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The boulder with large zap pit may be to the right of the TV camera.
AS17-136-20781 (OF300) ( 238k or 1173k )
122:40:35 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The boulder with large zap pit, may be the one know to the left of the TV camera.
AS17-136-20782 (OF300) ( 167k or 859k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Wessex Cleft to the left of center.
AS17-136-20783 (OF300) ( 201k or 1022k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Outbound LRV tracks. Wessex Cleft above the TV camera. A detail shows the view in the general direction of Sherlock Crater, which Gene mentions at 122:38:36. I suspect that Sherlock is hidden by its own rim and that the obvious crater in the middle distance is a nameless foreground feature.
AS17-136-20784 (OF300) ( 211k or 1047k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site.
AS17-136-20785 (OF300) ( 187k or 975k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The dark boulder and its track are on the flank of the North Massif to the right of the TV camera. The top of the LM is just under the lowest visible rib on the high-gain antenna.
AS17-136-20786 (OF300) ( 162k or 869k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Outbound Rover tracks.
AS17-136-20787 (OF300) ( 199k or 1035k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Outbound Rover tracks. The dark boulder is just above the local horizon on the left.
AS17-136-20788 (OF300) ( 184k or 989k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Note the outbound LRV tracks with the dark boulder just above the TV camera.
AS17-136-20789 (OF300) ( 178k or 899k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Outbound Rover tracks with a boulder-strewn crater rim left of center.
AS17-136-20790 (OF300) ( 132k or 762k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The dark boulder is inside the TV cable loop.
AS17-136-20791 (OF300) ( 129k or 749k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has turned on a much more westerly heading, following his outbound tracks.
AS17-136-20792 (OF300) ( 136k or 747k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has returned to a northerly heading, with the outbound tracks no longer in the field of view.
AS17-136-20793 (OF300) ( 177k or 914k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Northerly heading, with a sharp, boulder-strewn crater rim to the left of center on the local horizon.
AS17-136-20794 (OF300) ( 158k or 827k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Northerly heading with the crater on the left.
AS17-136-20795 (OF300) ( 199k or 1010k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Northerly heading. In a labeled detail, the dark boulder is on the left and the Station 6 boulder is on the right.
AS17-136-20796 (OF300) ( 163k or 876k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Northerly heading.
AS17-136-20797 (OF300) ( 89k or 619k )
122:40:04 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. I have thought that Jack took this picture at about 122:41:36 when Gene spotted the white mantle off to the west. In October 2005 I realized this photo is more likely to have been taken when Gene saw what he thought was Trident off to the north west. Neither Gene nor Jack commented on the white mantle visible above and to the left of the large boulder just to the left of the TV camera.
AS17-136-20798 (OF300) ( 100k or 661k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. White mantle, with the South Massif on the left. The large boulder noted in the previous frame is on the righthand edge of this image. The boulder featured in 20800 is near the left edge.
AS17-136-20799 (OF300) ( 136k or 791k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The LM is on the left. It subtends roughly one-twentieth of a fiducial spacing, or about 0.5 degrees. the LM is 7 meters tall, implying a distance of roughly 800 meters. Gene gives a readout of 600 meters at 122:41:57.
AS17-136-20800 (OF300) ( 157k or 824k )
122:40:19 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. This is the rock that caught Gene's attention because of some white areas that proved to be big zap pits. this rock is near the left edge of 20798.
AS17-136-20801 (OF300) ( 105k or 671k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. White mantle. Gene has continued to drive west, as can be seen by comparing the separation of rocks in the middle distance near the left edge with the same rocks in 20798.
AS17-136-20802 (OF300) ( 144k or 758k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has turned to a northerly heading, with Wessex Cleft on the right.
AS17-136-20803 (OF300) ( 131k or 762k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene's heading is now slightly east of Wessex Cleft.
AS17-136-20804 (OF300) ( 179k or 925k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Note the rocks just above the top of the TV camera.
AS17-136-20805 (OF300) ( 168k or 895k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. the rocks just above the TV camera in 20804 are now to the right of the TV camera. Station 6 is just above the local horizon over the righthand side of the TV camera.
AS17-136-20806 (OF300) ( 181k or 962k )
122:41:36 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has turned slightly west of north, possibly to avoid the rock on the right. The top of that rock can be seen above the TV camera in 20805. The LM is to the left of center under the high-gain antenna. At about this time he notices the white mantle off to their left.
AS17-136-20807 (OF300) ( 124k or 751k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene continues his turn to the sest so Jack can take pictures of the white mantle. The LM is to the left of center. (Old) Family Mountain is under the high-gain antenna.
AS17-136-20808 (OF300) ( 96k or 625k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene continues his turn to the west, with the white mantle visible under the high-gain antenna.
AS17-136-20809 (OF300) ( 89k or 620k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene continues his turn to the west. White mantle.
AS17-136-20810 (OF300) ( 96k or 640k )
122:41:52 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene completes his turn to the west so Jack can take this picture of the white mantle.
AS17-136-20811 (OF300) ( 115k or 715k )
122:41:57 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has begun to turn back to the north, in part to avoid a crater, probably the washed-out crater to the left of and slightly above the TV camera.
AS17-136-20812 (OF300) ( 172k or 927k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene continues his return to a northerly heading. The LM is on the left under the high-gain antenna.
AS17-136-20813 (OF300) ( 192k or 976k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The heading changes very little between 20812 and 20813.
AS17-136-20814 (OF300) ( 183k or 915k )
122:42:15 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has driven toward the blocky-rimmed, small crater on the righthand edge of 20813. This frame differs only slightly from 20815 and was taken at the same spot as Gene's frames AS17-134- 20433 and 20434. The four frames are "locators" for the EP-7 deployment site.
AS17-136-20815 (OF300) ( 180k or 914k )
122:42:15 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Similar to 20815. "Locator" for EP-7 deployment or, possibly, the first frame in the LRV pan. After Jack deployed the charge, Gene drove the Rover in a tight, clockwise circle while Jack took photos. The TV camera is pointed at Wessex Cleft.
AS17-136-20816 (OF300) ( 192k or 975k )
122:43:12 LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20815. As Gene discusses at 141:36:23, the front-and-rear steering dictates a right-hand turn to avoid the charge.
AS17-136-20817 (OF300) ( 145k or 926k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20816.
AS17-136-20818 (OF300) ( 137k or 884k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20817. Up-Sun.
AS17-136-20819 (OF300) ( 129k or 842k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20818.
AS17-136-20820 (OF300) ( 192k or 964k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20819, showing the East Massif.
AS17-136-20821 (OF300) ( 198k or 940k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20820, toward the southern end of the East Massif.
AS17-136-20822 (OF300) ( 201k or 945k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20821, with Bear Mountain to the right of center. Note the Rover tracks going from left to right across the middle of the frame.
AS17-136-20823 (OF300) ( 156k or 791k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20822, with Bear Mountain to the left of center. Note the Rover tracks going from left to right above the TV camera.
AS17-136-20824 (OF300) ( 150k or 822k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Note the Rover tracks going from left to right behind the TV camera. Rightward of 20823.
AS17-136-20825 (OF300) ( 125k or 771k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20824, showing the South Massif summit ridge. Note the Rover tracks crossing the frame from left to right near the bottom.
AS17-136-20826 (OF300) ( 101k or 669k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20825, with (West) Family Mountain on the right. Note the Rover tracks crossing the frame from left to right near the bottom.
AS17-136-20827 (OF300) ( 126k or 741k )
LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20826, with the LM just over the left edge of the TV camera. Gene is now west of the Rover tracks he made during the approach to the EP-7 deployment site.
AS17-136-20828 (OF300) ( 176k or 895k )
122:43:44 LRV pan for seismic charge 7. Rightward of 20827, completing the Rover pan. A comparison of details 20828 and 20813 ( 391k ) indicates that 20828 was taken from a spot a bit farther north than 20813 but along much the same line-of-sight. In 20828, the Rover tracks laid down after Jack took 20813 are off-camera to the right.
AS17-136-20829 (OF300) ( 174k or 914k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has driven toward the area shown in the detail comparison between 20813 and 20828 and is avoiding the crater on the left. The LM is in the distance beyond the righthand edge of that crater and the dark boulder is on the flank of the North Massif near the righhand edge of the image.
AS17-136-20830 (OF300) ( 155k or 861k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Having rounded the crater on the left in 20829, Gene is driving toward the LM.
AS17-136-20831 (OF300) ( 129k or 761k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has maintained his heading and boulder visible in 20830 can be seen in this image, but closer.
AS17-136-20832 (OF300) ( 172k or 904k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has turned on a more northerly heading. The prominent rock above and to the right of the TV camera can be seen near the righhand edge of 20831.
AS17-136-20833 (OF300) ( 160k or 867k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Similar heading to 20832, with the LM on the left, mostly hidden by an intervening crater rim.
AS17-136-20834 (OF300) ( 123k or 706k )
122:45:15 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has turned to a heading slightly north of east.
AS17-136-20835 (OF300) ( 192k or 979k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene continues on a northerly heading. The crater on a south-facing slope above the TV camera can be seen on the righthand edge of 20834.
AS17-136-20836 (OF300) ( 174k or 912k )
122:45:15 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The crater above and slightly to the right of the TV camera is to the left of the camera in 20835.
AS17-136-20837 (OF300) ( 151k or 811k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene appears to be driving between the two blocky-rimmed craters shown on either side of the TV camera in 20836. There appears to be a large shallow crater beyond the two small crater. Gene will drive into it.
AS17-136-20838 (OF300) ( 100k or 668k )
122:45:33 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene is now on a westerly heading. He appears to be driving down a shallow slope into a crater. The light-colored rocks ahead of them may be the "exposed outcrop" Gene mentioned at 122:45:11.
AS17-136-20839 (OF300) ( 102k or 678k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Similar to 20838.
AS17-136-20840 (OF300) ( 123k or 725k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Similar to 20839 but taken from a bit closer to the collection of partially exposed rocks.
AS17-136-20841 (OF300) ( 109k or 687k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Similar to 20840 but taken from a bit closer to the collection of partially exposed rocks. Note that the distant mountains are partly hidden by the western crater wall, which they appear to be climbing.
AS17-136-20842 (OF300) ( 93k or 637k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Similar to 20841 but taken from a bit closer to the collection of partially exposed rocks.
AS17-136-20843 (OF300) ( 85k or 589k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene continues on a westerly heading. They are still climbing out of the crater. The distant mountains are completely obscured.
AS17-136-20844 (OF300) ( 150k or 853k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. They are now out of the crater and Gene is on a northerly heading.
AS17-136-20845 (OF300) ( 165k or 900k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The rocks just above and to the right of the TV camera can be seen in 20844.
AS17-136-20846 (OF300) ( 159k or 832k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene and Jack are just about to pass to the east of the rocks seen in 20844 and 20845.
AS17-136-20847 (OF300) ( 143k or 794k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene turns briefly to a more westerly heading.
AS17-136-20848 (OF300) ( 173k or 941k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene returns to a northerly heading, with the dark boulder on the flank of the North Massif above the TV camera. The Station 6 boulder is partly above the local horizon.
AS17-136-20849 (OF300) ( 136k or 777k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The LM is on the left. Some of the boulders above and to the left of the TV camera can be located in 20848. A comparison of the relative sizes of the LM image in this frame and AS17-134-20442 from Gene's SEP pan, they are currently about 300 meters from the LM.
AS17-136-20850 (OF300) ( 154k or 847k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The LM is at the extreme left. The crater above the TV camera is to the right of the TV camera in 20849.
AS17-136-20851 (OF300) ( 165k or 871k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene is driving around the east side of the fresh crater that was above the TV camera in 20850.
AS17-136-20852 (OF300) ( 154k or 847k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Now that he has driven past the fresh crater and the rock to the right in 20850, Gene turns to a more westerly heading.
AS17-136-20853 (OF300) ( 165k or 932k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The LM is on the extreme left.
AS17-136-20854 (OF300) ( 135k or 769k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The LM is on the left.
AS17-136-20855 (OF300) ( 174k or 921k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has returned a northerly heading, probably so that he can approach the SEP transmitter from directly east.
AS17-136-20856 (OF300) ( 176k or 949k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Northwest heading.
AS17-136-20857 (OF300) ( 155k or 825k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Note the blocky rimmed crater above and to the left of the TV camera.
AS17-136-20858 (OF300) ( 138k or 806k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. the blocky-rimmed crater noted in 20857 is now to the right of the TV camera.
AS17-136-20859 (OF300) ( 121k or 707k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Approaching the blocky-rimmed crater.
AS17-136-20860 (OF300) ( 150k or 834k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The SEP transmitter is above the TV camera and just to the left of the two large blocks on the local horizon.
AS17-136-20861 (OF300) ( 141k or 797k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The SEP transmitter is the bright-white object above the TV camera. They are now close ehough that, in the high-resolution scan, we can make out the transmitter's legs.
AS17-136-20862 (OF300) ( 108k or 693k )
LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. The LM is on the left, the are still south of the SEP transmitter.
AS17-136-20863 (OF300) ( 163k or 890k )
122:50:36 LRV traverse from Station 1 to the SEP site. Gene has returned to a northerly heading. Station 6 is above the righthand side of the TV camera. This is the last useful frame on the magazine.
AS17-136-20864 (OF300) ( 91k or 861k )
AS17-136-20865 (OF300) ( 39k or 373k )


Magazine 137/C (Color) EVA-2, Frames 20866-21027
Unless otherwise noted, all images processed by Kipp Teague from raw scans provided by NASA Johnson. Images labeled "OF300" are from the original film and are presented at the equivalent of 300 DPI on an 7.5 inch by 7.5 inch reproduction.
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Used by Gene Cernan during EVA-2.


Calibration Chart (OF300) ( 180k or 680k ) AS17-137-20866 (OF300) ( 92k or 736k )

140:58:51 LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Jack's shadow. (West) Family Mountain is on the horizon to the left of center and (Old) Family Mountain is to the right of center. Lightly sunstruck.
AS17-137-20867 (OF300) ( 132k or 1004k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. South Massif. Dark footprints.
AS17-137-20868 (OF300) ( 76k or 664k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. South Massif. Dark footprints. Geophone Rock.
AS17-137-20869 (OF300) ( 68k or 624k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Dark footprints.
AS17-137-20870 (OF300) ( 80k or 704k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. North Massif.
AS17-137-20871 (OF300) ( 104k or 784k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. North Massif. LM shadow.
AS17-137-20872 (OF300) ( 116k or 784k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. LM. Dark LRV tracks to the west. Note the jettison bags under the LM.
AS17-137-20873 (OF300) ( 148k or 892k )
Jack's LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2 with Gene's camera at about 141:01:23. View to the NNW. LM, ALSEP stowage bay, RTG fuel cask.
AS17-137-20874 (OF300) ( 184k or 1100k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. LM. ALSEP bay. RTG fuel cask.
AS17-137-20875 (OF300) ( 152k or 976k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. LM. LRV tracks. North Massif.
AS17-137-20876 (OF300) ( 140k or 820k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. LRV tracks. Note how the lighting on Wessex Cleft has changed since EVA-1.
AS17-137-20877 (OF300) ( 176k or 1200k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Sculptured Hills. Crater behind LM. A detail from the high-resolution version shows the SEP transmitter. With thanks to Danny Caes and Randy Attwood for this observation.
AS17-137-20878 (OF300) ( 184k or 1200k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2.
AS17-137-20879 (OF300) ( 108k or 740k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Up-Sun.
AS17-137-20880 (OF300) ( 88k or 628k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Up-Sun.
AS17-137-20881 (OF300) ( 168k or 1200k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Note that the East Massif is now in full sunlight.
AS17-137-20882 (OF300) ( 164k or 1000k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2.
AS17-137-20883 (OF300) ( 172k or 1000k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Bear Mountain. Footprints leading to Poppie Crater.
AS17-137-20884 (OF300) ( 176k or 1200k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Bear Mountain. Footprints to Poppie Crater.
AS17-137-20885 (OF300) ( 156k or 940k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Bear Mountain. Footprints to Poppie Crater.
AS17-137-20886 (OF300) ( 140k or 900k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. South Massif. A piece of the yellow packing foam that protected the LRV high-gain antenna during the trip out from Earth can be seen in a detail from the center of the image. Some time after being discarded during LRV outfitting, gas trapped in the foam had heated enough that there was a series of explosive disintegrations. At least one of these occurred while Jack and Gene were away from the LM during the EVA-1 traverse and another when they were back at the LM at the end of that traverse. See the discussion and video following 123:27:46. I haven't been able to identify the object in the foreground. It seems likely to be a discarded piece of LRV deployment hardware or ALSEP off-loading hardware.
AS17-137-20887 (OF300) ( 120k or 816k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. South Massif.
AS17-137-20888 (OF300) ( 88k or 592k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. South Massif.
AS17-137-20889 (OF300) ( 80k or 556k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. South Massif.
AS17-137-20890 (OF300) ( 100k or 640k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. LM.
AS17-137-20891 (OF300) ( 128k or 780k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. LM.
AS17-137-20892 (OF300) ( 128k or 904k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. LRV tracks behind LM.
AS17-137-20893 (OF300) ( 132k or 968k )
LM pan taken at the start of EVA-2. Sculptured Hills.
AS17-137-20894 (OF300) ( 104k or 684k )
EVA-2 at the LM. LRV left-front fender, dustbrush, and LCRU mirror.
AS17-137-20895 (OF300) ( 104k or 676k )
141:56:12 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Compare with AS17-135-20626 and 20627. Shows the location of Sample 2135.
AS17-137-20896 (OF300) ( 76k or 536k )
142:06:26 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Compare with AS17-135-20643. Shows the location of Sample 2140.
AS17-137-20897 (OF300) ( 96k or 620k )
142:12:34 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Scarp on North Massif. Compare with AS17-135-20649. Shows the location of sample 2155.
AS17-137-20898 (OF300) ( 84k or 576k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Approaching the Scarp.
AS17-137-20899 (OF300) ( 76k or 548k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. Approaching the Scarp.
AS17-137-20900 (OF300) ( 260k or 1500k )
142:54:53 Station 2. First frame in Gene's cross-sun, stereopair of "befores" of Boulder 1. Samples 2215, 20, 35, 40, 55, 60 and 75 will be collected from the area shown in this picture. Jack is standing downslope on the right.
AS17-137-20901 (OF300) ( 264k or 1500k )
142:54:53 Station 2. Stereo-companion to 20900. Gene stepped to his right between frames.
AS17-137-20902 (OF300) ( 224k or 1300k )
143:01:41 Station 2. Gene's "after" photo of Boulder 1.
AS17-137-20903 (OF300) ( 272k or 1600k )
Station 2. Frames 20903 to 20909 are a flightline-stereo and vertical-pan portrait of Boulder 1. Samples 2215, 20, 35, 40, 55, 60 and 75 were taken from the area shown in these pictures.
AS17-137-20904 (OF300) ( 260k or 1700k )
Station 2. Frames 20903 to 20909 are part of a flightline stereo and vertical pan portrait of Boulder 1.
AS17-137-20905 (OF300) ( 220k or 1500k )
Station 2. Frames 20903 to 20909 are part of a flightline stereo and vertical pan portrait of Boulder 1.
AS17-137-20906 (OF300) ( 204k or 1500k )
Station 2. Frames 20903 to 20909 are part of a flightline stereo and vertical pan portrait of Boulder 1.
AS17-137-20907 (OF300) ( 144k or 884k )
Station 2. Frames 20903 to 20909 are part of a flightline stereo and vertical pan portrait of Boulder 1.
AS17-137-20908 (OF300) ( 180k or 1000k )
Station 2. Frames 20903 to 20909 are part of a flightline stereo and vertical pan portrait of Boulder 1.
AS17-137-20909 (OF300) ( 168k or 952k )
Station 2. Frames 20903 to 20909 are part of a flightline stereo and vertical pan portrait of Boulder 1.
AS17-137-20910 (OF300) ( 92k or 504k )
143:08:09 Station 2. Sample 2315, Earth over Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20911 (OF300) ( 52k or 344k )
Station 2. Sample 2315, Earth over Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20912 (OF300) ( 248k or 1400k )
143:09:56 Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2. Sample 2315, 20, 35, 55, 75 and 95 were taken from the area shown in these frames.
AS17-137-20913 (OF300) ( 240k or 1300k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20914 (OF300) ( 224k or 1200k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20915 (OF300) ( 212k or 1200k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20916 (OF300) ( 124k or 744k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20917 (OF300) ( 148k or 840k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20918 (OF300) ( 188k or 1000k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20919 (OF300) ( 176k or 972k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20920 (OF300) ( 248k or 1400k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20921 (OF300) ( 164k or 972k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20922 (OF300) ( 192k or 1000k )
Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20923 (OF300) ( 260k or 1500k )
143:09:56 Station 2. Frames 20912 to 20923 comprise Gene's cross-Sun portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20924 (OF300) ( 172k or 1000k )
143:18:49 Station 2. Gene may have started to re-do the southeast face of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20925 (OF300) ( 224k or 1200k )
143:20:27 Station 2. "After" of overhang sample.
AS17-137-20926 (OF300) ( 100k or 684k )
143:22:04 Station 2 pan. Jack. Sculptured Hills. Gene forgot to change the focus, so only the near-field is sharp. Frames 20926 to 20956 are Gene's Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20927 (OF300) ( 60k or 532k )
Station 2 pan. Jack. Sculptured Hills.
AS17-137-20928 (OF300) ( 84k or 636k )
Station 2 pan. Jack. Sculptured Hills.
AS17-137-20929 (OF300) ( 88k or 636k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20930 (OF300) ( 128k or 944k )
Station 2 pan. Slope of the South Massif.
AS17-137-20931 (OF300) ( 144k or 916k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20932 (OF300) ( 184k or 1100k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20933 (OF300) ( 140k or 840k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20934 (OF300) ( 128k or 796k )
Station 2 pan. Looking up toward the South Massif summit.
AS17-137-20935 (OF300) ( 116k or 808k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20936 (OF300) ( 112k or 816k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20937 (OF300) ( 64k or 556k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20938 (OF300) ( 72k or 540k )
Station 2 pan. Northwest end of Nansen.
AS17-137-20939 (OF300) ( 88k or 584k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20940 (OF300) ( 68k or 476k )
Station 2 pan. Nansen boulders.
AS17-137-20941 (OF300) ( 76k or 520k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20942 (OF300) ( 112k or 684k )
Station 2 pan. Good shot into Nansen with boulders.
AS17-137-20943 (OF300) ( 80k or 576k )
Station 2 pan. Gene likes Nansen so well that he takes the Nansen sequence again.
AS17-137-20944 (OF300) ( 96k or 744k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20945 (OF300) ( 100k or 624k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20946 (OF300) ( 60k or 428k )
Station 2 pan. Nansen. Scarp on the North Massif.
AS17-137-20947 (OF300) ( 104k or 648k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20948 (OF300) ( 60k or 448k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20949 (OF300) ( 96k or 664k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20950 (OF300) ( 64k or 504k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20951 (OF300) ( 112k or 772k )
Station 2 pan. Nansen. North Massif. Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20952 (OF300) ( 72k or 632k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-137-20953 (OF300) ( 120k or 804k )
Station 2 pan. Good portrait of Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20954 (OF300) ( 76k or 616k )
Station 2 pan. Wessex Cleft. Boulder 2. LRV.
AS17-137-20955 (OF300) ( 140k or 908k )
Station 2 pan. LRV. Boulder 2. The fact that distant objects are slightly out of focus in this and the prior pictures suggest that Gene has the focus set at 15 feet rather than 74 feet, the latter being the equivalent of infinity.
AS17-137-20956 (OF300) ( 96k or 772k )
Station 2 pan. LRV. Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20957(OF300) ( 64k or 476k )
143:23:22. Gene took a series of Earth portraits over Station 2 Boulder 2, looking up the slope of the South Massif. He has reset the focus.
AS17-137-20958 (OF300) ( 32k or 272k )
Station 2. Earth.
AS17-137-20959 (OF300) ( 40k or 328k )
Station 2. Earth.
AS17-137-20960 (OF300) ( 68k or 416k )
143:23:22. Another of Gene's Earth portraits taken over Station 2 Boulder 2.
AS17-137-20961 (OF300) ( 56k or 348k )
143:23:25 Station 2. On his way to rejoin Jack, Gene stopped to take another of picture of Earth, just to make sure.
AS17-137-20962 (OF300) ( 224k or 1200k )
143:27:20 Station 2. Rake site "after", showing the location of samples 2500 and 2535-57.
AS17-137-20963 (OF300) ( 220k or 1200k )
143:28:35 Station 2 Boulder 3. The first frame in Gene's cross-Sun "before" stereopair from north showing the area from which samples 2415, 36-36, 40 and 60 will be taken.
AS17-137-20964 (OF300) ( 236k or 1300k )
143:28:35 Stereo-companion to 20963. Gene stepped to his left between frames.
AS17-137-20965 (OF300) ( 208k or 1100k )
Gene took this "after" of Station 2 Boulder 3 at about 143:32:05.
AS17-137-20966 (OF300) ( 128k or 728k )
Station 2. Close-up of Boulder 3. Gene is using the tongs to make sure that he is at the right distance for a good focus.
AS17-137-20967 (OF300) ( 112k or 672k )
Station 2. Similar to 20966.
AS17-137-20968 (OF300) ( 144k or 828k )
Station 2. Similar to 20966.
AS17-137-20969 (OF300) ( 156k or 948k )
Station 2. Similar to 20966.
AS17-137-20970 (OF300) ( 132k or 788k )
Station 2. Similar to 20966.
AS17-137-20971 (OF300) ( 136k or 796k )
Station 2. This picture is probably the best of Gene's close-up "afters" of Boulder 3.
AS17-137-20972 (OF300) ( 164k or 932k )
Station 2. Similar to 20966.
AS17-137-20973 (OF300) ( 160k or 920k )
Station 2. Similar to 20966.
AS17-137-20974 (OF300) ( 264k or 1400k )
143:37:28 Station 2. Cross-Sun "before" of the second rake site. Shows location from which samples 2700 and 2735-38 will be taken. Note that Jack is taking a pan.
AS17-137-20975 (OF300) ( 272k or 1400k )
Station 2. Second cross-Sun "before" of the second rake site.
AS17-137-20976 (OF300) ( 156k or 1000k )
Station 2. "Locator" to LRV with the Station 2 boulders.
AS17-137-20977 (OF300) ( 92k or 652k )
Station 2. "Locator" to LRV with South Massif summit.
AS17-137-20978 (OF300) ( 244k or 1300k )
143:41:08 Station 2. Rake "after".
AS17-137-20979 (OF300) ( 204k or 1100k )
Picture of the replacement fender taken at about 143:46:34 by Gene Cernan, just before driving off from Station 2. Jack Schmitt is already seated. The dust-coated- originally-blue Traverse Gravimeter is mounted on the back of the Rover just above the replacement fender. Gene took this photo, in part, to document its condition after the 9.1 kilometer drive out from the LM and, in part, to document his handiwork. At the end of EVA-3 Gene decided to bring the fender back to Earth and, as of the late 1990s, it was still on display at the National Air & Space Museum in Washington D.C. Ron Creel has provided a summary ( 1.3 Mb PDF ) of the fender extension losses that occurred on all three Rover missions.
AS17-137-20980 (OF300) ( 144k or 964k )
144:10:12 LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-137-20981 (OF300) ( 192k or 1100k )
145:49:03 Gene's cross-Sun for the south of the Station 3 drive tube. A lobe of the scarp is at top left.
AS17-137-20982 (OF300) ( 192k or 1100k )
145:49:03 Gene stepped to his left to take this stereo companion to 20981 of the Station 3 drive tube. A lobe of the scarp is at top left.
AS17-137-20983 (OF300) ( 200k or 1100k )
145:11:06 LRV traverse from Station 3 to 4. Site of an LRV sample. Compare with AS17-133-20208.
AS17-137-20984 (OF300) ( 220k or 1100k )
145:49:03 Gene's cross-Sun of the Station 4 orange soil with the trench Jack just dug on the right.
AS17-137-20985 (OF300) ( 260k or 1400k )
145:49:03 Gene stepped to his right, without turning, the get this cross-Sun to the north of the trench.
AS17-137-20986 (OF300) ( 252k or 1300k )
145:49:03 Gene stepped to his right to get this stereo companion to 20985 of the trench.
AS17-137-20987 (OF300) ( 204k or 1100k )
145:31:58 Station 4. Orange soil close-up.
AS17-137-20988 (OF300) ( 184k or 992k )
Station 4. Orange soil close-up.
AS17-137-20989 (OF300) ( 228k or 1200k )
Station 4. Orange soil close-up.
AS17-137-20990 (OF300) ( 184k or 1100k )
145:32:20For this excellent photograph of the Station 4 trench, Gene has moved back a short distance and the photo shows not only the trench in the orange soil but, also, the boulder beyond.
AS17-137-20991 (OF300) ( 208k or 1200k )
145:49:03 This first frame of Gene's Station 4 pan shows the deep shadow on the eastern wall of Shorty, with the North Massif in the background.
AS17-137-20991/2 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 504k )
Red-blue anaglyph by Erik van Meijgaarden.
AS17-137-20992 (OF300) ( 244k or 1400k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 20991. Eastern portion of the central mound. Hanover Crater and a continuation of the Scarp can be seen in the distance on the North Massif.
AS17-137-20993 (OF300) ( 252k or 1400k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 20992, showing part of the central mound in Shorty. Hanover Crater and a continuation of the Scarp can be seen in the distance on the North Massif.
AS17-137-20994 (OF300) ( 236k or 1300k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 20993, showing the northern wall of Shorty and the central mound. Hanover Crater and a continuation of the Scarp can be seen in the distance on the North Massif.
AS17-137-20995 (OF300) ( 208k or 1200k )
145:49:03 Gene lowered his aim to show most of the central mound.
AS17-137-20996 (OF300) ( 180k or 1100k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 20995, showing the western wall of Shorty and the central mound. Note the pattern of reddish orange streaks going into the crater from the rim. Gene mentions this coloration at 145:48:36.
AS17-137-20997 (OF300) ( 156k or 992k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 20996, showing the pattern of reddish orange streaks going down into the crater from the rim. Gene mentions this coloration at 145:48:36.
AS17-137-20998 (OF300) ( 132k or 872k )
145:49:03 Similar to 20997, showing the pattern of reddish orange streaks going down into the crater from the rim. Gene mentions this coloration at 145:48:36.
AS17-137-20999 (OF300) ( 116k or 748k )
145:49:03 Rightward of 20998 and aimed higher.
AS17-137-21000 (OF300) ( 156k or 968k )
145:49:03 Rightward of 20999, showing the northwest wall of Shorty with Hanover Crater and the extension of the scarp on the North Massif in the distance.
AS17-137-21001 (OF300) ( 172k or 1100k )
145:49:03 Rightward of 21000, showing the north wall of Shorty with Hanover Crater and the extension of the scarp on the North Massif in the distance.
AS17-137-21002 (OF300) ( 180k or 1100k )
145:49:03 Rightward of 21001, showing the north wall of Shorty with Hanover Crater and the extension of the scarp on the North Massif in the distance.
AS17-137-21003 (OF300) ( 192k or 1200k )
145:49:03 Rightward of 21002, showing the northeast wall of Shorty with Hanover Crater and the extension of the scarp on the North Massif in the distance.
AS17-137-21004 (OF300) ( 196k or 1300k )
145:49:03 Rightward of 21003, showing the deep shadow on the east wall, with the North Massif in the distance.
AS17-137-21005 (OF300) ( 180k or 1200k )
145:49:03 Gene turned to his left to get another picture of the red/orange streaks going down into the crater from the rim beyond the Station 4 boulder.
AS17-137-21006 (OF300) ( 116k or 888k )
145:49:03 Similar to 21005 but probably at a different f-stop.
AS17-137-21007 (OF300) ( 96k or 756k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21006 with the Station 4 boulder and the area where Jack and Gene sampled the orange soil of the lefthand side.
AS17-137-21008 (OF300) ( 136k or 968k )
145:49:03 Similar to 21007 but aimed lower. Note the sunlit face of the scarp immediately above the top row of reseau crosses.
AS17-137-21009 (OF300) ( 76k or 584k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21007. This frame is part of an excellent pan that Gene took from the SE rim of Shorty Crater. It shows Jack at his Rover seat and, in addition to the patch of orange soil between the Rover and the boulder beyond, it shows streaks of orange soil on the inner wall of the crater beyond the boulder. Journal Contributor Yuri Krasilnikov has created an animation of Jack's activities at the Rover captured in 21009, 10, 11, and 12.
AS17-137-21010 (OF300) ( 72k or 568k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21009, showing Jack at his Rover seat.
AS17-137-21010/1 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 2072k or 127k )
Jack moved noticeably from left to right between the frames. Only his second location is used in this anaglyph. Red-blue anaglyph by Erik van Meijgaarden.
AS17-137-21011 (OF300) ( 76k or 596k )
145:49:03 Similar to 21010. Jack is at his LRV seat holding the double core. The trench site in orange soil is at the fiducial mark to the left and just above the LRV. Note the patch of orange soil on reseau spacing left and below the center cross.
AS17-137-21012 (OF300) ( 68k or 508k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21011. Jack is now at the front of the Rover. The in-bound Rover tracks are labeled in a detail ( 162k ).
AS17-137-21013 (OF300) ( 84k or 612k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21012, with the back of the Rover at the righthand edge. Note the two, fresh, sharp-rimmed craters in the middle distance, with the righthand crater being indented on the north by a smaller crater. As can be seen in a detail ( 240k ), Gene drove close to the rim of the righthand crater on his way to Station 4. The Rover wheels are centered 72 inches ( 1.8 m) apart and we can estimate that the main component of the righthand crater is about 10 meters in diameter. As can be seen in a labeled detail from Pan Camera frame 2309 ( 1.6 Mb ), this crater is about 80 meters from Gene's pan location on the southeast rim of Shorty.
AS17-137-21014 (OF300) ( 108k or 748k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21013. Lennie Waugh notes that an addition track segment can be seen in the distance, as indicated in an enhanced detail ( 154k ).
AS17-137-21015 (OF300) ( 136k or 912k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21014, showing the entire South Massif summit ridge.
AS17-137-21016 (OF300) ( 136k or 832k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21015, showing the eastern slope of the South Massif.
AS17-137-21017 (OF300) ( 160k or 1100k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21016. The debris in the foreground suggests a secondary crater off the bottom of the frame.
AS17-137-21018 (OF300) ( 152k or 976k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21017. Bear Mountain is the low mound on the left in front of the East Massif.
AS17-137-21019 (OF300) ( 156k or 1000k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21018, toward the East Massif.
AS17-137-21020 (OF300) ( 148k or 980k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21019, with the East Massif on the right and the Sculptured Hills on the right.
AS17-137-21021 (OF300) ( 124k or 784k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21020, with the East Massif on the right and the Sculptured Hills on the right.
AS17-137-21022 (OF300) ( 112k or 744k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21021. Up-Sun along the Shorty rim.
AS17-137-21023 (OF300) ( 160k or 1000k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21022. View along the Shorty rim toward Wessex Cleft.
AS17-137-21024 (OF300) ( 156k or 976k )
145:49:03 Leftward of 21023. East rim of Shorty, with the North Massif in the background.
AS17-137-21025 (OF300) ( 92k or 704k )
145:49:03 Sunstruck. Gene turns to take some last pictures of the orange streaks going down the crater wall beyond the Station 4 boulder. Jack appears to be looking into the crater and, perhaps, at the streaks. A detail ( 123k ) focuses on Jack. The sunlit scarp face is in the distance and is labeled. Sunstruck.
AS17-137-21026 (OF300) ( 124k or 868k )
145:49:03 Rightward of 21025, showing the orange streaks on the inner crater wall.
AS17-137-21027 (OF300) ( 136k or 908k )
145:49:03 Similar to 21026 but sunstruck.


Magazine 138/I (B&W) EVA-2, Frames 21028-21184
Unless otherwise noted, all images processed by Kipp Teague from raw scans provided by NASA Johnson. Images labeled "OF300" are from the original film and are presented at the equivalent of 300 DPI on an 7.5 inch by 7.5 inch reproduction.
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Used by Jack Schmitt during EVA-2.


Calibration Chart (OF300) ( 248k or 940k ) AS17-138-21028 (OF300) ( 108k or 1100k )

AS17-138-21029 (OF300) ( 209k or 1402k )
142:54:53 Station 2. Jack's down-Sun "before" of Boulder 1. Shows the area from which samples 2215, 20, 35, 40, 55, 60 and 75 will be taken.
AS17-138-21030 (OF300) ( 191k or 1283k )
143:01:55 Station 2. Frames 21030 to 21035 are part of Jack's post-sample flightline stereo.
AS17-138-21031 (OF300) ( 208k or 1421k )
Station 2. Frames 21030 to 21035 are part of Jack's post-sample flightline stereo.
AS17-138-21032 (OF300) ( 187k or 1459k )
Station 2. Nansen is visible beyond the boulder. Frames 21030 to 21035 are part of Jack's post-sample flightline stereo.
AS17-138-21033 (OF300) ( 159k or 1341k )
Station 2. Frames 21030 to 21035 are part of Jack's post-sample flightline stereo.
AS17-138-21034 (OF300) ( 194k or 1527k )
Station 2. Shows the scoop. Frames 21030 to 21035 are part of Jack's post-sample flightline stereo.
AS17-138-21035 (OF300) ( 221k or 1563k )
Station 2. Frames 21030 to 21035 are part of Jack's post-sample flightline stereo.
AS17-138-21036 (OF300) ( 162k or 1409k )
143:06:37 Station 2. Jack's "after" photo of the overhang sample.
AS17-138-21037 (OF300) ( 167k or 140k )
Station 2. A second "after" of the overhang sample.
AS17-138-21038 (OF300) ( 168k or 1396k )
143:11:32 Station 2. Jack's down-Sun "before" of Boulder 2. shows the area from which samples 2315, 20, 35, 55, 75 and 95 will be taken.
AS17-138-21039 (OF300) ( 215k or 1491k )
143:11:32 Station 2. Jack's "locator" from Boulder 2 to the Rover. Boulder 1 is at the left edge, surrounded by footprints.
AS17-138-21040 (OF300) ( 153k or 1300k )
143:17:59 Station 2. Southeast face of Boulder 2. Shows locations for samples 2315, 20, 35, 55, 75 and 95.
AS17-138-21041 (OF300) ( 199k or 1537k )
143:17:59 Station 2. Similar to 21040.
AS17-138-21042 (OF300) ( 239k or 1652k )
143:17:59 Station 2. Similar to 21040.
AS17-138-21043 (OF300) ( 194k or 1566k )
143:21:35 Station 2. "Before" of the rake area, showing the scoop and the gnomon.
AS17-138-21044 (OF300) ( 152k or 1361k )
Station 2. "Before" of the rake area, showing the scoop and the gnomon. Shows the areas from which samples 2500 and 2535-57 will be taken.
AS17-138-21045 (OF300) ( 209k or 1586k )
Station 2. "Before" of the rake area, showing the scoop and the gnomon. Shows the areas from which samples 2500 and 2535-57 will be taken.
AS17-138-21046 (OF300) ( 222k or 1664k )
Station 2. "Before" of the rake area, showing the scoop and the gnomon. Shows the areas from which samples 2500 and 2535-57 will be taken.
AS17-138-21047 (OF300) ( 201k or 1567k )
143:28:35 Station 2. Boulder 3 down-Sun "before".
AS17-138-21048 (OF300) ( 237k or 1499k )
143:28:51 Station 2. Boulder 3 "locator" showing the Rover and its inbound tracks, and an assortment of footprints.
AS17-138-21049 (OF300) ( 177k or 1350k )
143:28:51 Station 2. Boulder 3 "before" showing area from which samples 2415, 35-36, 40 and 60 will be taken.
AS17-138-21050 (OF300) ( 251k or 1560k )
143:32:18 Station 2. Small pit crater.
AS17-138-21051 (OF300) ( 259k or 1527k )
143:32:18 Station 2. Small pit crater.
AS17-138-21052 (OF300) ( 284k or 1614k )
143:32:18 Station 2. Small pit crater.
AS17-138-21053 (OF300) ( 124k or 1032k )
143:37:16 Station 2 pan from second rake site, down-Sun. The frames in this pan are 21053 to 21073.
AS17-138-21054 (OF300) ( 151k or 1418k )
Station 2 pan. South Massif slope.
AS17-138-21055 (OF300) ( 116k or 1250k )
Station 2 pan. Down-Sun. South Massif slope.
AS17-138-21056 (OF300) ( 115k or 1173k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-138-21057 (OF300) ( 120k or 1169k )
Station 2 pan. Far end of Nansen.
AS17-138-21058 (OF300) ( 147k or 1228k )
Station 2 pan. Nansen.
AS17-138-21059 (OF300) ( 147k or 1177k )
Station 2 pan. Nansen, scarp on the North Massif.
AS17-138-21060 (OF300) ( 177k or 1287k )
Station 2 pan. North Massif.
AS17-138-21061 (OF300) ( 195k or 1353k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-138-21062 (OF300) ( 151k or 1035k )
Station 2 pan. North Massif.
AS17-138-21063 (OF300) ( 173k or 1239k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-138-21064 (OF300) ( 165k or 1331k )
Station 2 pan.
AS17-138-21065 (OF300) ( 143k or 1391k )
Station 2 pan. Up-Sun.
AS17-138-21066 (OF300) ( 120k or 1335k )
Station 2 pan. Up-Sun glare.
AS17-138-21067 (OF300) ( 152k or 1321k )
Station 2 pan. East Massif. Fresh crater.
AS17-138-21068 (OF300) ( 168k or 1285k )
Station 2 pan. Gene and the gnomon.
AS17-138-21069 (OF300) ( 197k or 1453k )
This excellent picture of Gene is part of Jack's Station 2 pan.
AS17-138-21070 (OF300) ( 175k or 1327k )
Station 2 pan. This picture shows Gene and behind him, the field of boulders SSE of Station 2 and, in the upper right, the large crater on South Massif slope.
AS17-138-21071 (OF300) ( 144k or 1301k )
Station 2 pan. LRV and the large crater on the South Massif slope.
AS17-138-21072 (OF300) ( 155k or 1412k )
Station 2 pan. This excellent picture shows the Rover and beyond it, the Station 2 boulders.
AS17-138-21073 (OF300) ( 129k or 1348k )
143:38:20 Station 2 pan. Final frame in Jack's pan.
AS17-138-21074 (OF300) ( 152k or 1226k )
143:41:04 Station 2. "After" photo at the second rake site. Shows the location from which samples 2700 and 2735-38 were taken.
AS17-138-21075 (OF300) ( 133k or 1044k )
143:50:00 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a.
AS17-138-21076 (OF300) ( 156k or 1246k )
LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a.
AS17-138-21077 (OF300) ( 153k or 1179k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. Jack took frames 21077 to 21092 while Gene drove the Rover slowly in a circle. This first picture was taken toward Wessex Cleft.
AS17-138-21078 (OF300) ( 134k or 1201k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. Sculptured Hills.
AS17-138-21079 (OF300) ( 130k or 1319k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. Up-Sun glare.
AS17-138-21080 (OF300) ( 107k or 1217k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. Up-Sun glare.
AS17-138-21081 (OF300) ( 161k or 1269k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. East Massif.
AS17-138-21082 (OF300) ( 162k or 1153k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. South Massif.
AS17-138-21083 (OF300) ( 135k or 1308k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. Large crater above Station 2.
AS17-138-21084 (OF300) ( 100k or 1074k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. South Massif above Nansen.
AS17-138-21085 (OF300) ( 84k or 914k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. Overexposed.
AS17-138-21086 (OF300) ( 71k or 715k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. Blurred.
AS17-138-21087 (OF300) ( 75k or 696k )
143:50:16 Frame from the LRV pan that Jack took while Gene drove the Rover in a tight circle not long after they left Station 2. (Old) Family Mountain is just to the left of the TV camera.
AS17-138-21088 (OF300) ( 87k or 780k )
143:50:16 Frame from the LRV pan. Rightward from 21087, with the extension of the Scarp on the flank of the North Massif.
AS17-138-21089 (OF300) ( 112k or 950k )
143:50:16 Frame from the LRV pan. Rightward of 21088. Hanover Crater, just east of the Scarp on the flank of the North Massif, is just above an intervening ridge.
AS17-138-21090 (OF300) ( 120k or 1006k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. Scarp on North Massif Hanover Crater.
AS17-138-21091 (OF300) ( 129k or 1082k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan, North Massif.
AS17-138-21092 (OF300) ( 149k or 1181k )
143:50:16 LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a. LRV pan. Wessex Cleft. This is the last frame in the LRV pan.
AS17-138-21093 (OF300) ( 151k or 1169k )
LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a.
AS17-138-21094 (OF300) ( 123k or 1024k )
LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a.
AS17-138-21095 (OF300) ( 151k or 1185k )
LRV traverse from Station 2 to 2a.
AS17-138-21096 (OF300) ( 265k or 1767k )
143:57:15 This is the first frame of a stereopair "before" of the pit-bottom crater at the Scarp Gravimeter stop, Station 2a.
AS17-138-21097 (OF300) ( 235k or 1644k )
143:57:15 Jack stepped to his right to get this stereo companion to 21096.
AS17-138-21098 (OF300) ( 260k or 1659k )
Station 2a. Stereo "before" of the site of reflected orange light.
AS17-138-21099 (OF300) ( 256k or 1625k )
143:59:16 Station 2a. Stereo "before" of the site of reflected orange light. Location of sample 3150.
AS17-138-21100 (OF300) ( 156k or 1280k )
144:05:09 Station 2a. Frames 21100 to 21108 are an LRV partial pan that Jack took while Gene turned the Rover in a partial circle before leaving Station 2a.
AS17-138-21101 (OF300) ( 140k or 1323k )
Station 2a. LRV partial pan.
AS17-138-21102 (OF300) ( 112k or 1168k )
Station 2a. LRV partial pan.
AS17-138-21103 (OF300) ( 87k or 892k )
Station 2a. LRV partial pan. Footprints.
AS17-138-21104 (OF300) ( 77k or 772k )
Station 2a. LRV partial pan.
AS17-138-21105 (OF300) ( 93k or 870k )
Station 2a. LRV partial pan. Scarp on the North Massif. LRV tracks.
AS17-138-21106 (OF300) ( 125k or 1016k )
Station 2a. LRV partial pan. LRV tracks.
AS17-138-21107 (OF300) ( 135k or 1050k )
Station 2a. LRV partial pan. LRV tracks. North Massif.
AS17-138-21108 (OF300) ( 146k or 1119k )
144:05:37 Station 2a. LRV partial pan. North Massif.
AS17-138-21109 (OF300) ( 123k or 966k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21110 (OF300) ( 128k or 989k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21111 (OF300) ( 126k or 1007k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21112 (OF300) ( 145k or 1106k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21113 (OF300) ( 130k or 1116k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Outer east ridge - or lobe - of the Scarp at the top of Hole in the Wall.
AS17-138-21114 (OF300) ( 124k or 1050k )
144:09:52 LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Wessex Cleft is over the TV camera.
AS17-138-21115 (OF300) ( 113k or 949k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Gene is turning north.
AS17-138-21116 (OF300) ( 144k or 1133k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Hanover Crater and the Scarp on the North Massif.
AS17-138-21117 (OF300) ( 127k or 1061k )
144:10:25 LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Scarp lobes.
AS17-138-21118 (OF300) ( 109k or 918k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. This is an excellent picture of the multiple lobes that make up the Scarp out in the central part of the valley.
AS17-138-21119 (OF300) ( 147k or 1218k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21120 (OF300) ( 138k or 1081k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21121 (OF300) ( 123k or 1006k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21122 (OF300) ( 144k or 1158k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21123 (OF300) ( 135k or 1110k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21124 (OF300) ( 146k or 1258k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21125 (OF300) ( 159k or 1261k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Coming downhill at Hole-in-the-Wall.
AS17-138-21126 (OF300) ( 157k or 1271k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Shorty Crater, the site of Station 4, is above the TV camera, just below the base of the North Massif.
AS17-138-21127 (OF300) ( 120k or 1038k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Gene turns north.
AS17-138-21128 (OF300) ( 133k or 1075k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Gene turns northeast again.
AS17-138-21129 (OF300) ( 136k or 1072k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21130 (OF300) ( 108k or 944k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Gene turns north again.
AS17-138-21131 (OF300) ( 97k or 905k )
144:15:42 LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. By the time Jack took this picture, they were more or less down off the Scarp and were headed NW.
AS17-138-21132 (OF300) ( 77k or 768k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21133 (OF300) ( 72k or 721k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21134 (OF300) ( 107k or 1043k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21135 (OF300) ( 108k or 1019k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21136 (OF300) ( 97k or 914k )
144:18:01 LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Outbound LRV tracks.
AS17-138-21137 (OF300) ( 116k or 1114k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Scarp lobes. Scarp on the North Massif.
AS17-138-21138 (OF300) ( 90k or 934k )
144:20:04 LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Gene turns left a bit.
AS17-138-21139 (OF300) ( 84k or 922k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21140 (OF300) ( 73k or 746k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21141 (OF300) ( 101k or 979k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3. Gene turns right again.
AS17-138-21142 (OF300) ( 102k or 960k )
LRV traverse from Station 2a to 3.
AS17-138-21143 (OF300) ( 212k or 1654k )
144:26:30 Station 3. Cross-Sun stereo "before" of the trench site.
AS17-138-21144 (OF300) ( 228k or 1675k )
Station 3. Cross-Sun stereo "before".
AS17-138-21145 (OF300) ( 230k or 1694k )
Station 3. Cross-Sun showing the rim of Ballet Crater.
AS17-138-21146 (OF300) ( 156k or 1429k )
Station 3. Trench down-Sun before. Ballet Crater.
AS17-138-21147 (OF300) ( 204k or 1588k )
Station 3. Trench area. Ballet Crater.
AS17-138-21148 (OF300) ( 164k or 1340k )
Station 3. Trench down-Sun "after".
AS17-138-21149 (OF300) ( 178k or 1396k )
Station 3. Trench down-Sun "after" showing the area from which samples 3215, 20, 35, 40, 55, 60, 75 and 80 were taken.
AS17-138-21150 (OF300) ( 96k or 1008k )
144:53:05 This down-Sun of Jack's shadow is the first frame of his Station 3 pan, taken on the rim of Ballet Crater.
AS17-138-21151 (OF300) ( 146k or 1331k )
144:53:05 Jack took his Station 3 pan from the south rim of Ballet Crater, as shown in a planimetric station map ( 47k ). This view to the southwest has an 8-meter-diameter crater in the foreground, the relatively dark, inner, southwestern wall of Lara in the middle distance, and the South Massif in the background. Figure 7a ( 930k ) shows the location of Station 3 in relation to Lara and the Scarp.
AS17-138-21152 (OF300) ( 113k or 1185k )
144:53:05 Rightward of 21151. The Scarp forms the local horizon on the right.
AS17-138-21153 (OF300) ( 101k or 1130k )
144:53:05 Rightward of 21152. Down Sun.
AS17-138-21154 (OF300) ( 118k or 1224k )
144:53:05 Rightward of 21153.
AS17-138-21155 (OF300) ( 147k or 1358k )
144:53:05 Rightward of 21154, with part of Ballet Crater on the right. The western face of the Scarp forms the background.
AS17-138-21156 (OF300) ( 141k or 1323k )
144:53:05 Rightward of 21155, with part of Ballet Crater in the foreground. The western face of the Scarp forms the background on the left. On the left, we can see the extension of the scarp on the flank of the North Massif.
AS17-138-21157 (OF300) ( 163k or 1480k )
144:53:05 Jack lowered his aim to show the western half of Ballet Crater.
AS17-138-21158 (OF300) ( 170k or 1415k )
144:53:05 Rightward of 21156, with Ballet Crater in the foreground, two lobes of the Scarp in the middle distance, and the scarp extension and Hanover Crater on the flank of the North Massif beyond.
AS17-138-21159 (OF300) ( 139k or 1172k )
144:53:05 Similar to 21158.
AS17-138-21160 (OF300) ( 191k or 1455k )
144:53:05Jack lowered his aim to show the eastern part of Ballet crater. His SCB and scoop are in the foreground on the right.
AS17-138-21161 (OF300) ( 143k or 1150k )
144:53:05Jack raised his aim again. The scoop and SCB are at the lower right.
AS17-138-21162 (OF300) ( 163k or 1362k )
144:53:05Rightward of 21161, with the scoop and SCB at bottom center and Wessex Cleft at the upper right.
AS17-138-21163 (OF300) ( 137k or 1297k )
144:53:05Rightward of 21162, with the gnomon below center.
AS17-138-21164 (OF300) ( 175k or 1416k )
144:53:05Jack lowered his aim to show the area disturbed he disturbed east of the rim.
AS17-138-21165 (OF300) ( 160k or 1404k )
144:53:05Rightward of 21163, with the gnomon on the left. A detail ( 90k ) from the lefthand side of the image shows the dark rim of Shorty Crater in the distance.
AS17-138-21166 (OF300) ( 179k or 1479k )
144:53:05Jack lowered his aim, showing Gene working at the LMP's seat.
AS17-138-21167 (OF300) ( 150k or 1418k )
144:53:05 Rightward of 21165, showing Gene at the LMP's seat. This image was taken in the general direction of the LM, which is not visible because either the rim of Camelot is hiding it and/or it is lost in the graininess of the image caused by the sun glare.
AS17-138-21168 (OF300) ( 161k or 1420k )
144:53:05 Rightward of 21167, showing Gene at the LMP's seat.
AS17-138-21169 (OF300) ( 163k or 1448k )
144:53:05 Rightward of 21168, with the back of the Rover on the left and the East Massif centered in the distance.
AS17-138-21170 (OF300) ( 142k or 1305k )
144:53:05Rightward of 21169. Frame from Jack's Station 3 pan showing the view toward the southeast along the base of the scarp toward the South Massif. A portion of the East Massif can be seen beyond the leftward edge of the South Massif.
AS17-138-21171 (OF300) ( 191k or 1462k )
144:53:05Jack lowered his aim to show the near surface to the south.
AS17-138-21172 (OF300) ( 133k or 1121k )
144:53:05Similar to 21171 but aimed higher. The low, east rim of Lara is in the middle distance. See a detailed map of the area from the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report.
AS17-138-21173 (OF300) ( 158k or 1382k )
144:53:05Rightward of 21172, with the inner south wall of Lara in the middle distance.
AS17-138-21174 (OF300) ( 135k or 1199k )
144:53:05Similar to 21173 but aimed higher, with Lara in the middle distance and the South Massif in the distance.
AS17-138-21175 (OF300) ( 166k or 1461k )
144:53:05Rightward of 21173, showing the eastern half of the 8-meter crater southwest of Ballet Crater.
AS17-138-21176 (OF300) ( 128k or 1186k )
144:53:05Similar to 21175 but aimed higher, looking south with Lara beyond the foreground ridge and the summit of the South Massif in the distance.
AS17-138-21177 (OF300) ( 112k or 1056k )
144:53:05Rightward of 21176, showing the view over the 8-meter crater immediately southwest of Ballet Crater.
AS17-138-21178 (OF300) ( 213k or 1645k )
144:56:39 Station 3. Trench cross-Sun "after".
AS17-138-21179 (OF300) ( 141k or 1295k )
Station 3. Trench cross-Sun "after".
AS17-138-21180 (OF300) ( 149k or 1389k )
Station 3. Trench cross-Sun "after".
AS17-138-21181 (OF300) ( 112k or 1190k )
145:00:06 Station 3. LRV floor.
AS17-138-21182 (OF300) ( 116k or 1200k )
145:00:06 Station 3. LRV floor. Sunstruck.
AS17-138-21183 (OF300) ( 124k or 1200k )
LRV floor?
AS17-138-21184 (OF300) ( 116k or 1200k )


Magazine 139/K (B&W) 500mm EVA-3 and in lunar orbit, Frames 21185-21350


Apollo 17 Mag K frame counter

This photo of flown Apollo 17 magazine 139/K was taken at the National Air and Space Museum by Ulli Lotzmann. The frame counter at the lower left is marked with radial lines every fifth frame and with numerical labels every tenth frame. On the Gross Film Indicator immediately above the Frame Counter, each white dot represents about 1/8th of the loaded film. When the magazine is fresh, the white arrow is immediately clockwise from the red marking. When the white arrow is immediately counterclockwise from the red marking, all of the film has been used.

Unless otherwise noted, all images processed by Kipp Teague from raw scans provided by NASA Johnson. Images labeled "OF300" are from the original film and are presented at the equivalent of 300 DPI on an 7.5 inch by 7.5 inch reproduction.
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Images taken with 500-mm lens by Jack Schmitt at Stations 6 and 9 during EVA-3. Concludes with images taken after the return to orbit.


Calibration Chart (OF300) ( 204k or 956k ) AS17-139-21185 (OF300) ( 140k or 1400k )

AS17-139-21186 (OF300) ( 162k or 1557k )
165:44:50 Station 6. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulders.
AS17-139-21187 (OF300) ( 123k or 1231k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. North Massif, fogged.
AS17-139-21188 (OF300) ( 126k or 1130k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21189 (OF300) ( 152k or 1439k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21190 (OF300) ( 132k or 1248k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. North Massif. Journal Contributor Danny Caes notes that the large boulder above center in this photo can also be seen at the center of AS17-139-21250, taken from Sation 9, as shown in a comparison.
AS17-139-21191 (OF300) ( 127k or 1294k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21192 (OF300) ( 146k or 1385k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21193 (OF300) ( 141k or 1351k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulders.
AS17-139-21194 (OF300) ( 123k or 1326k )
165:46:26 Station 6. 500-mm lens. Centered on the dark, raised rim of Shorty Crater with the Scarp beyond. The rake is on the back of the Rover. The rake head appears, out-of-focus, at the lower left. The large boulder in the distance, on the flank of the South Massif beyond the center of Shorty is shown in a detail (3.4 Mb tif) from LROC image M104311715L. The trail it left when it tumbled down the mountain can be seen in the LROC image and, less distinctly, in in a detail from 21194. Like the Station 6 boulder, it appears to have come to a stop when it encountered a much shallower slope low on the mountain. This behaviour is particularly evident in 21194. Identity of the boulder was confirmed by using a portion of Apollo 17 Pan Camera frame AS17-P-2309 to establish the line-of-sight from Station 6 through the center of Shorty and, then, a portion of M104311715L to extend the line-of-sight onward to the base of the Spoth Massif.
AS17-139-21195 (OF300) ( 109k or 1260k )
Out-of-focus. Near surface?
AS17-139-21196 (OF300) ( 122k or 1327k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. Shorty Crater and the Scarp. Rake head.
AS17-139-21197 (OF300) ( 122k or 1314k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. Toward Station 2.
AS17-139-21198 (OF300) ( 121k or 1294k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. Toward Station 2.
AS17-139-21199 (OF300) ( 125k or 1329k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. Toward Station 2.
AS17-139-21200 (OF300) ( 125k or 1329k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. Toward Station 2.
AS17-139-21201 (OF300) ( 120k or 1292k )
165:46:26 500-mm picture toward Station 2 from Station 6.
AS17-139-21202 (OF300) ( 120k or 1292k)
Station 6. 500-mm lens. Toward Station 2, Scarp.
AS17-139-21203 (OF300) ( 144k or 1283k)
165:48:27 Station 6. 500-mm lens. LM. Contrary to a caption in the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report (Figure 4-36), the blocky-rimmed crater to the right of the LM is not Camelot. In frame 21205, the ALSEP Central Station and Geophone Rock can be seen near the right edge. Because the distance from the LM to the ALSEP is known (185 meters), we can easily estimate that the distance between fiducial marks on the images corresponds to 0.02 radians or, at the 3.0 kilometers distance of the LM from Station 6, about 60 meters at the spacecraft. The block field to the right of the spacecraft is separated from it by about 0.03 radians and, therefore, could be Macklin. The crater to the left could be Hess or Powell.
AS17-139-21204 (OF300) ( 155k or 1372k)
Jack Schmitt took this superb picture of the LM from Station 6 with the 500-mm lens. Note the lighter surface around the spacecraft, produced by the sweeping action of the descent plume. Station 6 is about 3.1 kilometer from the LM, which is about 7 meters tall. The two large craters beyond the LM with prominent rim boulder fields are probably Hess (left) and Mackin (right), which are both about 6 km from Station 6 on higher ground than the landing site. Each of the craters is about 600 meters in diameter.
AS17-139-21205 (OF300) ( 142k or 1304k)
Station 6. 500-mm lens. LM. Note that Geophone Rock and the ALSEP Central Station are in the portion of the image framed by the two fiducials to the right of the central fiducials and by the two above them.
AS17-139-21203-5 Combined Images (0.3 Mb or 2.5 Mb)
Patrick Vantuyne has used elements of Jack's three 500-mm shots of the LM from Station 6 to produce a view without reseau crosses.

Syd Buxton has combined the images in a full view (0.3 Mb or 4.8 Mb). He writes "For me, a fabulous but strangely eerie group of images. The 'vulnerability' of the LM within the splendour of the valley, compounded by the distance away from Gene and Jack's position at the time the shots were taken, just magnifies how remarkably brave this entire (Apollo) adventure was. Magnificent .......... (heavy sigh)."

AS17-139-21206 (OF300) ( 138k or 1495k )
165:49:31 Station 6. 500-mm lens. Toward Station 3, Shorty, Scarp.
AS17-139-21207 (OF300) ( 138k or 1453k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. Toward Station 3, Shorty, Scarp.
AS17-139-21208 (OF300) ( 116k or 1206k )
165:50:01 Station 6. 500-mm lens. South Massif summit.
AS17-139-21209 (OF300) ( 117k or 1194k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. South Massif.
AS17-139-21210 (OF300) ( 82k or 848k )
Station 6. 500-mm lens. South Massif.
AS17-139-21211 (OF300) ( 95k or 978k )
165:51:04 Station 6. 500-mm lens. South Massif.


Station 9 images.


AS17-139-21212 (OF300) ( 105k or 117k )

168:25:35 Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21213 (OF300) ( 122k or 1287k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21214 (OF300) ( 100k or 1037k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21215 (OF300) ( 117k or 1179k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21216 (OF300) ( 122k or 1234k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21217 (OF300) ( 125k or 1237k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21218 (OF300) ( 117k or 1130k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21219 (OF300) ( 126k or 1201k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif, outcrop.
AS17-139-21220 (OF300) ( 111k or 1097k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21221 (OF300) ( 140k or 1394k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21222 (OF300) ( 148k or 1456k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21223 (OF300) ( 144k or 1446k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21224 (OF300) ( 130k or 1345k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21225 (OF300) ( 114k or 1183k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21226 (OF300) ( 115k or 1195k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21227 (OF300) ( 150k or 1510k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21228 (OF300) ( 147k or 1448k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21229 (OF300) ( 139k or 1459k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif.
AS17-139-21230 (OF300) ( 139k or 1472k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. Base of North Massif.
AS17-139-21231 (OF300) ( 139k or 1435k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. Base of North Massif.
AS17-139-21232 (OF300) ( 138k or 1451k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. Base of North Massif.
AS17-139-21233 (OF300) ( 145k or 1503k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. Base of North Massif.
AS17-139-21234 (OF300) ( 135k or 1418k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. Base of North Massif.
AS17-139-21235 (OF300) ( 135k or 1410k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. Base of North Massif.
AS17-139-21236 (OF300) ( 133k or 1389k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. Base of North Massif.
AS17-139-21237 (OF300) ( 152k or 1462k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. Base of North Massif.
AS17-139-21238 (OF300) ( 142k or 1394k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. Base of North Massif.
AS17-139-21239 (OF300) ( 76k or 8366k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21240 (OF300) ( 81k or 804k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21241 (OF300) ( 85k or 868k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21242 (OF300) ( 85k or 848k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21243 (OF300) ( 90k or 881k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21244 (OF300) ( 89k or 890k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21245 (OF300) ( 91k or 877k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21246 (OF300) ( 93k or 914k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21247 (OF300) ( 93k or 924k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21248 (OF300) ( 85k or 845k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. East of North Massif.
AS17-139-21249 (OF300) ( 143k or 1514k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21250 (OF300) ( 144k or 1496k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks. Journal Contributor Danny Caes notes that the large boulder above center in this photo can also be seen at the center of AS17-139-21190, taken from Sation 6, as shown in a comparison
AS17-139-21251 (OF300) ( 148k or 1504k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21252 (OF300) ( 146k or 1476k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21253 (OF300) ( 140k or 1474k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21254 (OF300) ( 137k or 1465k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21255 (OF300) ( 137k or 1455k )
Gene Cernan took this picture of the dark boulder from Station 9 with the 500-mm lens. This is the same boulder shown in AS17-144-21991, a picture taken by Jack out his LM window after EVA-1. Five boulders that can serve as markers are labeled in details from both 21991 and 21255.
AS17-139-21256 (OF300) ( 133k or 1453k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21257 (OF300) ( 119k or 1258k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21258 (OF300) ( 149k or 1528k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21259 (OF300) ( 140k or 1487k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21260 (OF300) ( 138k or 1477k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21261 (OF300) ( 138k or 1489k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21262 (OF300) ( 136k or 1456k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21263 (OF300) ( 136k or 1461k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21264 (OF300) ( 133k or 1447k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21265 (OF300) ( 131k or 1427k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21266 (OF300) ( 136k or 1463k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21267 (OF300) ( 130k or 1411k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21268 (OF300) ( 126k or 1406k )
Station 9. 500-mm lens. North Massif boulder tracks.
AS17-139-21269 (OF300) ( 16k or 88k )


Images taken after the return to orbit.


AS17-139-21270 (OF300) ( 16k or 88k )

AS17-139-21271 (OF300) ( 16k or 88k )
AS17-139-21272 (OF300) ( 96k or 1000k )
AS17-139-21273 (OF300) ( 208k or 2000k )
AS17-139-21274 (OF300) ( 36k or 324k )
AS17-139-21275 (OF300) ( 104k or 1100k )
AS17-139-21276 (OF300) ( 16k or 88k )
AS17-139-21277 (OF300) ( 72k or 616k )
Taurus-Littrow from orbit.
AS17-139-21278 (OF300) ( 72k or 560k )
Taurus-Littrow from orbit.
AS17-139-21279 (OF300) ( 76k or 580k )
Taurus-Littrow from orbit.
AS17-139-21280 (OF300) ( 84k or 676k )
Taurus-Littrow from orbit.
AS17-139-21281 (OF300) ( 92k or 744k )
Taurus-Littrow from orbit.
AS17-139-21282 (OF300) ( 108k or 876k )
Taurus-Littrow from orbit.
AS17-139-21283 (OF300) ( 92k or 652k )
Autolycus, Apollo 15 Landing Site
AS17-139-21284 (OF300) ( 92k or 736k )
West of Fermi.
AS17-139-21285 (OF300) ( 108k or 904k )
AS17-139-21286 (OF300) ( 84k or 556k )
AS17-139-21287 (OF300) ( 96k or 580k )
Copernicus, Sea of Rains.
AS17-139-21288 (OF300) ( 92k or 556k )
Copernicus, Sea of Rains.
AS17-139-21289 (OF300) ( 124k or 676k )
Copernicus, Sea of Rains.
AS17-139-21290 (OF300) ( 148k or 816k )
Copernicus, Sea of Rains.
AS17-139-21291 (OF300) ( 168k or 928k )
Tobias Mayer, Sea of Rains.
AS17-139-21292 (OF300) ( 192k or 1000k )
Tobias Mayer, Sea of Rains.
AS17-139-21293 (OF300) ( 128k or 740k )
Tobias Mayer, Sea of Rains.
AS17-139-21294 (OF300) ( 200k or 1000k )
Tobias Mayer, Sea of Rains.
AS17-139-21295 (OF300) ( 156k or 864k )
Tobias Mayer, Sea of Rains.
AS17-139-21296 (OF300) ( 108k or 840k )
Webb, Foaming Sea.
AS17-139-21297 (OF300) ( 188k or 1004k )
AS17-139-21298 (OF300) ( 100k or 836k )
Smyth's Sea.
AS17-139-21299 (OF300) ( 104k or 852k )
Smyth's Sea.
AS17-139-21300 (OF300) ( 16k or 88k )
Earthset from CSM.
AS17-139-21301 (OF300) ( 16k or 88k )
Earthset from CSM.
AS17-139-21302 (OF300) ( 228k or 1200k )
AS17-139-21302/4 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 648k or 249k )
Red-blue anaglyph, combining 21302 and 21304, by Erik van Meijgaarden.
AS17-139-21303 (OF300) ( 224k or 1100k )
AS17-139-21304 (OF300) ( 228k or 1200k )
AS17-139-21305 (OF300) ( 236k or 1100k )
Tsiolkovsky, Chauvenet.
AS17-139-21306 (OF300) ( 196k or 896k )
Tsiolkovsky, Lane.
AS17-139-21307 (OF300) ( 172k or 920k )
AS17-139-21308 (OF300) ( 116k or 684k )
Tsiolkovsky, Fermi.
AS17-139-21309 (OF300) ( 112k or 648k )
Tsiolkovsky, Fermi.
AS17-139-21310 (OF300) ( 112k or 756k )
Aratus, Apollo 15 site.
AS17-139-21311 (OF300) ( 108k or 732k )
Aratus, Apollo 15 site.
AS17-139-21312 (OF300) ( 88k or 684k )
Cauchy, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21313 (OF300) ( 84k or 712k )
Cauchy, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21314 (OF300) ( 84k or 708k )
Cauchy, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21315 (OF300) ( 88k or 716k )
Cauchy, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21316 (OF300) ( 84k or 692k )
Cauchy Scarp, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21317 (OF300) ( 84k or 696k )
Cauchy Scarp, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21318 (OF300) ( 84k or 704k )
Cauchy A, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21319 (OF300) ( 84k or 696k )
Cauchy A, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21320 (OF300) ( 84k or 708k )
Sinas, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21321 (OF300) ( 88k or 720k )
Sinas, Sea of Tranquility.
AS17-139-21322 (OF300) ( 96k or 652k )
Apennine Mountains. Wallace A & B.
AS17-139-21322/3 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 411k )
Red-blue anaglyph by Erik van Meijgaarden.
AS17-139-21323 (OF300) ( 96k or 656k )
Apennine Mountains. Wallace A & B.
AS17-139-21324 (OF300) ( 16k or 88k )
AS17-139-21325 (OF300) ( 16k or 88k )
AS17-139-21326 (OF300) ( 100k or 1100k )
AS17-139-21327 (OF300) ( 88k or 720k )
NW of Stark.
AS17-139-21328 (OF300) ( 80k or 704k )
West of Stark.
AS17-139-21329 (OF300) ( 84k or 716k )
West of Stark.
AS17-139-21330 (OF300) ( 100k or 740k )
West of Stark.
AS17-139-21331 (OF300) ( 112k or 772k )
East of Waterman.
AS17-139-21332 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21333 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21334 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21335 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21336 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21337 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21338 (OF300) ( k or k )
NE rim Waterman.
AS17-139-21339 (OF300) ( k or k )
AS17-139-21340 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21341 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21342 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21343 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21344 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21345 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21346 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21347 (OF300) ( k or k )
SE rim of Tsiolkovsky.
AS17-139-21348 (OF300) ( k or k )
NE rim of Waterman.
AS17-139-21349 (OF300) ( k or k )
AS17-139-21350 (OF300) ( k or k )
East floor of Tsiolkovsky.


Magazine 140/E (Color) EVA-3, Frame 21351-21509
Unless otherwise noted, all images processed by Kipp Teague from raw scans provided by NASA Johnson. Images labeled "OF300" are from the original film and are presented at the equivalent of 300 DPI on an 7.5 inch by 7.5 inch reproduction.
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Used by Jack Schmitt and Gene Cernan during EVA-3.


Calibration Chart (OF300) ( 176k or 656k ) AS17-140-21351 (OF300) ( )

AS17-140-21352 (OF300) ( 112k or 840k )
Pre-EVA-3 LM window pan. LRV, flag, replacement fender, and darkened Rover tracks/footprints.
AS17-140-21353 (OF300) ( 120k or 912k )
Pre-EVA-3 LM window pan. Similar to 21352.
AS17-140-21354 (OF300) ( 128k or 920k )
151:23:55Post-EVA-2 LM window shot showing the LRV, flag, rake, scoop. Note the Sample Collection Bag (SCB) on the Rover gate and the replacement fender over the right-rear wheel.
AS17-140-21355 (OF300) ( 72k or 960k )
Pre-EVA-3 LM window pan. (West) Family Mountain left of center, (Old) Family Mountain right of center, ALSEP, and Geophone Rock. Note the darkened Rover tracks near the ALSEP and, also, the tracks disappearing into the swale.
AS17-140-21356 (OF300) ( 72k or 1100k )
Pre-EVA-3 LM window pan. Geophone Rock, ALSEP, and the South Massif.
AS17-140-21357 (OF300) ( 84k or 1100k )
Pre-EVA-3 LM window pan. North Massif.
AS17-140-21358 (OF300) ( 92k or 812k )
Pre-EVA-3 LM window pan. North Massif and the LRV.


EVA-3 images. Jack Schmitt uses the magazine to take a pan at the LM.


AS17-140-21359 (OF300) ( 96k or 892k )

163:56:50 EVA-3 pan at the LM. Jack's shadow.
AS17-140-21360 (OF300) ( 104k or 892k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. South Massif and Geophone Rock.
AS17-140-21361 (OF300) ( 84k or 832k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. South Massif, Geophone Rock, (West) Family Mountain at center, and the ALSEP.
AS17-140-21362 (OF300) ( 76k or 688k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. Note the darkened Rover tracks near the ALSEP.
AS17-140-21363 (OF300) ( 88k or 760k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. (Old) Family Mountain and the North Massif.
AS17-140-21364 (OF300) ( 108k or 988k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. North Massif.
AS17-140-21365 (OF300) ( 112k or 772k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. North Massif boulder track.
AS17-140-21366 (OF300) ( 132k or 876k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. U.S. flag and footprints.
AS17-140-21367 (OF300) ( 148k or 908k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. Gene, LRV, and the flag.
AS17-140-21368 (OF300) ( 152k or 984k )
163:56:50 Frame from Jack's EVA-3 pan taken at the LM before the drive to Station 6. Gene is working at the Rover. Wessex Cleft is in the distance. A detail shows the curl that has developed on the rear corners of the replacement fender.
AS17-140-21369 (OF300) ( 144k or 1000k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. LRV, Gene, LM, Wessex Cleft, SEP pallet.
AS17-140-21370 (OF300) ( 152k or 1100k )
Frame from Jack's EVA-3 pan. Up-Sun photo of the LM ladder, the hatch, the MESA to the left of the ladder, the LRV deployment hardware to the right, and the SEP pallet against the leftmost (north) strut. Note the jettison bags under the LM at the right edge of the frame.
AS17-140-21371 (OF300) ( 136k or 920k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. Similar to 21370. A detail shows a reflection in Jack's window of the upper thruster. The reflection appears to be doubled, undoubtedly because of the two panes of glass that make up the window.
AS17-140-21372 (OF300) ( 152k or 1000k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. LM and the jett bags.
AS17-140-21373 (OF300) ( 156k or 1100k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. minus-Y (south) footpad, East Massif, and darkened LRV tracks.
AS17-140-21374 (OF300) ( 140k or 1100k )
163:56:50 This frame is part of Jack's EVA-3 pan taken at the LM. It shows the footprints Gene made going out to Poppie Crater and coming back during the first few minutes of EVA-1. The East Massif is in the background.
AS17-140-21375 (OF300) ( 132k or 952k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. Similar to 21374.
AS17-140-21376 (OF300) ( 124k or 832k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. Bear Mountain and Poppie.
AS17-140-21377 (OF300) ( 144k or 980k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. Bear Mountain and the South Massif.
AS17-140-21378 (OF300) ( 108k or 752k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. South Massif and LRV tracks.
AS17-140-21379 (OF300) ( 100k or 672k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. South Massif.
AS17-140-21380 (OF300) ( 80k or 596k )
EVA-3 pan at the LM. South Massif and Geophone Rock.
AS17-140-21381 (OF300) ( 172k or 1100k )
164:00:27 EVA-3 at the LM. Down-Sun stereo photo of the "sun" side of the Cosmic Ray experiment.
AS17-140-21382 (OF300) ( 160k or 1000k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Down-Sun stereo photo of the "sun" side of the Cosmic Ray experiment.
AS17-140-21383 (OF300) ( 128k or 884k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Stereo of the "shade" side of the Cosmic Ray experiment. The LRV deployment hardware is at the right.
AS17-140-21384 (OF300) ( 124k or 888k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Cosmic Ray "shade" stereo.


Gene Cernan uses the magazine to take three tourist pictures of Jack at the LM.


AS17-140-21385 (OF300) ( 136k or 844k )

164:10:28 EVA-3 at the LM. Portrait of Jack with the LRV in the foreground and the U.S. flag in the background. Note the checklist on his left wrist and the camera mounted on his chest-mounted Remote Control Unit (RCU). A packet of individual sample bags is hanging from his camera bracket. Note, also, the LRV sampler which Jack is either holding in his left hand or has attached to a waist-mounted "yo-yo" tether.
AS17-140-21386 (OF300) ( 136k or 856k )
EVA-3 at the LM. This is the best of the three portraits that Gene took of Jack at the start of EVA-3. Yuri Krasilnikov notes that, as can be seen in a detail, Earth can be seen over the South Massif in reflection from Jack's visor. Indeed, it's visible in the entire series of tourist photos: 21385 to 21391. The best Earth images are in 21386 and 21391. A detailshows Jack's watch and watch band on his left arm and his wrist-mirror band on his right arm.
AS17-140-21387 (OF300) ( 120k or 752k )
EVA-3 at the LM. Similar to 21385 and 21386.


Jack Schmitt uses the magazine to take four tourist pictures of Gene at the LM.


AS17-140-21388 (OF300) ( 136k or 908k )

164:11:18 EVA-3 at the LM. Jack took four portraits photos of Gene at the start of EVA-3. The best of these is 21390.
AS17-140-21389 (OF300) ( 148k or 988k )
164:11:18 Portrait of Gene at the start of EVA-3. The TV camera is pointed at the Sculptured Hills.
AS17-140-21390 (OF300) ( 140k or 972k )
EVA-3 at the LM. This is the best of the portraits that Jack took of Gene at the start of EVA-3. Note that Gene is not wearing a camera on his chest-mounted RCU. Jack is using Gene's camera to take the picture. ALSJFB reader Frank Bedal calls attention to an image of Earth reflect off the upper part of Gene's visor. Times used in the Apollo 17 Journal are relative to the planned time of launch, 02:53 UTC on 7 December 1972. This set of pictures was taken at 23:04 UTC on 13 December 1972. Earth is at an elevation of 44 degrees and azimuth of 239, directly over the South Massif as seen from the LM. Note that the LRV high-gain antenna is pointed at Earth.
AS17-140-21391 (OF300) ( 136k or 932k )
164:11:18 This is the best of the portraits that Jack took of Gene at the start of EVA-3. Jack, with the South Massif behind him, is clearly visible in Gene's face plate. A detail shows the RCU and the OPS activator on the left side (from our perspective), the label at the lower right for the push-to-talk switch, and the camera-mount attachment hardware at left center.


Gene Cernan uses the magazine during the EVA-3 traverse.


AS17-140-21392 (OF300) ( 112k or 768k )

LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Compare with Jack's photo AS17-141-21544.
AS17-140-21393 (OF300) ( 96k or 660k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Compare with Jack's photo AS17-141-21560.
AS17-140-21394 (OF300) ( 100k or 672k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Compare with Jack's photo AS17-141-21562.
AS17-140-21395 (OF300) ( 96k or 640k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-140-21396 (OF300) ( 140k or 852k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Gene took this excellent portrait of Turning Point Rock at about the same place that Jack took AS17-141-21567.
Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.4 Mb )
Patrick Vantuyne has combined Gene's photo, 21396, with Jack's photo 21567. Stereo separation is provided by any difference in Rover position and, predominantly, by the fact that Gene and Jack were seated about 2 meters apart. Jack's photo includes the TV camera while Gene's includes the high-gain mast, but neither contributes - or distracts - from the stereo.
AS17-140-21397 (OF300) ( 136k or 888k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Turning Point Rock. Henry Crater extends from beyond the rock to the left edge of the image. Bear Mountain is to the right. Note the Rover tracks between the small, foreground crater and Turning Point Rock.
AS17-140-21398 (OF300) ( 124k or 828k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Turning Point Rock.
AS17-140-21399 (OF300) ( 124k or 1000k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Station 6 is the apparent pair of boulders beyond the large foreground boulder.
AS17-140-21400 (OF300) ( 116k or 760k )
164:59:13 Station 6. Dust on LCRU mirror, footprints.
AS17-140-21401 (OF300) ( 108k or 1020k )
165:05:06 Station 6. This photo shows the area from which samples 6240, 60 and 80 were taken. The Station 6 boulder is made up of five large fragments. Details can be found in the Station 6 plan map. This photo shows the north face of fragment 4.
AS17-140-21402 (OF300) ( 136k or 1500k )
Station 6. Similar to 21401.
AS17-140-21403 (OF300) ( 148k or 1500k )
Station 6. Similar to 21401.
AS17-140-21404 (OF300) ( 156k or 1800k )
Station 6. Similar to 21401.
AS17-140-21405 (OF300) ( 172k or 1500k )
Station 6. Scoop.
AS17-140-21406 (OF300) ( 136k or 1100k )
Station 6. "After" photo of the overhang sample.
AS17-140-21407 (OF300) ( 144k or 1600k )
Station 6. Similar to 21406.
AS17-140-21408 (OF300) ( 156k or 1900k )
Station 6. Similar to 21406.
AS17-140-21409 (OF300) ( 88k or 608k )
165:08:18 "Locator" to the Rover, probably from the Station 6 overhang sample. Note the excellent definition on the sunlit face of the scarp.
AS17-140-21410 (OF300) ( 224k or 1400k )
Station 6. Cross-Sun photo of the gnomon at the site of sample 6215, at the east tip of Fragment 2. Compare with Jack's photo AS17-141-21607.
AS17-140-21411 (OF300) ( 188k or 1200k )
Station 6. Top of fragment 5 with Henry and Bear Mountain in the background.
AS17-140-21412 (OF300) ( 88k or 584k )
165:09:23 Station 6. LRV in "locator" from east end of the gap between Fragments 2/3 and 4/5.
AS17-140-21413 (OF300) ( 168k or 1300k )
165:10:43 Station 6. Flightline close-up of the northeast faces of Fragments 4 and 5.
AS17-140-21414 (OF300) ( 144k or 1400k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21415 (OF300) ( 204k or 1900k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21416 (OF300) ( 188k or 1300k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21417 (OF300) ( 124k or 848k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21418 (OF300) ( 128k or 928k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21419 (OF300) ( 136k or 1000k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21420 (OF300) ( 224k or 1500k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21421 (OF300) ( 168k or 1100k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21422 (OF300) ( 244k or 1600k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21423 (OF300) ( 192k or 1200k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21424 (OF300) ( 236k or 1600k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21425 (OF300) ( 180k or 1200k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21426 (OF300) ( 228k or 1500k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21427 (OF300) ( 160k or 1100k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21428 (OF300) ( 200k or 1300k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21429 (OF300) ( 192k or 1300k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21430 (OF300) ( 188k or 1300k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21431 (OF300) ( 224k or 1400k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21432 (OF300) ( 224k or 1400k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21433 (OF300) ( 224k or 1300k )
Station 6. Fragment 4/5 flightline close-up.
AS17-140-21434 (OF300) ( 136k or 992k )
Station 6. Close-up of the sunlit face of Fragment 2. The Rover is in the background. Location of sample 6315.
AS17-140-21435 (OF300) ( 144k or 948k )
Station 6. Sunlit face of Fragment 2.
AS17-140-21436 (OF300) ( 140k or 936k )
165:11:00 This frame is from Gene's flightline stereo of the sunlit face of Fragment 2 of the Split Boulder at Station 6.
AS17-140-21437 (OF300) ( 140k or 900k )
Station 6. Sunlit face of Fragment 2.
AS17-140-21438 (OF300) ( 164k or 1000k )
165:11:00 This frame is from Gene's flightline stereo of the sunlit face of Fragment 2 of the Split Boulder at Station 6.
AS17-140-21439 (OF300) ( 172k or 1100k )
Station 6. Sunlit face of Fragment 2.
AS17-140-21440 (OF300) ( 184k or 1200k )
Station 6. Sunlit face of Fragment 2.
AS17-140-21441 (OF300) ( 148k or 932k )
165:16:25 Station 6. Southeast corner of Fragment 1, showing the locations of samples 6235-39, 6255, 75, 95 and 6305-07. Compare with Jack's photo AS17-141-21608.
AS17-140-21442 (OF300) ( 188k or 1100k )
165:17:27 Station 6. Close-up of the southeast corner of Fragment 2 showing the locations of samples 6315 and 6320. Compare with Jack's photo AS17-141-21611.
AS17-140-21443 (OF300) ( 204k or 1200k )
165:17:27 Station 6. Fragment 2 close-up.
AS17-140-21444 (OF300) ( 200k or 1000k )
Station 6. Fragment 2 close-up.
AS17-140-21445 (OF300) ( 180k or 948k )
Station 6. Fragment 2 close-up.
AS17-140-21446 (OF300) ( 176k or 952k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21447 (OF300) ( 116k or 816k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21448 (OF300) ( 176k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21449 (OF300) ( 168k or 1000k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21450 (OF300) ( 196k or 1200k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21451 (OF300) ( 204k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21452 (OF300) ( 204k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21453 (OF300) ( 204k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21454 (OF300) ( 172k or 984k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21455 (OF300) ( 176k or 940k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21456 (OF300) ( 196k or 1100k )
165:25:42 Station 6. At about this point, Gene starts a flightline stereo of Fragments 1 and 2. The last frame in the sequence is 21481.
AS17-140-21457 (OF300) ( 208k or 1200k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21458 (OF300) ( 204k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21459 (OF300) ( 192k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21460 (OF300) ( 208k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21461 (OF300) ( 200k or 1200k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21462 (OF300) ( 168k or 1000k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21463 (OF300) ( 180k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21464 (OF300) ( 116k or 736k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21465 (OF300) ( 188k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21466 (OF300) ( 164k or 1000k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21467 (OF300) ( 164k or 964k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21468 (OF300) ( 140k or 880k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21469 (OF300) ( 156k or 1004k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21470 (OF300) ( 92k or 668k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21471 (OF300) ( 156k or 1008k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21472 (OF300) ( 92k or 708k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21473 (OF300) ( 136k or 904k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21474 (OF300) ( 168k or 1000k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21475 (OF300) ( 112k or 720k )
Station 6. This frame shows a layer of soil on an upslope shelf on Fragment 1, also known as Tracy's Rock.
AS17-140-21476 (OF300) ( 96k or 588k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21477 (OF300) ( 140k or 968k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21478 (OF300) ( 196k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21479 (OF300) ( 200k or 1100k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21480 (OF300) ( 160k or 960k )
Station 6.
AS17-140-21481 (OF300) ( 148k or 868k )
Station 6. This frame is probably the last in Gene's Fragment 1/2 flightline stereo.
AS17-140-21482 (OF300) ( 152k or 948k )
165:28:45 Station 6. Samples 6315 and 20. "After" photo of the soil sample from Tracy's Rock. A labeled version indicates the way in which Gene collected the sample.
AS17-140-21483 (OF300) ( 80k or 608k )
165:34:03 Station 6 pan (north). Gene's shadow. Frames 21483 to 21509 are a pan Gene took from about 15 meters upslope of Tracy's Rock (Fragment 1).
AS17-140-21484 (OF300) ( 60k or 484k )
Station 6 pan (north). North Massif slope.
AS17-140-21485 (OF300) ( 68k or 544k )
Station 6 pan (north). Scarp. South Massif.
AS17-140-21486 (OF300) ( 72k or 596k )
Station 6 pan (north). North Massif slope.
AS17-140-21487 (OF300) ( 92k or 788k )
Station 6 pan (north). Down-Sun.
AS17-140-21488 (OF300) ( 72k or 1000k )
Station 6 pan (north). North Massif slope.
AS17-140-21489 (OF300) ( 72k or 748k )
Station 6 pan (north). Scarp, South Massif.
AS17-140-21490 (OF300) ( 76k or 584k )
Station 6 pan (north). Scarp, South Massif.
AS17-140-21491 (OF300) ( 88k or 636k )
Station 6 pan (north). LRV, South Massif, TGE, rake.
AS17-140-21492 (OF300) ( 96k or 728k )
Station 6 pan (north). LRV, TGE, South Massif, Henry.
Animated GIF of TV Camera Motion: Fendell at Work 1 ( 444k )
Yuri Krasilnikov has combined AS17-141-21492, 93, 94, and 95.
AS17-140-21493 (OF300) ( 100k or 852k )
165:34:03 This frame is part of the Station 6 pan that Gene took from a position upslope of Tracy's Rock. The LM can be seen beyond the boulder, in a line with the point where the eastern slope of the South Massif meets the valley floor. Henry Crater, is the large feature at the base of the North Massif beyond Tracy's Rock and is about 500 meters in diameter. Locke Crater in on the northwest rim of Henry, above the back of the Rover. Note the traverse gravimeter that Gene placed on the surface shortly after he and Jack arrived at Station 6. See, also, a labeled detail.
Animated GIF of TV Camera Motion: Fendell at Work 2 ( 412k )
Yuri Krasilnikov has combined AS17-141-21493 and 94.
AS17-140-21494 (OF300) ( 104k or 868k )
Station 6 pan (north). LRV, South Massif, TGE, Henry, Bear Mountain.
AS17-140-21495 (OF300) ( 120k or 908k )
Station 6 pan (north). LRV, Tracy's Rock, Bear Mountain. Note that the light area around the LM can be seen beyond the summit of Fragment 2. Journal Contributor Danny Caes calls attention to the north face of Fragment 2 (on the right which is well-enough lit by reflected sunlight that we can see details on the boulder face despite the dpeth of the shadow. Caes also calls attention to the 'red-brown' color of the boulder face. AFJ Editor David Woods comments, "The best way to see into these dark regions is with a Photoshop-type program (GIMP is a free alternative). With that, the dark regions can be boosted. I've done this with a gain of 4-times. As you can see, the dark area is not so much red-brown but more magenta (pink-purple, a mix of red and blue). And here comes the problem.

"There is a very strong chance that the precise colours of those shadowed areas is being misrepresented by errors in the film dyes - and in the scanning process - so, while there may have been a reddish tone to them (perhaps reflection from the Rover's insulation), be wary of taking them at face value. I'm saying this as someone who colour-balances television programmes for a living."]

[In addition to the factors Woods mentions, dust on the camera lens can introduce reddish hews in dark areas of the field-of-view, as discussed in relation to the partial panoramas Pete Conrad took at Middle Crescent Crater.]

AS17-140-21496 (OF300) ( 136k or 1000k )
Jack has just retrieved the gnomon and is headed around the south side of Tracy's Rock for the Rover. The East Massif dominates the horizon on the left side of the picture. A labeled detail indicates features associated with Gene's sample of the dust on the upslope shelf.
AS17-140-21497 (OF300) ( 128k or 964k )
Station 6 pan (north). Jack, Tracy's Rock, talus sample site, East Massif, Bear Mountain. This picture is probably reproduced more often than any other taken during the mission.

Patrick Vantuyne has used portions of 21494 to 21497 to construct a red-blue anaglyph ( 474 ).

AS17-140-21498 (OF300) ( 128k or 1000k )
Station 6 pan (north). Similar to 21497.
AS17-140-21499 (OF300) ( 124k or 1100k )
Station 6 pan (north). Tracy's Rock, East Massif, east end of Henry. The other two large craters are probably Shakespeare and Cochise.
AS17-140-21500 (OF300) ( 108k or 916k )
Station 6 pan (north).
AS17-140-21501 (OF300) ( 88k or 728k )
Station 6 pan (north). Good up-Sun picture into the gap between the Sculptured Hills on the left and the East Massif on the right.
AS17-140-21502 (OF300) ( 84k or 700k )
165:33:38 Up-Sun view from Gene's Station 6 pan.
AS17-140-21503 (OF300) ( 104k or 804k )
165:33:38 Rightward of 21502.
AS17-140-21504 (OF300) ( 120k or 856k )
165:33:38 Rightward of 21503. This photo shows the view toward Station 7. However, as indicated in an accompanying discussion, the Station 7 boulder is hidden by intervening terrain and/or boulders.
AS17-140-21505 (OF300) ( 124k or 952k )
165:33:38 Rightward of 21504, looking up into Wessex Cleft.
AS17-140-21506 (OF300) ( 136k or 1004k )
Station 6 pan (north).
AS17-140-21507 (OF300) ( 132k or 1200k )
Station 6 pan (north).
AS17-140-21508 (OF300) ( 124k or 1000k )
Station 6 pan (north).
AS17-140-21509 (OF300) ( 88k or 592k )
165:35:58 Station 6 pan (north). Upslope toward the North Massif summit.


Magazine 141/L (B&W) EVA-3, Frames 21510-21668
Some images are currently available only as low-resolution scans provided by NASA Johnson in the mid-1990s. The individual scans have TARGA filenames. Markus Mehring has compiled cross-references between those filenames and the NASA photo ID designations customarily used. Other images are available as higher resolution scans from prints and, unless otherwise credited, were provided by Kipp Teague. Beginning in 2004, NASA began to provide scans from original film and, as they become available to the ALSJ, we are using them to replace all prior versions. The raw scans have been processed by Kipp Teague and are presented at 300 dpi equivalent and are labeled "OF300".
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Used by Jack Schmitt during EVA-3.


Calibration Chart (OF300) ( 188k or 792k )

AS17-141-21510 (OF300) ( 221k or 1431k )
164:14:15 EVA-3 at the SEP site. Stereo of the SEP transmitter from the back. A magnified detail shows the two pieces of tape Jack used on the back of the solar panels to keep them open. There were three panels and Jack put a piece of tape at each of the two divisions. Note that the ends of each piece haven't stuck to the panels because of the dust they picked up from Jack's gloves. The center of each piece has stuck because he was able to keep it sufficiently dust free.
AS17-141-21510/1 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 4331k or 319k )
Red-blue anaglyph by Erik van Meijgaarden.
AS17-141-21511 (OF300) ( 212k or 1364k )
164:14:15 Stereo companion to 21510. Jack stepped to his left between frames.
AS17-141-21512 (OF300) ( 106k or 954k )
164:18:45 EVA-3 at the SEP site. Partial pan. LM, LRV, SEP transmitter. Gene is sitting on the Rover, waiting for Jack to finish these documentation photos showing the LRV position at the start of the traverse.
AS17-141-21513 (OF300) ( 132k or 1101k )
164:18:45 Gene has positioned the LRV so that he is headed north and is within 5 meters of the north arm and 10 meters of the SEP transmitter. Jack takes a series of pictures to document the location so that the SEP experiments can calibrate their data.
AS17-141-21514 (OF300) ( 157k or 1262k )
EVA-3 at the SEP site. Partial pan. LM and the SEP transmitter.
AS17-141-21515 (OF300) ( 96k or 934k )
EVA-3 at the SEP site. Partial pan. Good picture of Gene on the Rover at the SEP transmitter.
AS17-141-21516 (OF300) ( 118k or 1049k )
EVA-3 at the SEP site. Partial pan. LM, SEP transmitter, and Gene on the Rover.
AS17-141-21517 (OF300) ( 139k or 1163k )
EVA-3 at the SEP site. Partial pan. LM and the SEP transmitter.
AS17-141-21518 (OF300) ( 131k or 989k )
164:24:50 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Sculptured Hills. Most of the photos in the following sequence are taken close enough together that features in the distance in one shot are in the foreground on the next.
AS17-141-21519 (OF300) ( 109k or 904k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21520 (OF300) ( 124k or 925k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21521 (OF300) ( 135k or 1046k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21522 (OF300) ( 119k or 950k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21523 (OF300) ( 104k or 888k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21524 (OF300) ( 115k or 1003k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21525 (OF300) ( 143k or 1093k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21526 (OF300) ( 117k or 977k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21527 (OF300) ( 124k or 1044k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21528 (OF300) ( 139k or 1086k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21529 (OF300) ( 99k or 873k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21530 (OF300) ( 119k or 1028k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21531 (OF300) ( 100k or 842k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21532 (OF300) ( 130k or 1039k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21533 (OF300) ( 127k or 1060k )
164:28:43 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. This image is typical of the one's taken during the drive to Turning Point Rock. Note the tilt of the near horizon because of a momentary, rightward roll of the Rover. As indicated in a labeled version, the dark boulder and its prominent track are near the center of the image. The Station 6 boulders is just above the local horizon, about half way between the center of the image and the right edge. Kipp Teague has provided a high-resolution detail of Station 6.
AS17-141-21534 (OF300) ( 105k or 974k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21535 (OF300) ( 121k or 1068k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21536 (OF300) ( 110k or 896k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21537 (OF300) ( 97k or 952k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21538 (OF300) ( 118k or a029k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21539 (OF300) ( 109k or 902k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21540 (OF300) ( 125k or 1073k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21541 (OF300) ( 89k or 801k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21542 (OF300) ( 115k or 1135k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Approaching the site where sample 6120 will be taken.
AS17-141-21543 (OF300) ( 114k or 1112k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. The 'dark boulder with its prominent track is at the upper right, as indicated in a labeled version.
AS17-141-21544 (OF300) ( 113k or 1031k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Photo taken at the sample 6120 site. Compare with Gene's photo AS17-140-21392.
AS17-141-21545 (OF300) ( 114k or 875k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21546 (OF300) ( 106k or 1033k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Journal Contributor Doug Bennett points out that, In pre-2009 versions of the Journal, a boulder on the near horizon near the center of 21456 is incorrectly identified as Turning Point Rock (TPR). The next picture to show TPR is AS17-141-21550.
AS17-141-21547 (OF300) ( 118k or 966k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21548 (OF300) ( 100k or 816k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21549 (OF300) ( 108k or 936k )
164:37:49 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Henry Crater. Station 6 is over the TV camera. Turning Point Rock is under the low-gain antenna extension.
AS17-141-21550 (OF300) ( 115k or 1041k )
164:37:49 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6 showing the dark boulder, Turning Point Rock, and the Station 6 boulder. See a labeled detail. See, also, a composite ( 5.0 Mb ) by Grant Heiken with AS17-144-21991, Jack's 500mm shot of the dark boulder taken out his LM window, superimposed on 21550.
AS17-141-21551 (OF300) ( 72k or 772k )
164:39:28 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Gene is turning left to get around the west rim of Henry Crater.
AS17-141-21552 (OF300) ( 98k or 1008k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21553 (OF300) ( 123k or 1130k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21554 (OF300) ( 119k or 1087k )
164:40:38 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Ejecta on the west rim of Henry. The large-track, dark boulder is above and to the right of center. Turning Point Rock is at the right edge.
AS17-141-21555 (OF300) ( 113k or 1073k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21556 (OF300) ( 135k or 1130k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21557 (OF300) ( 139k or 1216k )
164:40:50 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Locke Crater is beyond the foreground ejecta.
AS17-141-21558 (OF300) ( 127k or 1058k )
164:41:34 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Driving east between Henry and Locke.
AS17-141-21559 (OF300) ( 126k or 1072k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21560 (OF300) ( 129k or 1160k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Compare with Gene's photo AS17-140-21393, which he took at about the same point in the approach to Turning Point Rock. Note the elongation of the large-track boulder - about half way from the center to the upper left corner of the image - that Gene mentions in the text.
AS17-141-21561 (OF300) ( 124k or 1086k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21562 (OF300) ( 115k or 1041k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Approaching Turning Point Rock.
AS17-141-21563 (OF300) ( 103k or 838k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. South of Turning Point Rock.
AS17-141-21564 (OF300) ( 119k or 1012k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Going east of Turning Point Rock.
AS17-141-21565 (OF300) ( 135k or 1155k )
164:45:08 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21566 (OF300) ( 93k or 795k )
164:46:02 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. "Locator" photo taken toward the South Massif from the site where samples 6135-37 were taken.
AS17-141-21567 (OF300) ( 130k or 917k )
164:47:05 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Good picture of Turning Point Rock taken from the north.
AS17-141-21568 (OF300) ( 145k or 986k )
164:47:05 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Good picture from the north of Turning Point Rock. Compare with Gene's picture AS17-140-21396. Turning Point Rock is about 6 meters tall. Henry Crater is beyond the boulder and the blocky ejecta of Locke Crater can be seen on the northwest rim of Henry. Note that Gen passed between the foreground boulders and Turning Point Rock before driving the their current location.
Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.4 Mb )
Patrick Vantuyne has combined Jack's photo 21567 with Gene's photo 21396. Stereo separation is provided by any difference in Rover position and, predominantly, by the fact that Gene and Jack were seated about 2 meters apart. Jack's photo includes the TV camera while Gene's includes the high-gain mast, but neither contributes - or distracts - from the stereo.
AS17-141-21569 (OF300) ( 142k or 1150k )
164:48:13 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Station 6 is beyond the large foreground boulder.
AS17-141-21570 (OF300) ( 115k or 1039k )
164:49:38 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. A comparison with pictures of Wessex Cleft taken from the valley floor gives an indication of the considerable right roll of the Rover during this section of the traverse.
AS17-141-21571 (OF300) ( 126k or 1081k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. Approaching Station 6.
AS17-141-21572 (OF300) ( 98k or 965k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21573 (OF300) ( 125k or 1122k )
LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6. The Station 6 boulders are at left center.
AS17-141-21574 (OF300) ( 117k or 1084k )
164:50:16 LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 6.
AS17-141-21575 (OF300) ( 94k or 996k )
164:59:54 Jack took his first Station 6 pan while standing on the downslope (southern) rim of a 10-meter-diameter crater just west of the Station 6 boulder. This first photo is a down-Sun of the near surface. This is the "South Pan" location indicated in the Station 6 plan map.
AS17-141-21576 (OF300) ( 136k or 1242k )
164:59:54 Jack raised his aim and turned slightly to his left and took this picture toward Station 2.
AS17-141-21577 (OF300) ( 107k or 1035k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21576 showing the Scarp and, beyond it, the gap between the South Massif on the left and (West) Family Mountain on the right.
AS17-141-21578 (OF300) ( 98k or 1050k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21577. The western, interior wall of the crater is in the foreground.
AS17-141-21579 (OF300) ( 110k or 1148k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21578.
AS17-141-21580 (OF300) ( 136k or 1281k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21579.
AS17-141-21581 (OF300) ( 163k or 1422k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21580.
AS17-141-21582 (OF300) ( 115k or 1074k )
164:59:54 Slightly rightward of 21581. Jack raised his aim to show the local summit.
AS17-141-21583 (OF300) ( 220k or 1496k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21582. Jack lowered his aim to show more of the interior of the crater. Because of the overall slope of the mountain, the northern rim of the crater is much higher than the southern rim.
AS17-141-21584 (OF300) ( 155k or 1184k )
164:59:54 Jack raised his aim to show the upslope view.
AS17-141-21585 (OF300) ( 232k or 1461k )
164:59:54 Jack lowered his aim and turned to his right.
AS17-141-21586 (OF300) ( 166k or 1121k )
164:59:54 Jack raised his aim to show the upslope view.
AS17-141-21587 (OF300) ( 184k or 1349k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21586 showing the view up into Wessex Cleft.
AS17-141-21588 (OF300) ( 138k or 1098k )
164:59:54 Jack raised his aim to show the upslope view into Wessex Cleft.
AS17-141-21589 (OF300) ( 162k or 1279k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21588 with Fragment 1 of the Station 6 boulder at the right. See the Station 6 plan map.
AS17-141-21590 (OF300) ( 129k or 1106k )
164:59:54 Jack raised his aim to catch the summit on the eastern side of the Wessex Cleft.
AS17-141-21591 (OF300) ( 153k or 1230k )
164:59:54 Jack lowered his aim and turned to his right. Fragments 1 and 2 of the Station 6 boulder are on the righthand side of the image. See the Station 6 plan map.
AS17-141-21592 (OF300) ( 127k or 1123k )
164:59:54 Jack raised his aim and turned to slightly his right to show more of fragment 2 and the distant horizon.
AS17-141-21593 (OF300) ( 163k or 1264k )
164:59:54 Jack lowered his aim and turned to his right, showing Fragment 1 at the left, Fragment 2 in the center, Fragment 3 at its base, and Fragment 4, with Fragment 5 most hidden behind, on the right. See the Station 6 plan map.
AS17-141-21594 (OF300) ( 125k or 1155k )
164:59:54 Similar to 21593 but aimed higher.
AS17-141-21595 (OF300) ( 164k or 1268k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21593.
AS17-141-21596 (OF300) ( 142k or 1156k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21594.
AS17-141-21597 (OF300) ( 173k or 1299k )
164:59:54 Rightward of 21595. The front of the Rover is at the right.
AS17-141-21598 (OF300) ( 152k or 1182k )
165:00:58 Rightward of 21598. This excellent picture from Jack's initial Station 6 pan shows Gene removing the TGE from the back of the Rover. As indicated in a detail a portion of Henry Crater can be seen at the right-hand edge of the image, Shakespeare Crater is above center, and Cochise is immediately to the right of Shakespeare. All three craters are about 500-m diameter.
AS17-141-21599 (OF300) ( 153k or 1195k )
165:00:58 Rightward of 21598, showing Gene placing the gravimeter on the surface behind the Rover. Henry is the large crater beyond Gene on the valley floor and Bear Mountain is the nearest of the background hills beyond Henry.
AS17-141-21600 (OF300) ( 115k or 931k )
165:00:58 Similar to 21599. Gene is trying to get the gravimeter to sit upright.
AS17-141-21601 (OF300) ( 122k or 1124k )
165:00:58 Similar to 21600. Gene is still working with the gravimeter.
AS17-141-21602 (OF300) ( 117k or 1126k )
165:00:58 Rightward of 21601. View toward the South Massif.
AS17-141-21603 (OF300) ( 82k or 827k )
165:00:58 Similar to 21602. This is the last frame in Jack's "South Pan".
AS17-141-21604 (OF300) ( 141k or 1122k )
165:05:06 Station 6. Down-Sun picture of the gnomon in the gap between Fragments 2/3 (right) and Fragments 4/5 (left).
AS17-141-21605 (OF300) ( 169k or 1182k )
Station 6. Picture showing Gene's dirty legs, with the LRV in the background.
AS17-141-21606 (OF300) ( 146k or 1002k )
165:08:18 Station 6. "After" of samples 6240, 60 and 80.
AS17-141-21607 (OF300) ( 199k or 1305k )
165:09:25 This is Jack's down-Sun of the second gnomon placement in the gap between Fragments 2 and 4. Gene has just finished taking a "locator" to the Rover, AS17-140 21412.
AS17-141-21608 (OF300) ( 208k or 1318k )
165:17:01 This is a "before" photo of the gnomon location and the light-colored inclusions visible in Fragment 1 on the righthand side of the image. Fragment 2 is beyond Gene.
AS17-141-21609 (OF300) ( 219k or 1420k )
165:16:25 Station 6. This photo shows the location from which samples 6235-39, 55, 75, 95 and 6305-07 were taken at the southeast corner of Fragment 1 (Tracy's Rock).
AS17-141-21610 (OF300) ( 155k or 1152k )
165:17:01 Station 6. "Locator" to Henry from the southeast corner of Fragment 1 (Tracy's Rock).
AS17-141-21611 (OF300) ( 143k or 1102k )
165:17:22 Station 6. Close-up "before" of Fragment 1 in the area from which samples 6235-3 and 6305-07 will be taken. Compare with Gene's photo AS17-140-21442.
AS17-141-21612 (OF300) ( 150k or 1257k )
Station 6.
AS17-141-21613 (OF300) ( 171k or 1301k )
Station 6.
AS17-141-21614 (OF300) ( 164k or 1285k )
Station 6.
AS17-141-21615 (OF300) ( 186k or 1362k )
Station 6.
AS17-141-21616 (OF300) ( 211k or 1254k )
Station 6. This photo shows the southeast corner of Fragment 2, in the vicinity of sample 6315. Jack may have taken this and the next four pictures while he was "treading sand" at 165:26:47.
AS17-141-21617 (OF300) ( 175k or 1139k )
Station 6. Similar to 21616.
AS17-141-21618 (OF300) ( 153k or 1065k )
Station 6. Similar to 21616.
AS17-141-21619 (OF300) ( 131k or 1043k )
Station 6. Similar to 21616.
AS17-141-21620 (OF300) ( 90k or 739k )
Station 6. Similar to 21616.
AS17-141-21621 (OF300) ( 223k or 1552k )
165:37:12 Station 6. Cross-Sun "before" of the rake site.
AS17-141-21622 (OF300) ( 214k or 1515k )
Station 6. Rake cross-Sun "before".
AS17-141-21623 (OF300) ( 261k or 1720k )
Station 6. Rake cross-Sun "before".
AS17-141-21624 (OF300) ( 124k or 1285k )
Station 6. Rake down-Sun "before".
AS17-141-21625 (OF300) ( 219k or 1591k )
165:41:09 Station 6. Rake cross-Sun "after", showing the tongs.
AS17-141-21626 (OF300) ( 233k or 1577k )
Station 6. Rake cross-Sun "after".
AS17-141-21627 (OF300) ( 223k or 1539k )
Station 6. Rake cross-Sun "after".
AS17-141-21628 (OF300) ( 126k or 1127k )
165:53:21 Station 6. Boulder close-up of large vesicles. After completing the rake sample and taking a series of photographs with the 500-mm lens (Magazine 139/K), Jack re-examined the area of large vesicles in the contact zone in Fragment 2 and took frames 21628 to 21634.
AS17-141-21629 (OF300) ( 147k or 1236k )
Station 6. Close-up of large vesicles.
AS17-141-21630 (OF300) ( 121k or 1154k )
Station 6. Close-up of large vesicles.
AS17-141-21631 (OF300) ( 221k or 1566k )
Station 6. Boulder close-up.
AS17-141-21632 (OF300) ( 195k or 1458k )
Station 6. Boulder close-up.
AS17-141-21633 (OF300) ( 190k or 14372k )
Station 6. Boulder close-up.
AS17-141-21634 (OF300) ( 174k or 1401k )
Station 6. Boulder close-up.
AS17-141-21635 (OF300) ( 127k or 1288k )
Station 6.
AS17-141-21636 (OF300) ( 129k or 1323k )
Station 6.
AS17-141-21637 (OF300) ( 139k or 1111k )
166:05:57 LRV traverse from Station 6 to 7.
AS17-141-21638 (OF300) ( 140k or 1164k )
LRV traverse from Station 6 to 7. In most of these frames, we are looking up into Wessex Cleft, with the view distorted by a significant rightward tilt (roll) of the Rover.
AS17-141-21639 (OF300) ( 144k or 1214k )
LRV traverse from Station 6 to 7.
AS17-141-21640 (OF300) ( 104k or 976k )
LRV traverse from Station 6 to 7.
AS17-141-21641 (OF300) ( 135k or 1151k )
LRV traverse from Station 6 to 7.
AS17-141-21642 (OF300) ( 136k or 1183k )
LRV traverse from Station 6 to 7.
AS17-141-21643 (OF300) ( 160k or 1268k )
LRV traverse from Station 6 to 7.
AS17-141-21644 (OF300) ( 126k or 1040k )
LRV traverse from Station 6 to 7.
AS17-141-21645 (OF300) ( 135k or 1138k )
LRV traverse from Station 6 to 7.
AS17-141-21646 (OF300) ( 120k or 1205k )
166:10:23 Station 7 pan. Near surface, Jack's shadow.
AS17-141-21647 (OF300) ( 154k or 1315k )
Station 7 pan. Near surface.
AS17-141-21648 (OF300) ( 135k or 1288k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21649 (OF300) ( 129k or 1231k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21650 (OF300) ( 212k or 1550k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21651 (OF300) ( 202k or 1515k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21652 (OF300) ( 207k or 1456k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21653 (OF300) ( 235k or 1563k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21654 (OF300) ( 263k or 1639k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21655 (OF300) ( 216k or 1459k )
Station 7 pan. Gene is working at the LRV.
AS17-141-21656 (OF300) ( 212k or 1476k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21657 (OF300) ( 221k or 1525k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21658 (OF300) ( 204k or 1498k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21659 (OF300) ( 197k or 1485k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21660 (OF300) ( 209k or 1517k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21661 (OF300) ( 210k or 1549k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21662 (OF300) ( 199k or 1480k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21663 (OF300) ( 161k or 1337k )
Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21664 (OF300) ( 151k or 1363k )
166:12:35 Station 7 pan.
AS17-141-21665 (OF300) ( 120k or 1140k )
166:27:11 Station 7, LRV floor.
AS17-141-21666 (OF300) ( 112k or 1139k )
Station 7, LRV floor.
AS17-141-21667 (OF300) ( 80k or 836k )
Station 7, LRV, sunstruck.
AS17-141-21668 (OF300) ( 144k or 1300k )


Magazine 142/M (B&W) EVA-3, Frames 21669-21833
Some images are currently available only as low-resolution scans provided by NASA Johnson in the mid-1990s. The individual scans have TARGA filenames. Markus Mehring has compiled cross-references between those filenames and the NASA photo ID designations customarily used. Other images are available as higher resolution scans from prints and, unless otherwise credited, were provided by Kipp Teague. Beginning in 2004, NASA began to provide scans from original film and, as they become available to the ALSJ, we are using them to replace all prior versions. The raw scans have been processed by Kipp Teague and are presented at 300 dpi equivalent and are labeled "OF300".
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Used by Jack Schmitt during EVA-3.


Calibration Chart (OF300) ( 180k or 788k ) AS17-142-21669 (OF300) ( 100k or 1008k )

Station 7, LRV, overexposed.
AS17-142-21670 (OF300) ( 100k or 912k )
166:27:11 Station 7, LRV.
AS17-142-21671 (OF300) ( 120k or 960k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21672 (OF300) ( 112k or 960k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21673 (OF300) ( 108k or 936k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21674 (OF300) ( 128k or 976k )
166:33:28 LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8. These boulders are the "big mamoos" noted by Gene in the dialog.
AS17-142-21675 (OF300) ( 124k or 960k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21676 (OF300) ( 100k or 936k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21677 (OF300) ( 104k or 940k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21678 (OF300) ( 112k or 964k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21679 (OF300) ( 112k or 952k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21680 (OF300) ( 116k or 968k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21681 (OF300) ( 108k or 916k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21682 (OF300) ( 116k or 940k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21683 (OF300) ( 104k or 900k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21684 (OF300) ( 108k or 864k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21685 (OF300) ( 100k or 912k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21686 (OF300) ( 124k or 960k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21687 (OF300) ( 120k or 936k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21688 (OF300) ( 108k or 948k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21689 (OF300) ( 104k or 940k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21690 (OF300) ( 104k or 948k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21691 (OF300) ( 100k or 940k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21692 (OF300) ( 120k or 968k )
166:42:13 LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8. This photo shows a small crater with ejecta in the form of regolith breccia ("instant rock"). The crew collects sample 1820 here. Compare with Gene's photo AS17-146-22364.
AS17-142-21693 (OF300) ( 136k or 944k )
166:42:13 LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8. Jack's second photo showing the approach to the 'small, dark-rimmed crater'.
AS17-142-21694 (OF300) ( 148k or 920k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8. Small crater with regolith breccia.
AS17-142-21695 (OF300) ( 148k or 984k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8. Small crater with regolith breccia.
AS17-142-21696 (OF300) ( 140k or 1004k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8. Small crater with regolith breccia.
AS17-142-21697 (OF300) ( 112k or 896k )
LRV traverse from Station 7 to 8.
AS17-142-21698 (OF300) ( 144k or 888k )
166:54:20 Station 8. "Before" photo of the exotic boulder 60 meters uphill and northeast of the LRV. The scoop serves as a gnomon. Samples 8235-38 will be taken from the rock.
AS17-142-21699 (OF300) ( 164k or 948k )
166:54:20 Station 8. Cross-Sun from the south of the Station 8 exotic boulder.
AS17-142-21700 (OF300) ( 152k or 956k )
166:54:20 Station 8. Jack stepped to his right to get this stereo companion to 21699.
AS17-142-21701 (OF300) ( 108k or 960k )
166:54:20 Station 8. Down-Sun "before" of the exotic boulder.
AS17-142-21702 (OF300) ( 132k or 1100k )
166:54:20 Station 8. "Locator" to the Rover from the exotic boulder location. Gene is to the right of the Rover.
AS17-142-21703 (OF300) ( 120k or 952k )
Station 8. Down-Sun "before". Scoop.
AS17-142-21704 (OF300) ( 220k or 1000k )
167:06:32 Station 8. After taking the down-Sun pictures, Jack attempted to roll the boulder down to the Rover, albeit without much success. This photo shows the boulder's original resting place. They will obtain a scoop sample (8220) of the soil that was underneath the boulder.
AS17-142-21705 (OF300) ( 236k or 1100k )
Station 8. Similar to 21704.
AS17-142-21706 (OF300) ( 161k or 1304k )
167:09:04 Station 8. "Before" of the rake site. Because Gene is using the gnomon at another spot, Jack has set the rake on the ground to serve as a gnomon.
AS17-142-21707 (OF300) ( 195k or 1481k )
Station 8. "Before" of the rake site.
AS17-142-21708 (OF300) ( 199k or 1538k )
Station 8. "Before" of the rake site.
AS17-142-21709 (OF300) ( 116k or 1159k )
Station 8. "Before" of the rake site.
AS17-142-21710 (OF300) ( 110k or 1186k )
Station 8. "Before" of the rake site.
AS17-142-21711 (OF300) ( 118k or 1253k )
Station 8. "Before" of the rake site.
AS17-142-21712 (OF300) ( 219k or 1512k )
167:14:37 Station 8. "After" of the rake site.
AS17-142-21713 (OF300) ( 232k or 1503k )
Station 8. "After" of the rake site. In the background, Gene is standing in a small crater, using the tongs to collect a sample.
AS17-142-21714 (OF300) ( 223k or 1491k )
167:14:37 Third frame from Jack's flightline stereo of the Station 8 rake site. Gene is sampling in a meter-deep crater and has a friable, white rock in the tongs.
AS17-142-21715 (OF300) ( 218k or 1522k )
Station 8.
AS17-142-21716 (OF300) ( 200k or 1414k )
167:15:04 Station 8. Gene is examining the sample.
AS17-142-21717 (OF300) ( 281k or 1685k )
167:16:54 Station 8. Cross-Sun "before" of the trench site from which samples 8420, 40, 60 and 80 will be taken.
AS17-142-21718 (OF300) ( 301k or 1829k )
Station 8. Trench site cross-Sun "before".
AS17-142-21719 (OF300) ( 154k or 1324k )
167:17:49 Station 8. Trench site down-Sun "before". In the background, Gene is emplacing the Traverse Gravimeter.
AS17-142-21720 (OF300) ( 276k or 1300k )
167:22:12 Station 8. "After" photo documenting the sample Jack took from the bottom of the trench.
AS17-142-21721 (OF300) ( 252k or 1100k )
Station 8. Bottom sample "after".
AS17-142-21722 (OF300) ( 304k or 1400k )
Station 8. Bottom sample "after".
AS17-142-21723 (OF300) ( 300k or 1400k )
Station 8. Bottom sample "after".
AS17-142-21724 (OF300) ( 292k or 1300k )
167:25:15 Station 8. Trench site after all sampling.
AS17-142-21725 (OF300) ( 312k or 1400k )
Station 8. Trench site after all sampling.
AS17-142-21726 (OF300) ( 117k or 1079k )
167:26:06 Station 8 pan. Frames 21726 to 21745 are a pan Jack takes near the trench site. It is an excellent pan showing the view from this furthest-east point of the traverse. LRV tracks. Jack's shadow.
AS17-142-21727 (OF300) ( 107k or 1057k )
167:26:06 Station 8 pan. LRV tracks, South Massif. The crater in the middle distance, just above the center of the image, is SWP.
AS17-142-21728 (OF300) ( 113k or 1141k )
167:26:06 This frame from Jack's Station 8 pan taken near the trench site shows Rover tracks in the foreground, the light-colored, sunlit face of the Scarp, and (West) Family Mountain.
AS17-142-21729 (OF300) ( 111k or 1093k )
Station 8 pan. The Traverse Gravimeter has finished its reading and Gene is picking the instrument up so that he can put it back in its stowage spot at the rear of the Rover.
AS17-142-21730 (OF300) ( 134k or 1214k )
167:26:06 This frame from Jack's Station 8 pan shows Gene bending his knees so he can pick up the gravimeter and put it on the back of the Rover.
AS17-142-21731 (OF300) ( 131k or 1103k )
Station 8 pan. Gene now has the TGE. The object in the foreground is the extension handle to which the scoop is attached. Jack has planted the scoop in the ground to get it out of the way while he takes the pan.
AS17-142-21732 (OF300) ( 185k or 1394k )
Station 8 pan. Footprints.
AS17-142-21733 (OF300) ( 206k or 1449k )
Station 8 pan.
AS17-142-21734 (OF300) ( 195k or 1394k )
Station 8 pan. Rolled boulder.
AS17-142-21735 (OF300) ( 145k or 1253k )
Station 8 pan. Rolled boulder.
AS17-142-21736 (OF300) ( 146k or 1300k )
Station 8 pan. Up-Sun.
AS17-142-21737 (OF300) ( 133k or 1269k )
Station 8 pan.
AS17-142-21738 (OF300) ( 133k or 1203k )
Station 8 pan. East Massif.
AS17-142-21739 (OF300) ( 125k or 1052k )
Station 8 pan. Frames 21739 to 21741 show a secondary crater formed in the low-velocity impact of a piece of ejecta from a high-speed, primary impact somewhere else. The projectile's direction of travel was from left to right. The best of the three frames is 21741.
AS17-142-21740 (OF300) ( 167k or 1253k )
Station 8 pan. Secondary crater.
AS17-142-21741 (OF300) ( 162k or 1267k )
167:26:06 This frame from Jack's Station 8 pan shows a secondary crater formed in the low-velocity impact of a piece of ejecta from a high-speed, primary impact somewhere else. As indicated in a labeled detail, the projectile was moving from left to right when it hit. Note the spray of ejecta extending to the right.
AS17-142-21742 (OF300) ( 149k or 1254k )
Station 8 pan.
AS17-142-21743 (OF300) ( 164k or 1393k )
Station 8 pan.
AS17-142-21744 (OF300) ( 123k or 1241k )
Station 8 pan. South Massif, LRV tracks.
AS17-142-21745 (OF300) ( 102k or 1078k )
Station 8 pan.
AS17-142-21746 (OF300) ( 111k or 1086k )
167:36:44 LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif.
AS17-142-21747 (OF300) ( 103k or 985k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9.
AS17-142-21748 (OF300) ( 92k or 804k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif, Bear Mountain.
AS17-142-21749 (OF300) ( 75k or 763k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif.
AS17-142-21750 (OF300) ( 117k or 897k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain.
AS17-142-21751 (OF300) ( 113k or 984k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9.
AS17-142-21752 (OF300) ( 146k or 1066k )
167:39:41 LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. This frame shows an area of apparent outcrop in the East Massif. The outcrop is in the light colored area on the right side of the mountain.
AS17-142-21753 (OF300) ( 100k or 781k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. East Massif outcrop.
AS17-142-21754 (OF300) ( 98k or 779k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9.
AS17-142-21755 (OF300) ( 89k or 715k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain, South Massif.
AS17-142-21756 (OF300) ( 89k or 720k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain, East Massif.
AS17-142-21757 (OF300) ( 73k or 773k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. On the central horizon, (West) Family Mountain is on the left and (Old) Family Mountain is on the right.
AS17-142-21758 (OF300) ( 72k or 770k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. North Massif.
AS17-142-21759 (OF300) ( 82k or 741k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif.
AS17-142-21760 (OF300) ( 84k or 795k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif.
AS17-142-21761 (OF300) ( 99k or 813k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain, South Massif.
AS17-142-21762 (OF300) ( 59k or 556k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9.
AS17-142-21763 (OF300) ( 85k or 814k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9.
AS17-142-21764 (OF300) ( 89k or 752k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif.
AS17-142-21765 (OF300) ( 93k or 748k )
167:43:34 LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Approaching the east rim of Cochise Crater.
AS17-142-21766 (OF300) ( 76k or 697k )
167:43:34 LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Cochise from the east rim.
AS17-142-21767 (OF300) ( 87k or 794k )
167:43:34 LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Interior of Cochise Crater.
AS17-142-21768 (OF300) ( 72k or 680k )
167:43:34 LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Cochise.
AS17-142-21769 (OF300) ( 120k or 820k )
167:44:56 LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. East Massif.
AS17-142-21770 (OF300) ( 100k or 716k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain.
AS17-142-21771 (OF300) ( 128k or 836k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain, South Massif. A rocky portion of the Cochise ejecta is near the right edge of the picture.
AS17-142-21772 (OF300) ( 120k or 792k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain.
AS17-142-21773 (OF300) ( 108k or 752k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain, South Massif.
AS17-142-21774 (OF300) ( 108k or 784k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain, South Massif.
AS17-142-21775 (OF300) ( 104k or 756k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif.
AS17-142-21776 (OF300) ( 84k or 664k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif, (West) Family Mountain.
AS17-142-21777 (OF300) ( 76k or 656k )
167:48:43 LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. North Massif (right), (Old) Family Mountain (next left). Cochise, big block mentioned in the dialog.
AS17-142-21778 (OF300) ( 92k or 716k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Cochise.
AS17-142-21779 (OF300) ( 100k or 728k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Cochise.
AS17-142-21780 (OF300) ( 108k or 792k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Cochise.
AS17-142-21781 (OF300) ( 116k or 828k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Cochise.
AS17-142-21782 (OF300) ( 80k or 640k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Cochise.
AS17-142-21783 (OF300) ( 116k or 812k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain.
AS17-142-21784 (OF300) ( 80k or 652k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif, Van Serg Crater.
AS17-142-21785 (OF300) ( 104k or 736k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif.
AS17-142-21786 (OF300) ( 132k or 876k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. Bear Mountain, Van Serg.
AS17-142-21787 (OF300) ( 120k or 804k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9.
AS17-142-21788 (OF300) ( 108k or 740k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif, Van Serg rim.
AS17-142-21789 (OF300) ( 132k or 828k )
LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. South Massif, Van Serg ejecta.
AS17-142-21790 (OF300) ( 120k or 780k )
167:51:54 LRV traverse from Station 8 to 9. North Massif, Van Serg rim.
AS17-142-21791 (OF300) ( 142k or 1088k )
168:04:31 Station 9. This down-Sun "before" shows the location from which samples 9115, 20, 35 and 9510 will be taken. Gene is to the left of the gnomon and is holding the geology hammer. Before their arrival at this Station, the replacement fender began to fail and they were showered with dust. Note how very dirty Gene's suit has become.
AS17-142-21792 (OF300) ( 212k or 1100k )
168:06:19 Station 9. "Locator" to the Rover. East Massif.
AS17-142-21793 (OF300) ( 224k or 1200k )
168:06:19 Station 9. "Locator" to the Rover.
AS17-142-21794 (OF300) ( 184k or 1100k )
168:06:19 Station 9. "Locator" to the Rover.
AS17-142-21795 (OF300) ( 192k or 1000k )
168:15:11 Station 9. Down-Sun "before" of the area from which samples 9175 and 9195 will be taken.
AS17-142-21796 (OF300) ( 188k or 980k )
168:15:45 Station 9. "Locator" to the Rover.
AS17-142-21797 (OF300) ( 172k or 1000k )
168:15:45 Station 9. "Locator" to the Rover.
AS17-142-21798 (OF300) ( 144k or 900k)
168:20:21 Station 9 pan (west). Jack's shadow. Frames 21798 to 21824 are a pan that Jack takes from the southeast rim of Van Serg.
AS17-142-21799 (OF300) ( 192k or 1100k)
Station 9 pan (west). South Massif.
AS17-142-21800 (OF300) ( 172k or 980k)
Station 9 pan (west). South Massif (left), (West) Family Mountain (center), (Old) Family Mountain (right). Van Serg.
AS17-141-21800/01 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.6 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21801 (OF300) ( 164k or 980k )
Station 9 pan (west).
AS17-141-21801/03 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.4 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21802 (OF300) ( 180k or 1000k )
168:20:21Frame from Jack's Station 9 Pan. Down-Sun frame into the interior of Van Serg. Virtually all of the 'rock' samples Gene and Jack collected here were 'regolith breccias' - also known as 'instant rock' - comprised of soil compressed in the impact that formed the crater. Note white object on the righhand edge of the image just below the center line. See, also, 21804, 21805, and 21806, especially a detail from 21805 discussed below.
AS17-142-21803 (OF300) ( 164k or 968k )
168:20:21 Jack raised his aim to get this picture of the western wall of Van Serg with (Old) Family Mountain left of center on the horizon and the North Massif on the right.
AS17-142-21804 (OF300) ( 264k or 1300k )
168:20:21 Frame from Jack's Station 9 Pan. Bottom of Van Serg.
AS17-141-21804/06 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.4 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21805 (OF300) ( 196k or 1100k )
168:20:21 Frame from Jack's Station 9 Pan. Northern wall of Van Serg. Journal Contributor Hiroyasu Hayashi calls attention to the white object at bottom center. In a detail (222k), we see that the white object is an empty individual-sample-bag holder. Gene discarded the empty bag holder sometimes between 168:19:06 and 168:20:13.
AS17-141-21805/07 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.5 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21806 (OF300) ( 256k or 1300k )
168:20:21 Frame from Jack's Station 9 Pan. Central pit in the bottom of Van Serg.
AS17-141-21806/08 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.7 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21807 (OF300) ( 216k or 1200k )
168:20:21 Frame from Jack's Station 9 Pan. Northern wall of Van Serg.
AS17-141-21807/09 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.6 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21808 (OF300) ( 304k or 1400k )
168:20:21 Frame from Jack's Station 9 Pan. Bottom of the eastern side of Van Serg.
AS17-142-21809 (OF300) ( 216k or 1200k )
168:20:21 Frame from Jack's Station 9 Pan. Northeastern rim of Van Serg.
AS17-141-21809/11 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.6 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21810 (OF300) ( 276k or 1300k )
168:20:21 Frame from Jack's Station 9 Pan. Jack's footprints on the east rim of Van Serg.
AS17-141-21810/12 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.5 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21811 (OF300) ( 228k or 1200k )
168:20:21 Frame from Jack's Station 9 Pan, showing Gene taking a pan.
AS17-141-21811/13 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.3 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21812 (OF300) ( 228k or 1200k )
Station 9 pan (west). Gene is taking his pan.
AS17-141-21812/14 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.8 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21813 (OF300) ( 144k or 940k )
Station 9 pan (west). Gene is taking his pan.
AS17-142-21814 (OF300) ( 196k or 1100k )
Station 9 pan (west). Wessex Cleft.
AS17-141-21814/16 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.2 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21815 (OF300) ( 160k or 1000k )
Station 9 pan (west).
AS17-142-21816 (OF300) ( 168k or 1000k )
Station 9 pan (west).
AS17-141-21816/17 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.3 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21817 (OF300) ( 180k or 1100k )
168:20:21 This frame from Jack's Van Serg pan shows the Rover with the East Massif in the distance.
AS17-141-21817/18 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.3 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21818 (OF300) ( 164k or 960k )
Station 9 pan (west).
AS17-141-21818/19 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.4 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21819 (OF300) ( 148k or 844k )
Station 9 pan (west).
AS17-141-21819/20 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.6 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph from remapped images by Eric Jones.
AS17-142-21820 (OF300) ( 164k or 880k )
Station 9 pan (west). Bear Mountain.
AS17-142-21821 (OF300) ( 180k or 1020k )
Station 9 pan (west).
AS17-142-21822 (OF300) ( 168k or 1008k )
Station 9 pan (west). South Massif.
AS17-142-21823 (OF300) ( 148k or 880k )
Station 9 pan (west).
AS17-142-21824 (OF300) ( 184k or 1100k )
168:22:41 Station 9 pan (west). LRV.
AS17-142-21825 (OF300) ( 168k or 976k )
168:24:37 Station 9. This photo shows the location of sample 9165. As can be seen in a detail ( 121k ), Gene is in the background taking the TGE off the Rover. The East Massif is on the horizon.
AS17-142-21826 (OF300) ( 192k or 1100k )
Station 9. Gene is taking the TGE off the Rover.
AS17-142-21827 (OF300) ( 212k or 1100k )
168:30:13 Station 9. Trench site near the Rover. Location of samples 9220, 40 and 60.
AS17-142-21828 (OF300) ( 196k or 1100k )
Station 9. Trench site near the Rover.
AS17-142-21829 (OF300) ( 208k or 1200k )
Station 9. Trench site near the Rover.
AS17-142-21830 (OF300) ( 108k or 752k )
Station 9. LRV floor.
AS17-142-21831 (OF300) ( 100k or 892k )
168:34:04 Station 9. LRV floor, sunstruck.
AS17-142-21832 (OF300) ( 200k or 1900k )
AS17-142-21833 (OF300) ( 68k or 652k )


Magazine 143/N (B&W) EVA-3, 21834-21982
Some images are currently available only as low-resolution scans provided by NASA Johnson in the mid-1990s. The individual scans have TARGA filenames. Markus Mehring has compiled cross-references between those filenames and the NASA photo ID designations customarily used. Other images are available as higher resolution scans from prints and, unless otherwise credited, were provided by Kipp Teague. Beginning in 2004, NASA began to provide scans from original film and, as they become available to the ALSJ, we are using them to replace all prior versions. The raw scans have been processed by Kipp Teague and are presented at 300 dpi equivalent and are labeled "OF300".
Ed Hengeveld has provided a set of thumbnails images ( 1 Mb ) made from low-resolution scans provided by Glen Swanson of NASA Johnson.


Used by Jack Schmitt during EVA-3. Gene also used this camera/magazine to take pictures of the Rover at the VIP site.


Calibration Chart (OF300) ( 192k or 824k ) AS17-143-21834 (OF300) ( 88k or 812k )

168:36:36 Station 9, LRV floor, sunstruck.
AS17-143-21835 (OF300) ( 100k or 728k )
Station 9, LRV floor.
AS17-143-21836 (OF300) ( 144k or 1141k )
168:39:47 Station 9 pan (south). Frames 21836 to 21858 are a pan Jack took 15 meters southeast of the Rover. This first frame shows Gene hammering a double core tube.
AS17-143-21837 (OF300) ( 168k or 1306k)
Station 9 pan (south). The object in the foreground is Seismic charge 5. Note the small flag at the top of the charge antenna. It is colored bright orange. In the background, Gene is still hammering the double core.
AS17-143-21837-38 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.4 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21838 (OF300) ( 191k or 1407k )
Station 9 pan (south). Gene, Seismic Charge 5.
AS17-143-21838-39 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.4 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21839 (OF300) ( 196k or 1358k )
Station 9 pan (south). Wessex Cleft.
AS17-143-21840 (OF300) ( 172k or 1000k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21840-41 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.3 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21841 (OF300) ( 180k or 1359k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21841-42 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.2 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21842 (OF300) ( 171k or 1365k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21842-43 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.4 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21843 (OF300) ( 184k or 1469k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21843-44 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.6 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21844 (OF300) ( 185k or 1481k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21844-45 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.2 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21845 (OF300) ( 182k or 1390k )
Station 9 pan (south). East Massif.
AS17-143-21846 (OF300) ( 174k or 1249k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21847 (OF300) ( 171k or 1156k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21848 (OF300) ( 212k or 1334k )
Station 9 pan (south). East Massif with outcrop, Bear Mountain.
AS17-143-21848-49 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.5 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21849 (OF300) ( 196k or 1348k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21849-50 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.6 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21850 (OF300) ( 164k or 1309k )
Station 9 pan (south). South Massif.
AS17-143-21850-51 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.3 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21851 (OF300) ( 126k or 1102k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21851-53 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.3 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21852 (OF300) ( 134k or 1129k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21853 (OF300) ( 118k or 1090k )
Station 9 pan (south). South Massif, (West) Family Mountain.
AS17-143-21853-54 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.4 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21854 (OF300) ( 134k or 1220k )
Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21854-57 Red-Blue Anaglyph ( 0.2 Mb)
Red-blue anaglyph by Eric Jones.
AS17-143-21855 (OF300) ( 120k or 1073k )
Station 9 pan (south). Jack's shadow.
AS17-143-21856 (OF300) ( 146k or 1139k )
168:40:28 Station 9 pan (south). Gene is carrying the double core to the Rover.
AS17-143-21857 (OF300) ( 182k or 1293k )
168:39:47 Gene is at the back of the Rover with the core tube that he drove into the layer of light-colored soil he and Jack discovered near the Rover at Van Serg. A detail gives good views of the charge transporter, the extension handle attachment to the upper drive tube, and the replacement fender.
AS17-143-21858 (OF300) ( 160k or 920k )
Station 9 pan (south). Similar to 21856.
AS17-143-21859 (OF300) ( 124k or 752k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Inbound LRV tracks. The astronauts are just leaving Station 9, headed south. Note the distinctive boulder at right, which can be seen in AS17-143-21847 in Jack's Station 9 pan (south).
AS17-143-21860 (OF300) ( 132k or 944k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. South Massif.
AS17-143-21861 (OF300) ( 104k or 776k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21862 (OF300) ( 112k or 764k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21863 (OF300) ( 120k or 912k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21864 (OF300) ( 64k or 492k )
168:50:15 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Gatsby Crater from the east. (West) Family Mountain is over the TV camera.
AS17-143-21865 (OF300) ( 80k or 636k )
168:50:33 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Gene is swinging right to give them a better view into Gatsby.
AS17-143-21866 (OF300) ( 68k or 544k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21867 (OF300) ( 68k or 520k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21868 (OF300) ( 84k or 608k )
168:51:03 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Starting south around Gatsby.
AS17-143-21869 (OF300) ( 116k or 772k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21870 (OF300) ( 96k or 648k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21871 (OF300) ( 76k or 524k )
168:55:55 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Driving west, approaching Sherlock Crater.
AS17-143-21872 (OF300) ( 72k or 504k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Sherlock Crater?
AS17-143-21873 (OF300) ( 80k or 544k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Sherlock Crater.
AS17-143-21874 (OF300) ( 80k or 584k )
168:56:53 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Big block northeast of Sherlock, as noted in a labeled detail from Pan Camera frame 2309 ( 1.5 Mb ). The boulder is marked '168:57:10', which is about the time Gene and Jack drove past it.
AS17-143-21875 (OF300) ( 100k or 728k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21876 (OF300) ( 80k or 556k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21877 (OF300) ( 84k or 608k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21878 (OF300) ( 88k or 692k )
168:57:04 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Still approaching the big block, which is marked in a labeled detail from Pan Camera frame 2309 ( 1.5 Mb ). The boulder is marked '168:57:10', which is about the time Gene and Jack drove past it. Note the foreground crater.
AS17-143-21879 (OF300) ( 104k or 724k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21880 (OF300) ( 88k or 644k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21881 (OF300) ( 80k or 608k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21882 (OF300) ( 84k or 624k )
168:57:10 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Closest picture of big block, which is marked in a labeled detail from Pan Camera frame 2309 ( 1.5 Mb ). The boulder is marked '168:57:10', which is about the time Gene and Jack drove past it.
AS17-143-21883 (OF300) ( 80k or 588k )
168:57:52 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Sherlock rim.
AS17-143-21884 (OF300) ( 88k or 632k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21885 (OF300) ( 84k or 652k )
168:58:08 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21886 (OF300) ( 60k or 456k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Swinging right to view a large block on the Sherlock rim.
AS17-143-21887 (OF300) ( 72k or 520k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Heading toward the South Massif again.
AS17-143-21888 (OF300) ( 76k or 564k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Swinging west a bit, still on the Sherlock ejecta.
AS17-143-21889 (OF300) ( 88k or 652k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21890 (OF300) ( 76k or 588k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Note distinctive rock over TV camera and compare with Gene's photo AS17-134-20455.
AS17-143-21891 (OF300) ( 100k or 664k )
168:59:46 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Swinging left to get a sample. North Massif.
AS17-143-21892 (OF300) ( 100k or 644k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21893 (OF300) ( 92k or 636k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21894 (OF300) ( 84k or 616k )
169:01:36 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. This photo documents the LRV sample location. Compare with Gene's photo AS17-134-20455.
AS17-143-21895 (OF300) ( 112k or 784k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. South Massif.
AS17-143-21896 (OF300) ( 80k or 568k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21897 (OF300) ( 84k or 616k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21898 (OF300) ( 64k or 516k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Driving west.
AS17-143-21899 (OF300) ( 52k or 380k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21900 (OF300) ( 60k or 496k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21901 (OF300) ( 64k or 512k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21902 (OF300) ( 76k or 584k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21903 (OF300) ( 72k or 564k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21904 (OF300) ( 106k or 724k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21905 (OF300) ( 78k or 580k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21906 (OF300) ( 101k or 592k )
169:03:36 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Driving south around San Luis Rey.
AS17-143-21907 (OF300) ( 101k or 708k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21908 (OF300) ( 112k or 744k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21909 (OF300) ( 80k or 592k )
169:04:29 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. The LM just to the left of center as indicated in a labeled version.
AS17-143-21910 (OF300) ( 60k or 480k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21911 (OF300) ( 80k or 632k )
169:07:24 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Fractured boulder at San Luis Rey.
AS17-143-21912 (OF300) ( 84k or 636k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. LM.
AS17-143-21913 (OF300) ( 72k or 572k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21914 (OF300) ( 88k or 684k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21915 (OF300) ( 100k or 784k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21916 (OF300) ( 96k or 696k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21917 (OF300) ( 76k or 584k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21918 (OF300) ( 56k or 388k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21919 (OF300) ( 92k or 588k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21920 (OF300) ( 92k or 620k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21921 (OF300) ( 72k or 564k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21922 (OF300) ( 60k or 452k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. LM.
AS17-143-21923 (OF300) ( 64k or 476k )
LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM.
AS17-143-21924 (OF300) ( 125k or 1068k )
169:12:28 LRV traverse from Station 9 to the LM. Seismic Charge 2 "locator". Jack is standing behind the Rover as he takes this picture. Compare with Gene's photo AS17-134-20457. Note that the rake and scoop are missing. A