Apollo 16 LM Lunar Surface Checklist (Flown)
Photocopied for the ALSJ in 1992 by Charlie Duke.
Last revised 2 August 2009.
This checklist was scanned by Eric Jones.
Except where noted, the handwritten changes were made by Charlie Duke and, occasionally, John Young in the LM while on the Moon. A few changes appear to have been made pre-flight by the Apollo 16 Support team. A detailed comparison between the checklist and transcript has been completed to 106:38:08.
- Title Page
( 184k )
- Page i - Signatures
( 206k )
- Pages ii and iii - Acknowledgement and Contents
( 233k )
- Stowage Plan View (unnumbered)
( 270k )
- Right Hand Side Stowage Console (unnumbered)
( 331k )
- Left Hand Mid Section Stowage (unnumbered)
( 213k )
- Left Hand Side Stowage Compartment (unnumbered)
( 230k )
- Quad III Stowage (unnumbered)
( 234k )
- MESA Stowage (unnumbered)
( 266k )
- Page a - Flight Plan: Undock and Separation to late in EVA-1
( 214k )
- Pages b/c - Flight Plan: Late in EVA-1 to post-EVA-2
( 280k )
- Pages d/e - Flight Plan: post-EVA-2 to post-EVA-3
( 277k )
- Pages f/g - Flight Plan: post-EVA-3 to LM jettison
( 277k )
- Page 1-1 - PDI +20 (98:55) First Rev Activities
( 229k )
The black line in the righthand margin indicates a line that has been changed from the prior printed version of this page.
- Pages 1-2/3 - IMU Alignment, Stay/No Stay
( 284k )
Handwritten addition ":If Adjacent detent..." added by support personnel 29 March 1972. Charlie eliminate two lines in the righthand column of page 1-2 as per Jim's instrustion at 104:44:05. The black lines in the righthand margin of page 1-2 indicate lines that have been changed from the prior printed version of this page. The changes in battery configuration at the bottom of 1-3 were done similarly at 104:44:27. Charlie will check the ED (Explosive Device) batteries later, write the values in the spaces provided and read them to Jim at 105:09:55
- Pages 1-4/5 - Circuit Breaker Configurations for Lunar Stay
( 348k )
The hand-drawn circles under the topp line, second line, and fourth line on page 1-4 and the bottom line on page 1-5 show changes Charlie made as instructed by CapComm Jim Irwin at 104:45:11. The the right of the second line on page 1-4, either Charlie or John has noted that the change means that all of the breakers on that line should be open. These changes - and those on pages 1-7 and 1-8 - were made, as Jim told them at 1044143, "to conserve power to give you maximum stay time (on the lunar surface).". Circuit breaker Panel 11 (page 1-4) is on John's side; and Panel 16 is on Charlie's.
- Pages 1-6/7 - Powerdown Switch Config(uration)
( 348k )
There are three changes Charlie made by hand as instructed by Jim Irwin at 104:46:48.
- Pages 1-8/9 - Powerdown Switch Config(uration), Configure Cabin for Stay
( 310k )
There are two changes Charlie made by hand on page 1-8 as instructed by Jim Irwin at 104:47:10. Later, at 105:00:24, Jim told John and Charlie to defer the Eat Period indicated in the righthand column of page 1-9 until after they had their suits off. Charlie crossed out the paragraph heading at that time.
- Page 2-1 - PDI +20 (98:55) First Rev Activities
( 356k )
The black lines in the margins indicate instructions that have changed from the prior printed version of this page. Charlie changed the time for "Cabin Prep EVA" and added the note "Go to 3-4" on Jim's instruction at 105:00:24. The addition "25' Tape (LHSSC)" may have been added pre-flight by support personnel. The addition of "Pendulum" to the list of items to be stowed in the ETB and what is almost certainly a related addition - probably by the same person using the same pen - on Page 2-5, suggests that John and Charlie hoped to show the television audience a pendulum in operation on the Moon. Setting up a pendulum would have required suspension of a small weight at the bottom of a string/rope/cable somewhere outside where it could swing freely. A pendulum demonstration would have been a very suitable follow-on to Apollo 15's hammer-and-feather demonstration.
- Page 2-2/3 - Collection Weight Summary (table), Transition to One-Man EVA
( 374k )
- Page 2-4/5 - LM Repress Failure Procedure, Equipment Prep EVA 1
( 465k )
At 106:38:08 Tony gives Charlie the new time for the start of EVA-1 Prep, 117:53.
- Page 2-6/7 - PLSS Donning, PLSS Comm Check
( 454k )
- Page 2-8/9 - PLSS Comm Check (cont.), Final Systems Prep, OPS Connect, Helmet/Glove Donning
( 384k )
- Page 2-10/3-1 - Pressure Integrity Check, Cabin Depress, Start Wrist Watch, Final Prep For Egress, Post EVA 1, Post EVA Systems Config
( 428k )
- Page 3-2/3 - Post EVA Systems Config (cont.), PSS O2 Recharge, PLSS/OPS Doffing, Post EVA Cabin Config, Batt Mgmt
( 383k )
- Page 3-4/5 - Doff Suits, Doff PGA, Don ICG, Eat Period, PLSS Recharge
( 446k )
Because of the landing delay and the decision to have a rest period before the first EVA, Houston recommended that John and Charlie doff their suits at about 105:58, after completing pages 1-1 to 1-9 and 2-1. Charlie wrote the new time on the page as per Jim Irwin's instruction at 105:01:11. However, after completing page page 1-9, John and Charlie told Houston that they were going to doff the suits before doing page 2-1 and said that, in hindsight, they should have taken the suits off earlier. The pre-flight notation "Lub" in the righthand margin may be a reminder to put lubricant on the Urine Collection Transfer Assembly (UCTA). Tony England gave John and Charlie the time changes for the Debriefing with Houston - 106:28 - and for the Eat Period - 106:43 - on page 3-5 at 106:35:33. These were changed again later to reflected times approriate to post-EVA-1 activities.
- Page 3-6/7 - Configure Cabin for Sleep, Unstow Hammocks, Rest Period, PostSleep, Eat Period, EVA Planning with Houston.
( 398k )
At 106:35:45Tony gave John and Charlie the new time, 107:28, for the Presleep activities, for the start of the rest period, 107:53, for Postsleep, 115:53, and for the Eat Period, 116:18. He also had Charlie delete the two lines beginning "PRO, V37E" in the lefthand column of 3-7 and the PLSS Top Off at the bottom of the column.
- Page 3-8/9 - EVA 1 Post, Configure Cabin for Sleep, Unstow Hammocks, Rest Period, PostSleep, Eat Period, EVA Planning with Houston.
( 275k )
At 106:37:03Tony gave Charlie the new time, 117:03, for the Donning Suits and had him add a note at the bottom of page 3-8 to go to page 2-5.
- Page 4-1 - Cabin Prep EVA 2
( 222k )
- Page 4-2/3 - Equipment Prep EVA 2, PLSS Donning, PLSS Comm Check
( 410k )
- Page 4-4/5 - PLSS Comm Check (cont.), Final Systems Prep, OPS Connect, Helmet/Glove Donning
( 480k )
- Page 4-6/7 - Helmet/Glove Donning (cont.), Presure Integrity Check, Cabin Depress, Final Prep for Egress.
( 399k )
- Page 5-1 - Post EVA 2, Post EVA Systems Config
( 269k )
- Page 5-2/3 - Post EVA Systems Config (cont.), PSS O2 Recharge, PLSS/OPS Doffing, Post EVA Cabin Config, Batt Mgmt
( 348k )
- Page 5-4/5 - Post EVA Cabin Config (cont.), Doff Suits, Doff PGA, Don ICG, EVA Debriefing with Houston, Eat Period, PLSS O2 & H2O Recharge
( 344k )
- Page 5-6/7 - PLSS O2 & H2O Recharge (cont.), MCC-H Conference, Presleep, Configure ECS for Sleep, Unstow Hammocks, Rest Period, Postsleep
( 372k )
- Page 5-8/9 - Eat Period, EVA 3 Planning with Houston, Configure ETB, Don Suits, Clean and Lube PGA, Doff ICG, Don PGA
( 347k )
- Page 5-10/6-1 - Batt Mgmt, Cabin Prep EVA 3
( 211k )
- Page 6-2/3 - Equipment Prep EVA 3, PLSS Donning, PLSS Comm Check
( 323k )
- Page 6-4/5 - PLSS Comm Check (cont.), Final Systems Prep, OPS Connect, Helmet/Glove Donning
( 480k )
- Page 6-6/7 - Helmet/Glove Donning (cont.), Presure Integrity Check, Cabin Depress, Final Prep for Egress.
( 288k )
- Page 7-1 - Post EVA 3, Post EVA Systems Config
( 250k )
- Page 7-2/3 - Post EVA Systems Config (cont.), PLSS/OPS Doffing,Prep for Equip Jett 1, Press Integrity Check
( 362k )
- Page 7-4/5 - Cabin Depress for Jettison, Hatch Opening Cabin Repress, Batt Mgmt, Post EVA Cabin Cleanup, Doff Suits, Doff PGA
( 383k )
- Page 7-6/7 - Dry PGA, Don ICG, EVA Debrief with Houston, Eat Period, Presleep and Equipment Stowage, Configure ECS for Sleep, Unstow Hammocks
( 438k )
- Page 7-8/9 - Postsleep, LGC/IMU Power Up
( 313k )
- Page 7-10/11 - LGC/IMU Power Up (cont.), Eat Period, Don Suits, Clean and Lube PGA, Doff ICG, Don PGA
( 383k )
- Page 7-12/13 - P22 with CMP, Prep for Equipment Jettison 2, Helmet/Glove Donning
( 299k )
- Page 7-14/15 - Press Integrity check, Cabin Depress for Jettison, Hatch Opening, Cabin Repress, Cabin Clean Up for Launch
( 364k )
- Page 8-1 - LIft-off - 1:15
( 177k )
- Page 8-2/3 - Launch Prep Circuit Breaker Configuration
( 327k )
- Page 8-4/5 - Rendezvous Radar Test Prep, Platform Alignment
( 299k )
- Page 8-6/7 - Liftoff - 0:55, Gyro Test, LO-0:50 RCS Hot Fire Test, LO-0:45, prep for gravity stellar alignment check
( 299k )
- Page 8-8/9 - Gravity and stellar alignment checks
( 275k )
- Page 8-10/11 - LO-0:30 Switch Configuration
( 270k )
- Page 8-12/13 - LO-0:17 Comm and batt configuration
( 251k )
- Page 8-14/15 - Circuit Breaker Configuration Check
( 316k )
- Page 8-16/17 - LO-10 Ascent Stage activation, Apolune tweaks for early liftoff followed by loss of comm
( 308k )
- Page 9-1 - One-Man EVA Prep
( 229k )
- Page 9-2/3 - One-Man EVA Prep (cont.)
( 323k )
- Page 9-4/5 - One-Man EVA Prep, Cabin Depress, Final Prep for Egress
( 310k )
- Page 10-1 - Emergency Launch Stowage Before EVA 1
( 297k )
- Page 10-2/3 - Emergency Launch Stowage Before EVA 2 / Before EVA 3
( 443k )
- Page 10-4/11-1 - Emergency Launch Stowage Before Equip Jett 1, Emergency LIftoff (No Cooling)
( 443k )
- Page 11-2/3 - Emergency Liftoff (CSM Phased), Circuit Breaker Configuration
( 404k )
- Page 11-4/5 - Circuit Breaker Config (cont.), Emergency Liftoff (cont.)
( 457k )
- Page 11-6/7 - Emergency Liftoff (cont.)
( 321k )
- Page 11-8/9 - Emergency Liftoff (cont.)
( 369k )
- Page 11-10/12-1 - Emergency Liftoff (CSM phased, cont.), Emergency Liftoff (Time Critical, Safe Orbit Only)
( 366k )
- Page 12-2/3 - Emergency Liftoff (Time Critical, Safe Orbit Only) (cont.)
( 354k )
- Page 13-1 - Manual Ascent
( 348k )
- Page 13-2 - Manual Ascent (cont.), AGS Liftoff
( 185k )