Apollo 12
Day 4, part 3: Lunar Orbit Revolutions 1 and 2
Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2004 - 2022 by W. David Woods, Johannes Kemppanen and Lennox J. Waugh. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2022-11-10
083:52:17 Weitz: Hello, 12; Houston. Any words on your observations?
083:52:24 Conrad: Well, Houston, I was just looking at one very, very, odd, and it looks like a very fresh impact crater that is sort of collapsed on one side -that we've been looking at and discussing a little bit. It's got some fairly high raised sides on it, and we haven't quite got ourselves oriented to the proper size yet. I think these craters are much bigger than anything we've ever seen on Earth, so we're - We're just sitting here discussing various sizes and getting ourselves oriented on the map. I just broke out the monocular, and we're starting to look with it.
083:53:13 Weitz: Okay. [Long pause.]
083:53:40 Bean: One interesting thing, Paul, was that in some of these large craters - the old ones, it looks like - as you look towards the distance, you can see that they - at least from here - appear darker, and it looks very flat like the mare looked from Earth, but the same size ones that you pass right over, they don't look a bit darker than any other of the terrain. So I guess it must have something to do with the way the Sun refracts off the - the surface. We're passing a beautiful impact crater here on our right side now. It's got many, many long rays; it's a beauty.
083:54:29 Weitz: Roger, 12. [Long pause.]
That was Al Bean commenting on the lunar surface below them. The spacecraft currently 87.1 nautical miles above the lunar surface.
083:55:25 Bean: It's - This impact crater that we're going over right now, which has such a fantastic ejecta pattern that we can see it so well, the ejecta pattern's got to go out 50 or 60 crater diameters, very easily discernible with the eye. And you can almost - You can pretty well tell the direction of the impact from looking at the ejecta blanket, but it - it's rea1ly spectacular.
083:55:57 Weitz: Roger, 12.
083:58:16 Conrad: Okay, Houston. We'll be coming up with the TV in just a few minutes.
083:58:21 Weitz: Okay, 12. Can you see Langrenus yet?
083:58:27 Conrad: No. We can't quite see that yet, but we've been looking over at Humboldt and looking at all the great fracture marks in it and everything. Actually, it looks to me like some criss-cross roads down there in the desert or something. Very interesting.
We're starting to get a television picture now from the spacecraft."
084:00:01 Weitz: Hello, 12; Houston. We're starting to get a picture now. [Pause.]
084:00:28 Weitz: 12, Houston. For information, you should be crossing 60-degrees east at 84:02:08.
084:00:39 Conrad: We agree. [Pause.]
084:00:52 Conrad: What do you see on the tube, Houston? I can't tell too much from the monitor.
084:01:00 Weitz: Okay. We're getting the - the lunar surface. It appears that we can see the subsolar point, or could at one time there. We can see numerous small light-colored craters. Okay...
084:01:21 Conrad: I'm going to hand it over to Dick. He's got Langrenus out the window.
084:01:25 Weitz: Okay. Very good.
084:01:30 Bean: We're coming up on Vox to you, Houston.
084:01:33 Weitz: All right.
084:01:37 Bean: Dick's got the camera. He's pointing it over toward Langrenus now. This Petavius over here is a beautiful thing. Whenever you get finished, I'll see if I can shoot it.
084:01:56 Bean: It's got high peaks in the middle.
084:01:58 Conrad: What happened to the monocular?
084:02:00 Bean: Here it is. [Long pause.]
084:02:36 Gordon: [Garble] there's the central peaks right in Langrenus right there...
084:02:42 Gordon: I can see those pretty well.
084:02:43 Weitz: Roger. We're picking it up. On the screen, the colors appear to be green to brown. Can you describe the colors in the scene that you're seeing there now?
084:02:54 Conrad: That'll do for now. The - mountain that's sort of [garble] sort of in the center of Langrenus I'm looking at through the monocular, and apparently, they look very smooth with the naked eye, but by looking through the monocular, I can pick up these black dots. They're very black, and I - they're obviously very large boulders sitting that are around on it.
084:03:27 Weitz: Roger. The picture on the TV screen...
084:03:31 Weitz: ...of the central peak - it looked kind of -it appeared to be rather rounded.
084:03:39 Conrad: Yes. It appears to be rounded, but it's got a lot of big boulders sitting on it. I'll hand the camera over to Al, now. He's got some stuff out his window.
084:03:51 Conrad: Oops, that's one for the geologists, the materials out his window he wants to shine it down on.
084:04:02 Weitz: I see...
084:04:03 Bean: I [garble] myself. [Pause.]
084:04:15 Bean: You were asking what color it looks like from here. It's changed slightly as we went around it. At first, it had a very, very light gray-white concrete appearance. Now, it has more of a - it's still a light-gray concrete, but it has a little - just a touch of brown in it. At least, that's the way it appears to me. That's the - the Moon that's directly below us. Of course, there's several places that are very, very white, and I'll point the camera at one of them now. It's a small crater, and it's very symmetrical. It just looks like a cone with a flat bottom.
084:05:01 Bean: If you can see that.
084:05:02 Weitz: Okay. It's going out the top of the screen. Can you move up and pick it up just a little? There, that's good.
084:05:11 Conrad: There you go.
084:05:19 Weitz: I understand that...
084:05:20 Conrad: We're going over Theophilus.
084:05:23 Gordon: Yes, Pete.
084:05:25 Conrad: Fifty minutes.
084:05:26 Weitz: Okay. Understand that this...
084:05:27 Gordon: There goes the color again.
084:05:28 Conrad: Tweak! Tweak!
084:05:29 Weitz: ...crater appears to be white down inside, Al. Is that right?
084:05:36 Bean: Well, it's pretty bright. It's white, and then it's got some radial streaks of a more darker material. It's rolling down, or at least runs from the rim down to the center - down to the flat bottom. I think you can see those on the TV. Let me show you a real bright crater that's more towards the horizon, but it's one of the very, very bright ones. Can you see that? I'll try to put it right in the center.
084:06:05 Weitz: Okay. I can see one that's just a little bit above the edge of the window there.
084:06:07 Bean: Row's that now?
084:06:09 Conrad: Right. Another interesting thing is - This white or gray-white Moon, it contrasts very starkly with the black sky just like everyone's reported. And maybe even so on the TV down there. But the black is about as black as you've ever seen in your life. It's just - doesn't have any - any hues or anything to it. It's just solid straight dull black, and then the Moon is just sort of very light concrete color. In fact, if I wanted to look at something that I thought was about the same color as the Moon, I'd go out and look at my driveway.
084:06:52 Weitz: Okay. We'll send...
084:06:53 Conrad: Not near as - even Earth orbit - Even Earth orbit at night or the daytime, the sky was never as black as it is here. This is the blackest black I ever saw. Al described it as dull, and it doesn't even seem like a dull black when you look at it on the horizon, to me. It's like an ebony black. It's as coal black as I've ever seen.
084:07:20 Bean: Okay. I'm going to pass the TV over to Dick now.
084:07:22 Conrad: Show you - There's a very interesting crater that Dick's got down there. There's another one that I'm looking into; it's the first one I've seen with the fractures in the bottom of it that we've flown right directly over. And there's a fracture pattern that runs right through the middle of the crater including the rim of it, perpendicular to it, crosses all the way across the crater, so it gives me the feeling that - that the fracture pattern - that particular fracture doesn't have anything to do with the crater.
084:08:12 Weitz: Okay. What are looking at there now, 12? Is that the bottom of the crater or a Mare area?
084:08:20 Gordon: That's at the bottom of a crater, a large Mare area actually, Paul. And in the crater, there are two - in the Maria, there are two brand new craters that have fairly detailed ray patterns I going out from them. They're quite start - quite I startling when you see them, because they are I perfect radial patterns from two of them, right next to each other.
084:08:50 Conrad: The edge is pretty interesting. As a matter of fact, that one ray pattern looks like it's only one direction. It look that way to you, Dick?
084:09:00 Gordon: Yes. It looks like it's pointing towards us.
084:09:03 Gordon: That double-ray pattern is just a single one.
084:09:07 Weitz: Roger, 12.
084:09:12 Conrad: Oh! That is a beautiful crater over here to the right. It's not particularly spectacular, but it's pretty symmetrical, and it's got some interesting sloping in on the sides. It looks like an old, old one. We're getting ready to pass over the Sea of Fertility right now. I guess we are over it. There's a lot of rilles and some cracks in here we ought to be able to pick up on the TV. [Pause.]
084:09:59 Conrad: We're passing over the Sea of Fertility now, and it is a little bit darker than the terra that we've been over, but not so much. It's more of a - just a slightly darker gray.
084:10:13 Weitz: Roger, 12.
084:10:21 Conrad: Looks like the beach sand down at Galveston when-ever it's wet.
084:10:31 Weitz: Okay. We had a team of geologists checking your driveway. We'll send them to Galveston now.
084:10:37 Conrad: [Laughter]. Okay.
084:10:53 Conrad: Looking down into a real fresh impact crater in the Sea of Fertility; and, with the monocular, I can see some pretty large boulders. So I guess, as high as we are, if I can see those boulders, they must be pretty darn big.
084:11:05 Weitz: Roger. We can see that crater in the lower left part of the screen right now.
084:11:22 Gordon: Yes, let me show this impact crater or you got something you want to show them, Pete? Hey, let me show you...
084:11:30 Conrad: One is fairly bright.
084:11:37 Bean: You can sure see the direction that one came in from, can't you, Pete? There's hardly any ejecta to our right, which would be - to the south, I guess.
084:11:49 Conrad: That one you're looking into now, Houston, that's the one I was saying. It's really got some big boulders in the bottom of it.
084:11:56 Weitz: Roger. You're breaking up a little on Vox, Pete.
084:12:03 Weitz: Okay. We see that crater there which has a ray pattern through about everything but about a 110-120- degrees of it off to the right. Is that the one to which you're referring?
084:12:16 Conrad: That's - yes, that's right. That's correct.
084:12:20 Weitz: Understand that you can see larger boulders in the bottom of the crater?
084:12:26 Conrad: Yes, and also along the sides of it. [Pause.]
084:12:42 Weitz: Hey, there's a big one we have right there now.
084:12:50 Conrad: Yes, that one just came into view. I guess that's still in the Sea of Fertility. Yes, it's still in.
084:12:58 Gordon: And there's this big one...
084:12:59 Bean: We're getting ready to pass over Theophilus here, Pete. It's going to be right down at your lower 1 o'clock. That's a good picture, too.
084:13:07 Gordon: Lower 7 o'clock.
084:13:08 Bean: Yes, you - That's a beauty.
084:13:09 Conrad: Oh, there it is.
084:13:12 Gordon: There's Theophilus.
084:13:13 Conrad: That one we were showing you a moment ago doesn't have a name, and it's - it's interesting just to the - behind that small one you were showing is sort of a whole streak of light-colored material that runs for hundreds of miles there and it's a different shape. Maybe it's just the elevation in that area; I don't know. It's near the central peak, so I'll use the monocular on it.
084:13:37 Weitz: Okay, and...
084:13:38 Conrad: [Garble] the central peaks in Theophilus.
084:13:40 Weitz: Roger. We got them good in the screen, and we saw that large white ray as you switched windows there. The peaks of Theophilus [Pause.]
084:13:51 Conrad: It's kind of interesting if you look right on - one thing about the peaks, I'm looking at them through the monocular; and, on the top of the peaks, you can see a great number of what appear to be boulders, and they must be huge to be visible from the altitude we're at right now.
084:14:11 Weitz: Okay. Understand there are boulders on the tops of the peaks, and they look like some fairly well defined ridge lines in that central peak. Is that how they look through the monocular?
084:14:23 Conrad: That's right. That's right. That TV must be coming through real well, because from here it looks like very sharp ridge lines; and, if you look at either side of the ridge line, you can see sort of a terracing, a mild terracing effect that's parallel to the ridge line. It could be some form of something or - in fact, some sort of transportational mechanism there, I don't know what it is. Probably gravity. Obviously, you can see some - what would be termed rilles and [garble] running down from the ridge line. They're running perpendicular to it, more or less.
084:15:09 Weitz: Roger. We're looking at [Pause.]
084:15:18 Conrad: You ought to be able to look over to your side real far over there...
084:15:23 Weitz: And them.
084:15:24 Conrad: ...and see the Sea of Serenity and some of those craters over in there. They ought to be pretty good contrast where that dark bar is. There any over there?
084:15:31 Bean: There're plenty of them.
084:15:32 Conrad: Yes, that ought - that might be interesting. Hey, there's some pretty good cracks over there.
084:15:34 Bean: Hey, look at that rille over there, Dick. Get -get that.
084:15:36 Conrad: We're going to change windows here. There's some beautiful rilles over in the other side, north side.
084:15:41 Bean: I don't know, maybe we ought to try this one. Let me see. Can you see them out of that one better?
084:15:46 Gordon: Boy, that is beautiful. Oh!
084:15:53 Bean: [Garble] TV camera, I don't know. Where'd it go?
084:15:55 Gordon: There's some grabens over here, big long ones that come down the [Pause.]
084:16:01 Conrad: [Whisper] Don't [garble] that.
084:16:04 Weitz: There's a very sharp crater you can see in the top left part of the screen right now. [Pause.]
084:16:32 Weitz: In the view, we can see now, there appear to be a dark line running from the lower left up toward the top center. Can you make anything out of that?
084:16:44 Conrad: Yes. That's what I'm trying to show you.
084:16:46 Weitz: Okay. We're...
084:16:48 Bean: Looks like some fair looks like some fairly deep rilles and droppings over there, particularly the ones that you ask about. They're very, very deep. There's a nice wide one over there, Pete. Can you see it? Over by that fresh impact with the raised rim?
084:17:08 Conrad: Maybe you'd better take the camera in the other window.
084:17:11 Gordon: Over here?
084:17:12 Bean: Yes. Put if over there with Dick.
084:17:14 Weitz: 12, Houston. In that scene you just shifted from, there appeared to be two parallel rilles. You confirm that?
084:17:25 Conrad: That's - that's correct. As a matter of fact, in looking at it, there are two parallel rilles and then they actually pick up, well not quite a third one. It's like one ends on one side, and the middle one goes all the way through, and then one picks up on the right-hand side.
084:17:47 Weitz: Roger. Understand. The picture's...
084:17:48 Gordon: Well, there's two parallel grabens in this sea.
084:17:50 Conrad: Also - also on that - that rille - one of the last things we saw and, Hous- or at the Cape when we talked with the geologist was the little experiment that the guy did blowing air through the sand, gases that - Sure enough I've got some examples of that right here in those trench-like structures. There's some crater chains running through them and alongside of them, just like we talked about...
084:18:29 Gordon: We've got some examples. There's a big giant up here just blowing sand all over the place.
084:18:34 Weitz: Okay, understand. Now, we can see - just a minute ago a - furrow or trench coming from the lower left side of the screen up toward the center and kind of ending in a string of rather poorly defined craters.
084:18:49 Gordon: Roger. There's one up here that's actually a double - double graben; it's not offset. There are two of them running parallel to each other.
084:18:56 Conrad: Hey, Dick. You see the double craters right there? Do you see the grabens running alongside of them? And you. see the little string? It looks like a string of craters. Two sets of them. Can you give them that on the TV? I may get it out of this window. Wait a minute. Let me try the center window.
084:19:25 Weitz: 12, Houston. While you are setting up, how - how's the view out of your windows now?
084:19:34 Conrad: Pretty much the same, Houston. Window number 5 is a good one, window number 4 is poor, window number 3, which is the hatch window, it's not -it's bad - it's still the same condition it was at launch. All of them are. But, because we've got a bright background instead of the dark background we had before, the marks on them aren't quite as noticeable.
084:20:01 Weitz: Okay. We're getting very good pictures here.
084:20:02 Conrad: Number 1 is by far the worst window. Number 2...
084:20:07 Gordon: Okay. This is up north. What you're seeing is - a rille here with a whole bunch of - looks like vent holes running along these rilles. Can you see those from the ground, Paul?
084:20:27 Weitz: That's affirm. We could see them before - You just moved off of what appears to be a rill moving to the right now. And we could see the...
084:20:37 Conrad: [Garble] over on your side there, Dick. Yes. There's the - there's several - there's a whole bunch of areas in here, just looking out the window generally, that give you the feeling that, as we've talked about with the geologists, that some of this is volcanic action in here.
084:20:59 Weitz: Okay. Now, we can see a crater just to the left of the screen there that's rather poorly defined and appears to be a good-sized rille or fracture running across the floor.
084:21:22 Bean: Hey, we've got the straight wall coming up on this side, Houston. When it gets a little bit closer, I'll show it to you. it's a beautiful straight line.
084:21:30 Weitz: Very good.
084:21:32 Bean: Also, we've got a couple - here; let me borrow that thing, Dick, a minute.
084:21:53 Conrad: Kind of ridiculous not to be taking pictures. [Pause.]
084:21:56 Gordon: Is the camera over there, Al?
084:21:58 Bean: Yes. Wait a minute. I'll get it for you. Now, I don't know where he put it. Where'd you put the Hasselblad?
084:22:07 Conrad: Can you see the straight wall now, Houston?
084:22:09 Weitz: Yes, sir. We can see it very good. Just beyond that large crater was another smaller crater and its rim, and we can see the wall on beyond it.
084:22:23 Bean: ...picture that. Does anybody know?
084:22:27 Gordon: You got this little chart right here. We've been - since the update, we've been here 56 minutes, so leave it 56 minutes, Data.
084:22:46 Bean: I'm going to move off the straight wall, now, Houston, and look down at a crater. I don't have my chart here, so I don't know the name of it, but it's got extremely well defined terraced walls. It's got a nice central peak in the middle. And let me see if I can get it better for you. There it is.
084:23:06 Weitz: Oh. Roger. We have a good one there, Al.
084:23:07 Bean: And it also has a nice crack right down at the bottom.
084:23:11 Weitz: Roger. We see that.
084:23:12 Bean: That's a pretty impressive looking crater. We're in the terra now, and you can tell that the ground is much more hummocky and quite a bit rougher than the Mare which we're getting ready to approach in a few moments.
084:23:38 Gordon: Here's another one with a good central peak. In fact, this is one of the highest central peaks that - that's a hard one to show because the radar antenna of the LM partially eclipsing it. Can you see that central peak there?
084:24:02 Weitz: That's affirm. We're...
084:24:03 Bean: [Garble] high [garble].
084:24:04 Weitz: We're getting a good...
084:24:05 Bean: It's almost as high as the rim itself. Okay. [Pause.]
084:24:22 Bean: Sun's getting a lot lower now, as we approach the terminator...
084:24:26 Conrad: I can see the terminator.
084:24:27 Bean: ...things are much more in relief. Let me point the camera back past the straight wall again. Let me give you another view of that, because it's coming into even greater relief from this angle. Then, I'll go back and give you the horizon, because that's one of the most impressive things right here. Take a look at those mountains.
084:24:46 Weitz: We have them. [Pause.]
084:25:00 Bean: I'll move a little bit around and see if I can - here's some of those mountains we talked about earlier that look like, from the distance, like little clouds over the Mare. You can see how bright they are relative to the Mare surface; and, maybe even on the TV, they look like puffy clouds. However, they're not. They look like hard rock down there.
084:25:20 Weitz: Roger. Understand they are not clouds.
084:25:25 Bean: [Laughter].
084:25:36 Bean: Got something out your window, Pete?
084:25:41 Conrad: Too dark.
084:25:42 Bean: It's getting dark. Boy. There's a high mountain right there on the horizon. I bet you - do you see that very high mountain on the horizon, Houston? It's about the center of the screen now. All you can see is reflected light.
084:25:58 Weitz: Affirmative. We have it. 12, Houston. Can you open your f-stops any - get in this dim light?
084:26:12 Bean: That will happen. We'll try it. [Pause.]
084:26:49 Bean: How's that look, Houston?
084:26:50 Weitz: That's better.
084:26:54 Bean: Sure looks better here. Here's an interesting feature down there that you're looking at near that large crater. The hole is - seems to be a general trending of ridges in this area, all in the same direction. They'd be running, I guess, on your camera from the top right-hand corner to the lower left. And it's particularly evident down there by the large crater that's in your picture.
084:27:32 Weitz: Roger. We see that.
084:27:38 Bean: There it is right - you see it?
084:27:38 Weitz: That's affirm.
084:27:39 Bean: Interesting. There's - I guess it's probably parallel to - let me show you some more of these clouds. I think you'll like them. They just seem to be large bumps on top of the Mare.
084:27:54 Gordon: Hey, let me show them Mosting over here, Al.
084:27:56 Bean: Okay. Here you go.
084:27:58 Gordon: Mosting is coming into view.
084:28:01 Gordon: Schroter's Valley's up to the north.
084:28:03 Conrad: [Garble] temperature down.
084:28:05 Gordon: All right. Down.
084:28:06 Bean: You can open it again, if you want it. It's the close one in. Boy, it's beautiful right in - look at that crater. Wowee.
084:28:20 Gordon: Straight wall pretty impressive in this light.
084:28:34 Gordon: Yes, that's a...
084:28:35 Gordon: There you go, Houston.
084:28:37 Weitz: Yes. We got it.
084:28:41 Gordon: I believe that's Mosting.
084:28:47 Gordon: Mosting.
084:28:53 Conrad: Now, it's starting to get a little dark outside.
084:28:55 Bean: Okay, whenever you get finished - whenever you get finished, there's a beauty over here, Dick. Whenever you get finished, there's a beauty over here. We're getting to where we get that low Sun angle; we can see those little craters within the big ones. I don't - I think they're probably in all of them; we just can't see them. There's the Sun in this one. It looks like it's somebody hit it with a bunch of buckshot right...
084:29:16 Conrad: I wonder which - I wonder which one of those shadows down there is a 5-degree Sun Angle?
084:29:26 Bean: I don't know. Go 5-degrees from the terminator.
084:29:29 Weitz: Hello, 12; Houston. You just passed over 5-degree Sun angle on the surface.
084:29:35 Bean: Okay, that's what I was just trying to look at here and see what I could see.
084:29:40 Gordon: Boy, there's...
084:29:43 Bean: Yes, there's some beauties over here. [Long pause.]
084:30:00 Bean: We got a beauty for you, Houston. Right in the terminator. See if I can run up the f-stop for you.
084:30:07 Weitz: Okay, that's coming in good, Al.
084:30:12 Conrad: Take a look at - down in that crater, the number of other small craters.
084:30:16 Weitz: Roger. We see them.
084:30:20 Bean: That's fantastic. Let me - soon as you look at that one, I'll show you the horizon; and near the terminator on the hori - distant horizon, you can easily see the curvature of the Moon, and you can also see the stark contrast between the horizon and the bright rocks and the dark crater. I'm moving over there now. There's the straight wall again.
084:31:04 Gordon: Hey Paul, all I can say, it's another fighter pilot's life: Hours and hours.
084:31:10 Weitz: [Laughter] Roger.
084:31:12 Bean: How's that look, Houston?
084:31:14 Weitz: That's looking good, Al.
084:31:21 Bean: That crater's a beauty out there. The rim is illuminated by the low Sun while, down inside the crater it's dark. And you can see the ray patterns from here, and you can see the mare surface. It almost looks like somebody took a - some cake icing and spread it with a big knife, laid it all around out there, and then somebody shot some BB's in it. It really is beautiful. It's got that layering all over it.
084:31:50 Conrad: Mosting, and that [garble] up Schroter's Valley.
084:31:58 Bean: Got something over there? Let me hand it back to you. Okay. Now the [garble] down in the terminator. You ought to have Copernicus out there somewhere.
084:32:20 Conrad: You should see all that stuff that's on the window. That's why that window isn't any good for photography out of it. The Sun's really shining right on it now.
084:32:30 Weitz: Roger. We can see all that stuff, Pete. However, we're getting a good picture through it in the open spaces.
084:32:39 Bean: I guess Copernicus is too far out there to see, isn't it, Dick? Or can you see it?
084:32:44 Gordon: It's on the horizon. You can't even - yes. Guess we passed it a minute ago.
084:32:59 Conrad: That silly thing floating outside the window.
084:33:03 Bean: Where'd the Moon go?
084:33:04 Gordon: There it is over there.
084:33:07 Conrad: Are we maneuvering some way? Now where'd that little piece of blue and gold stuff - whatever it is.
084:33:13 Gordon: Must be Mylar. No.
084:33:15 Conrad: Well, Houston, that looks like that's about it for this pass.
084:33:18 Weitz: Roger, 12. Very good show.
084:33:25 Bean: Boy, I'll tell you. You sure can't see anything on the other side of the terminator. That's black, too.
084:33:35 Gordon: Let's go off Vox now. [Long pause.]
084:34:31 Weitz: Hello, 12; Houston. For information, all spacecraft systems are in excellent shape.
084:34:41 Conrad: 12. Roger. Thank you.
084:35:43 Weitz: 12, Houston. Map update when you're ready.
084:35:53 Bean: Just a second, Houston. Go ahead.
084:35:58 Weitz: Okay, LOS 85:08:42, 85:31:16, 85:52:27.
084:36:23 Bean: Roger. LOS 85:08:42, 85:31:36, 85:52:27.
084:36:30 Weitz: Okay, the time at 180-degrees was 85:31:16.
084:36:40 Bean: Okay, got it.
084:36:41 Weitz: Roger. [Long pause.]
084:37:31 Weitz: Hello, 12; Houston. On the ground, we're seeing some changes in signal strength, both up and down. Have you changed any of your communications modes recently?
084:37:51 Conrad: You mean over the last few minutes or what?
084:37:57 Weitz: Yes, 12. Just in the last 5-10 minutes.
084:38:04 Conrad: The only thing we've done is turn the TV off. Let me double cheek.
084:38:20 Conrad: All the other Comm switches appear to be in the normal position, and the only thing we did was turn TV off.
084:38:27 Weitz: Okay, thank you.
084:38:33 Conrad: Your Comm to us has been super.
084:38:37 Weitz: Roger. Same here.
085:03:39 Weitz: Hello, 12; Houston. Five minutes to LOS; we'll see you in 49 minutes.
085:03:46 Conrad: Roger-Roger. We're settled down to a nice meal, and we're allowing ourselves a little music on the tape recorder. And we'll see you on the other side.
085:03:56 Weitz: Okay, who won the vote on what you're playing on the tape recorder?
085:04:03 Conrad: We've been very democratic. We play a little bit of Al's, and a little bit of Dick's, and a little bit of mine.
085:04:08 Weitz: That's nice.
085:04:11 Gordon: Generally not in that order.
This is Apollo Control at 85 hours, 7 minutes. Flight Director Glynn Lunney, now going around the room getting a final status before Loss Of Signal. We will be loosing contact with Apollo 12 in 1 minute, 40 seconds, reacquiring again at 85 hours, 52 minutes, 26 seconds. We are now 1 minute from Loss Of Signal, everything looking good as the spacecraft goes around the corner, we will be reacquiring in little less than 44 minutes. We have had Loss Of Signal now, acquisition to occur in 43 minutes, 24 seconds. Apollo 12 currently in an orbit 168.7 by 62.5. The orbital period is 2 hours, 8 minutes, 48 seconds. We are reading an orbital weight of 71,983 pounds at the present time. As we lost acquisition with the spacecraft, all systems looking very good. At 85 hours, 10 minutes, this is Apollo Control, Houston.
085:07:39 Conrad (onboard): That and, man, if they were hot, wouldn't that be something?
085:07:43 Bean (onboard): [Garble] control [garble] freezing your ass off. [Long pause.]
085:08:45 Bean (onboard): Want some?
085:08:47 Conrad (onboard): Yes.
085:08:49 Bean (onboard): Is it a super-do like the good one?
085:08:53 Conrad (onboard): Say - you're the only guy that knows.
085:09:07 Gordon (onboard): What? [Long pause.]
085:09:43 Conrad (onboard): Hey, there's a good one. [Singing].
085:09:50 Bean (onboard): [Garble].
085:09:52 Conrad (onboard): Back in there somewhere. Get out a couple for me, would you?
085:10:00 Conrad (onboard): [Singing] Hey, Dixie, steady as you rove - through the Gulf of Mexico...
085:10:24 Bean (onboard): Oh, boy! Look at that.
085:10:37 Gordon (onboard): Somebody got in the shit-locker, I guess.
085:10:40 Bean (onboard): Huh?
085:10:41 Gordon (onboard): Somebody got into the shit-locker.
085:10:42 Conrad (onboard): [Laughter.]
085:10:44 Bean (onboard): Why? Did some come out?
085:10:46 Gordon (onboard): Here - in my spoon.
085:10:48 Conrad (onboard): [Laughter].
085:10:49 Bean (onboard): It's not floating; must be Pete's.
085:10:53 Conrad (onboard): [Singing] Steady as she goes...
085:10:54 Bean (onboard): [Singing] On her way down - to the Gulf of Mexico.
085:10:55 Gordon (onboard): [Garble] that tape, you know.
085:10:59 Bean (onboard): So what?
085:11:01 Conrad (onboard): [Laughter].
085:11:03 Bean (onboard): So what! Life in the spacecraft.
085:11:08 Conrad (onboard): I knew his attitude would change once they got him here.
085:11:11 Bean (onboard): [Laughter].
085:11:14 Conrad (onboard): We can always start talking about [garble].
085:11:22 Gordon (onboard): Sorry, I'm not too familiar with those.
085:11:23 Conrad (onboard): [Laughter] [Long pause.]
085:11:38 Gordon (onboard): Sing Al's song.
085:11:42 Conrad (onboard): [Singing] Hey, Dixie, steady as you rove...[garble].
085:11:54 Conrad (onboard): Thank you, Richard; this looks delicious.
085:12:08 Bean (onboard): [Garble] all red.
085:12:09 Gordon (onboard): These puddings are [garble] with milk.
085:12:16 Conrad (onboard): I've eaten worse food in the last 3 days than I've eaten in my [garble] [Long pause.]
085:12:49 Conrad (onboard): Got to start watching this baby here - see what happens [Pause.]
085:13:12 Conrad (onboard): That waste water dump is [garble], too.
085:13:32 Conrad (onboard): Hey, we're supposed to do this fuel cell purge and waste water dump at 85:30.
085:13:39 Bean (onboard): Wonder what they want us to dump it to; they never did say.
085:13:42 Gordon (onboard): Dump it to the nominal 25.
085:13:48 Bean (onboard): Just to normal?
085:13:50 Conrad (onboard): Why don't we dump it to 10, just to be safe.
085:13:57 Gordon (onboard): There it is. Won't hurt a thing.
085:14:19 Conrad (onboard): [Laughter] [Long pause.].
085:14:41 Conrad (onboard): Hey, Dick, where are you going to sleep at night when you're by yourself?
085:14:45 Gordon (onboard): I'm going to sleep underneath the couches like you.
085:15:11 Gordon (onboard): Oh, it's only one night, Pete, [garble] worried about it.
085:15:13 Conrad (onboard): [Garble].
085:15:20 Gordon (onboard): That's right; I keep thinking that...
085:15:23 Conrad (onboard): Say, it isn't only one night.
085:15:24 Gordon (onboard): ...Yes, I keep thinking it's tonight.
085:15:29 Bean (onboard): Tomorrow we do the landing [garble] EVA [garble]; that's kind of a...[garble].
085:16:08 Conrad (onboard): Hey, this tastes good.
085:16:10 Bean (onboard): What's that?
085:16:14 Conrad (onboard): Apricot. You want one?
085:16:18 Gordon (onboard): No, thank you.
085:16:20 Conrad (onboard): Al?
085:16:21 Bean (onboard): No, thank you, Pete; I'll [garble] [Long pause.].
085:16:36 Gordon (onboard): So long as you like it, Pete, it's a good deal.
085:16:40 Bean (onboard): What's your new logic?
085:16:43 Gordon (onboard): [Garble] I like to eat on Earth [garble].
085:16:51 Conrad (onboard): [Garble] ate what they gave me or what I could stuff down. There's a couple of times I stuffed down a whole lot more than I ever ate on Earth. This [garble] feels good.
085:17:06 Bean (onboard): Feels great to me. And I didn't eat all my chow yesterday.[Long pause.]
085:18:17 Bean (onboard): Well, I hope we gave what they wanted on that - TV show.
085:18:25 Conrad (onboard): [Garble] thing they haven't had before.
085:18:27 Gordon (onboard): That right?
085:18:30 Conrad (onboard): We didn't give them anything they hadn't seen before.
085:18:36 Gordon (onboard): Unfortunately, a lot of the public didn't watch it all on the [garble].
085:18:41 Conrad (onboard): Kind of like [garble] , I guess [Long pause.]
085:19:14 Bean (onboard): Anybody want a grape...
085:19:15 Gordon (onboard): Did anybody tape those up yet?
085:19:23 Conrad (onboard): Watch your fingers [garble].
085:19:30 Gordon (onboard): All right. Clean out this TSB one more time, too...
085:19:35 Conrad (onboard): [Garble] nicely...
085:19:36 Gordon (onboard): [Garble] before you guys go [garble].
085:19:37 Conrad (onboard): [Garble] leave you a clean spacecraft.
085:19:38 Gordon (onboard): ...so I can - keep it up [garble].
085:19:39 Bean (onboard): Yes [Long pause.]
085:20:02 Conrad (onboard): There goes the O
2 Flow High - I'd say the water's [garble].
085:20:13 Conrad (onboard): That's exactly what it was.
085:21:36 Gordon (onboard): Are you going to help me [garble]?
085:21:38 Bean (onboard): Yes.
085:21:39 Conrad (onboard): Huh?
085:21:41 Bean (onboard): That's right.
085:21:42 Conrad (onboard): We're going to go through that data and make sure we got every single one Go [Pause.]
085:22:00 Gordon (onboard): Here's number 2.
085:23:39 Conrad (onboard): Twenty-four hours from now, you'll know we're on our way down, Al. That's when I get nervous. Find that little mother - and I'll land it right-side-up.
085:23:59 Gordon (onboard): You got to stop it if you're going to land it right-side-up [garble].
085:24:02 Conrad (onboard): All right.
085:24:33 Conrad (onboard): What you looking for, Dicky-Dick?
085:24:41 Bean (onboard): Yes. That lunar landmark; you knew you had to get that out sooner or later.
085:24:47 Gordon (onboard): [Garble].
085:24:55 Bean (onboard): That food package is exactly the same size, if not just a little bit bigger, than the one I set out.
085:25:03 Gordon (onboard): That means you didn't eat much.
085:25:04 Bean (onboard): What are you trying to tell me?
085:25:06 Gordon (onboard): I'm trying to tell you, you didn't eat.
085:25:09 Bean (onboard): No, it's just that they don't - they don't fold up any smaller than they come.
085:25:15 Conrad (onboard): H-1; where are you, H-1 - there it is, H-1.
085:25:28 Conrad (onboard): Boy, the Sun moves pretty fast, doesn't it? Moltke was in the damn - was Moltke in the terminator?
085:25:34 Gordon (onboard): Right at the terminator. Right at it [Pause.]
085:25:49 Conrad (onboard): We're trying to track what? This little fellow right there - is it this one right here?
085:25:58 Gordon (onboard): Good luck. Hope you see the [garble].
085:26:01 Conrad (onboard): [Laughter].
085:26:17 Conrad (onboard): Gad, there's stars out there; can't believe it.
085:26:20 Bean (onboard): Not much difference [garble] simulator [Long pause.]
085:27:00 Conrad (onboard): Which stars should we be looking at?
085:27:04 Gordon (onboard): We're at 245 pitch, and we ought to be looking at - I get Enif.
085:27:15 Gordon (onboard): Right in here?
085:27:23 Bean (onboard): Hey, I can see the Pleiadesl [seven sisters].
085:27:25 Gordon (onboard): There you go.
085:27:29 Bean (onboard): Eureka! Hey, that's pretty damn good for this little fellow!
085:27:33 Gordon (onboard): Which fellow?
085:27:34 Bean (onboard): The goddamned tele - telescope, right?
085:27:38 MS (onboard): [Garble] the sun's shining in there [garble][Pause.].
085:27:53 Bean (onboard): What else is out there? There's all kinds of stars, but I don't recognize any.
085:28:03 Bean (onboard): Hey, you know one of the [garble], Dick?
085:28:06 Gordon (onboard): Huh?
085:28:07 Bean (onboard): How could this goddamn...
085:28:09 Gordon (onboard): Yes.
085:28:14 Conrad (onboard): Hey, there's all kinds of stars out there now.
085:28:20 Bean (onboard): I ought to recognize something, but I don't. What's around the Pleiades? Name some things.
085:28:28 Gordon (onboard): Aldebaran.
085:28:30 Bean (onboard): What's he in?
085:28:31 Conrad (onboard): [Garble].
085:28:32 Gordon (onboard): He's in [garble] Menkar [garble].
085:28:38 Conrad (onboard): Whoops! Whoops! That did it.
085:28:40 Gordon (onboard): Came up.
085:28:41 Conrad (onboard): That did it; the Sun came up. Zap! [garble] the quads and everything else [garble].
085:28:49 Bean (onboard): There they are; that blew it, right there. I need a schedule; what time is it? That's the real time.
085:28:56 Gordon (onboard): [Garble] 30 - we're here.
085:28:58 Bean (onboard): Okay, is our inlet temperature of the radiator - and the outlet, - Flight Plan?
085:29:05 Conrad (onboard): Let me have - Al, you want to start on the H
2 O
2 purge? And if you'll give me the tool...
085:29:14 Bean (onboard): I'll get it.
085:29:15 Conrad (onboard): ...tool E, I'll go start the water dump.
085:29:17 Gordon (onboard): All right. Turn it off; I'm watching the waste right now.
085:29:22 Bean (onboard): Turn off. Potable...
085:29:25 Gordon (onboard): Now, I'll dump the potable - potable, too.
085:29:31 Conrad (onboard): Dump A potable, closed.
085:29:35 Gordon (onboard): Hold on.
085:29:36 Conrad (onboard): Whoo, man! Is it dumping! Whee!
085:29:39 Gordon (onboard): Purge the fuel cells.
085:29:42 Bean (onboard): There's bound to be some somewhere - in the Flight Plan [garble].
085:29:47 Conrad (onboard): Look at that thing spray out of the side of the spacecraft; I never saw - look at that! That is propulsive, too.
085:29:55 Gordon (onboard): You better believe it.
085:29:58 Conrad (onboard): Sure it is.
085:29:59 Bean (onboard): Gum, anyone?
085:30:00 Conrad (onboard): Yes, please.
085:30:02 Gordon (onboard): I'm sure this book's from somewhere - probably up there.
085:30:05 Bean (onboard): How come you don't [garble]?
085:30:12 Conrad (onboard): You ought to [garble] some faster than that, you sleeping?
085:30:20 Bean (onboard): [Garble].
085:30:22 Gordon (onboard): Your O
2 purge?
085:30:24 Bean (onboard): Huh? What O
2 purge?
085:30:31 Gordon (onboard): Why did the flow go high?
085:30:32 Conrad (onboard): [garble].
085:30:33 Bean (onboard): I ain't through.
085:30:34 Gordon (onboard): Huh?
085:30:35 Conrad (onboard): It's not down there.
085:30:37 Bean (onboard): That's closed.
085:30:41 Conrad (onboard): Had a water [garble].
085:30:42 Bean (onboard): Yes.
085:30:43 Conrad (onboard): Well, why would that make it go high?
085:30:46 Gordon (onboard): [Garble] switches momentarily.
085:30:48 Bean (onboard): Cabin pressure's okay.
085:30:50 Gordon (onboard): Can't give any reason for that [garble] are pretty shook up, too.
085:30:55 Conrad (onboard): Well, why is it high right now? I know; water dump. I bet you.
085:31:04 Bean (onboard): You got to push it to oxygen to pressurize [garble].
085:31:12 Gordon (onboard): No, afterwards. Prepare the ship for us.
085:31:15 Conrad (onboard): No, they say your [garble]...
085:31:17 Gordon (onboard): [Garble] told me [garble].
085:31:19 Conrad (onboard): You got to keep the [garble] in condition.
085:31:22 Gordon (onboard): [Garble] for your return trip home, you see.
085:31:26 Bean (onboard): What good would it do if I had a stopped-up nose? None.
085:31:30 Gordon (onboard): Where the hell is my...
085:31:31 Conrad (onboard): Boy, that thing is propulsive.
085:31:34 Gordon (onboard): Which way's it going - it's going out...
085:31:36 Conrad (onboard): Right out that way; right out that way.
085:31:38 Gordon (onboard): [Garble].
085:31:41 Conrad (onboard): It's radial - it's radial for that; it's perpendicular to the X-axis, but it's going out about 45 degrees here.
085:31:51 Bean (onboard): Here, Dick.
085:31:53 Gordon (onboard): [Garble].
085:32:03 Conrad (onboard): [Garble] can see it better from this window, Dick. Take a peak out of that there.
085:32:58 Bean (onboard): [Garble].
085:32:51 Bean (onboard): What's waste water?
085:34:25 Conrad (onboard): H
2 coming on.
085:34:27 Bean (onboard): Okay.
085:34:42 Conrad (onboard): [Garble] through the supply valve.
085:34:45 Bean (onboard): Okay, yes.
085:34:47 Conrad (onboard): Knew there was something I hadn't done [Long pause.]
085:35:19 Conrad (onboard): [Garble] when you get this shit in here.
085:35:24 Bean (onboard): It's hard to work in a [garble] with all that other stuff [Long pause.]
085:36:20 Bean (onboard): Have we picked up the Moon, yet?
085:36:23 Gordon (onboard): No.
085:36:24 Conrad (onboard): I thought it was the Moon [garble] possible [garble] radar. Okay, H
2 off.
085:36:33 Gordon (onboard): Fuel cell 1 has been purged - are you going to go for 2?
085:36:37 Bean (onboard): Yes, I think I'll go to 2 [garble].
085:37:59 Conrad (onboard): That's the first time I could notice chlorine in the water.
085:38:02 Bean (onboard): I never did.
085:38:03 Gordon (onboard): I haven't either.
085:38:04 Conrad (onboard): Boy, I can right .now - I can right now.
085:38:07 Bean (onboard): Wonder why.
085:38:10 Gordon (onboard): [Garble] little [garble] purge...
085:38:15 Conrad (onboard): Probably getting ahead of the chlorination.
085:38:17 Bean (onboard): Yes.
085:38:18 Conrad (onboard): Like building up a chlorine content.
085:38:26 Conrad (onboard): Might - you get that one side...
085:38:32 Bean (onboard): You know it's over [garble] [Long pause.]
085:39:16 Conrad (onboard): [Singing].
085:39:26 Conrad (onboard): [Garble].
085:39:27 Bean (onboard): No. It's not [garble] now. He opened that last little vent like a bunny.
085:39:33 Gordon (onboard): Sure does.
085:39:34 Bean (onboard): Potable open? Potable's open?
085:39:43 Conrad (onboard): [Garble] that's never going to stay there, Dick.
085:39:45 Gordon (onboard): Okay. Another [garble] [Long pause.]
085:40:45 Gordon (onboard): [Garble].
085:40:48 Conrad (onboard): Gosh, isn't that nice? Oh, God damn, there it is - the Moon!
085:41:15 Gordon (onboard): Funny.
085:41:18 Bean (onboard): Wait until you see it out of our window.
085:41:22 Conrad (onboard): What'd you do? Right there.
085:41:50 Bean (onboard): Okay. Goldstone 2 [garble].
085:41:52 Conrad (onboard): Number 3.
085:41:54 Bean (onboard): H
2 Master Alarm.
085:42:09 Conrad (onboard): You really think that Moon's all the same color, huh?
085:42:12 Bean (onboard): I don't know, but it looks it to me.
085:42:19 Gordon (onboard): No, there's some - white - Look at some - look at some of the slopes; see if they don't look a [garble] gray as the others do.
085:42:24 Conrad (onboard): It looks a whole lot whiter over here. Even in the shadow; look at that shadow down there. Would you look in the shadows! They're something!
085:42:47 Gordon (onboard): There's some mighty healthy craters down there.
085:42:49 Bean (onboard): Wow, you [garble].
085:42:53 Gordon (onboard): Very big - very big ones.
085:43:04 Bean (onboard): Christ, we're low over here again.
085:43:08 Conrad (onboard): Matter of fact, there we are, right? We're - no, we're not at our low point; we're exactly 180 degrees from the - from the - the landing site.
085:43:34 Conrad (onboard): Look at those mountains, Dick. Goddamn!
085:43:39 Gordon (onboard): Yes.
085:43:44 Bean (onboard): 58 - I wonder if that [garble] degrees is right in my LOI [garble].
085:44:01 Conrad (onboard): Wow, look at those mountains!
085:44:05 Gordon (onboard): Look at that row of craters right there.
085:44:09 Conrad (onboard): Yes, but that's not craters. You know what that is?
085:44:12 Gordon (onboard): Those are vent tubes.
085:44:13 Conrad (onboard): Yes.
085:44:14 Bean (onboard): Vent holes.
085:44:15 Conrad (onboard): Yes.
085:44:20 Conrad (onboard): Hey, we ought to get a picture of that; I haven't seen anything like that before.
085:44:24 Gordon (onboard): Give me the camera - the camera.
085:44:28 Conrad (onboard): Hey, what's the right setting here?
085:44:29 Gordon (onboard): What was our time?
085:44:31 Bean (onboard): What time were we supposed to do that? Tell me what time it was, and I'll write it down up here.
085:44:36 Gordon (onboard): Hurry up, Pete, or I'll miss it.
085:44:38 Conrad (onboard): Okay. 180 degrees - 180-degree point at 85:31;13 [garble]...
085:44:47 Gordon (onboard): Give me the setting, Al.
085:44:52 Bean (onboard): f:4.
085:44:54 Gordon (onboard): At what, 1/250th?
085:44:55 Bean (onboard): Always, yes.
085:44:58 Conrad (onboard): Can you get that string of vent tubes - get all of that stuff if you can.
085:45:02 Gordon (onboard): Whatever happened to that - here it is.
085:45:19 Gordon (onboard): Pete, if you'll write the time down over here for each Rev, then we'll have it out and we won't have to look back. Tell him to [garble] it here.
085:45:31 Conrad (onboard): 85:31:16. AOS is 52 - 7 minutes. You still watching the fuel cell purge?
085:45:50 Bean (onboard): Yes. They're getting a little thicker here.
085:45:57 Conrad (onboard): We've got to get TEI 5 block data, map update, and then that right there, Dick, does it. P52. Man, that's not bad! I never saw pictures like that from the Moon.
085:46:20 Bean (onboard): They're all purged and they all look good. They're all balanced...
085:46:26 Gordon (onboard): Can you come up a little, Al?
085:46:30 Bean (onboard): Can it pick them up any?
085:46:32 Conrad (onboard): I swear it's a different color over here, Dick. I don't think the fact that you're looking at it this way - makes any difference.
085:46:41 Gordon (onboard): It looks lighter to me.
085:46:43 Conrad (onboard): Sure as hell does.
085:46:57 Conrad (onboard): There's a lot of slumping in that crater.
085:47:05 Conrad (onboard): Well, I had just decided [garble] when we were looking straight down, we were going so goddamned slow, I just figured we were going to fall into the Moon.
085:47:21 Conrad (onboard): Old, you know that has got to be old, old, old, old!
085:47:28 Gordon (onboard): It looks just like it was when it was made, too.
085:47:38 Conrad (onboard): [Singing].
085:47:48 Conrad (onboard): I [garble] physically, you'd really want to land on the back side. Look at either that - either a crater or mountain sticking up; I don't know whether it's a crater or rim or what, right on the horizon.
085:48:00 Gordon (onboard): Probably a crater rim, I would guess.
085:48:04 Conrad (onboard): What do you see down there, Al?
085:48:09 Bean (onboard): You look through this one - it looks like the optics are going like this.
085:49:31 Conrad (onboard): Damn, it's bright down there. Give me a camera, Al, and tell me the settings.
085:49:44 Bean (onboard): Okay.
085:49:48 Conrad (onboard): Is it on the right settings?
085:49:49 Bean (onboard): I can't tell - there you go.
085:50:30 Conrad (onboard): It's 250 millimeters. Same settings?
085:50:37 Bean (onboard): You can go to f:8 if you want; it was right on the borderline a while ago [Long pause.]
085:51:41 Conrad (onboard): Gee, but this is spectacular back here. I was photographing that new crater that's got a mountain in the middle of it. See it?
085:51:45 Bean (onboard): Yes, I see. I don't know which one it is [garble].
085:51:59 Conrad (onboard): How's the tracking coming, Dick?
085:52:00 Gordon (onboard): Good.
085:52:02 Conrad (onboard): Good.
085:52:03 Gordon (onboard): Easy.
085:52:04 Conrad (onboard): Is it really?
085:52:05 Gordon (onboard): Yes.
085:52:06 Conrad (onboard): Is it easy to find the one you want?
085:52:08 Gordon (onboard): That's the trick. That's the trick.
085:52:26 Conrad (onboard): Damn windows really make me mad.
085:52:29 Gordon (onboard): Isn't it the truth? Sickening.
085:52:41 Gordon (onboard): It's really sickening.
085:52:51 Conrad (onboard): Got AOS.
085:52:54 Weitz: Hello, 12; Houston.
085:52:58 Conrad: Hello, Houston; Apollo 12. Loud and clear.
085:53:02 Weitz: Roger. Same. In an attempt to troubleshoot this variation in signal strength which we experienced for a little bit after the TV pass, will you verify the position that you had the High-Gain Antenna Track switch in at that time, please?
085:53:25 Gordon: It was in Narrow.
085:53:26 Weitz: Ok - okay. How about the Track switch?
085:53:29 Gordon: We had it Reacq.
085:53:32 Weitz: Roger. Reacq.
085:53:34 Gordon: It was in Reacq.
085:53:35 Weitz: Roger. Thank you and...
085:53:37 Gordon: Roger; and it's still in Reacq, Narrow.
085:53:39 Weitz: Okay, understand, and I've got an update to your CSM alternate and contingency checklist, if you want to break it out.
085:53:52 Gordon: Okay, give you a call in a second. Go ahead.
085:54:00 Weitz: Okay. On page 1-32, Dick.
085:54:10 Gordon: Okay. Go ahead.
085:54:13 Weitz: Okay, in column Charlie...
085:54:14 Gordon: Are you going to give me [garble]?
085:54:17 Weitz: Say again.
085:54:21 Gordon: Go ahead.
085:54:23 Weitz: Okay, in column Charlie, line 7, the number was formerly 27340; change that to read 22434. This puts in the new Delta-H from your P23s
085:54:45 Gordon: Okay. We've all ready got it in.
085:55:08 Conrad: Okay, Houston. Be advised we dumped waste water to 10 percent and purged the fuel cells.
085:55:13 Weitz: Understand, 12. [Long pause.]
085:55:31 Weitz: And, 12; Houston. I've got your map update for Rev 3.
085:55:40 Gordon: Okay. Go ahead.
085:55:42 Weitz: Okay. The numbers are 87:17:09, 87:39:40, 88:01:22. Over.
085:56:03 Gordon: Roger. Copy 87:17:09, 87:39:40, 88:01:22.
085:56:11 Weitz: That's affirm.
085:59:43 Weitz: Hello, 12; Houston. If you'll give us P00 and Accept, we'll give you a state vector and a target load.
085:59:52 Gordon: It's all yours.
085:59:54 Weitz: Thank you.
086:06:08 Weitz: Apollo 12, Houston. The computer's yours.
086:06:12 Conrad: Okay, Houston. Thank you.
This is Apollo Control at 86 hours, 12 minutes. During the replay of the video tapes from the television transmission we reacquired Apollo 12 on schedule. We've been in contact with the spacecraft now for about 19 minutes. We'll pick up the tape recording we have of the conversation about 3 minutes up to now and then continue to standby for live conversations.
086:11:40 Weitz: Hello, Apollo 12; Houston. I have two PADs for you when you're ready to copy.
086:12:03 Conrad: Roger, Houston. Go ahead. We're ready to copy.
086:12:07 Weitz: Okay. First PAD is LOI-2. That's an SPS/G&N: 38627; plus 1.45, minus 0.66; 0.87:48:47.39; minus 0139.2, plus 0000.1, minus 0089.5; 360, 220, 360; 0066.2, plus 0054.1; 0165.5, 0:17, 0159.4. Your sextant star is Fomalhaut 45, 296.6, 27.3. Your ullage will be two jets for 19 seconds. Your sextant star will be occulted by the Moon until 87 hours. Over.
086:14:03 Conrad: Roger. Would you just give me the Noun 47 again?
086:14:14 Weitz: Roger. That's 38627.
086:14:25 Conrad: Okay. LOI-2 SPS/G&N: 38627; plus 1.45, minus 0.66; 087:48:47.39; minus 0139.2, plus 0000.1, minus 0089.5; 360, 220, 360; 0066.2, plus 0054.1; 0165.5, 0:17, 0159.4; Fomalhaut, 45, 296.6, 27.3; two jets' ullage, 19 seconds; and the sextant star is occulted until 87:00.
086:15:38 Weitz: That's affirmative, and I have a TEl-5 PAD when you're ready. [Pause.]
086:16:29 Conrad: Okay, we're ready to copy.
086:16:33 Weitz: All right. TEl-5 SPS/G&N: 37452; minus 0.64, plus 0.50; 093:40:32.35; plus 3745.1, plus 1006.8, minus 0275.7; NA, 081. The rest of the PAD is NA. Your ullage is four jets for 11 seconds; that 's an undocked burn and assumes LOI-2. Over.
086:17:38 Conrad: Okay. TEI-5 SPS/G&N: 37452; minus 0.64, plus 0.55; 093:40:32.35; plus 3745.1, plus 1006.8, minus 0275.7; NA, 081. Rest of PAD is NA. I believe you said four jets, 11 seconds, assumes LOI-2.
086:18:11 Weitz: That's affirmative and that's an undocked burn, and your yaw trim for Noun 48 is plus 050. Over.
086:18:27 Conrad: Okay. Yaw trim plus 050, and it's undocked.
This is Apollo Control. We'll continue to standby live now for the rest of this front side pass. Currently our displays here in Mission Control show the spacecraft at an altitude of 130.8 nautical miles. Our current orbital figures are 169.5 by 61.6 and we show a combined weight of the CSM, LM in orbit of 72,212 pounds. Included in the series of numbers read up to the crew were the numbers that they will use for the Lunar Orbit Insertion 2 maneuver, the burn which essentially circularizes the orbit changing the orbit from a 169.5 by 61.6 to a 54 by 66 nautical mile orbit and this orbit is targeted so that by the time the LM is ready to lift-off from the Moon and complete the rendezvous sequence with the orbiting Command Module it should be essentially circular at about 60 nautical miles. The LOI-2 ignition is set for 87 hours, 48 minutes, 47 seconds. The total Delta-V will be 161.6 feet per second, if total burn time of 17.07 seconds.
086:28:42 Weitz: Apollo 12, Houston.
086:28:50 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
086:28:52 Weitz: Okay, Pete, throughout the flight, your oxygen consumption has been slightly higher than previous flights, by approximately 10 percent. This is no problem, as extrapolating that to end of mission still gives us plenty of oxygen available. In an attempt to try to figure out why, though, we have a couple of questions, primarily with respect to your use of the URA. Approximately how long after use do you leave the cover valve in Vent before you close it? Over.
086:29:34 Conrad: We usually keep it on until the O
2 High light comes on, which is a couple of minutes worth of venting.
086:29:44 Weitz: Okay, and what position do you - do you leave the cover valve and the waste management over-board drain valve when you're not using the URA?
086:29:58 Conrad: Usually shut the dump valve, Off. Leave the cover in Vent.
086:30:07 Weitz: Roger, we got that. We will massage that, thank you.
086:30:14 Conrad: Okay, we probably have used a little more oxygen through that, and we noticed on our plot that we were running a little low on oxygen, also.
086:44:58 Gordon: Houston, 12. Are you looking at the DSKY?
086:45:03 Weitz: Okay. We're looking at it. Stand by.
086:45:08 Weitz: Okay. We've got it, 12. Thank you.
086:45:14 Gordon: Okay. We're torquing.
086:50:51 Weitz: Hello, Apollo 12; Houston. You're rolling into the High Gain limits. Give me Omni Charlie, please.
086:53:08 Weitz: Hello, 12; Houston. Give us Omni Delta, please.
086:58:56 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.
086:58:59 Weitz: Go ahead, 12.
086:59:03 Conrad: Roger. You can see quite well in Earth's shine, up here. The LM is illuminated very brightly because it's fairly reflective, but the Moon itself is fairly easy to see in earthshine; it's quite beautiful, real soft, and sort of gives it a greenish tinge, gray-green.
086:59:26 Weitz: Roger. Understand. And do you say that the LM is illuminated by earthshine?
086:59:35 Conrad: Yes. Real well. It's very reflective itself, and so it looks almost like the soft sunlight if there is such a thing. But you can, for example, look out and read the marks on the Commander's overhead window; you can see all the Quads, the struts. And real pretty up here in earthshine. Kind of gives it sort of a gray-green cast, though.
087:00:03 Weitz: Roger. Understand.
This is Apollo Control at 87 hours, 9 minutes. We're now 8 minutes away from Loss Of Signal. Here in Mission Control presently changing shifts. Flight director Pete Frank will be replacing flight director Glynn Lunney. The Capsule Communicator on this shift will continue to be astronaut Paul Weitz for the first part of the shift. Don Lind taking over at about 4:30 this morning. The Lunar Orbit Insertion number 2 maneuver scheduled to occur 39 minutes from now. That burn is targeted for an Orbit of 54 by 66 nautical miles. Time Of Ignition is tentatively set at 87 hours, 48 minutes, 47 seconds with a burn time of 17.07 seconds and a total Delta-V of 165.5 feet per second. As we near the end of this front side pass all systems on the CSM continuing to look very good. Flight director Glynn Lunney will be getting a final status from his flight controllers prior to Loss Of Signal and we expect passing along a goal for the Lunar Orbit Insertion number 2 maneuver. At 87 hours, 11 minutes, this is Apollo Control, Houston.
087:12:10 Weitz: 12, Houston. Five minutes to LOS.
087:12:16 Bean: 12. Roger.
087:13:24 Conrad: Okay, Houston. We just called up P40 for you to take a look at it before we disappear.
087:13:30 Weitz: Roger, 12. [Long pause.]
087:14:11 Weitz: Hello, Apollo 12; Houston. You're Go for LOI-2, and your PIPA's look real good.
087:14:19 Conrad: Roger, Houston. Go for LI - LOI-2.
087:14:26 Weitz: Yes, it's been a long night here, too.
087:14:34 Conrad: No, it wasn't that; I had the water gun half in and half out, and I was trying to talk and drink at the same time. Actually, we're - it's kind of interesting - Dick and Al and I have really switched over to this time schedule, and we're quite happy on it. We - we're not really aware of the fact that it's the middle of the night back there.