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PCEC – Project Cost Estimating Capability

The Project Cost Estimating Capability (PCEC) is the continuation of data collection, methodology development, and model development activities that were formerly contained within NAFCOM. The objective of PCEC is to focus on data collection, analysis, and methodology development in a modular, transparent, and secure manner. PCEC contains both a library of NASA cost estimating relationships (CERs) and a framework for developing project cost estimates. By providing an accessible library along with an open framework, PCEC enables the entire NASA estimating community to have ownership and add value to an Agency-wide capability.

Figure 1 PCEC Library Example of CER with Documentation

The PCEC Library contains a wide variety of CERs and other cost artifacts to support developing estimates across the entire NASA work breakdown structure (WBS). The core elements and methodologies of NAFCOM, such as first pound cost and multivariable CER equations, are continued in PCEC. Supporting documentation and CER statistics provide further insight into the data for analysts and decision makers.

Figure 2 PCEC Interface Example of MS Excel Addin with Methodology and Template Selection
Figure 2 PCEC Interface Example of MS Excel Addin with Methodology and Template Selection

The PCEC Interface provides a framework for analysts and estimators to build project cost estimates that are transparent and defendable. By using elements directly from the PCEC Library, estimators can reduce redundant exercises and also improve the credibility of their estimate. The Interface currently functions as an MS Excel add-in and supports a variety of third-party simulation software packages such as @Risk, Crystal Ball, and Argo to conduct uncertainty analysis. Additional CER templates for ACEIT are also available.

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PCEC Overview: PDF