Electric Shock Risk Narrative DAG CM Final - Errata 20220411 dag { "Arc Flash/Sparking" [pos="-1.336,-1.005"] "Burn Treatment Capability" [pos="-1.219,-0.950"] "Charged Surface" [pos="-1.394,-0.956"] "Crew Capability" [pos="-1.160,-0.991"] "Crew Health and Performance System" [pos="-1.405,-0.937"] "Crew Vehicle Integration" [pos="-1.482,-0.973"] "Detect Dysrhythmia" [pos="-1.291,-0.960"] "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" [pos="-1.139,-0.938"] "Diagnose Rhabdomyolysis" [pos="-1.282,-0.946"] "Distance from Earth" [exposure,pos="-1.490,-0.933"] "Dysrhythmia Monitor" [pos="-1.319,-0.952"] "Dysrhythmia Treatment" [pos="-1.238,-0.959"] "EVA Operations" [pos="-1.385,-0.968"] "Electrical Hardware" [pos="-1.442,-0.980"] "Electrical Muscle Effects" [pos="-1.252,-0.995"] "Electrical Shock" [pos="-1.334,-0.988"] "Electrical System Design" [pos="-1.482,-0.999"] "HSIA (Risk)" [latent,pos="-1.488,-0.951"] "Hardware/System Failure" [pos="-1.427,-0.991"] "Hostile Closed Environment" [exposure,pos="-1.481,-1.008"] "Human Error" [pos="-1.422,-1.005"] "Human-Electrical Contact" [pos="-1.380,-0.997"] "Impedance Factors" [pos="-1.373,-0.984"] "Individual Readiness" [pos="-1.203,-0.991"] "Long Term Health Outcomes" [outcome,pos="-1.138,-0.951"] "Loss of Crew Life" [outcome,pos="-1.133,-0.963"] "Loss of Mission Objectives" [outcome,pos="-1.141,-1.009"] "Loss of Mission" [outcome,pos="-1.129,-1.015"] "Medical Diagnostic Capability" [pos="-1.332,-0.932"] "Medical Treatment Capability" [pos="-1.251,-0.935"] "Physiologic Monitoring Capability" [pos="-1.360,-0.948"] "Plasma Induced Shock" [pos="-1.334,-0.977"] "Rhabdomyolysis Treatment" [pos="-1.202,-0.942"] "Startle Reaction" [pos="-1.250,-1.005"] "Suit Design" [pos="-1.431,-0.968"] "Suit-Vehicle/Habitat Contact" [pos="-1.336,-0.967"] "Task Performance" [outcome,pos="-1.151,-1.001"] "Vehicle Design" [pos="-1.462,-0.943"] Burns [pos="-1.254,-0.985"] Dysrhythmia [pos="-1.276,-0.978"] Evacuation [outcome,pos="-1.136,-0.978"] Radiation [exposure,pos="-1.497,-0.963"] Rhabdomyolysis [pos="-1.253,-0.970"] Surveillance [pos="-1.168,-0.931"] "Arc Flash/Sparking" -> "Startle Reaction" "Arc Flash/Sparking" -> Dysrhythmia "Burn Treatment Capability" -> "Individual Readiness" "Burn Treatment Capability" -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" "Burn Treatment Capability" -> "Loss of Crew Life" "Burn Treatment Capability" -> Evacuation "Charged Surface" -> "Suit-Vehicle/Habitat Contact" "Crew Capability" -> "Task Performance" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Diagnostic Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Treatment Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Physiologic Monitoring Capability" "Crew Vehicle Integration" -> "Human Error" "Detect Dysrhythmia" -> "Dysrhythmia Treatment" "Diagnose Rhabdomyolysis" -> "Rhabdomyolysis Treatment" "Distance from Earth" -> "Vehicle Design" "Dysrhythmia Monitor" -> "Detect Dysrhythmia" "Dysrhythmia Treatment" -> "Individual Readiness" "Dysrhythmia Treatment" -> "Loss of Crew Life" "Dysrhythmia Treatment" -> Evacuation "EVA Operations" -> "Suit-Vehicle/Habitat Contact" "Electrical Hardware" -> "Electrical System Design" "Electrical Muscle Effects" -> "Individual Readiness" "Electrical Shock" -> "Electrical Muscle Effects" "Electrical Shock" -> "Startle Reaction" "Electrical Shock" -> Burns "Electrical Shock" -> Dysrhythmia "Electrical Shock" -> Rhabdomyolysis "Electrical System Design" -> "Hardware/System Failure" "Electrical System Design" -> "Human Error" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Suit Design" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Vehicle Design" "Hardware/System Failure" -> "Human-Electrical Contact" "Hostile Closed Environment" -> "Electrical System Design" "Human Error" -> "Arc Flash/Sparking" "Human Error" -> "Human-Electrical Contact" "Human-Electrical Contact" -> "Electrical Shock" "Impedance Factors" -> "Electrical Shock" "Impedance Factors" -> "Plasma Induced Shock" "Individual Readiness" -> "Crew Capability" "Long Term Health Outcomes" -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" "Loss of Mission Objectives" -> "Loss of Mission" "Medical Diagnostic Capability" -> "Diagnose Rhabdomyolysis" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Burn Treatment Capability" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Dysrhythmia Treatment" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Rhabdomyolysis Treatment" "Physiologic Monitoring Capability" -> "Dysrhythmia Monitor" "Plasma Induced Shock" -> "Startle Reaction" "Rhabdomyolysis Treatment" -> "Individual Readiness" "Rhabdomyolysis Treatment" -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" "Rhabdomyolysis Treatment" -> "Loss of Crew Life" "Rhabdomyolysis Treatment" -> Evacuation "Startle Reaction" -> "Individual Readiness" "Suit Design" -> "EVA Operations" "Suit-Vehicle/Habitat Contact" -> "Plasma Induced Shock" "Task Performance" -> "Loss of Mission Objectives" "Vehicle Design" -> "Charged Surface" "Vehicle Design" -> "Crew Health and Performance System" "Vehicle Design" -> "Crew Vehicle Integration" "Vehicle Design" -> "Electrical Hardware" "Vehicle Design" -> "Electrical System Design" Burns -> "Individual Readiness" Burns -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" Burns -> "Loss of Crew Life" Burns -> Evacuation Dysrhythmia -> "Detect Dysrhythmia" Dysrhythmia -> "Individual Readiness" Dysrhythmia -> "Loss of Crew Life" Dysrhythmia -> Evacuation Evacuation -> "Loss of Crew Life" Evacuation -> "Loss of Mission Objectives" Radiation -> "Charged Surface" Rhabdomyolysis -> "Diagnose Rhabdomyolysis" Rhabdomyolysis -> "Individual Readiness" Rhabdomyolysis -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" Rhabdomyolysis -> "Loss of Crew Life" Rhabdomyolysis -> Evacuation Surveillance -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" }