CV Risk Narrative DAG CM Final - Errata 20220311 dag { "Aerobic (Risk)" [latent,pos="-1.237,-3.915"] "Altered Gravity" [exposure,pos="-1.242,-1.448"] "Astronaut Selection" [pos="-1.242,-2.613"] "Cardiac Structure/Function" [pos="-1.239,-2.226"] "Crew Capability" [pos="-1.236,-3.025"] "Crew Health and Performance System" [pos="-1.240,-3.728"] "Detect CV Events" [pos="-1.238,-2.468"] "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" [pos="-1.236,-0.384"] "Distance from Earth" [exposure,pos="-1.242,-4.223"] "Endocrine Factors" [pos="-1.241,-1.952"] "Environmental Conditions" [pos="-1.238,-0.082"] "Flight Recertification" [outcome,pos="-1.235,-1.394"] "Fluid Shifts" [pos="-1.241,-1.621"] "Food and Nutrition, Immune, Sleep (Risks)" [latent,pos="-1.241,-0.594"] "HSIA (Risk)" [latent,pos="-1.242,-3.207"] "Hostile Closed Environment" [exposure,pos="-1.242,-0.026"] "Individual Factors" [pos="-1.241,-2.441"] "Individual Readiness" [pos="-1.237,-3.520"] "Intravascular Volume" [pos="-1.240,-2.090"] "Long Term Health Outcomes" [outcome,pos="-1.235,-0.944"] "Loss of Crew Life" [outcome,pos="-1.235,-1.803"] "Loss of Mission Objectives" [outcome,pos="-1.236,-3.619"] "Loss of Mission" [outcome,pos="-1.235,-4.213"] "Medical Illness" [pos="-1.238,-1.739"] "Medical Monitoring Capability" [pos="-1.239,-3.566"] "Medical Prevention Capability" [pos="-1.239,-3.123"] "Medical Treatment Capability" [pos="-1.238,-3.936"] "Organ Perfusion" [pos="-1.237,-1.739"] "Orthostatic Intolerance Countermeasures" [pos="-1.240,-2.889"] "Orthostatic Intolerance" [pos="-1.238,-0.708"] "Oxidative Stress" [pos="-1.240,-1.196"] "Pharm (Risk)" [latent,pos="-1.239,-4.059"] "Pre-syncope/Syncope" [pos="-1.237,-2.478"] "Suit Design" [pos="-1.241,-2.813"] "Task Performance" [outcome,pos="-1.236,-2.673"] "Tox (Risk)" [latent,pos="-1.238,-1.314"] "Vascular Structure/Function" [pos="-1.239,-1.234"] "Vehicle Design" [pos="-1.241,-3.910"] Evacuation [outcome,pos="-1.236,-2.144"] Exercise [pos="-1.241,-3.161"] Inflammation [pos="-1.240,-0.559"] Radiation [exposure,pos="-1.242,-0.969"] Surveillance [pos="-1.237,0.102"] "Aerobic (Risk)" -> "Individual Readiness" "Altered Gravity" -> "Endocrine Factors" "Altered Gravity" -> "Fluid Shifts" "Altered Gravity" -> "Oxidative Stress" "Altered Gravity" -> Inflammation "Astronaut Selection" -> "Individual Factors" "Cardiac Structure/Function" -> "Aerobic (Risk)" "Cardiac Structure/Function" -> "Medical Illness" "Cardiac Structure/Function" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance" "Crew Capability" -> "Task Performance" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Monitoring Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Prevention Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Treatment Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> Exercise "Detect CV Events" -> "Medical Treatment Capability" "Distance from Earth" -> "Vehicle Design" "Endocrine Factors" -> "Fluid Shifts" "Endocrine Factors" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance" "Environmental Conditions" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance" "Fluid Shifts" -> "Cardiac Structure/Function" "Fluid Shifts" -> "Intravascular Volume" "Fluid Shifts" -> "Oxidative Stress" "Fluid Shifts" -> "Vascular Structure/Function" "Fluid Shifts" -> Inflammation "Food and Nutrition, Immune, Sleep (Risks)" -> "Oxidative Stress" "Food and Nutrition, Immune, Sleep (Risks)" -> Inflammation "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Crew Health and Performance System" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Suit Design" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Vehicle Design" "Hostile Closed Environment" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance" "Individual Factors" -> "Cardiac Structure/Function" "Individual Factors" -> "Endocrine Factors" "Individual Factors" -> "Fluid Shifts" "Individual Factors" -> "Oxidative Stress" "Individual Factors" -> "Vascular Structure/Function" "Individual Factors" -> Inflammation "Individual Readiness" -> "Crew Capability" "Intravascular Volume" -> "Cardiac Structure/Function" "Intravascular Volume" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance" "Intravascular Volume" -> "Vascular Structure/Function" "Long Term Health Outcomes" -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" "Loss of Mission Objectives" -> "Loss of Mission" "Medical Illness" -> "Detect CV Events" "Medical Illness" -> "Flight Recertification" "Medical Illness" -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" "Medical Illness" -> "Organ Perfusion" "Medical Monitoring Capability" -> "Detect CV Events" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "Intravascular Volume" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "Medical Illness" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance Countermeasures" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Organ Perfusion" "Organ Perfusion" -> "Loss of Crew Life" "Organ Perfusion" -> "Pre-syncope/Syncope" "Organ Perfusion" -> Evacuation "Orthostatic Intolerance Countermeasures" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance" "Orthostatic Intolerance" -> "Organ Perfusion" "Oxidative Stress" -> "Cardiac Structure/Function" "Oxidative Stress" -> "Vascular Structure/Function" "Oxidative Stress" -> Inflammation "Pharm (Risk)" -> "Medical Prevention Capability" "Pharm (Risk)" -> "Medical Treatment Capability" "Pre-syncope/Syncope" -> "Individual Readiness" "Suit Design" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance Countermeasures" "Task Performance" -> "Loss of Mission Objectives" "Tox (Risk)" -> "Medical Illness" "Vascular Structure/Function" -> "Aerobic (Risk)" "Vascular Structure/Function" -> "Medical Illness" "Vascular Structure/Function" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance" "Vehicle Design" -> "Crew Health and Performance System" "Vehicle Design" -> "Orthostatic Intolerance Countermeasures" Evacuation -> "Loss of Crew Life" Evacuation -> "Loss of Mission Objectives" Exercise -> "Cardiac Structure/Function" Exercise -> "Intravascular Volume" Exercise -> "Oxidative Stress" Exercise -> "Vascular Structure/Function" Exercise -> Inflammation Inflammation -> "Cardiac Structure/Function" Inflammation -> "Vascular Structure/Function" Radiation -> "Oxidative Stress" Radiation -> Inflammation Surveillance -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" }