Crew Egress Risk Narrative DAG CM Final - Errata 20220131 dag { "Aerobic (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.691,-1.683"] "Altered Gravity" [exposure,pos="-1.768,-2.448"] "Bone Fracture (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.672,-0.267"] "Cardiovascular (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.684,-1.218"] "Crew Capability" [pos="0.167,-1.917"] "Crew Health and Performance System" [pos="-0.286,1.146"] "Crew Vehicle Integration" [pos="-1.137,0.880"] "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" [pos="0.976,1.320"] "Distance from Earth" [exposure,pos="-1.763,-0.081"] "Dynamic Loads (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.628,0.335"] "Effective Exposure Duration" [pos="-1.437,-1.386"] "Effective Gravity Level" [pos="-1.368,-1.889"] "Environmental Injury" [pos="0.137,-0.341"] "Fall Height" [pos="-1.245,0.041"] "Flight Recertification" [outcome,pos="1.080,0.132"] "Ground Support" [pos="0.603,1.175"] "HSIA (Risk)" [latent,pos="-1.647,1.660"] "Hostile Closed Environment" [exposure,pos="-1.726,-1.336"] "Hypoxia, DCS (Risks)" [latent,pos="-0.591,0.880"] "Individual Readiness" [pos="-0.114,-1.706"] "Landing Profile" [pos="-1.230,0.481"] "Landing Site Environment" [pos="-1.494,-0.400"] "Long Term Health Outcomes" [outcome,pos="1.042,0.677"] "Loss of Crew Life" [outcome,pos="1.127,-0.525"] "Loss of Mission Objectives" [outcome,pos="0.927,-2.324"] "Loss of Mission" [outcome,pos="1.121,-2.674"] "Medical Prevention Capability" [pos="-0.150,0.742"] "Medical Treatment Capability" [pos="0.374,0.519"] "Motion Sickness" [pos="-0.272,-0.426"] "Muscle (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.635,-2.199"] "Operations Design" [pos="0.148,1.517"] "Organ Perfusion" [pos="-0.199,-1.142"] "Post-Landing Task Performance" [pos="0.585,-2.028"] "Procedure Design" [pos="0.399,1.353"] "Sensorimotor (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.684,-0.756"] "Suit Design" [pos="-0.933,1.724"] "Team (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.110,-2.396"] "Thermal Environment" [pos="-1.147,-0.910"] "Traumatic Injury" [pos="0.008,0.210"] "Vehicle Design" [pos="-1.717,1.172"] Aspiration [pos="0.235,-0.945"] Evacuation [pos="0.932,-1.021"] Surveillance [pos="0.693,1.779"] Vomit [pos="0.003,-0.709"] "Aerobic (Risk)" -> "Individual Readiness" "Altered Gravity" -> "Effective Gravity Level" "Bone Fracture (Risk)" -> "Traumatic Injury" "Cardiovascular (Risk)" -> "Aerobic (Risk)" "Cardiovascular (Risk)" -> "Individual Readiness" "Cardiovascular (Risk)" -> "Organ Perfusion" "Crew Capability" -> "Post-Landing Task Performance" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Prevention Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Treatment Capability" "Crew Vehicle Integration" -> "Post-Landing Task Performance" "Distance from Earth" -> "Effective Exposure Duration" "Distance from Earth" -> "Suit Design" "Distance from Earth" -> "Vehicle Design" "Dynamic Loads (Risk)" -> "Bone Fracture (Risk)" "Dynamic Loads (Risk)" -> "Traumatic Injury" "Effective Exposure Duration" -> "Effective Gravity Level" "Effective Gravity Level" -> "Aerobic (Risk)" "Effective Gravity Level" -> "Bone Fracture (Risk)" "Effective Gravity Level" -> "Cardiovascular (Risk)" "Effective Gravity Level" -> "Muscle (Risk)" "Effective Gravity Level" -> "Sensorimotor (Risk)" "Environmental Injury" -> "Individual Readiness" "Fall Height" -> "Bone Fracture (Risk)" "Fall Height" -> "Traumatic Injury" "Ground Support" -> "Medical Treatment Capability" "Ground Support" -> "Post-Landing Task Performance" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Crew Vehicle Integration" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Operations Design" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Procedure Design" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Suit Design" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Vehicle Design" "Hostile Closed Environment" -> "Dynamic Loads (Risk)" "Hostile Closed Environment" -> "Landing Profile" "Hostile Closed Environment" -> "Landing Site Environment" "Hypoxia, DCS (Risks)" -> "Environmental Injury" "Individual Readiness" -> "Crew Capability" "Individual Readiness" -> Evacuation "Landing Profile" -> "Dynamic Loads (Risk)" "Landing Site Environment" -> "Ground Support" "Landing Site Environment" -> "Sensorimotor (Risk)" "Landing Site Environment" -> "Thermal Environment" "Long Term Health Outcomes" -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" "Loss of Mission Objectives" -> "Loss of Mission" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "Motion Sickness" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "Organ Perfusion" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Flight Recertification" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Individual Readiness" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Loss of Crew Life" "Motion Sickness" -> Vomit "Muscle (Risk)" -> "Individual Readiness" "Muscle (Risk)" -> "Traumatic Injury" "Operations Design" -> "Post-Landing Task Performance" "Organ Perfusion" -> Vomit "Post-Landing Task Performance" -> "Loss of Mission Objectives" "Procedure Design" -> "Post-Landing Task Performance" "Sensorimotor (Risk)" -> "Individual Readiness" "Sensorimotor (Risk)" -> "Motion Sickness" "Sensorimotor (Risk)" -> "Traumatic Injury" "Suit Design" -> "Bone Fracture (Risk)" "Suit Design" -> "Crew Vehicle Integration" "Suit Design" -> "Dynamic Loads (Risk)" "Suit Design" -> "Hypoxia, DCS (Risks)" "Suit Design" -> "Thermal Environment" "Team (Risk)" -> "Crew Capability" "Thermal Environment" -> "Cardiovascular (Risk)" "Traumatic Injury" -> "Flight Recertification" "Traumatic Injury" -> "Individual Readiness" "Traumatic Injury" -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" "Traumatic Injury" -> "Loss of Crew Life" "Traumatic Injury" -> Evacuation "Vehicle Design" -> "Crew Health and Performance System" "Vehicle Design" -> "Crew Vehicle Integration" "Vehicle Design" -> "Dynamic Loads (Risk)" "Vehicle Design" -> "Fall Height" "Vehicle Design" -> "Hypoxia, DCS (Risks)" "Vehicle Design" -> "Landing Profile" "Vehicle Design" -> "Landing Site Environment" "Vehicle Design" -> "Thermal Environment" Aspiration -> "Individual Readiness" Aspiration -> "Loss of Crew Life" Aspiration -> Evacuation Evacuation -> "Loss of Crew Life" Evacuation -> "Loss of Mission Objectives" Surveillance -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" Vomit -> "Individual Readiness" Vomit -> Aspiration }