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Call for Participants: SIRIUS 21 Spaceflight Simulation Study

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Group of people working on a simulation study on a laptop


Educators, Students

Education Opportunity

Events, Other Opportunities, In Person

Grade Levels

Higher Education, Informal Education

NASA is seeking healthy participants to live together with a small crew in isolation for eight months in Moscow, Russia. Participants will experience environmental aspects similar to those that astronauts are expected to experience on future missions to Mars.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens who are 30-55 years old and are proficient in both Russian and English languages. Requirements are a Master of Science, doctorate or Doctor of Medicine degree, or completion of military officer training. Participants with a Bachelor’s degree and other certain qualifications (e.g., relevant additional education, military or professional experience) may be acceptable candidates as well.

SIRIUS 20/21