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American Indian/Alaska Natives Special Emphasis Program

Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Group of hands

The American Indian/Alaska Natives program was strengthened through Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government, which established the Equal Employment Opportunity Program.

The American Indian Alaska Native Special Emphasis Program exists to promote equal opportunity in all aspects of employment (e.g., hiring, promotions, awards, performance appraisals, leadership development as well as other training opportunities) and that actions are taken to address barriers to full participation and inclusion.  


The American Indian Alaska Native program seeks to:

  • Promote and establish effective and equitable participation of American Indian/Alaska Natives the work force.
  • Analyze data to determine barriers (if any exist), to full participation of American Indian/Alaska Natives in all occupations and levels of the organization and propose appropriate actions to address any barriers.
  • Identify and address any barriers to the hiring, development and advancement of American Indian/Alaska Natives.
  • Enhance career development and advancement of American Indian/Alaska Natives employees and improve under-representation of these employees.
  • Encourage awareness of the impact of American Indian/Alaska Natives cultures and contributions.
  • Develop and maintain positive working relationships with community, professional and national organizations, college and universities.

Center Resources

Ames Research Center

Armstrong Flight Research Center
For information please contact (661) 276-3033

Glenn Research Center
For information please contact (216) 433-2463

Goddard Space Flight Center

For information please contact (202) 358-1228

Johnson Space Center

Kennedy Space Center
For information please contact (321) 867 9169

Langley Research Center

Marshall Space Flight Center
For information please contact (256) 544-6764

NASA Shared Services Center
For information please contact (228) 688-2210

Stennis Space Center
For information please contact (228) 688-2210