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Dr. G. Geoffrey Vining – NESC Academy Biography

Portrait of Geoffrey Vining

Geoff Vining is a Professor of Statistics at Virginia Tech.  From 1999 – 2006, he also was the department head.  He currently is the ASQ Treasurer for 2016 and Past-Chair of the ASQ Technical Communities Council.  He is a Fellow of the ASQ, a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA), and an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute.

Dr. Vining served as Editor of the Journal of Quality Technology from 1998 – 2000 and as Editor-in-Chief of Quality Engineering from 2008-2009.  He also has served as Chair of the ASQ Publications Management Board, as Chair of the ASQ Statistics Division, and as Chair of the ASA Quality and Productivity Section.

Dr. Vining won the 2010 Shewhart Medal, the ASQ career award given annually to the person not previously so honored who has demonstrated the most outstanding technical leadership in the field of modern quality control, especially through the development to its theory, principles, and techniques.  He also received the 2015 Box Medal from the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS). This medal recognizes each year an extraordinary statistician who has remarkably contributed with his/her work to the development and the application of statistical methods in European business and industry. In 2013, he received an Engineering Excellence Award from the NASA Engineering and Safety Center.  He received the 2011 William G. Hunter Award from the ASQ Statistics Division for excellence in statistics as a communicator, a consultant, an educator, an innovator, an integrator of statistics with other disciplines and an implementer who obtains meaningful results.  He won the 1990 ASQ Brumbaugh Award for the paper published in an ASQ journal that made the greatest contribution to the development of industrial applications of quality control and the 2005 Lloyd Nelson Award from the Statistics Division for the paper published in the Journal of Quality Technology that had the greatest immediate impact to practitioners.
Dr. Vining is the author of three textbooks.  He is an internationally recognized expert in the use of experimental design for quality, productivity, and reliability improvement and in the application of statistical process control.  He has extensive consulting experience, most recently with NASA and the U.S. Department of Defense.